E06C 1/00
Ladders in general |
E06C 1/02
Ladders in general with rigid longitudinal member or members |
E06C 1/04
Ladders for resting against objects, e.g. walls, poles, trees |
E06C 1/06
Ladders for resting against objects, e.g. walls, poles, trees in one piece |
E06C 1/08
Ladders for resting against objects, e.g. walls, poles, trees multi-part |
E06C 1/10
Sections fitted end to end |
E06C 1/12
Ladders for resting against objects, e.g. walls, poles, trees multi-part extensible, e.g. telescopic |
E06C 1/14
Ladders capable of standing by themselves |
E06C 1/16
Ladders capable of standing by themselves with struts which rest on the ground |
E06C 1/18
Ladders capable of standing by themselves with struts which rest on the ground with supporting struts formed as ladders |
E06C 1/20
Ladders capable of standing by themselves with struts which rest on the ground with supporting struts formed as poles |
E06C 1/22
Ladders capable of standing by themselves with struts which rest on the ground with supporting struts formed as poles with extensible, e.g. telescopic, ladder parts or struts |
E06C 1/24
Free-standing ladders |
E06C 1/26
Free-standing ladders in one piece |
E06C 1/28
Free-standing ladders multi-part |
E06C 1/30
Free-standing ladders multi-part extensible, e.g. telescopic |
E06C 1/32
Ladders with a strut which is formed as a ladder and can be secured in line with the ladder |
E06C 1/34
Ladders attachable to structures, such as windows, cornices, poles, or the like |
E06C 1/36
Ladders suspendable by hooks or the like |
E06C 1/38
Special constructions of ladders, e.g. ladders with more or less than two longitudinal members, ladders with movable rungs or other treads, longitudinally-foldable ladders |
E06C 1/39
Ladders having platforms; Ladders changeable into platforms |
E06C 1/52
Ladders in general with non-rigid longitudinal members |
E06C 1/54
Ladders in general with non-rigid longitudinal members of the lazy-tongs type |
E06C 1/56
Rope or chain ladders |
E06C 1/58
Ladders in general with both rigid and non-rigid longitudinal members |
E06C 1/383
Foldable ladders in which the longitudinal members are brought together on folding |
E06C 1/387
Special constructions of ladders, e.g. ladders with more or less than two longitudinal members, ladders with movable rungs or other treads, longitudinally-foldable ladders having tip-up steps |
E06C 1/393
Ladders having platforms foldable with the ladder |
E06C 1/397
Special constructions of ladders, e.g. ladders with more or less than two longitudinal members, ladders with movable rungs or other treads, longitudinally-foldable ladders characterised by having wheels, rollers, or runners |
E06C 5/00
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles |
E06C 5/02
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members |
E06C 5/04
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended |
E06C 5/06
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium |
E06C 5/08
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium derived directly from a pressure reservoir |
E06C 5/10
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium derived directly from a pressure reservoir charged by a pump or compressor driven by the motor of the vehicle or another motor on the vehicle |
E06C 5/12
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium derived directly from a pump or compressor |
E06C 5/14
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium derived directly from a pump or compressor driven by the motor of the vehicle or another motor on the vehicle |
E06C 5/16
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended using mechanical transmission only, with or without fluid or other non-mechanical couplings or clutches |
E06C 5/18
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended using mechanical transmission only, with or without fluid or other non-mechanical couplings or clutches using power from the motor of the vehicle or another motor |
E06C 5/20
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended using mechanical transmission only, with or without fluid or other non-mechanical couplings or clutches using hand-power |
E06C 5/22
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with rigid longitudinal members capable of being elevated or extended by, or with the assistance of, springs |
E06C 5/24
Dismounting ladders from vehicles |
E06C 5/26
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with non-rigid longitudinal members |
E06C 5/28
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with non-rigid longitudinal members of the lazy-tongs type |
E06C 5/30
Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles with non-rigid longitudinal members formed of links which reinforce themselves against each other |
E06C 5/32
Accessories |
E06C 5/34
Indicating devices |
E06C 5/36
Safety devices against slipping or falling of ladders; Safety devices against overloading ladders |
E06C 5/38
Devices for blocking the springs of the vehicle; Devices for supporting the undercarriage directly from the ground |
E06C 5/40
Devices for canting ladders laterally |
E06C 5/42
Devices for altering inclination; Latching devices therefor |
E06C 5/44
Other accessories on ladders, e.g. acoustical signalling devices, dismountable switchboards |
E06C 7/00
Component parts, supporting parts, or accessories |
E06C 7/02
Extending means |
E06C 7/04
Hand-operated extending means carried by the ladder |
E06C 7/06
Securing devices or hooks for parts of extensible ladders |
E06C 7/08
Special construction of longitudinal members, or rungs or other treads |
E06C 7/10
Reinforcements for ladders |
E06C 7/12
Lifts or other hoisting devices on ladders |
E06C 7/14
Holders for pails or other equipment on or for ladders |
E06C 7/16
Platforms on, or for use on, ladders, e.g. liftable or lowerable platforms |
E06C 7/18
Devices for preventing persons from falling |
E06C 7/42
Ladder feet; Supports therefor |
E06C 7/44
Means for mounting ladders on uneven ground |
E06C 7/46
Non-skid equipment |
E06C 7/48
Ladder heads; Supports for heads of ladders for resting against objects |
E06C 7/50
Joints or other connecting parts |
E06C 9/00
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes |
E06C 9/02
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes rigidly mounted |
E06C 9/04
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes rigidly mounted in the form of climbing irons or the like |
E06C 9/06
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes movably mounted |
E06C 9/08
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes movably mounted with rigid longitudinal members |
E06C 9/10
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes movably mounted with rigid longitudinal members forming part of a building, such as a balcony grid, window grid, or other window part |
E06C 9/12
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes movably mounted with rigid longitudinal members laterally displaceable |
E06C 9/14
Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes movably mounted with non-rigid longitudinal members, e.g. rope or chain ladders, ladders of the lazy-tongs type |