- All sections
- D - Textilespaper
- D01F - Chemical features in the manufacture of man-made filaments, threads, fibres, bristles or ribbonsapparatus specially adapted for the manufacture of carbon filaments
- D01F 11/04 - Chemical after-treatment of man-made filaments or the like during manufacture of synthetic polymers
Patent holdings for IPC class D01F 11/04
Total number of patents in this class: 41
10-year publication summary
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
Principal owners for this class
Owner |
All patents
This class
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | 4196 |
2 |
Albany International Corp. | 283 |
2 |
Cornell University | 3205 |
2 |
Drexel University | 972 |
2 |
Hanwha Azdel, Inc. | 104 |
2 |
University of Pittsburgh - Of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education | 3052 |
2 |
UT-Battelle, LLC | 1393 |
2 |
Refoamed Sp. z o.o. | 2 |
2 |
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company | 4249 |
1 |
Canon Inc. | 38240 |
1 |
Toshiba Corporation | 12060 |
1 |
California Institute of Technology | 3935 |
1 |
Christian-albrechts-universitat zu Kiel | 230 |
1 |
Dols Industrial de Peluquería, S.A. | 22 |
1 |
Donghua University | 62 |
1 |
Duvaltex, Inc. | 30 |
1 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | 437 |
1 |
InnoVision Headwear Inc. | 12 |
1 |
MonoSol, LLC | 234 |
1 |
National University of Singapore | 2373 |
1 |
Other owners | 13 |