Turun Yliopisto


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1-100 of 177 for Turun Yliopisto Sort by
IP Type
        Patent 140
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New (last 4 weeks) 1
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IPC Class
A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons 16
H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof 14
A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers 10
A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds 9
C09K 9/00 - Tenebrescent materials, i.e. materials for which the range of wavelengths for energy absorption is changed as a result of excitation by some form of energy 9
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NICE Class
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments 37
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design 36
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services 35
44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services 31
35 - Advertising and business services 29
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Pending 50
Registered / In Force 127
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Application Number 18715893
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-11-30
First Publication Date 2025-01-16
  • Ojansivu, Pauliina
  • Koivunen, Lauri
  • Norrdal, Mari


According to an aspect, there is provided a system for managing a food serving system. The food collected by a user is weighed and sensor data, for example, image data about the food collected by the user is obtained. This data may be used as training data for a machine learning algorithm to build a model enabling a subsequent classification of food based at least on sensor data associated with the food.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/414 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight using electromechanical or electronic computing means using electronic computing means only



Application Number 019112656
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-11-28
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Digitaaliset tallennevälineet; Heijastavat turvaliivit; Heijastimet vaatteisiin; Huomioliivit; Koulutukseen tarkoitetut mobiilisovellukset; Koulutukseen tarkoitetut tietokonesovellukset; Ladattavat julisteet; Ladattavat julkaisut; Ladattavat mobiilisovellukset tiedonhallintaan; Ladattavat tietokoneohjelmistosovellukset; Lasten opetusohjelmistot; Lasten sivistykseen liittyvät tietokoneohjelmistot; Mobiililaitteissa käytettävät tietokonepeliohjelmistot; Ohjelmistot opettajille; Sovellusohjelmistot mobiililaitteisiin; Tietokonepelit; Valmennuskäsikirjat tietokoneohjelmien muodossa; Verkkopalvelinohjelmistot; Verkkosovellusohjelmistot; Videotallenteet; Äänilevyt; Äänitallenteet. Kansiot; Koulutarvikkeet [paperikauppatavaroina]; Kynät; Painettu koulutusmateriaali; Painetut toimintaoppaat opettamiseen; Painetut tutkimusraportit; Painotuotteet, nimittäin, julisteet, julkaisut, kirjat, lomakkeet, opinto-oppaat, oppaat, Tarrat [paperikauppatavaroina] ja vihkoset. Vaatteet; Jalkineet; Päähineet; Aurinkohatut; collegehousut; collegepaidat; collegetakit; fleecevaatteet; hartiahuivit ja saalit; hikinauhat; huivit; kauluspaidat; lippalakit; paidat; pipot; sadetakit; solmiot; T-paidat; uimalakit; vyöt. Elektroniset lautapelit; Lautapelit; Korttipelit; Roolilautapeli; Korttipelivälineet; Roolipelivälineet; Videopelilaitteet; Videopelivälineet; Tietokonepelilaitteet; Tietokonepelivälineet. Elektroniset tuote- ja palveluesittelyt, jotka liittyvät myös niin kutsuttuihin etäasiointi- ja kotiostospalveluihin; Franchising-toimintaan liittyvä liiketoiminnallinen neuvonta, avustaminen ja konsultointi; Mielipidetutkimukset; Sähköisen kaupankäynnin palvelut, nimittäin tietojen tarjoaminen tuotteista tietoliikenneverkkojen välityksellä mainos- ja myyntitarkoituksessa; Vähittäismyyntipalvelut ja online-vähittäismyyntipalvelut, jotka liittyvät seuraavien myyntiin: webinaarit (videotallenteet), konferenssit (videotallenteet), lautapelit, korttipelit, kyselyt (painotuotteet), heijastimet, tarrat, julisteet, julkaisut, kirjat, lomakkeet, opinto-oppaat, oppaat, päähineet, vaatteet ja vihkoset. Erityistarpeiden asiantuntijoiden tarjoamat koulutuspalvelut; Henkilöstön koulutuspalvelut; Huoltajille tarkoitettujen koulutuksellisten tukiohjelmien ohjaaminen; Interaktiivisten online-tietokonepelien tarjoaminen; Johdon ja henkilöstön koulutukseen ja valmennukseen liittyvät konsultointipalvelut; Kouluihin liittyvät tiedotuspalvelut; Koulupalvelut; Koulutukseen liittyvien käsikirjojen kehittäminen; Koulutukseen liittyvä tutkimus; Koulutukseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Koulutus, jotka liittyvät koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen, opetussuunnitelmaan liittyvä perehdyttämiskoulutus koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemisen alalla; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvien koulutuspäivien, seminaarien ja kilpailujen järjestäminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät koulutuspalvelut; Koulutukseen liittyvien tallenteiden vuokraus; Koulutusmateriaalien kehittäminen; Koulutusmateriaalien liisaus; Koulutusmateriaalien vuokraus; Koulutusmateriaalin julkaiseminen; Koulutusmateriaalin levittäminen; Koulutusoppaiden julkaiseminen; Koulutuspalveluiden tarjoaminen lapsille leikkiryhmien kautta; Koulutuspalvelut, jotka liittyvät lasten henkisten kykyjen kehittämiseen; Koulutuspalvelut, jotka liittyvät lasten älyllisten kykyjen kehittämiseen; Koulutuspalvelut vanhemmille ja yhteisöille; Koulutustietojen tarjoaminen online-muodossa tietokannasta tai Internetistä; Lapsille tarjottavat koulutuspalvelut; Lasten opettajille tarjottavat koulutuspalvelut; Online-pelipalvelut mobiililaitteiden välityksellä; Opettajien koulutus; Opettavien kilpailujen järjestäminen; Opetukseen ja koulutukseen liittyvien tietojen tarjoaminen ja tilanneraporttien laatiminen; Opetuksen tarjoaminen online-muodossa tietokonetietokannasta tai Internetin tai ulkoisten verkkojen välityksellä; Vanhempien kouluttaminen lasten kasvatukseen liittyvissä taidoissa; Verkkokoulutusta koskevan tiedon tarjoaminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät pedagogiset palvelut (koulutuspalvelut). Ei-ladattavien online-ohjelmistojen määräaikaisen käyttömahdollisuuden tarjoaminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät pedagogiset tutkimuspalvelut; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät tietotekniikkapalvelut; Koulutusohjelmistojen ohjelmointi; Koulutuspalvelujen sertifiointi; Sähköisen tiedon pilvitallennuspalvelut; Sähköiset talletuspalvelut tietokantojen, kuvien ja muun sähköisen tiedon arkistointiin; Tieteelliseen tutkimukseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Tietokoneistetun datan, tiedostojen, sovellusten ja tiedon isännöinti; Tietokonelaitteistojen ja -ohjelmistojen suunnittelu ja kehittäminen; Verkkosivustojen suunnittelu, hallintaa ja ylläpito muiden lukuun; Verkkosovelluspalvelut [SaaS]. Henkilökohtaiseen käyttäytymiseen liittyvät konsultointipalvelut; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ennaltaehkäisemiseen liittyvät psykologipalvelut; Käyttäytymisen muuttamiseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Lasten henkilökohtaiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvä neuvonta (terveydenhoito); Psykologiset arviointi- ja tutkimuspalvelut. Immateriaalioikeuksien lisensointiin liittyvät neuvontapalvelut; Online-muotoiset sosiaaliset verkostoitumispalvelut, joita voidaan käyttää ladattavien mobiilisovellusten avulla; Tavaramerkkien lisensointi [oikeudelliset palvelut]; Tavaramerkkien lisensointiin liittyvä konsultointi; Tutkimuksen ja kehityksen lisensointi [oikeudelliset palvelut].



Application Number 019112588
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-11-28
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Digitaaliset tallennevälineet; Heijastavat turvaliivit; Heijastimet vaatteisiin; Huomioliivit; Koulutukseen tarkoitetut tietokonesovellukset; Koulutukseen tarkoitetut mobiilisovellukset; Ladattavat julisteet; Ladattavat julkaisut; Ladattavat mobiilisovellukset tiedonhallintaan; Ladattavat tietokoneohjelmistosovellukset; Lasten opetusohjelmistot; Lasten sivistykseen liittyvät tietokoneohjelmistot; Mobiililaitteissa käytettävät tietokonepeliohjelmistot; Ohjelmistot opettajille; Sovellusohjelmistot mobiililaitteisiin; Tietokonepelit; Valmennuskäsikirjat tietokoneohjelmien muodossa; Verkkopalvelinohjelmistot; Verkkosovellusohjelmistot; Videotallenteet; Äänilevyt; Äänitallenteet. Kansiot; Koulutarvikkeet [paperikauppatavaroina]; Kynät; Painettu koulutusmateriaali; Painetut toimintaoppaat opettamiseen; Painetut tutkimusraportit; Painotuotteet, nimittäin, julisteet, julkaisut, kirjat, lomakkeet, opinto-oppaat, oppaat, Tarrat [paperikauppatavaroina] ja vihkoset. Vaatteet; Jalkineet; Päähineet; Aurinkohatut; collegehousut; collegepaidat; collegetakit; fleecevaatteet; hartiahuivit ja saalit; hikinauhat; huivit; kauluspaidat; lippalakit; paidat; pipot; sadetakit; solmiot; T-paidat; uimalakit; vyöt. Elektroniset lautapelit; Lautapelit; Korttipelit; Roolilautapeli; Korttipelivälineet; Roolipelivälineet; Videopelilaitteet; Videopelivälineet; Tietokonepelilaitteet; Tietokonepelivälineet. Elektroniset tuote- ja palveluesittelyt, jotka liittyvät myös niin kutsuttuihin etäasiointi- ja kotiostospalveluihin; Franchising-toimintaan liittyvä liiketoiminnallinen neuvonta, avustaminen ja konsultointi; Mielipidetutkimukset; Sähköisen kaupankäynnin palvelut, nimittäin tietojen tarjoaminen tuotteista tietoliikenneverkkojen välityksellä mainos- ja myyntitarkoituksessa; Vähittäismyyntipalvelut ja online-vähittäismyyntipalvelut, jotka liittyvät seuraavien myyntiin: webinaarit (videotallenteet), konferenssit (videotallenteet), lautapelit, korttipelit, kyselyt (painotuotteet), heijastimet, tarrat, julisteet, julkaisut, kirjat, lomakkeet, opinto-oppaat, oppaat, päähineet, vaatteet ja vihkoset. Erityistarpeiden asiantuntijoiden tarjoamat koulutuspalvelut; Henkilöstön koulutuspalvelut; Huoltajille tarkoitettujen koulutuksellisten tukiohjelmien ohjaaminen; Interaktiivisten online-tietokonepelien tarjoaminen; Johdon ja henkilöstön koulutukseen ja valmennukseen liittyvät konsultointipalvelut; Kouluihin liittyvät tiedotuspalvelut; Koulupalvelut; Koulutukseen liittyvien käsikirjojen kehittäminen; Koulutukseen liittyvä tutkimus; Koulutukseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Koulutus, jotka liittyvät koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen, opetussuunnitelmaan liittyvä perehdyttämiskoulutus koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemisen alalla; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvien koulutuspäivien, seminaarien ja kilpailujen järjestäminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät koulutuspalvelut; Koulutukseen liittyvien tallenteiden vuokraus; Koulutusmateriaalien kehittäminen; Koulutusmateriaalien liisaus; Koulutusmateriaalien vuokraus; Koulutusmateriaalin julkaiseminen; Koulutusmateriaalin levittäminen; Koulutusoppaiden julkaiseminen; Koulutuspalveluiden tarjoaminen lapsille leikkiryhmien kautta; Koulutuspalvelut, jotka liittyvät lasten henkisten kykyjen kehittämiseen; Koulutuspalvelut, jotka liittyvät lasten älyllisten kykyjen kehittämiseen; Koulutuspalvelut vanhemmille ja yhteisöille; Koulutustietojen tarjoaminen online-muodossa tietokannasta tai Internetistä; Lapsille tarjottavat koulutuspalvelut; Lasten opettajille tarjottavat koulutuspalvelut; Online-pelipalvelut mobiililaitteiden välityksellä; Opettajien koulutus; Opettavien kilpailujen järjestäminen; Opetukseen ja koulutukseen liittyvien tietojen tarjoaminen ja tilanneraporttien laatiminen; Opetuksen tarjoaminen online-muodossa tietokonetietokannasta tai Internetin tai ulkoisten verkkojen välityksellä; Vanhempien kouluttaminen lasten kasvatukseen liittyvissä taidoissa; Verkkokoulutusta koskevan tiedon tarjoaminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät pedagogiset palvelut (koulutuspalvelut). Ei-ladattavien online-ohjelmistojen määräaikaisen käyttömahdollisuuden tarjoaminen; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät pedagogiset tutkimuspalvelut; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ehkäisemiseen liittyvät tietotekniikkapalvelut; Koulutusohjelmistojen ohjelmointi; Koulutuspalvelujen sertifiointi; Sähköisen tiedon pilvitallennuspalvelut; Sähköiset talletuspalvelut tietokantojen, kuvien ja muun sähköisen tiedon arkistointiin; Tieteelliseen tutkimukseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Tietokoneistetun datan, tiedostojen, sovellusten ja tiedon isännöinti; Tietokonelaitteistojen ja -ohjelmistojen suunnittelu ja kehittäminen; Verkkosivustojen suunnittelu, hallintaa ja ylläpito muiden lukuun; Verkkosovelluspalvelut [SaaS]. Henkilökohtaiseen käyttäytymiseen liittyvät konsultointipalvelut; Koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen ja ennaltaehkäisemiseen liittyvät psykologipalvelut; Käyttäytymisen muuttamiseen liittyvän tiedon tarjoaminen; Lasten henkilökohtaiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvä neuvonta (terveydenhoito); Psykologiset arviointi- ja tutkimuspalvelut. Immateriaalioikeuksien lisensointiin liittyvät neuvontapalvelut; Online-muotoiset sosiaaliset verkostoitumispalvelut, joita voidaan käyttää ladattavien mobiilisovellusten avulla; Tavaramerkkien lisensointi [oikeudelliset palvelut]; Tavaramerkkien lisensointiin liittyvä konsultointi; Tutkimuksen ja kehityksen lisensointi [oikeudelliset palvelut].


FutuDist - Futures Distillery

Application Number 019097351
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-10-28
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Software for the analysis of business data; Software for monitoring, analysing, controlling and running physical world operations; Business technology software; Servers for web hosting; Server software; Artificial intelligence software for analysis; Computer software to enable the provision of information via communications networks; Computer software for analysing market information; Office and business applications; Web server software; Web application software; Enterprise software. Business advice relating to growth financing; Provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database; Management and operation assistance to commercial businesses; Commercial information research studies; Advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; Research of business information; Business research; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business analysis; Business strategy and planning services; Business efficiency studies; Business research; Business enquiries and investigations; Profit surveys; Information and data compiling and analyzing relating to business management; Marketing research and analysis; Market opinion polling studies; Research and analysis in the field of market manipulation; Investigations of marketing strategy; Planning and monitoring of business developments with regard to organisational matters; Strategic business planning; Business advice relating to strategic marketing; Strategic business analysis; Consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; Economic forecasting, trend and future research; Computerised business research; Provision of computerised business statistics; Provision of computerised data relating to business; Compilation of statistical data for use in scientific research; Benchmarking (evaluation of business organisation practices); Business analysis services; Conducting of business appraisals; Management assistance; Assistance and advice regarding business management; Corporate image studies; Consultancy services regarding business strategies; Business research and advisory services. Financial research; Financial investment research services; Financial analysis and research services; Research services relating to investment; Financial research in the field of risk management; Economic financial research services. Consultation services relating to business education; Business mentoring services; Teaching services relating to business assistance; Business training services; Education services relating to business training; Organising of business training; Courses (Training -) relating to research and development; Research library services; Online research library services. Consulting services in the field of software as a service [SaaS]; Consultancy in the field of industrial research; Industrial analysis and research services; Providing information about industrial analysis and research services; Providing online information about industrial analysis and research services; Industrial process research; Scientific research and analysis; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Preparation of reports relating to scientific research; Conducting of scientific studies; Research to develop new products; Software as a service [SaaS].


A method for determining an amount of radiation

Application Number 18292944
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-07-21
First Publication Date 2024-10-10
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami


The present invention relates to a method for determining an amount of radiation having a wavelength of 1 zm-10 pm or particle radiation irradiated on a sensor material, the method comprising exposing the sensor material to said radiation for a period of time; subjecting the exposed sensor material to a measurement by a device configured to measure intensity of a colour; measuring the intensity of the colour of reflected, transmitted or detected light; and determining the amount of radiation to which the sensor material has been exposed, based on the measured intensity of the colour of the reflected, transmitted or detected light. The sensor material comprises a material represented by (M′)8(M″M′″)6O24(X,X′)2:M″″.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 18572828
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-17
First Publication Date 2024-09-26
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Pönkkä, Isabella
  • Byron, Hannah
  • Kreivilä, Teppo


A radiation sensing material is disclosed. The radiation sensing material is represented by the following formula (I): A radiation sensing material is disclosed. The radiation sensing material is represented by the following formula (I): (M1′8-2aM2′a)(M″14-(4b/3)M′″b)O24(X2-dcdX′nc−):M″″   formula (I) A radiation sensing material is disclosed. The radiation sensing material is represented by the following formula (I): (M1′8-2aM2′a)(M″14-(4b/3)M′″b)O24(X2-dcdX′nc−):M″″   formula (I) Further is disclosed a device and uses of the radiation sensing material represented by the formula (I).

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 11/64 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing aluminium
  • C01B 33/26 - Aluminium-containing silicates
  • C09K 9/00 - Tenebrescent materials, i.e. materials for which the range of wavelengths for energy absorption is changed as a result of excitation by some form of energy
  • C09K 11/88 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing selenium, tellurium or unspecified chalcogen elements
  • G01J 1/50 - Photometry, e.g. photographic exposure meter using chemical effects using change in colour of an indicator, e.g. actinometer
  • G01T 1/04 - Chemical dosimeters
  • G01T 1/10 - Luminescent dosimeters



Application Number 18572938
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-22
First Publication Date 2024-09-26
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Rad, Zahra Jahanshah
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure, a semiconductor device, and a method for forming a semiconductor structure. The semiconductor structure comprises a crystalline III-V semiconductor substrate, the semiconductor substrate comprising a group 13 post-transition metal element and arsenide, and crystalline particles chemically bonded to the semiconductor substrate, the particles comprising the group 13 post-transition metal element and oxygen.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/324 - Thermal treatment for modifying the properties of semiconductor bodies, e.g. annealing, sintering
  • H01L 29/20 - Semiconductor bodies characterised by the materials of which they are formed including, apart from doping materials or other impurities, only AIIIBV compounds



Application Number 18547970
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-02-22
First Publication Date 2024-07-11
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkiä, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring compliance of blood vessels includes a photoplethysmography sensor for emitting electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels, for receiving electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels, and for producing a measurement signal indicative of the received electromagnetic radiation. The apparatus further includes a pressure instrument for producing mechanical pressure applied on the blood vessels, and a control system for controlling the pressure instrument to change the mechanical pressure linearly with respect to time during emission of electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels and reception of reflected electromagnetic radiation from the blood vessels. The control system finds, from the measurement signal, a portion whose envelope has exponential change with respect to time and produces an estimate for an exponent coefficient of time during the exponential change. The coefficient is indicative of the compliance, as well as stiffness, of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • A61B 5/02 - Detecting, measuring or recording for evaluating the cardiovascular system, e.g. pulse, heart rate, blood pressure or blood flow
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers



Application Number 18557676
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-04-27
First Publication Date 2024-07-04
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Pönkkä, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami
  • Sairanen, Emma
  • Fang, Wenwen
  • Rissanen, Marja
  • Sixta, Herbert


The present disclosure relates to a spun fiber comprising cellulose fiber doped with an optically active material, a UV-sensitive yarn comprising the spun fiber, and a UV-sensitive fabric comprising the spun fiber. The present disclosure further relates to a method for preparing a spun fiber comprising cellulose fiber doped with an optically active material. Additionally, the present disclosure relates to garments or clothing comprising a UV-sensitive spun fiber.

IPC Classes  ?

  • D01F 1/10 - Other agents for modifying properties
  • C09K 11/02 - Use of particular materials as binders, particle coatings or suspension media therefor
  • C09K 11/64 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing aluminium
  • D01D 1/02 - Preparation of spinning solutions
  • D01D 5/06 - Wet spinning methods
  • D01F 2/02 - Monocomponent artificial filaments or the like of cellulose or cellulose derivativesManufacture thereof from solutions of cellulose in acids, bases, or salts
  • D02G 3/02 - Yarns or threads characterised by the material or by the materials from which they are made
  • D02G 3/44 - Yarns or threads characterised by the purpose for which they are designed
  • D04B 1/16 - Other fabrics or articles characterised primarily by the use of particular thread materials synthetic threads



Application Number 18602179
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-12
First Publication Date 2024-06-27
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pänkäälä, Mikko
  • Koivisto, Tero


An apparatus for measuring functionality of an arterial system of an individual includes a photoplethysmography sensor for emitting, to the arterial system, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in the range from 475 nm to 600 nm and for receiving a part of the electromagnetic radiation reflected off the arterial system. The apparatus further includes a pressure instrument for managing mechanical pressure applied on the arterial system when the photoplethysmography sensor emits and receives the electromagnetic radiation to and from the arterial system. The effect of the mechanical pressure on the envelope of the reflected electromagnetic radiation can be used for determining diastolic blood pressure of arteries or for determining whether there is normal endothelial function.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • A61B 5/021 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/1455 - Measuring characteristics of blood in vivo, e.g. gas concentration or pH-value using optical sensors, e.g. spectral photometrical oximeters



Application Number 18548788
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-02-23
First Publication Date 2024-05-16
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkiä, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring flow resistances of blood vessels includes a photoplethysmography sensor for emitting electromagnetic radiation with different wavelengths to the blood vessels, a pressure instrument for applying controllable mechanical pressure on the blood vessels, and a control system for estimating compliances of the blood vessels based on electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels. Shorter wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation are reflected off smaller blood vessels than longer wavelengths. The control system optimizes resistor values of a circuit model to minimize differences between waveforms of node voltages of the circuit model and waveforms of measured blood pressures prevailing in blood vessels reflecting off different wavelengths. Capacitor values of the circuit model are based on the estimated compliances of the blood vessels, and the optimized resistor values of the circuit model are indicative of the flow resistances of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/026 - Measuring blood flow
  • A61B 5/02 - Detecting, measuring or recording for evaluating the cardiovascular system, e.g. pulse, heart rate, blood pressure or blood flow
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate



Application Number FI2023050587
Publication Number 2024/079394
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-10-13
Publication Date 2024-04-18
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


A III-V compound semiconductor structure comprising a crystalline III-V compound semiconductor substrate layer (110); the substrate layer (110) having an outer surface (111) and an oxide layer (120) of oxide(s) of the III-V semiconductor substrate layer on the outer surface, the oxide layer comprising a plurality of crystalline nanoparticles (121) having a maximum diameter in the range of 0.2 nm to 200 nm, for example, 0.5 nm to 150 nm, for example, 1 nm to 100 nm, for example, 2 nm to 80 nm, for example, 3 nm to 50 nm.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 18530431
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-12-06
First Publication Date 2024-04-11
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Kvarnström, Carita
  • Damlin, Pia
  • Salomäki, Mikko
  • Nauma, Mauri
  • Yewale, Rahul Balu


A method for producing a PEDOT film on a substrate comprising a substrate and at least one PEDOT layer on a surface of the substrate is disclosed. The method comprises applying a solution comprising an oxidant and a base inhibitor on a surface of the substrate; subjecting the oxidant-coated substrate to a polymerization step by exposing the surface(s) of the oxidant-coated substrate to EDOT monomer vapour at a polymerization temperature; and wherein, during the polymerization step, the temperature of the oxidant-coated substrate is kept at a controlled substrate temperature and wherein the controlled substrate temperature is 2-40° C. lower than the polymerization temperature. Further is disclosed a conducting PEDOT film, an electronic device comprising the conducting PEDOT film and different uses of the conducting PEDOT film. Further, is disclosed a method for producing a polymer film formed of a copolymer, a conducting polymer film, an electronic device comprising the conducting polymer film and different uses of the conducting polymer film.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09D 181/02 - PolythioethersPolythioether-ethers
  • B05D 1/00 - Processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials
  • B05D 3/10 - Pretreatment of surfaces to which liquids or other fluent materials are to be appliedAfter-treatment of applied coatings, e.g. intermediate treating of an applied coating preparatory to subsequent applications of liquids or other fluent materials by other chemical means
  • C08G 61/12 - Macromolecular compounds containing atoms other than carbon in the main chain of the macromolecule
  • C08J 5/18 - Manufacture of films or sheets
  • C08J 7/04 - Coating
  • C08J 7/16 - Chemical modification with polymerisable compounds
  • C09D 5/24 - Electrically-conducting paints
  • C09D 7/63 - Additives non-macromolecular organic
  • H01B 1/12 - Conductors or conductive bodies characterised by the conductive materialsSelection of materials as conductors mainly consisting of other non-metallic substances organic substances



Application Number FI2023050564
Publication Number 2024/074762
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-10-03
Publication Date 2024-04-11
  • Lamminmäki, Urpo
  • Brockmann, Eeva-Christine
  • Haapalinna, Anna


The present invention relates to a recombinant library of particles, the library displaying a plurality of single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) against various antigens, such as HER2. The displayed single-chain variable fragments are characterized by improved stability owing to a non-native interdomain disulfide bridge in a novel position. The invention also relates to a method of constructing such a library, uses of the library to obtain stabilized scFvs with desired antigenbiding properties, as well as to such scFvs.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C07K 16/32 - Immunoglobulins, e.g. monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies against material from animals or humans against translation products from oncogenes


A Tracer Compound and a Preparation Method Thereof

Application Number 18269916
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-12-23
First Publication Date 2024-02-15
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Airaksinen, Anu
  • Otaru, Sofia
  • Paulus, Andreas
  • Sarparanta, Mirrka


A tracer compound, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or solvate thereof is disclosed, the tracer compound having a structure comprising of a tetrazine moiety, a zwitterion moiety and a linker moiety, the linker moiety linking together the tetrazine moiety and the zwitterion moiety, and the linker moiety being comprised of specific parts S1-Y—S2 disclosed herein. Furthermore, an adduct of the tracer compound and a trans-cyclooctene (TCO)-derivatized targeting moiety, and a method for manufacturing the tracer compound and the adduct are disclosed.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C07F 5/02 - Boron compounds
  • C07B 59/00 - Introduction of isotopes of elements into organic compounds



Application Number FI2023050451
Publication Number 2024/028539
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-08-02
Publication Date 2024-02-08
  • Kvarnström, Carita
  • Salomäki, Mikko
  • Damlin, Pia
  • Loikas, Kari
  • Nauma, Mauri
  • Yewale, Rahul


The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a patterned film on a substrate, the method comprising forming an oxidant layer on a substrate by applying a solution comprising an oxidant on the surface of the substrate by coating; drying the oxidant layer; applying an inhibiting agent on the oxidant layer according to a pattern, to partially inhibit the formation of the oxidant layer; and forming a polymer layer by exposing the surface to a monomer vapour at a polymerisation temperature of 20 – 95 °C under atmospheric pressure.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H10K 85/10 - Organic polymers or oligomers
  • H10K 71/00 - Manufacture or treatment specially adapted for the organic devices covered by this subclass



Application Number FI2023050449
Publication Number 2024/028538
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-07-31
Publication Date 2024-02-08
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Vuori, Sami


The present invention relates to a method for determining exposure of a used sensor material to nuclear radiation, the method comprising exposing the used sensor material to ultraviolet or X-radiation to induce colouration, measuring a spectrum of reflected, transmitted, or detected light, and comparing the results to known results to determine that the used sensor material has been exposed to nuclear radiation. The sensor material comprises hackmanites.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01T 1/10 - Luminescent dosimeters
  • G01T 7/00 - Details of radiation-measuring instruments
  • C09K 11/00 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials



Application Number FI2023050399
Publication Number 2024/003454
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-06-28
Publication Date 2024-01-04
  • Paturi, Petriina
  • Paasonen, Ville
  • Huhtinen, Hannu
  • Angervo, Ilari


The present invention relates to aqueous solutions, methods of manufacturing the same and uses thereof. The aqueous solution comprises an alkaline earth metal added in the form of a water-soluble salt, manganese at least mainly present as a citrate complex of manganese having an oxidation state of +3 or +4, and optionally a lanthanide present in the form of a water soluble complex. The aqueous precursor solutions contain metals at appropriate stoichiometric ratios for producing films of complex inorganic metal oxides by Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD). The complex inorganic metal oxides can be used as memristor materials, and generally in microelectronic, magnetic, and spintronic devices, in solid oxide fuel cells, in magnetic refrigeration, and in the fields of biomedicine, and as catalysts.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C01G 45/12 - Complex oxides containing manganese and at least one other metal element



Application Number FI2023050325
Publication Number 2023/242469
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-06-06
Publication Date 2023-12-21
  • Lahesmaa, Riitta
  • Kalim, Ubaid, Ullah
  • Rasool, Omid
  • Kumpulainen, Venla
  • Andrabi, Syed, Bilal, Ahmad
  • Palani, Senthil


lincTreg1lincTreg1lincTreg1 for use in treating diseases for which modulating immune response is desirable.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61K 31/7088 - Compounds having three or more nucleosides or nucleotides
  • C12N 15/113 - Non-coding nucleic acids modulating the expression of genes, e.g. antisense oligonucleotides



Application Number FI2023050352
Publication Number 2023/242481
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-06-14
Publication Date 2023-12-21
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu


The present invention relates to a device (100) for moistening a polishing pad (203). The moistening device (100) comprises measuring means (103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110) for measuring a physical quantity that is indicative of the moisture in the polishing pad (203), and dispensing means (111, 112, 113, 114, 115) for dispensing a polishing suspension, based on a value of the measured physical quantity, on a surface of the polishing pad (203). The measuring means (103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110) and the dispensing means (111, 112, 113, 114, 115) are enclosed by a housing (101) having a contact surface (102) for contacting the surface of the polishing pad (203). The present invention also relates to a device (200) for polishing a specimen (204) and a method for moistening a polishing pad (203).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B24B 57/02 - Devices for feeding, applying, grading or recovering grinding, polishing or lapping agents for feeding of fluid, sprayed, pulverised, or liquefied grinding, polishing or lapping agents
  • B24B 49/10 - Measuring or gauging equipment for controlling the feed movement of the grinding tool or workArrangements of indicating or measuring equipment, e.g. for indicating the start of the grinding operation involving electrical means
  • B24B 29/00 - Machines or devices for polishing surfaces on work by means of tools made of soft or flexible material with or without the application of solid or liquid polishing agents
  • B24B 37/34 - Accessories
  • B24B 41/06 - Work supports, e.g. adjustable steadies
  • B24B 37/30 - Work carriers for single side lapping of plane surfaces
  • B24B 37/10 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces characterised by the movement of the work or lapping tool for single side lapping



Application Number FI2023050253
Publication Number 2023/222944
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-05-09
Publication Date 2023-11-23
  • Koivisto, Tero
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pänkäälä, Mikko
  • Sirkiä, Jukka-Pekka
  • Panula, Tuukka


A detector system for non-invasively detecting exacerbation of heart hypofunction comprises a sensor (102), for example a gyroscope, configured to produce a measurement signal when being in a movement sensing relation with a jugular vein (105) of an individual. The detector system comprises a processing system (101) configured to receive the measurement signal, and a memory system (103) communicatively connected to the processing system. As changes in behavior of jugular vein pressure can be indicative of development of heart hypofunction, the processing system is configured to compare first data stored in the memory system and based on an earlier produced measurement signal to second data based on a later produced measurement signal, and to form indicator data indicative of exacerbation of heart hypofunction based on the comparison between the first data and the second data.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/02 - Detecting, measuring or recording for evaluating the cardiovascular system, e.g. pulse, heart rate, blood pressure or blood flow
  • A61B 5/029 - Measuring blood output from the heart, e.g. minute volume
  • A61B 5/11 - Measuring movement of the entire body or parts thereof, e.g. head or hand tremor or mobility of a limb
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons



Application Number 17608275
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-22
First Publication Date 2023-11-02
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Yewale, Rahul Balu
  • Salomäki, Mikko
  • Damlin, Pia
  • Kvarnström, Carita


A method for fabricating a film comprising at least one polymer layer, formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, wherein the film is situated on at least one surface of a substrate, is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: a) forming an oxidant layer on a deposition surface by applying a solution comprising an oxidant on the deposition surface; b) forming a polymer layer formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, by exposing the deposition surface to at least azulene monomer vapour at a polymerization temperature of 20 - 95° C. under atmospheric pressure, wherein step a) precedes step b), and wherein, during step b), the temperature of the deposition surface differs from the polymerization temperature by 0 - 30° C.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B05D 1/00 - Processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials
  • B05D 1/36 - Successively applying liquids or other fluent materials, e.g. without intermediate treatment
  • B05D 3/02 - Pretreatment of surfaces to which liquids or other fluent materials are to be appliedAfter-treatment of applied coatings, e.g. intermediate treating of an applied coating preparatory to subsequent applications of liquids or other fluent materials by baking
  • B05D 5/12 - Processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces to obtain special surface effects, finishes or structures to obtain a coating with specific electrical properties



Application Number FI2023050176
Publication Number 2023/187258
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-03-29
Publication Date 2023-10-05
  • Wittfooth, Saara
  • Airaksinen, Juhani
  • Vasankari, Tuija
  • Aalto, Rami
  • Lahtinen, Akseli
  • Hellman, Tapio


The invention relates to in vitro methods of determining likelihood of acute myocardial infarction in a subject on the basis of certain long forms of cardiac troponin T. The invention also relates to a kit for use in the methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 33/68 - Chemical analysis of biological material, e.g. blood, urineTesting involving biospecific ligand binding methodsImmunological testing involving proteins, peptides or amino acids



Application Number FI2023050113
Publication Number 2023/166245
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-02-28
Publication Date 2023-09-07
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu
  • Salonen, Jarno
  • Mäkilä, Ermei
  • Saarenmaa, Pasi
  • Henriksson, Kalle


The present disclosure relates to a wear sensing apparatus that allows a wear rate of a wear surface to be efficiently monitored not only at macroscales but also at microscales and nanoscales. For this purpose, the apparatus comprises a multi-layered substrate formed by an array of plate- like conductors alternating with an array of dielectric layers. Each of the plate- like conductors is coupled to a control unit. When wear occurs on a wear surface of the multi-layered substrate, the control unit determines a wear rate by monitoring and analysing a capacitance and/or a resistance between each two adjacent plate-like conductors. The control unit then outputs the wear rate to a user. In some embodiments, the control unit may use the monitored capacitances and/or the monitored resistance to determine whether at least two plate-like conductors of the array of plate-like conductors have been brought into a direct electric contact during the wear, and output a corresponding signal to the user.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01B 7/26 - Measuring arrangements characterised by the use of electric or magnetic techniques for measuring depth



Application Number FI2023050116
Publication Number 2023/166246
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-03-01
Publication Date 2023-09-07
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu
  • Salonen, Jarno
  • Mäkilä, Ermei
  • Saarenmaa, Pasi
  • Henriksson, Kalle


The present disclosure relates to a wear sensing apparatus (100; 200; 300; 400) that allows a wear rate of one or more wear surfaces (104; 204; 304, 306, 308; 404) to be efficiently monitored not only at macroscales but also at microscales and nanoscales. For this purpose, the apparatus (100; 200; 300; 400) comprises an array (108; 208; 312; 408) of elongated planar conductors extending parallel to each other on a patterned surface (106; 206; 310; 406) of a dielectric substrate (102; 202; 302; 402) under a layer of dielectric material. Each of the conductors is coupled to a control unit (110; 210; 314; 410). When wear occurs on at least one wear surface (104; 204; 304, 306, 308; 404) of the dielectric substrate (102; 202; 302; 402) which is adjacent to the patterned surface (106; 206; 310; 406), the control unit (110; 210; 314; 410) determines a wear rate by monitoring and analysing a capacitance between each two adjacent conductors. The control unit (110; 210; 314; 410) then outputs the wear rate to a user. In a particular embodiment, the control unit (110; 210; 314; 410) may use the monitored capacitances to determine whether at least two conductors of the array (108; 208; 312; 408) of conductors have been brought into a direct electric contact during the wear, and output a corresponding signal to the user.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01B 7/06 - Measuring arrangements characterised by the use of electric or magnetic techniques for measuring length, width, or thickness for measuring thickness
  • F16D 66/02 - Apparatus for indicating wear
  • G01N 3/56 - Investigating resistance to wear or abrasion



Application Number 17995078
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-03-29
First Publication Date 2023-07-13
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Rad, Zahra Jahanshah
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a method (100) for passivating a semiconductor structure, comprising a semiconductor layer and an oxide layer on the semiconductor layer; a semiconductor structure; and a vacuum processing system. The method (100) comprises providing the semiconductor structure (110) in a vacuum chamber (310) and, while keeping the semiconductor structure in the vacuum chamber (120) throughout a refinement period with a duration of at least 25 s refining the oxide layer (130) by maintaining temperature (131) of the semiconductor structure within a refinement temperature range extending from 20° C., to 800° C., and maintaining total pressure (132) in the vacuum chamber below a maximum total pressure, of 1×10−3 mbar.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof
  • H01L 21/67 - Apparatus specially adapted for handling semiconductor or electric solid state devices during manufacture or treatment thereofApparatus specially adapted for handling wafers during manufacture or treatment of semiconductor or electric solid state devices or components
  • H01L 31/18 - Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of these devices or of parts thereof
  • C23C 16/455 - Chemical coating by decomposition of gaseous compounds, without leaving reaction products of surface material in the coating, i.e. chemical vapour deposition [CVD] processes characterised by the method of coating characterised by the method used for introducing gases into the reaction chamber or for modifying gas flows in the reaction chamber
  • C23C 16/56 - After-treatment
  • C23C 16/40 - Oxides



Document Number 03239212
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-11-30
Open to Public Date 2023-06-08
  • Ojansivu, Pauliina
  • Koivunen, Lauri
  • Norrdal, Mari


According to an aspect, there is provided a system for managing a food serving system. The food collected by a user is weighed and sensor data, for example, image data about the food collected by the user is obtained. This data may be used as training data for a machine learning algorithm to build a model enabling a subsequent classification of food based at least on sensor data associated with the food.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/414 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight using electromechanical or electronic computing means using electronic computing means only
  • G06Q 50/12 - Hotels or restaurants



Application Number FI2022050802
Publication Number 2023/099819
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-11-30
Publication Date 2023-06-08
  • Ojansivu, Pauliina
  • Koivunen, Lauri
  • Norrdal, Mari


According to an aspect, there is provided a system for managing a food serving system. The food collected by a user is weighed and sensor data, for example, image data about the food collected by the user is obtained. This data may be used as training data for a machine learning algorithm to build a model enabling a subsequent classification of food based at least on sensor data associated with the food.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/414 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight using electromechanical or electronic computing means using electronic computing means only
  • G06Q 50/12 - Hotels or restaurants



Application Number 17917902
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-04-09
First Publication Date 2023-05-04
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Ventelä, Sami
  • Westermarck, Jukka


The present invention relates to EPLIN as a biomarker for cancer and particularly small-size (T1/T2N0 and/or stage I/II) cancer. Thus, the invention provides use of EPLIN and an in vitro method of prognosing cancer or diagnosing aggressive cancer in a subject on the basis of the expression level of EPLIN. Also provided is a method for selecting treatment for cancer or predicting response to treatment. Also provided is a kit for use in said methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer
  • G01N 33/574 - ImmunoassayBiospecific binding assayMaterials therefor for cancer



Application Number FI2022050664
Publication Number 2023/057688
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-10-05
Publication Date 2023-04-13
  • Metsä-Ketelä, Mikko
  • Baral, Bikash
  • Akhgarinazarlou, Amirbehzad


The invention relates to a method for metabolic engineering of Actinomycetes. The method is based on traditional mutagenesis combined with reporter-guided single cell technologies. The method may be used for various purposes, such as for producing or increasing yields of endogenous target proteins or secondary metabolites, for replacing medium optimization in the production of target proteins or secondary metabolites, and for activating silent target genes or silent biosynthetic gene cluster. Also provided are metabolically engineered Actinomycetes strains obtainable by the method.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12N 15/10 - Processes for the isolation, preparation or purification of DNA or RNA
  • C12N 15/76 - Vectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora for ActinomycesVectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora for Streptomyces
  • C12N 15/74 - Vectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora



Document Number 03232431
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-10-05
Open to Public Date 2023-04-13
  • Metsa-Ketela, Mikko
  • Baral, Bikash
  • Akhgarinazarlou, Amirbehzad


The invention relates to a method for metabolic engineering of Actinomycetes. The method is based on traditional mutagenesis combined with reporter-guided single cell technologies. The method may be used for various purposes, such as for producing or increasing yields of endogenous target proteins or secondary metabolites, for replacing medium optimization in the production of target proteins or secondary metabolites, and for activating silent target genes or silent biosynthetic gene cluster. Also provided are metabolically engineered Actinomycetes strains obtainable by the method.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12N 15/10 - Processes for the isolation, preparation or purification of DNA or RNA
  • C12N 15/74 - Vectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora
  • C12N 15/76 - Vectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora for ActinomycesVectors or expression systems specially adapted for prokaryotic hosts other than E. coli, e.g. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora for Streptomyces



Application Number 17799253
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-02-11
First Publication Date 2023-03-09
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Lilja, Johanna
  • Ivaska, Johanna
  • Pentikäinen, Olli
  • Niinivehmas, Sanna


This invention relates to the field of cancer therapeutics. More specifically, the invention relates to inhibiting agents and methods that interfere with RAS-pathway and to their use in treating cancers.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12N 15/113 - Non-coding nucleic acids modulating the expression of genes, e.g. antisense oligonucleotides
  • G01N 33/50 - Chemical analysis of biological material, e.g. blood, urineTesting involving biospecific ligand binding methodsImmunological testing
  • G16B 15/30 - Drug targeting using structural dataDocking or binding prediction
  • A61P 35/00 - Antineoplastic agents



Application Number 17796819
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-01-29
First Publication Date 2023-02-16
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Paturi, Petriina
  • Schulman, Alejandro
  • Huhtinen, Hannu
  • Lähteenlahti, Ville
  • Beiranvand, Azar


A memristor material is disclosed which has the chemical formula R1-xAxB03, wherein R is one of Eu, Gd, Tb, Nd, A is one of Ca, Sr, Ba, B is one of Mn, Co, Ni, and x is larger than 0 but smaller than 1, a preferred example being Gd1-xCaxMn03 (GCMO) with x not less than 0.2 to obtain practical resistance switching ratios. A memristor can be manufactured by pulsed laser deposition using a sintered target of said material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 45/00 - Solid state devices specially adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching without a potential-jump barrier or surface barrier, e.g. dielectric triodes; Ovshinsky-effect devices; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts thereof
  • C01G 45/12 - Complex oxides containing manganese and at least one other metal element



Application Number FI2022050502
Publication Number 2023/007058
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Publication Date 2023-02-02
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami



IPC Classes  ?



Document Number 03223398
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Open to Public Date 2023-02-02
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami


The present invention relates to a method for determining an amount of radiation having a wavelength of 1 zm - 10 pm or particle radiation irradiated on a sensor material, the method comprising exposing the sensor material to said radiation for a period of time; subjecting the exposed sensor material to a measurement by a device configured to measure intensity of a colour; measuring the intensity of the colour of reflected, transmitted or detected light; and determining the amount of radiation to which the sensor material has been exposed, based on the measured intensity of the colour of the reflected, transmitted or detected light. The sensor material comprises a material represented by (M')8(M"M'")6O24(X,X')2:M"".

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 018825278
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-01-18
Registration Date 2023-05-24
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 02 - Paints, varnishes, lacquers
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use; Dendrimer-based polymers for use in the manufacture of capsules for pharmaceuticals; Diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes; Fluorescent chemicals; Fluorescent chemicals for use as a fluorescent label; Fluorescent substances; Chemical substances for use in the production of drugs; Chemicals for use in the pharmaceutical industry; Reagents for medical research; Reagents for scientific or medical research use; Preservatives for use in the pharmaceutical industry; Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs; Contrast agents for use in molecular imaging. Colorants for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Pigments for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; Alkaloids for medical purposes; Reagents for use in analysis [for medical purposes]; Autonomic drugs for medical purposes; Biopharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer; Biological adjuvants for medical purposes; Biological reagents for medical use; Biochemical preparations for medical use; Biological preparations for the treatment of cancer; Biotechnological preparations for medical use; Capsules made of dendrimer-based polymers, for pharmaceuticals; Diagnostic agents for pharmaceutical use; Diagnostic substances for medical use; Diagnostic agents for medical use; In vitro diagnostic preparations for medical use; Diagnostic chemical reagents for medical use; Diagnostic reagents for medical use; Diagnostic testing materials for medical use; Diagnostic preparations and materials; Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the metabolic system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of cancer; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances with anti-inflammatory properties; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immune system related diseases and disorders; Immunoassay reagents for medical use; Adjuvants for medical purposes; Immunotherapeutic agents for bacterial infections; Injectable pharmaceuticals for treatment of anaphylactic reactions; Stem cells for medical purposes; Chemical adjuvants for medical purposes; Chemical reagents for medical use; Chemical preparations for medical purposes; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; Anti-cancer preparations of chemical origin; Analgesics for medical use; Clinical diagnostic reagents; Medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing of body fluids; Clinical medical reagents; Medical preparations; Medicinal preparations and substances; Medicinal preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases; Medicine; Indicators for medical diagnosis; Preparations of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; Probiotic bacterial formulations for medical use; Reagents for in-vitro laboratory use [for medical purposes]; Reagents for use in diagnostic tests [for medical purposes]; Reactants for medical diagnosis; Mixed biological preparations for medical purposes; Anti-cancer preparations; Anti-cancer drugs; Anti-inflammatory preparations; Anti-inflammatories; Antibodies; Compounds for treating cancer. Apparatus for the transmission of data; Apparatus for recording data; Data collection apparatus; Data communications software; Digital recordings; Data recorded electronically; Electronic imaging devices; Fluorescence analyzers; Fluorometers; Imaging apparatus; Imaging devices for scientific purposes; Downloadable computer software for the management of data; Computer software relating to the medical field; Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging System [MFIS] for scientific use; Artificial intelligence software; Artificial intelligence software for analysis; Artificial intelligence software for healthcare; Science software; Data management software; Data loggers; Computer documentation in electronic form; Computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; Computer software for database management; Computer software to automate data warehousing; Computer software for application and database integration; Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; Computer software for authorising access to data bases; Computer application software; Electronic databases recorded on computer media; Interactive software. Immunological analysers; Medical analytical apparatus for medical purposes; Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging System [MFIS] for medical use. Compilation of statistical data relating to medical research; Compilation of information into computer databases in the medical field and Systemisation of information into computer databases in the medical field, For medical purposes and Science; Compilation and export of data into databases in the field of medicine, only for medical and scientific purposes; data input and Data processing in the following fields: Medicine, For medical purposes and Science; Compilation of computer databases in relation to the following fields: Medicine, For medical purposes and Science. Material treatment information; Processing of biopharmaceutical materials for others; Custom manufacture of biopharmaceuticals; Bioremediation services; Custom manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Modification of particles; Provision of information relating to chemical processing; Custom manufacture of medical devices for others; Microencapsulating services provided for others. Publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; Specialisation courses for oncological doctors; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Courses (Training -) relating to medicine; Medical training and teaching; Advice relating to medical training; Publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Publishing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Conducting of educational seminars relating to medical matters; Publishing of medical publications; Provision of medical instruction courses; Publication of medical texts; Training in the field of medicine; Teaching in the field of medicine; Education services relating to medicine; Organization of seminars and conventions in the field of medicine. Analysis in the field of molecular biology; Analytical laboratory services; Advisory services relating to biochemistry; Biochemistry consultancy; Biochemical research and analysis; Biochemical research and development; Biochemical engineering services; Biochemistry services; Scientific research relating to biology; Biological research and analysis; Biological research laboratory services; Biological development services; Biological research, clinical research and medical research; Preparation of biological samples for testing and analysis in research laboratories; Biomedical research services; Research relating to biotechnology; Consultancy relating to biotechnology; Biotechnology testing; Research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy relating to research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy pertaining to pharmacology; Pharmaceutical products development; Pharmaceutical research and development; Conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical drug development services; Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; Services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; Testing of pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceutical product evaluation; Design of particles in the processing of pharmaceutical solids; Analysis of human serum for medical research; Preparation of immunohistological samples for analysis in research laboratories; Services of a chemical and/or biological laboratory; Clinical trials; Medical research; Provision of information and data relating to medical and veterinary research and development; Medical research laboratory services; Design and development of computer software for use with medical technology; Medical and pharmacological research services; Medical laboratory services; Providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; Design and development of medical technology; Medical research; Consultancy relating to pharmaceutical research and development; Drug discovery services; Inspection of pharmaceuticals; Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals; Research relating to molecular sciences; Contract research services relating to molecular sciences; Laboratory services relating to the production of monoclonal antibodies Relating to the following sectors: research into vaccines, development of vaccines, drug research and Drug development services; Electronic storage services for archiving databases for use in the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Services for the provision of technological information only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence, only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Expert opinion relating to technology only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [SaaS] only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Scientific research in the field of pharmacy; Scientific research for medical purposes in the area of cancerous diseases; Scientific research conducted using databases only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Providing science technology information only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Clinical research; Scientific investigations for medical purposes; Design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data for use only in medical and scientific research; Programming of computer software, in relation to the following goods: Computer software for evaluating and calculating data, Medical research and Scientific studies; Providing information about the results of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Design and development of computer database programs only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Consultancy relating to the design and development of computer database programs only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Rental of a database server for others only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Installation of database software, Maintenance of database software and Updating of database software only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Reconstruction of database systems for others for use only in medical and scientific research; Design and development of software for database management only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Database design and development only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Maintenance of data bases only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Computer aided diagnostic testing services; Rendering of computer graphics (digital imaging services); Hosting of databases only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information, only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Writing of computer programs for medical applications only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research; Computer programming in the medical field; Research and development in the field of diagnostic preparations; research and development services Fields: Antibodies and antibody technology; Research and development for the pharmaceutical industry; Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; Research and development services in the field of immunology; Research and development services in the field of immunohistology; Research and development services in the field of antibodies; Research and development services in the field of antibody technology; Research in the field of artificial intelligence for use only in medical and scientific research; Conducting early evaluations in the field of new pharmaceuticals; Software as a service [SaaS] only in relation to the following fields: Medical research and Scientific research. Consultancy and information services relating to biopharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical services; Provision of pharmaceutical information; Advisory services relating to pharmaceuticals; Analysis of human tissues for medical treatment; Analysis of human serum for medical treatment; Pathology services relating to the treatment of persons; Advice relating to immunology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Pharmacy advice; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical screening; Medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; Medical information; Medical analysis services provided by medical laboratories; Medical analysis relating to the care of persons; Medical analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of persons; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services for cancer diagnosis and prognosis; Medical evaluation services; Medical diagnostic services; Medical imaging services; Medical services in the field of oncology; Advisory services relating to medical problems; Medical analysis services for diagnostic and treatment purposes provided by medical laboratories; Remote monitoring of medical data for medical diagnosis and treatment; Medical services for the diagnosis of conditions of the human body; Preparation and dispensing of medications; Providing information relating to the preparation and dispensing of medications; Optical imaging for medical diagnostic use; Pathology services; RNA or DNA analysis for cancer diagnosis and prognosis; Performing diagnosis of diseases; Medical testing services relating to the diagnosis and treatment of disease; Providing cancer screening services.


Silicon-on-insulator with crystalline silicon oxide

Application Number 17931445
Grant Number 11923236
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-09-12
First Publication Date 2023-01-05
Grant Date 2024-03-05
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Mäkelä, Jaakko
  • Tuominen, Marjukka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Lahti, Antti
  • Kokko, Kalevi
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka


o in the range of 0.1 to 1000 Langmuir; whereby a crystalline silicon oxide layer with a thickness of at least two molecular layers is formed within the silicon substrate, between a crystalline silicon base layer and a crystalline silicon top layer. Related semiconductor structures are described.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/76 - Making of isolation regions between components
  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof
  • H01L 21/762 - Dielectric regions
  • H01L 23/31 - Encapsulation, e.g. encapsulating layers, coatings characterised by the arrangement



Document Number 03221889
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-22
Open to Public Date 2022-12-29
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtio, Juha-Pekka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure, a semiconductor device, and a method for forming a semiconductor structure. The semiconductor structure (1000) comprises a crystalline III-V semiconductor substrate (1100), the semiconductor substrate (1100) comprising a group 13 post-transition metal element and arsenide, and crystalline particles (1200) chemically bonded to the semiconductor substrate (1100), the particles (1200) comprising the group 13 post-transition metal element and oxygen.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Document Number 03223968
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-17
Open to Public Date 2022-12-29
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Ponkka, Isabella
  • Byron, Hannah
  • Kreivila, Teppo


A radiation sensing material is disclosed. The radiation sensing material is represented by the following formula (I): (M1'8-2aM2'a)(M''14-(4b/3)M'''b)O24(X2-dcdX'nc-):M'''' formula (I) Further is disclosed a device and uses of the radiation sensing material represented by the formula (I).

IPC Classes  ?

  • C01B 33/26 - Aluminium-containing silicates
  • C01F 7/68 - Aluminium compounds containing sulfur



Application Number FI2022050422
Publication Number 2022/269128
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-06-17
Publication Date 2022-12-29
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Pönkkä, Isabella
  • Byron, Hannah
  • Kreivilä, Teppo


8-2aa14-(4b/3)b242-dcnn c-):M'''' formula (I) Further is disclosed a device and uses of the radiation sensing material represented by the formula (I).

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 11/61 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine or unspecified halogen elements
  • C09K 11/64 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing aluminium
  • C01F 7/68 - Aluminium compounds containing sulfur
  • C01B 33/26 - Aluminium-containing silicates



Application Number 17778666
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-19
First Publication Date 2022-12-29
  • Norrdal, Mari
  • Naskali, Juhani
  • Setälä, Ilmo
  • Someroja, Osmo


According to an aspect, there is provided a food serving system that is able to link weighed food amounts to a single user regardless of the fact whether the user is separately identified or not. According to another aspect, there is provided a method comprising receiving weighing results associated with an identifier from at least one control unit associated with a plurality of food collecting points; and generating a total result associated with the identifier based on the weighing results associated with the identifier.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/414 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight using electromechanical or electronic computing means using electronic computing means only
  • G01G 19/52 - Weighing apparatus combined with other objects, e.g. with furniture
  • G01G 19/415 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight using electromechanical or electronic computing means using electronic computing means only combined with recording means



Application Number FI2022050459
Publication Number 2022/269139
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-06-22
Publication Date 2022-12-29
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure, a semiconductor device, and a method for forming a semiconductor structure. The semiconductor structure (1000) comprises a crystalline III-V semiconductor substrate (1100), the semiconductor substrate (1100) comprising a group 13 post-transition metal element and arsenide, and crystalline particles (1200) chemically bonded to the semiconductor substrate (1100), the particles (1200) comprising the group 13 post-transition metal element and oxygen.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Application Number 17776794
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-16
First Publication Date 2022-12-15
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu
  • Simola, Teemu


The present invention relates to a device for polishing a specimen (104, 204). The device comprises a polishing platen (101, 201) rotatable about an axis, a polishing pad (103, 203) attached to the polishing platen (101, 201), a specimen holder (105, 205) for holding the specimen (104, 204) against the polishing pad (103, 203), means (107, 110, 207, 212) for measuring a physical quantity in a plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203), the physical quantity being indicative of the moisture or the friction, and means (116, 119, 120, 121, 213, 215, 216, 217) for dispensing a polishing suspension, based on values of the measured physical quantity, to the plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203). The invention also relates to a method for polishing a specimen (104, 204).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B24B 37/005 - Control means for lapping machines or devices
  • B24B 37/04 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces
  • B24B 49/10 - Measuring or gauging equipment for controlling the feed movement of the grinding tool or workArrangements of indicating or measuring equipment, e.g. for indicating the start of the grinding operation involving electrical means
  • B24B 49/14 - Measuring or gauging equipment for controlling the feed movement of the grinding tool or workArrangements of indicating or measuring equipment, e.g. for indicating the start of the grinding operation taking regard of the temperature during grinding
  • B24B 49/16 - Measuring or gauging equipment for controlling the feed movement of the grinding tool or workArrangements of indicating or measuring equipment, e.g. for indicating the start of the grinding operation taking regard of the load
  • B24B 57/02 - Devices for feeding, applying, grading or recovering grinding, polishing or lapping agents for feeding of fluid, sprayed, pulverised, or liquefied grinding, polishing or lapping agents



Application Number 17776758
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-16
First Publication Date 2022-12-08
Owner Turun yliopisto (Finland)
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu


A moisture sensor (100) that comprises a contact surface (105) for contacting a polishing pad (503), and a first, a second and a third electrical contact element (101, 102, 103) electrically isolated from each other, the electrical contact elements (101, 102, 103) being disposed within the moisture sensor (100) so that they are exposed at the contact surface (105). Also a polishing device and a method for measuring the moisture in a polishing pad (503) is disclosed using the moisture sensor (100).

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 27/04 - Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electrochemical, or magnetic means by investigating impedance by investigating resistance



Application Number FI2022050272
Publication Number 2022/229509
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-04-27
Publication Date 2022-11-03
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami
  • Sairanen, Emma
  • Fang, Wenwen
  • Rissanen, Marja
  • Sixta, Herbert


The present disclosure relates to a spun fiber comprising cellulose fiber doped with an optically active material, a UV- sensitive yarn comprising the spun fiber, and a UV-sensitive fabric comprising the spun fiber. The present disclosure further relates to a method for preparing a spun fiber comprising cellulose fiber doped with an optically active material. Additionally, the present disclosure relates to garments or clothing comprising a UV-sensitive spun fiber.

IPC Classes  ?

  • D01F 2/02 - Monocomponent artificial filaments or the like of cellulose or cellulose derivativesManufacture thereof from solutions of cellulose in acids, bases, or salts
  • D01D 5/06 - Wet spinning methods
  • D01F 1/02 - Addition of substances to the spinning solution or to the melt
  • D01F 1/10 - Other agents for modifying properties
  • D01D 1/02 - Preparation of spinning solutions
  • C09K 9/00 - Tenebrescent materials, i.e. materials for which the range of wavelengths for energy absorption is changed as a result of excitation by some form of energy
  • C09K 11/00 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials



Document Number 03209952
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-02-23
Open to Public Date 2022-09-09
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkia, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring flow resistances of blood vessels comprises a photoplethysmography sensor (101) for emitting electromagnetic radiation with different wavelengths to the blood vessels, a pressure instrument (102) for applying controllable mechanical pressure on the blood vessels, and a control system (103) for estimating compliances of the blood vessels based on electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels. Shorter wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation are reflected off smaller blood vessels than longer wavelengths. The control system optimizes resistor values of a circuit model to minimize differences between waveforms of node voltages of the circuit model and waveforms of measured blood pressures prevailing in blood vessels reflecting off different wavelengths. Capacitor values of the circuit model are based on the estimated compliances of the blood vessels, and the optimized resistor values of the circuit model are indicative of the flow resistances of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • G16H 50/30 - ICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for calculating health indicesICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for individual health risk assessment
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate



Application Number FI2022050116
Publication Number 2022/184973
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-02-22
Publication Date 2022-09-09
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkiä, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring compliance of blood vessels comprises a photoplethysmography sensor (101) for emitting electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels, for receiving electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels, and for producing a measurement signal indicative of the received electromagnetic radiation. The apparatus further comprises a pressure instrument (102) for producing mechanical pressure applied on the blood vessels, and a control system (103) for controlling the pressure instrument to change the mechanical pressure linearly with respect to time during emission of electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels and reception of reflected electromagnetic radiation from the blood vessels. The control system finds, from the measurement signal, a portion whose envelope has exponential change (~eαtor ~e-αt) with respect to time and produces an estimate for an exponent coefficient (α) of time during the exponential change. The coefficient is indicative of the compliance, as well as stiffness, of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • A61B 8/08 - Clinical applications
  • A61B 8/00 - Diagnosis using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves
  • G16H 50/30 - ICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for calculating health indicesICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for individual health risk assessment
  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate



Document Number 03209951
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-02-22
Open to Public Date 2022-09-09
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkia, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring compliance of blood vessels comprises a photoplethysmography sensor (101) for emitting electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels, for receiving electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels, and for producing a measurement signal indicative of the received electromagnetic radiation. The apparatus further comprises a pressure instrument (102) for producing mechanical pressure applied on the blood vessels, and a control system (103) for controlling the pressure instrument to change the mechanical pressure linearly with respect to time during emission of electromagnetic radiation to the blood vessels and reception of reflected electromagnetic radiation from the blood vessels. The control system finds, from the measurement signal, a portion whose envelope has exponential change (~e?t or ~e-?t) with respect to time and produces an estimate for an exponent coefficient (?) of time during the exponential change. The coefficient is indicative of the compliance, as well as stiffness, of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • G16H 50/30 - ICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for calculating health indicesICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for individual health risk assessment
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 8/00 - Diagnosis using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves
  • A61B 8/08 - Clinical applications



Application Number FI2022050117
Publication Number 2022/184974
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-02-23
Publication Date 2022-09-09
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Sirkiä, Jukka-Pekka


An apparatus for measuring flow resistances of blood vessels comprises a photoplethysmography sensor (101) for emitting electromagnetic radiation with different wavelengths to the blood vessels, a pressure instrument (102) for applying controllable mechanical pressure on the blood vessels, and a control system (103) for estimating compliances of the blood vessels based on electromagnetic radiation reflected off the blood vessels. Shorter wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation are reflected off smaller blood vessels than longer wavelengths. The control system optimizes resistor values of a circuit model to minimize differences between waveforms of node voltages of the circuit model and waveforms of measured blood pressures prevailing in blood vessels reflecting off different wavelengths. Capacitor values of the circuit model are based on the estimated compliances of the blood vessels, and the optimized resistor values of the circuit model are indicative of the flow resistances of the blood vessels.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • G16H 50/30 - ICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for calculating health indicesICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data miningICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for individual health risk assessment
  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons



Document Number 03205920
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-12-23
Open to Public Date 2022-07-07
  • Airaksinen, Anu
  • Otaru, Sofia
  • Paulus, Andreas
  • Sarparanta, Mirkka


A tracer compound, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or solvate thereof is disclosed, the tracer compound having a structure comprising of a tetrazine moiety, a zwitterion moiety and a linker moiety, the linker moiety linking together the tetrazine moiety and the zwitterion moiety, and the linker moiety being comprised of specific parts S1-Y-S2 disclosed herein. Furthermore, an adduct of the tracer compound and a trans-cyclooctene (TCO) -derivatized targeting moiety, and a method for manufacturing the tracer compound and the adduct are disclosed.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number FI2021050912
Publication Number 2022/144501
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-12-23
Publication Date 2022-07-07
  • Airaksinen, Anu
  • Otaru, Sofia
  • Paulus, Andreas
  • Sarparanta, Mirkka


transtrans-cyclooctene (TCO) -derivatized targeting moiety, and a method for manufacturing the tracer compound and the adduct are disclosed.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 17606531
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-23
First Publication Date 2022-06-30
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Lahti, Antti
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure (100), comprising a crystalline silicon substrate (110), having a surface (111), and a crystalline silicon oxide superstructure (120) on the surface (111) of the silicon substrate (110), the silicon oxide superstructure (120) having a thickness of at least two molecular layers and a (1×1) plane structure using Wood's notation.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof
  • H01L 29/04 - Semiconductor bodies characterised by their crystalline structure, e.g. polycrystalline, cubic or particular orientation of crystalline planes


Lighting device

Application Number 17433535
Grant Number 11767470
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-02-17
First Publication Date 2022-06-23
Grant Date 2023-09-26
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella


A lighting device for adjusting the color temperature of white light emitted by a luminescent material is disclosed. The lighting device comprises: a luminescent material configured to emit white light when being exposed to electromagnetic radiation of a preselected wavelength range; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a first wavelength range selected from the range of 230-330 nm; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a second wavelength range, different from the first wavelength range, selected from the range of 300-600 nm; a metering unit configured to adjust the ratio of the irradiances of electromagnetic radiation of first wavelength range and of electromagnetic radiation of second wavelength range that is exposed on the luminescent material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • F21V 9/30 - Elements containing photoluminescent material distinct from or spaced from the light source
  • C09K 11/67 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing refractory metals
  • C09K 11/77 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing rare earth metals



Document Number 03199959
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-11-20
Open to Public Date 2022-06-02
  • Koivisto, Tero
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pankaala, Mikko


An apparatus for measuring a jugular vein pressure waveform comprises a rotation sensor (102) configured to produce a measurement signal when being against a skin of an individual and in a movement sensing relation with a jugular vein (104) of the individual. The apparatus comprises a processing system (101) configured to receive the measurement signal and produce a waveform of a motion of the skin in a direction perpendicular to the skin based on the measurement signal indicative of rotation of the rotation sensor, where the waveform of the motion of the skin is indicative of the jugular vein pressure waveform. The rotation sensor that measures rotation is more insensitive to movements not related to variation of the jugular vein pressure than for example an acceleration sensor.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • A61B 5/021 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels
  • A61B 5/11 - Measuring movement of the entire body or parts thereof, e.g. head or hand tremor or mobility of a limb


An apparatus and a method for measuring jugular vein pressure waveform

Application Number FI2021050796
Publication Number 2022/112651
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-11-20
Publication Date 2022-06-02
  • Koivisto, Tero
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pänkäälä, Mikko


An apparatus for measuring a jugular vein pressure waveform comprises a rotation sensor (102) configured to produce a measurement signal when being against a skin of an individual and in a movement sensing relation with a jugular vein (104) of the individual. The apparatus comprises a processing system (101) configured to receive the measurement signal and produce a waveform of a motion of the skin in a direction perpendicular to the skin based on the measurement signal indicative of rotation of the rotation sensor, where the waveform of the motion of the skin is indicative of the jugular vein pressure waveform. The rotation sensor that measures rotation is more insensitive to movements not related to variation of the jugular vein pressure than for example an acceleration sensor.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/021 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels
  • A61B 5/11 - Measuring movement of the entire body or parts thereof, e.g. head or hand tremor or mobility of a limb
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons



Application Number 17599804
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-02
First Publication Date 2022-05-26
  • Daskalakis, Konstantinos
  • Törmä, Päivi


The present invention relates to a white organic light emitting device (WOLED) comprising an electroluminescent material (ELM) and a Bragg converter disposed adjacent to the ELM. In addition, the invention also relates to a method for producing white light using said WOLED, use of the WOLED for producing white light, and a process for producing said WOLED.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 51/52 - Solid state devices using organic materials as the active part, or using a combination of organic materials with other materials as the active part; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof specially adapted for light emission, e.g. organic light emitting diodes (OLED) or polymer light emitting devices (PLED) - Details of devices
  • H01L 51/56 - Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices or of parts thereof
  • H01L 51/00 - Solid state devices using organic materials as the active part, or using a combination of organic materials with other materials as the active part; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof
  • H01L 51/50 - Solid state devices using organic materials as the active part, or using a combination of organic materials with other materials as the active part; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof specially adapted for light emission, e.g. organic light emitting diodes (OLED) or polymer light emitting devices (PLED)



Application Number 17421514
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-11-13
First Publication Date 2022-03-03
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pänkäälä, Mikko
  • Koivisto, Tero


An apparatus for measuring functionality of an arterial system of an individual includes a photoplethysmography sensor for emitting, to the arterial system, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in the range from 475 nm to 600 nm and for receiving a part of the electromagnetic radiation reflected off the arterial system. The apparatus further includes a pressure instrument for managing mechanical pressure applied on the arterial system when the photoplethysmography sensor emits and receives the electromagnetic radiation to and from the arterial system. The effect of the mechanical pressure on the envelope of the reflected electromagnetic radiation can be used for determining diastolic blood pressure of arteries or for determining whether there is normal endothelial function.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate
  • A61B 5/021 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/1455 - Measuring characteristics of blood in vivo, e.g. gas concentration or pH-value using optical sensors, e.g. spectral photometrical oximeters
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons



Application Number FI2021050260
Publication Number 2021/205078
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-04-09
Publication Date 2021-10-14
  • Ventelä, Sami
  • Westermarck, Jukka


The present invention relates to EPLIN as a biomarker for cancer and particularly small-size (T1/T2N0 and/or stage I/II) cancer. Thus, the invention provides use of EPLIN and an in vitro method of prognosing cancer or diagnosing aggressive cancer in a subject on the basis of the expression level of EPLIN. Also provided is a method for selecting treatment for cancer or predicting response to treatment. Also provided is a kit for use in said methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer



Document Number 03175556
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-04-09
Open to Public Date 2021-10-14
  • Ventela, Sami
  • Westermarck, Jukka


The present invention relates to EPLIN as a biomarker for cancer and particularly small-size (T1/T2N0 and/or stage I/II) cancer. Thus, the invention provides use of EPLIN and an in vitro method of prognosing cancer or diagnosing aggressive cancer in a subject on the basis of the expression level of EPLIN. Also provided is a method for selecting treatment for cancer or predicting response to treatment. Also provided is a kit for use in said methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer



Document Number 03178846
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-03-29
Open to Public Date 2021-10-07
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Lehtio, Juha-Pekka
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a method (100) for passivating a semiconductor structure, comprising a semiconductor layer and an oxide layer on the semiconductor layer; a semiconductor structure; and a vacuum processing system. The method (100) comprises providing the semiconductor structure (110) in a vacuum chamber (310) and, while keeping the semiconductor structure in the vacuum chamber (120) throughout a refinement period with a duration of at least 25 s refining the oxide layer (130) by maintaining temperature (131) of the semiconductor structure within a refinement temperature range extending from 20 °C, to 800 °C, and maintaining total pressure (132) in the vacuum chamber below a maximum total pressure of 1x 10-3 mbar.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Application Number FI2021050220
Publication Number 2021/198559
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-03-29
Publication Date 2021-10-07
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a method (100) for passivating a semiconductor structure, comprising a semiconductor layer and an oxide layer on the semiconductor layer; a semiconductor structure; and a vacuum processing system. The method (100) comprises providing the semiconductor structure (110) in a vacuum chamber (310) and, while keeping the semiconductor structure in the vacuum chamber (120) throughout a refinement period with a duration of at least 25 s refining the oxide layer (130) by maintaining temperature (131) of the semiconductor structure within a refinement temperature range extending from 20 °C, to 800 °C, and maintaining total pressure (132) in the vacuum chamber below a maximum total pressure of 1x 10-3 mbar.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Application Number FI2021050215
Publication Number 2021/191507
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-03-26
Publication Date 2021-09-30
Inventor Soukka, Tero


The invention relates to a method and apparatus for performing assays by using a rotating solid support.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 33/543 - ImmunoassayBiospecific binding assayMaterials therefor with an insoluble carrier for immobilising immunochemicals



Application Number FI2021050093
Publication Number 2021/160937
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-02-11
Publication Date 2021-08-19
  • Lilja, Johanna
  • Ivaska, Johanna
  • Pentikäinen, Olli
  • Niinivehmas, Sanna


This invention relates to the field of cancer therapeutics. More specifically, the invention relates to inhibiting agents and methods that interfere with RAS-pathway and to their use in treating cancers.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61K 31/7105 - Natural ribonucleic acids, i.e. containing only riboses attached to adenine, guanine, cytosine or uracil and having 3'-5' phosphodiester links
  • A61K 39/395 - AntibodiesImmunoglobulinsImmune serum, e.g. antilymphocytic serum
  • A61P 35/00 - Antineoplastic agents
  • A61K 31/7115 - Nucleic acids or oligonucleotides having modified bases, i.e. other than adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil or thymine
  • A61K 31/713 - Double-stranded nucleic acids or oligonucleotides



Application Number FI2020050742
Publication Number 2021/152203
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-11-11
Publication Date 2021-08-05
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella
  • Vuori, Sami
  • Byron, Hannah


862422:M'''' Further is disclosed the use of the image detector and the use of the optically active material represented by the formula (I).

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01T 1/20 - Measuring radiation intensity with scintillation detectors



Document Number 03169627
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-01-29
Open to Public Date 2021-08-05
  • Paturi, Petriina
  • Schulman, Alejandro
  • Huhtinen, Hannu
  • Lahteenlahti, Ville
  • Beiranvand, Azar


A memristor material is disclosed which has the chemical formula R1 -XAXB03, wherein R is one of Eu, Gd, Tb, Nd, A is one of Ca, Sr, Ba, B is one of Mn, Co, Ni, and x is larger than 0 but smaller than 1, a preferred example being Gd1-xCaxMn03 (GCMO) with x not less than 0.2 to obtain practical resistance switching ratios. A memristor can be manufactured by pulsed laser deposition using a sintered target of said material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H10N 70/20 - Multistable switching devices, e.g. memristors
  • C01F 17/30 - Compounds containing rare earth metals and at least one element other than a rare earth metal, oxygen or hydrogen, e.g. La4S3Br6
  • H10N 79/00 - Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one solid-state element covered by group
  • C01G 45/00 - Compounds of manganese



Application Number FI2021050057
Publication Number 2021/152215
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-01-29
Publication Date 2021-08-05
  • Paturi, Petriina
  • Schulman, Alejandro
  • Huhtinen, Hannu
  • Lähteenlahti, Ville
  • Beiranvand, Azar


1-XX31-xx33 (GCMO) with x not less than 0.2 to obtain practical resistance switching ratios. A memristor can be manufactured by pulsed laser deposition using a sintered target of said material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 45/00 - Solid state devices specially adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching without a potential-jump barrier or surface barrier, e.g. dielectric triodes; Ovshinsky-effect devices; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts thereof



Application Number FI2020050764
Publication Number 2021/099681
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-11-16
Publication Date 2021-05-27
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu
  • Simola, Teemu


The present invention relates to a device for polishing a specimen (104, 204). The device comprises a polishing platen (101, 201) rotatable about an axis, a polishing pad (103, 203) attached to the polishing platen (101, 201), a specimen holder (105, 205) for holding the specimen (104, 204) against the polishing pad (103, 203), means (107, 110, 207, 212) for measuring a physical quantity in a plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203), the physical quantity being indicative of the moisture or the friction, and means (116, 119, 120, 121, 213, 215, 216, 217) for dispensing a polishing suspension, based on values of the measured physical quantity, to the plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203). The invention also relates to a method for polishing a specimen (104, 204).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B24B 29/00 - Machines or devices for polishing surfaces on work by means of tools made of soft or flexible material with or without the application of solid or liquid polishing agents
  • B24B 57/02 - Devices for feeding, applying, grading or recovering grinding, polishing or lapping agents for feeding of fluid, sprayed, pulverised, or liquefied grinding, polishing or lapping agents
  • B24B 37/005 - Control means for lapping machines or devices
  • B24B 37/04 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces



Application Number FI2020050765
Publication Number 2021/099682
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-11-16
Publication Date 2021-05-27
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu


A moisture sensor (100) that comprises a contact surface (105) for contacting a polishing pad (503), and a first, a second and a third electrical contact element (101, 102, 103) electrically isolated from each other, the electrical contact elements (101, 102, 103) being disposed within the moisture sensor (100) so that they are exposed at the contact surface (105). Also a polishing device and a method for measuring the moisture in a polishing pad (503) is dislosed using the moisture sensor (100).

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 27/04 - Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electrochemical, or magnetic means by investigating impedance by investigating resistance
  • B24B 37/04 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces



Application Number FI2020050782
Publication Number 2021/099692
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-11-19
Publication Date 2021-05-27
  • Norrdal, Mari
  • Naskali, Juhani
  • Setälä, Ilmo


According to an aspect, there is provided a food serving system that is able to link weighed food amounts to a single user regardless of the fact whether the user is separately identified or not. According to another aspect, there is provided a method comprising receiving weighing results associated with an identifier from at least one control unit associated with a plurality of food collecting points; and generating a total result associated with the identifier based on the weighing results associated with the identifier.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/40 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight



Document Number 03161142
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-16
Open to Public Date 2021-05-27
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu
  • Simola, Teemu


The present invention relates to a device for polishing a specimen (104, 204). The device comprises a polishing platen (101, 201) rotatable about an axis, a polishing pad (103, 203) attached to the polishing platen (101, 201), a specimen holder (105, 205) for holding the specimen (104, 204) against the polishing pad (103, 203), means (107, 110, 207, 212) for measuring a physical quantity in a plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203), the physical quantity being indicative of the moisture or the friction, and means (116, 119, 120, 121, 213, 215, 216, 217) for dispensing a polishing suspension, based on values of the measured physical quantity, to the plurality of positions on the polishing pad (103, 203). The invention also relates to a method for polishing a specimen (104, 204).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B24B 49/10 - Measuring or gauging equipment for controlling the feed movement of the grinding tool or workArrangements of indicating or measuring equipment, e.g. for indicating the start of the grinding operation involving electrical means
  • B24B 37/005 - Control means for lapping machines or devices
  • B24B 29/00 - Machines or devices for polishing surfaces on work by means of tools made of soft or flexible material with or without the application of solid or liquid polishing agents
  • B24B 37/04 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces
  • B24B 57/02 - Devices for feeding, applying, grading or recovering grinding, polishing or lapping agents for feeding of fluid, sprayed, pulverised, or liquefied grinding, polishing or lapping agents



Document Number 03161145
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-16
Open to Public Date 2021-05-27
  • Peltola, Arto
  • Peltola, Tatu


A moisture sensor (100) that comprises a contact surface (105) for contacting a polishing pad (503), and a first, a second and a third electrical contact element (101, 102, 103) electrically isolated from each other, the electrical contact elements (101, 102, 103) being disposed within the moisture sensor (100) so that they are exposed at the contact surface (105). Also a polishing device and a method for measuring the moisture in a polishing pad (503) is dislosed using the moisture sensor (100).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B24B 37/04 - Lapping machines or devicesAccessories designed for working plane surfaces
  • G01N 27/04 - Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electrochemical, or magnetic means by investigating impedance by investigating resistance



Document Number 03162603
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-19
Open to Public Date 2021-05-27
  • Norrdal, Mari
  • Naskali, Juhani
  • Setala, Ilmo
  • Someroja, Osmo


According to an aspect, there is provided a food serving system that is able to link weighed food amounts to a single user regardless of the fact whether the user is separately identified or not. According to another aspect, there is provided a method comprising receiving weighing results associated with an identifier from at least one control unit associated with a plurality of food collecting points; and generating a total result associated with the identifier based on the weighing results associated with the identifier.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01G 19/40 - Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in groups with provisions for indicating, recording, or computing price or other quantities dependent on the weight


InFLAMES Solution is in Immunity

Application Number 018479433
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-26
Registration Date 2021-09-21
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use; Dendrimer-based polymers for use in the manufacture of capsules for pharmaceuticals; Chemical substances for use in the production of drugs; Chemicals for use in the pharmaceutical industry; Reagents for medical research; Reagents for scientific or medical research use; Preservatives for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; Alkaloids for medical purposes; Reagents for use in analysis [for medical purposes]; Autonomic drugs for medical purposes; Biological adjuvants for medical purposes; Biochemical preparations for medical use; Biotechnological preparations for medical use; Capsules made of dendrimer-based polymers, for pharmaceuticals; Diagnostic substances for medical use; Diagnostic agents for medical use; Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the metabolic system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances with anti-inflammatory properties; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immune system related diseases and disorders; Immunoassay reagents for medical use; Adjuvants for medical purposes; Immunotherapeutic agents for bacterial infections; Injectable pharmaceuticals for treatment of anaphylactic reactions; Stem cells for medical purposes; Chemical adjuvants for medical purposes; Chemical reagents for medical use; Chemical preparations for medical purposes; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; Analgesics for medical use; Medical preparations; Medicinal preparations and substances; Medicinal preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases; Medicine; Preparations of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; Probiotic bacterial formulations for medical use; Mixed biological preparations for medical purposes; Anti-inflammatory preparations; Anti-inflammatories; Antibodies. Imaging apparatus; Imaging devices for scientific purposes; Computer software relating to the medical field; Artificial intelligence apparatus; Artificial intelligence software; Artificial intelligence software for healthcare. Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Automatic analyzers for medical diagnosis; Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical use; Nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging apparatus; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Electronic medical instruments; Immunoadsorption columns for therapeutic use; Immunological analysers; Immunological analysis equipment, equipment for the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases; Apparatus for echocardiography imaging; Medical imaging apparatus; Medical apparatus and instruments. Retail and wholesale services of pharmaceutical equipment, instruments, preparations and medical supplies; Providing advice relating to the marketing of chemical products; Compilation of statistical data relating to medical research; Retail services in relation to medical instruments; Wholesale services in relation to medical instruments; Retail services in relation to medical apparatus; Wholesale services in relation to medical apparatus; Compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; Compilation and input of information into computer databases; Data entry and data processing; Compilation of computer databases. Material treatment information; Processing of biopharmaceutical materials for others; Custom manufacture of biopharmaceuticals; Bioremediation services; Custom manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Modification of particles; Provision of information relating to chemical processing; Custom manufacture of medical devices for others; Microencapsulating services provided for others. Publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Courses (Training -) relating to medicine; Medical training and teaching; Advice relating to medical training; Publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Publishing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Conducting of educational seminars relating to medical matters; Publishing of medical publications; Provision of medical instruction courses; Publication of medical texts; Training in the field of medicine; Teaching in the field of medicine; Education services relating to medicine; Organization of seminars and conventions in the field of medicine. Biological research, clinical research and medical research; Biological research laboratory services; Biological development services; Preparation of biological samples for testing and analysis in research laboratories; Biomedical research services; Research relating to biotechnology; Consultancy relating to biotechnology; Biotechnology testing; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software; Research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy relating to research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy pertaining to pharmacology; Pharmaceutical products development; Pharmaceutical research and development; Conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical drug development services; Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; Services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; Testing of pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceutical product evaluation; Design of particles in the processing of pharmaceutical solids; Analysis of human serum for medical research; Preparation of immunohistological samples for analysis in research laboratories; Services of a chemical and/or biological laboratory; Clinical trials; Medical research; Provision of information and data relating to medical and veterinary research and development; Medical research laboratory services; Design and development of computer software for use with medical technology; Medical and pharmacological research services; Medical laboratory services; Providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; Design and development of medical technology; Medical research; Consultancy relating to pharmaceutical research and development; Drug discovery services; Inspection of pharmaceuticals; Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals; Research relating to molecular sciences; Providing on-line non-downloadable software for database management; Research and development of vaccines and medicines; Electronic storage services for archiving databases; Services for the provision of technological information; Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence; Expert opinion relating to technology; Platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [SaaS]; Providing information about industrial analysis and research services; Biotechnological research relating to industry; Information on the subject of scientific research in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology; Scientific research in the field of pharmacy; Scientific research conducted using databases; Providing science technology information; Clinical research; Scientific investigations for medical purposes; Design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data; Programming of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data; Providing information about the results of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Design and development of computer database programs; Consultancy relating to the design and development of computer database programs; Rental of a database server (to third parties); Installation, maintenance and updating of database software; Reconstruction of database systems for others; Design and development of software for database management; Database design and development; Maintenance of data bases; Hosting of databases; Hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; Writing of computer programs for medical applications; Computer programming in the medical field; Research and development for the pharmaceutical industry; Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; Research and development services in the field of immunology; Research and development services in the field of immunohistology; Research and development services in the field of antibodies; Research and development services in the field of antibody technology; Research in the field of artificial intelligence; Conducting early evaluations in the field of new pharmaceuticals; Software as a service [SaaS]. Consultancy and information services relating to biopharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical services; Provision of pharmaceutical information; Advisory services relating to pharmaceuticals; Analysis of human tissues for medical treatment; Analysis of human serum for medical treatment; Advice relating to immunology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Rental of apparatus and installations in the field of medical technology; Pharmacy advice; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical screening; Medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; Medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons provided by a medical laboratory; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis services; Medical evaluation services; Medical imaging services; Advisory services relating to medical problems; Preparation and dispensing of medications; Providing information relating to the preparation and dispensing of medications; Optical imaging for medical diagnostic use.


InFLAMES Solution is in Immunity

Application Number 018479442
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-26
Registration Date 2021-09-27
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use; Dendrimer-based polymers for use in the manufacture of capsules for pharmaceuticals; Chemical substances for use in the production of drugs; Chemicals for use in the pharmaceutical industry; Reagents for medical research; Reagents for scientific or medical research use; Preservatives for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; Alkaloids for medical purposes; Reagents for use in analysis [for medical purposes]; Autonomic drugs for medical purposes; Biological adjuvants for medical purposes; Biochemical preparations for medical use; Biotechnological preparations for medical use; Capsules made of dendrimer-based polymers, for pharmaceuticals; Diagnostic substances for medical use; Diagnostic agents for medical use; Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the metabolic system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances with anti-inflammatory properties; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immune system related diseases and disorders; Immunoassay reagents for medical use; Adjuvants for medical purposes; Immunotherapeutic agents for bacterial infections; Injectable pharmaceuticals for treatment of anaphylactic reactions; Stem cells for medical purposes; Chemical adjuvants for medical purposes; Chemical reagents for medical use; Chemical preparations for medical purposes; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; Analgesics for medical use; Medical preparations; Medicinal preparations and substances; Medicinal preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases; Medicine; Preparations of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; Probiotic bacterial formulations for medical use; Mixed biological preparations for medical purposes; Anti-inflammatory preparations; Anti-inflammatories; Antibodies. Imaging apparatus; Imaging devices for scientific purposes; Computer software relating to the medical field; Artificial intelligence apparatus; Artificial intelligence software; Artificial intelligence software for healthcare; All the aforesaid goods are intended only for medical and scientific research and are not intended to be used in relation to the following fields: Administration, Law, Taxation, Administrative duties, consultation, Business technology, Business management, Financial administration, insurance industries, real estate sector, Finance or Finances. Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Automatic analyzers for medical diagnosis; Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical use; Nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging apparatus; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Electronic medical instruments; Immunoadsorption columns for therapeutic use; Immunological analysers; Immunological analysers; Apparatus for the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases; Apparatus for echocardiography imaging; Medical imaging apparatus; Medical apparatus and instruments. Retail and wholesale services of pharmaceutical equipment, instruments, preparations and medical supplies; Compilation of statistical data relating to medical research; Retail services in relation to medical instruments; Wholesale services in relation to medical instruments; Retail services in relation to medical apparatus; Wholesale services in relation to medical apparatus; Compilation of information into computer databases in the medical field and Systemisation of information into computer databases in the medical field Only for medical and scientific purposes; Compilation and export of data into databases in the field of medicine, only for medical and scientific purposes; Data entry and data processing in relation to the following fields: Medicine, only for medical and scientific purposes; Compilation of computer databases in relation to the following fields: Medicine, only for medical and scientific purposes. Material treatment information; Processing of biopharmaceutical materials for others; Custom manufacture of biopharmaceuticals; Bioremediation services; Custom manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Modification of particles; Provision of information relating to chemical processing; Custom manufacture of medical devices for others; Microencapsulating services provided for others. Publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Courses (Training -) relating to medicine; Medical training and teaching; Advice relating to medical training; Publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Publishing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Conducting of educational seminars relating to medical matters; Publishing of medical publications; Provision of medical instruction courses; Publication of medical texts; Training in the field of medicine; Teaching in the field of medicine; Education services relating to medicine; Organization of seminars and conventions in the field of medicine. Biological research, clinical research and medical research; Biological research laboratory services; Biological development services; Preparation of biological samples for testing and analysis in research laboratories; Biomedical research services; Research relating to biotechnology; Consultancy relating to biotechnology; Biotechnology testing; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable online software for use in the fields of medicine and scientific research only; Research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy relating to research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy pertaining to pharmacology; Pharmaceutical products development; Pharmaceutical research and development; Conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical drug development services; Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; Services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; Testing of pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceutical product evaluation; Design of particles in the processing of pharmaceutical solids; Analysis of human serum for medical research; Preparation of immunohistological samples for analysis in research laboratories; Services of a chemical and/or biological laboratory; Clinical trials; Medical research; Provision of information and data relating to medical and veterinary research and development; Medical research laboratory services; Design and development of computer software for use with medical technology; Medical and pharmacological research services; Medical laboratory services; Providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; Design and development of medical technology; Medical research; Consultancy relating to pharmaceutical research and development; Drug discovery services; Inspection of pharmaceuticals; Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals; Research relating to molecular sciences; Research and development of vaccines and medicines; Electronic storage services for archiving databases in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Services for the provision of technological information in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Expert opinion relating to technology in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [SaaS] in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Providing information about industrial analysis and research services in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Biotechnological research relating to industry; Information on the subject of scientific research in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology; Scientific research in the field of pharmacy; Scientific research conducted using databases in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Providing science technology information in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Clinical research; Scientific investigations for medical purposes; Design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data for use only in medical and scientific research; Programming of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Providing information about the results of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Design and development of computer database programs in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Consultancy relating to the design and development of computer database programs in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Rental of a database server (to third parties) in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Installation of database software, Maintenance of database software and Updating of database software in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Reconstruction of database systems for others for use only in medical and scientific research; Design and development of software for database management in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Database design and development in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Maintenance of data bases in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Hosting of databases in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Writing of computer programs for medical applications in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research; Computer programming in the medical field; Research and development for the pharmaceutical industry; Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; Research and development services in the field of immunology; Research and development services in the field of immunohistology; Research and development services in the field of antibodies; Research and development services in the field of antibody technology; Research in the field of artificial intelligence for use only in medical and scientific research; Conducting early evaluations in the field of new pharmaceuticals; Software as a service [SaaS] in relation to the following fields: Only medical and scientific research. Consultancy and information services relating to biopharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical services; Provision of pharmaceutical information; Advisory services relating to pharmaceuticals; Analysis of human tissues for medical treatment; Analysis of human serum for medical treatment; Advice relating to immunology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Rental of apparatus and installations in the field of medical technology; Pharmacy advice; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical screening; Medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; Medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons provided by a medical laboratory; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis services; Medical evaluation services; Medical imaging services; Advisory services relating to medical problems; Preparation and dispensing of medications; Providing information relating to the preparation and dispensing of medications; Optical imaging for medical diagnostic use.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018479439
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-26
Registration Date 2021-09-11
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use; Dendrimer-based polymers for use in the manufacture of capsules for pharmaceuticals; Chemical substances for use in the production of drugs; Chemicals for use in the pharmaceutical industry; Reagents for medical research; Reagents for scientific or medical research use; Preservatives for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; Alkaloids for medical purposes; Reagents for use in analysis [for medical purposes]; Autonomic drugs for medical purposes; Biological adjuvants for medical purposes; Biochemical preparations for medical use; Biotechnological preparations for medical use; Capsules made of dendrimer-based polymers, for pharmaceuticals; Diagnostic substances for medical use; Diagnostic agents for medical use; Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the metabolic system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of autoimmune disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the immune system; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances with anti-inflammatory properties; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immune system related diseases and disorders; Immunoassay reagents for medical use; Adjuvants for medical purposes; Immunotherapeutic agents for bacterial infections; Injectable pharmaceuticals for treatment of anaphylactic reactions; Stem cells for medical purposes; Chemical adjuvants for medical purposes; Chemical reagents for medical use; Chemical preparations for medical purposes; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; Analgesics for medical use; Medical preparations; Medicinal preparations and substances; Medicinal preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases; Medicine; Preparations of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; Probiotic bacterial formulations for medical use; Mixed biological preparations for medical purposes; Anti-inflammatory preparations; Anti-inflammatories; Antibodies. Imaging apparatus; Imaging devices for scientific purposes; Computer software relating to the medical field; Artificial intelligence apparatus; Artificial intelligence software; Artificial intelligence software for healthcare. Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Apparatus for analysing substances [for medical use]; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Automatic analyzers for medical diagnosis; Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical use; Nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging apparatus; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Diagnostic testing instruments for use in immunoassay procedure [medical]; Electronic medical instruments; Immunoadsorption columns for therapeutic use; Immunological analysers; Immunological analysers; Apparatus for the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases; Apparatus for echocardiography imaging; Medical imaging apparatus; Medical apparatus and instruments. Retail and wholesale services of pharmaceutical equipment, instruments, preparations and medical supplies; Providing advice relating to the marketing of chemical products; Compilation of statistical data relating to medical research; Retail services in relation to medical instruments; Wholesale services in relation to medical instruments; Retail services in relation to medical apparatus; Wholesale services in relation to medical apparatus; Compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; Compilation and input of information into computer databases; Data entry and data processing; Compilation of computer databases. Material treatment information; Processing of biopharmaceutical materials for others; Custom manufacture of biopharmaceuticals; Bioremediation services; Custom manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Modification of particles; Provision of information relating to chemical processing; Custom manufacture of medical devices for others; Microencapsulating services provided for others. Publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Courses (Training -) relating to medicine; Medical training and teaching; Advice relating to medical training; Publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Publishing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; Conducting of educational seminars relating to medical matters; Publishing of medical publications; Provision of medical instruction courses; Publication of medical texts; Training in the field of medicine; Teaching in the field of medicine; Education services relating to medicine; Organization of seminars and conventions in the field of medicine. Biological research, clinical research and medical research; Biological research laboratory services; Biological development services; Preparation of biological samples for testing and analysis in research laboratories; Biomedical research services; Research relating to biotechnology; Consultancy relating to biotechnology; Biotechnology testing; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software; Research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy relating to research in the field of pharmacogenetics; Consultancy pertaining to pharmacology; Pharmaceutical products development; Pharmaceutical research and development; Conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical drug development services; Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; Services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; Testing of pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceutical product evaluation; Design of particles in the processing of pharmaceutical solids; Analysis of human serum for medical research; Preparation of immunohistological samples for analysis in research laboratories; Services of a chemical and/or biological laboratory; Clinical trials; Medical research; Provision of information and data relating to medical and veterinary research and development; Medical research laboratory services; Design and development of computer software for use with medical technology; Medical and pharmacological research services; Medical laboratory services; Providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; Design and development of medical technology; Medical research; Consultancy relating to pharmaceutical research and development; Drug discovery services; Inspection of pharmaceuticals; Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals; Research relating to molecular sciences; Providing on-line non-downloadable software for database management; Research and development of vaccines and medicines; Electronic storage services for archiving databases; Services for the provision of technological information; Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence; Expert opinion relating to technology; Platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [SaaS]; Providing information about industrial analysis and research services; Biotechnological research relating to industry; Information on the subject of scientific research in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology; Scientific research in the field of pharmacy; Scientific research conducted using databases; Providing science technology information; Clinical research; Scientific investigations for medical purposes; Design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data; Programming of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data; Providing information about the results of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; Design and development of computer database programs; Consultancy relating to the design and development of computer database programs; Rental of a database server (to third parties); Installation, maintenance and updating of database software; Reconstruction of database systems for others; Design and development of software for database management; Database design and development; Maintenance of data bases; Hosting of databases; Hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; Writing of computer programs for medical applications; Computer programming in the medical field; Research and development for the pharmaceutical industry; Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; Research and development services in the field of immunology; Research and development services in the field of immunohistology; Research and development services in the field of antibodies; Research and development services in the field of antibody technology; Research in the field of artificial intelligence; Conducting early evaluations in the field of new pharmaceuticals; Software as a service [SaaS]. Consultancy and information services relating to biopharmaceutical products; Pharmaceutical services; Provision of pharmaceutical information; Advisory services relating to pharmaceuticals; Analysis of human tissues for medical treatment; Analysis of human serum for medical treatment; Advice relating to immunology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Rental of apparatus and installations in the field of medical technology; Pharmacy advice; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical screening; Medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; Medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons provided by a medical laboratory; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis services; Medical evaluation services; Medical imaging services; Advisory services relating to medical problems; Preparation and dispensing of medications; Providing information relating to the preparation and dispensing of medications; Optical imaging for medical diagnostic use.


Means and methods for determining risk of type-1 diabetes by serum protein biomarkers

Application Number 17101693
Grant Number 12007391
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-11-23
First Publication Date 2021-03-18
Grant Date 2024-06-11
  • Moulder, Robert
  • Bhosale, Santosh
  • Goodlett, David
  • Lähdesmäki, Harri
  • Simell, Olli
  • Lahesmaa, Riitta


The present invention relates to methods for predicting a risk of a subject for Type 1 diabetes (T1D) on the basis of expression levels of protein markers in a sample obtained from the subject. The present invention also relates to in vitro kits for use in said methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 31/00 - Investigating or analysing non-biological materials by the use of the chemical methods specified in the subgroupsApparatus specially adapted for such methods
  • G01N 33/53 - ImmunoassayBiospecific binding assayMaterials therefor
  • G01N 33/564 - ImmunoassayBiospecific binding assayMaterials therefor for pre-existing immune complex or autoimmune disease
  • G01N 33/92 - Chemical analysis of biological material, e.g. blood, urineTesting involving biospecific ligand binding methodsImmunological testing involving lipids, e.g. cholesterol



Application Number 018360566
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-12-21
Registration Date 2022-10-06
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Sensory software; Electronic tags; Diagnostic apparatus for testing food; Food analysis apparatus; Personnel tracking devices; Facial recognition apparatus; Encoded loyalty cards; Temperature indicator labels, not for medical purposes; Software and applications for mobile devices; Wearable activity trackers; Speech recognition apparatus; Radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers; Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags; Computer application software for use with wearable computer devices; Computer software for the compilation of positioning data; Personal computers incorporating dietary aid computer software; Smartglasses. Bags for packaging made of biodegradable plastic; Bags for packaging made of biodegradable paper; Food wrappers; Airtight packaging of cardboard; Airtight packaging of paper; Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; Packaging materials made of recycled paper; Books; Food-wrapping paper; Brochures; Containers of card for packaging; Packaging materials made of cardboard; Printed promotional material; Printed leaflets; Printed questionnaires; Printed survey answer sheets; Printed packaging materials of paper; Printed research reports; Printed answer sheets; Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose; Packaging materials; Biodegradable paper pulp-based to-go containers for food; Bottle envelopes of paper or cardboard; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Computer software operating manuals. Advice on the analysis of consumer buying habits and needs provided with the help of sensory, quality and quantity-related data; Distribution of prospectuses and samples; Arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; Administration of loyalty and incentive schemes; Organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty schemes and incentive schemes; Loyalty, incentive and bonus program services; Providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; Providing market information in relation to consumer products; Business advisory services relating to the running of restaurants; Business advisory services relating to the setting up of restaurants; Business enquiries and investigations; Analysis of the public awareness of advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Dissemination of data relating to advertising; Consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; Consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies; Market analysis services relating to the sale of goods; Marketing studies; Advisory services relating to market research; Market opinion polling studies; Business advice relating to marketing; Conducting of marketing studies; Opinion polling; Marketing research in the fields of cosmetics, perfumery and beauty products; Promoting the goods and services of others by distributing coupons; Promoting the goods and services of others by means of a preferred customer program; Sales demonstration [for others]; Business advice relating to strategic marketing; Distribution of samples; Demonstration of goods; Promoting the goods and services of others through the distribution of discount cards; Business advisory services relating to product development; Consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; Evaluating the impact of advertising on audiences; Business and market research; Advisory services relating to corporate identity; Consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business. Food processing; Processing of foodstuffs for use in manufacture; Food and beverage treatment. Education services relating to the training of personnel in food technology; Training of personnel in food technology; Education services relating to food technology; Arranging of presentations for educational purposes; Online distance learning; Provision of education courses; Provision of training services for business; Provision of training services for industry; Conducting classes in weight control; Training relating to the restaurant industry; Education services relating to the provision of restaurant services; Conducting training courses relating to nutrition online; Provision of instruction relating to nutrition; Education services relating to nutrition; Conducting classes in nutrition; Teaching of diet education; Provision of educational services relating to diet; Conducting training courses relating to diet online; Health and wellness training; Training in catering; Provision of training courses in personal development; Personnel training; Further education; Training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; Arranging of displays for training purposes; Provision of training courses; Arranging of workshops and seminars; Training services relating to retail marketing; Staff training services relating to the retail trade; Wine tasting events for educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for educational purposes. Technical consultancy in relation to the technical research in the field of food and beverages; Professional advisory services relating to food technology; Food sanitation consultation; Inspection of foodstuffs; Testing of foodstuffs; Research of foodstuffs; Quality control; Product quality control testing; Design and development of software in the field of mobile applications; Quality control of raw materials; Testing of raw materials; Design of restaurants; Computerised food analysis services. Restaurant services; Food and drink catering; Food and drink catering; Consultancy services relating to food; Canteen services; Advice concerning cooking recipes. Advice relating to allergies; Providing information relating to dietary and nutritional guidance; Providing information about dietary supplements and nutrition; Weight reduction diet planning services; Professional consultancy relating to nutrition; Provision of information relating to nutrition; Dietician service; Dietary and nutritional advice; Diet planning and supervision; Dietary consultancy and advisory services; Providing nutritional information about food.



Application Number 018360174
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-12-21
Registration Date 2022-10-11
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Sensory software; Electronic tags; Diagnostic apparatus for testing food; Food analysis apparatus; Personnel tracking devices; Facial recognition apparatus; Encoded loyalty cards; Temperature indicator labels, not for medical purposes; Software and applications for mobile devices; Wearable activity trackers; Speech recognition apparatus; Radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers; Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags; Computer application software for use with wearable computer devices; Computer software for the compilation of positioning data; Personal computers incorporating dietary aid computer software; Smartglasses. Bags for packaging made of biodegradable plastic; Bags for packaging made of biodegradable paper; Food wrappers; Airtight packaging of cardboard; Airtight packaging of paper; Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; Packaging materials made of recycled paper; Books; Food-wrapping paper; Brochures; Containers of card for packaging; Packaging materials made of cardboard; Printed promotional material; Printed leaflets; Printed questionnaires; Printed survey answer sheets; Printed packaging materials of paper; Printed research reports; Printed answer sheets; Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose; Packaging materials; Biodegradable paper pulp-based to-go containers for food; Bottle envelopes of paper or cardboard; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Computer software operating manuals. Advice on the analysis of consumer buying habits and needs provided with the help of sensory, quality and quantity-related data; Distribution of prospectuses and samples; Arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; Administration of loyalty and incentive schemes; Organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty schemes and incentive schemes; Loyalty, incentive and bonus program services; Providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; Providing market information in relation to consumer products; Business advisory services relating to the running of restaurants; Business advisory services relating to the setting up of restaurants; Business enquiries and investigations; Analysis of the public awareness of advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Dissemination of data relating to advertising; Consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; Consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies; Market analysis services relating to the sale of goods; Marketing studies; Advisory services relating to market research; Market opinion polling studies; Business advice relating to marketing; Conducting of marketing studies; Opinion polling; Marketing research in the fields of cosmetics, perfumery and beauty products; Promoting the goods and services of others by distributing coupons; Promoting the goods and services of others by means of a preferred customer program; Sales demonstration [for others]; Business advice relating to strategic marketing; Distribution of samples; Demonstration of goods; Promoting the goods and services of others through the distribution of discount cards; Business advisory services relating to product development; Consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; Evaluating the impact of advertising on audiences; Business and market research; Advisory services relating to corporate identity; Consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business. Food processing; Processing of foodstuffs for use in manufacture; Food and beverage treatment. Education services relating to the training of personnel in food technology; Training of personnel in food technology; Education services relating to food technology; Arranging of presentations for educational purposes; Online distance learning; Provision of education courses; Provision of training services for business; Provision of training services for industry; Conducting classes in weight control; Training relating to the restaurant industry; Education services relating to the provision of restaurant services; Conducting training courses relating to nutrition online; Provision of instruction relating to nutrition; Education services relating to nutrition; Conducting classes in nutrition; Teaching of diet education; Provision of educational services relating to diet; Conducting training courses relating to diet online; Health and wellness training; Training in catering; Provision of training courses in personal development; Personnel training; Further education; Training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; Arranging of displays for training purposes; Provision of training courses; Arranging of workshops and seminars; Training services relating to retail marketing; Staff training services relating to the retail trade; Wine tasting events for educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for educational purposes. Technical consultancy in relation to the technical research in the field of food and beverages; Professional advisory services relating to food technology; Food sanitation consultation; Inspection of foodstuffs; Testing of foodstuffs; Research of foodstuffs; Quality control; Product quality control testing; Design and development of software in the field of mobile applications; Quality control of raw materials; Testing of raw materials; Design of restaurants; Computerised food analysis services. Restaurant services; Food and drink catering; Food and drink catering; Consultancy services relating to food; Canteen services; Advice concerning cooking recipes. Advice relating to allergies; Providing information relating to dietary and nutritional guidance; Providing information about dietary supplements and nutrition; Weight reduction diet planning services; Professional consultancy relating to nutrition; Provision of information relating to nutrition; Dietician service; Dietary and nutritional advice; Diet planning and supervision; Dietary consultancy and advisory services; Providing nutritional information about food.


CIP2A variant and uses thereof

Application Number 16765084
Grant Number 11680092
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-11-20
First Publication Date 2020-11-12
Grant Date 2023-06-20
  • Mäkelä, Eleonora
  • Westermarck, Jukka


The present invention relates to a novel cancer-associated biomarker and different applications and uses thereof. More specifically, the invention relates to a novel splice variant of CIP2A denoted as NOCIVA, as well as binding bodies such as probes, amplification primers, and antibodies specific for the same. Also provided are various methods for detecting and prognosing cancer on the basis of said splice variant, and a kit for use in said methods.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G01N 33/00 - Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by groups
  • C07K 14/82 - Translation products from oncogenes
  • C07K 16/18 - Immunoglobulins, e.g. monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies against material from animals or humans
  • C07K 16/30 - Immunoglobulins, e.g. monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies against material from animals or humans against receptors, cell surface antigens or cell surface determinants from tumour cells
  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer
  • G01N 33/574 - ImmunoassayBiospecific binding assayMaterials therefor for cancer



Document Number 03137092
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-22
Open to Public Date 2020-11-05
  • Yewale, Rahul Balu
  • Salomaki, Mikko
  • Damlin, Pia
  • Kvarnstrom, Carita


A method for fabricating a film comprising at least one polymer layer, formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, wherein the film is situated on at least one surface of a substrate, is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: a) forming an oxidant layer on a deposition surface by applying a solution comprising an oxidant on the deposition surface; b) forming a polymer layer formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, by exposing the deposition surface to at least azulene monomer vapour at a polymerization temperature of 20 95 °C under atmospheric pressure, wherein step a) precedes step b), and wherein, during step b), the temperature of the deposition surface differs from the polymerization temperature by 0 30 °C.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09D 5/24 - Electrically-conducting paints
  • C08F 32/08 - Homopolymers or copolymers of cyclic compounds having no unsaturated aliphatic radicals in a side chain, and having one or more carbon-to-carbon double bonds in a carbocyclic ring system having condensed rings
  • C08G 61/08 - Macromolecular compounds containing only carbon atoms in the main chain of the macromolecule, e.g. polyxylylenes only aliphatic carbon atoms prepared by ring-opening of carbocyclic compounds of carbocyclic compounds containing one or more carbon-to-carbon double bonds in the ring
  • C08G 61/10 - Macromolecular compounds containing only carbon atoms in the main chain of the macromolecule, e.g. polyxylylenes only aromatic carbon atoms, e.g. polyphenylenes
  • C08L 65/00 - Compositions of macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions forming a carbon-to-carbon link in the main chainCompositions of derivatives of such polymers
  • C09D 165/00 - Coating compositions based on macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions forming a carbon-to-carbon link in the main chainCoating compositions based on derivatives of such polymers
  • H01B 1/12 - Conductors or conductive bodies characterised by the conductive materialsSelection of materials as conductors mainly consisting of other non-metallic substances organic substances



Application Number FI2020050261
Publication Number 2020/221958
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-04-22
Publication Date 2020-11-05
  • Yewale, Rahul Balu
  • Salomäki, Mikko
  • Damlin, Pia
  • Kvarnström, Carita


A method for fabricating a film comprising at least one polymer layer, formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, wherein the film is situated on at least one surface of a substrate, is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: a) forming an oxidant layer on a deposition surface by applying a solution comprising an oxidant on the deposition surface; b) forming a polymer layer formed of polyazulene, or of a copolymer, wherein one of the monomers is azulene, or of any combination thereof, by exposing the deposition surface to at least azulene monomer vapour at a polymerization temperature of 20 – 95 °C under atmospheric pressure, wherein step a) precedes step b), and wherein, during step b), the temperature of the deposition surface differs from the polymerization temperature by 0 – 30 °C.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09D 5/24 - Electrically-conducting paints
  • C08F 32/08 - Homopolymers or copolymers of cyclic compounds having no unsaturated aliphatic radicals in a side chain, and having one or more carbon-to-carbon double bonds in a carbocyclic ring system having condensed rings
  • C08G 61/08 - Macromolecular compounds containing only carbon atoms in the main chain of the macromolecule, e.g. polyxylylenes only aliphatic carbon atoms prepared by ring-opening of carbocyclic compounds of carbocyclic compounds containing one or more carbon-to-carbon double bonds in the ring
  • H01B 1/12 - Conductors or conductive bodies characterised by the conductive materialsSelection of materials as conductors mainly consisting of other non-metallic substances organic substances
  • C08L 65/00 - Compositions of macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions forming a carbon-to-carbon link in the main chainCompositions of derivatives of such polymers
  • C09D 165/00 - Coating compositions based on macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions forming a carbon-to-carbon link in the main chainCoating compositions based on derivatives of such polymers
  • C08G 61/10 - Macromolecular compounds containing only carbon atoms in the main chain of the macromolecule, e.g. polyxylylenes only aromatic carbon atoms, e.g. polyphenylenes



Document Number 03137996
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-23
Open to Public Date 2020-10-29
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtio, Juha-Pekka
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Lahti, Antti
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure (100), comprising a crystalline silicon substrate (110), having a surface (111), and a crystalline silicon oxide superstructure (120) on the surface (111) of the silicon substrate (110), the silicon oxide superstructure (120) having a thickness of at least two molecular layers and a (1 x 1) plane structure using Wood's notation.10.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Application Number FI2020050265
Publication Number 2020/216992
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-04-23
Publication Date 2020-10-29
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka
  • Jahanshah Rad, Zahra
  • Kuzmin, Mikhai
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Lahti, Antti
  • Kokko, Kalevi


This disclosure relates to a semiconductor structure (100), comprising a crystalline silicon substrate (110), having a surface (111), and a crystalline silicon oxide superstructure (120) on the surface (111) of the silicon substrate (110), the silicon oxide superstructure (120) having a thickness of at least two molecular layers and a (1 x 1) plane structure using Wood's notation.10.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof



Application Number FI2020050257
Publication Number 2020/212650
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-04-17
Publication Date 2020-10-22
  • Mäkelä, Eleonora
  • Westermarck, Jukka


The present invention relates to biomarkers, namely NOCIVA and ARPP19, for use in predicting response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in subjects with haematological cancers, such as CML or AML. Use of said biomarkers for related purposes is also envisaged. Moreover, said biomarkers not only facilitate disease management of subjects with haematological cancers but could also be employed in clinical trials of drug candidates.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer


INVEST #NewWelfareState

Application Number 018323116
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-10-19
Registration Date 2021-03-30
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

3D animation software; Sensory software; Animation software; Customer relation management [CRM] software; Audiovisual teaching apparatus; Computer programmes stored in digital form; Digital recording media; Electronic publications, downloadable; Software for GPS navigation systems; Graphical user interface software; Integrated software packages; Interactive databases; Software downloadable from the internet; Computer software downloaded from the internet; Internet access software; Home automation software; Machine learning software; Educational computer applications; Educational mobile applications; Educational software; Downloadable publications; Downloadable mobile applications for the transmission of information; Downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; Downloadable software applications; Downloadable application software for smart phones; Computer software applications, downloadable; Downloadable computer software for remote monitoring and analysis; Augmented reality software; Augmented reality software for simulation; Augmented reality software for education; Augmented reality software for use in mobile devices; Augmented reality software for creating maps; Augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments; Computer software relating to the medical field; Computer software for mobile phones; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Mobile apps; Software; Software and applications for mobile devices; Application software for mobile phones; Software for smartphones; Conference software; Software for online messaging; Software suites; Computer software for biometric systems for the identification and authentication of persons; Facial analysis software; Software for the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of Big Data; Software converters of natural language into machine executable commands; Software programs for video games; Student software; Software for searching and retrieving information across a computer network; Virtual classroom software; Teacher software; Software for optical character recognition; Threat detection software; Software for electronic driving assistance systems; Software to control building environmental, access and security systems; Software for monitoring, analysing, controlling and running physical world operations; Teaching apparatus; Education software; Computer gaming software; Cloud server software; Decision-making software; Social software; Embedded software; E-books; Software for tablet computers; Artificial intelligence and machine learning software; Data storage devices; Science software; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Computer software, recorded; Computer programs for interactive games and/or quiz games; Software; Computer software to enable the provision of information via the Internet; Computer software for business purposes; Personal computers incorporating dietary aid computer software; Computer programs for project management; Video editing software; Computer software for the control of lighting; Computer software for database management; Computer programs for video and computer games; Computer programs for the enabling of access or entrance control; Games software; Computer programs for editing images, sound and video; Computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer games relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Workflow management system software; Training manuals in the form of a computer program; Training software; Parental control software; Video recordings; Communication, networking and social networking software; Communication software; Software for virtual reality cinema; Virtual and augmented reality software; Interactive software; Interactive video software; Programs for smartphones; Sound records. Periodicals; Activity books; Fantasy books; Series of fiction books; Workbooks containing exercises; Exercise books; Printed publications; Books; Books in the fields of games and gaming; Bond paper; Writing and stamping implements; Textbooks; Printed matter relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying, namely books, booklets, forms, publications, posters; Picture cards; Pens; Manuals [handbooks]; Manuals [handbooks]; Children's activity books; Children's storybooks; Books for children; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Guide books; Manuals for instructional purposes; Educational and instructional material; Educational publications; Educational books; Educational equipment; Study guides; Textbooks; Printed training materials; Printed books in the field of music education; Printed teaching materials; Printed teaching activity guides; Printed informational folders; Printed research reports; Printed matter; Printed matter for instructional purposes; Stationery and educational supplies; Drawing books; Pop-up books; Rule books; Rule books for playing games; Computer game instruction manuals; Information books; Informational sheets; Children's books incorporating an audio component. Outsourcing services in the field of business operations; Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging service contracts for others; Professional consultancy relating to personnel management; Estimations for marketing purposes; Business appraisals; Document preparation; Assistance with business planning; Business management assistance; Document reproduction; Advisory services relating to electronic data processing; Confirming scheduled appointments for others; Handbill distribution; Interviewing services [for personnel recruitment]; Project studies for businesses; Arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; Management advice relating to the placing of staff; Consultancy and advisory services relating to personnel management; Personnel selection [for others]; Human resources consultancy; Business information; Consultancy relating to management selection; Management advice; Advisory services (Business -) relating to the management of public sector businesses; Business advice relating to growth financing; Advisory services for business management; Evaluations relating to commercial matters; Provision of commercial information; Management and operation assistance to commercial businesses; Advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; Arranging of commercial and business contacts; Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; Consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; Affiliate marketing; Cost benefit analysis; Cost assessment services; Provision of on-line business and commercial information; Expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; Business advisory and information services; Development of concepts for business economy; Business administration consultancy; Business appraisal consultancy; Consultations relating to business promotion; Business promotion; Business consultancy and advisory services; Advisory services and information in business organization and management; Advice relating to the organisation and management of business; Advisory services relating to business risk management; Business strategy and planning services; Efficiency experts; Business expertise services; Business networking services; Evaluation of business opportunities; Business project management; Consultancy services regarding business strategies; Analysis of business trends; Business management; Advertising; Consultancy relating to advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Advertising services to promote public awareness of social issues; Advertising services to promote public awareness in the field of social welfare; Market analysis reports; Market analysis; Marketing studies; Development of marketing strategies and concepts; Planning of marketing strategies; Development and implementation of marketing strategies for others; Market segmentation consultation; Media relations services; Advice relating to marketing management; Marketing consulting; Marketing advice; Professional consultancy relating to marketing; Opinion polling; Advisory services relating to the corporate structure of businesses; Online advertising on a computer network; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services; Personality testing for recruitment purposes; Psychological testing for the selection of personnel; Psychometric testing for the selection of personnel; Procurement of contracts [for others]; Strategic business planning; Public relations services; Public relations consultancy; Public relations consultancy; Conducting studies in the field of public relations; Public relations consultancy; Efficiency experts; Word processing; Assistance to industrial or commercial enterprises in the running of their business; Help in the management of business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; Data search in computer files for others; Collecting information for business; Compilation of information into computer databases; Data processing for the collection of data for business purposes; Systemization of information into computer databases; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Computerized file management; Compilation of statistics; Office functions; Wholesale and retail services for the benefit of others also by mail and by communication media, including the internet, relating to books and computer programs; Career placement consulting services; Career networking services; Consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; Information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; Information services relating to businesses; Information in business matters; Business administration; Assistance and advice regarding business management; Advisory services relating to corporate identity; Corporate image development consultation; Business advisory and information services; Business strategy services; Business strategy development services; Business planning services; Business efficiency expert services; Business assistance, management and administrative services; Business research and advisory services; Business research and information services. Publication of periodicals and books in electronic form; Adult training; Academic examination services; Academic mentoring of school age children; Publication of documents in the field of training, science, public law and social affairs; Electronic library services; Provision of electronic publications (not downloadable); Electronic desktop publishing; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Publication of prospectuses; Arranging of presentations for educational purposes; Arranging of demonstrations for training purposes; Organising of shows for educational purposes; Teaching; Personnel training; Educational services provided by institutes of further education; Management education services; Publication of texts, other than publicity texts; Providing publications from a global computer network or the internet which may be browsed; Publishing and reporting; Educational instruction; Arranging and conducting of colloquiums; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Lending library services; Library services related to documents stored and retrieved by electronic means; Library services related to data stored and retrieved by electronic means; Arranging of conventions for training purposes; Arranging and conducting conferences and seminars; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Organisation of congresses and conferences for cultural and educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of congresses; Educational services provided by institutes of higher education; Educational services provided by schools; organization of training days, seminars and competitions relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; educational services relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; Pedagogical services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; Educational examination; Organisation of training; Teaching; Education and instruction; Provision of training courses; Courses (Training -) relating to finance; Courses (Training -) relating to management; Courses (Training -) relating to research and development; Publication of instructional literature; Development of educational materials; Provision of training services for business; Provision of training services for industry; Training; Education services relating to commerce; Education services relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Education services relating to the development of childrens' mental faculties; Education services relating to the development of childrens' intellectual faculties; Arranging and conducting of training seminars; Organisation of educational events; Arranging and conducting of educational events; Information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Provision of educational information; Business training services; Business training consultancy services; Training in business skills; Training services relating to management consultancy; Production of course material distributed at management lectures; Arranging of lectures; Arranging and conducting of lectures; Publishing of medical publications; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; Education information; Induction training relating to the curriculum for the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Educational examination services (Information relating to -); Political debate training and coaching; Political speech training and coaching; Political speech writing; Adult education services relating to finance; Training services relating to finance; Provision of instruction courses in finance; Publishing a newspaper for customers on the Internet; Arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops; Arranging and conducting of seminars; Instruction in social graces; Arranging and conducting of symposiums; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Educational services provided to industry; Health and wellness training; Services for the publication of newsletters; Tutoring; Practical training [demonstration]; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Coaching [training]; Coaching in economic and management matters; Training for parents in parenting skills; Training for parents in the organisation of parent support groups; Publishing of web magazines; Providing information about online education; Providing online courses of instruction; Educating at university or colleges; Higher education services; Conducting of courses relating to business administration; Consultation services relating to business education; Teaching services relating to business assistance; Business training services; Education services relating to business training; Organising of business training. Electronic data storage; Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS]; information technological services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; Business digitalisation; Design and development of mobile services; Development of software for data processing and for the processing and distribution of multimedia content; Updating of computer software; Design of games; Platform as a service [PaaS]; Design services; Online data storage; Electronic storage of files and documents; Scientific research and development; Scientific research in the field of social medicine; Scientific risk assessment; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Preparation of reports relating to scientific research; Compilation of scientific information; Science and technology services; Scientific research services; Conducting of scientific studies; Providing scientific information in the field of medical disorders and their treatment; Scientific services and design relating thereto; Conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; Information system integration; Design, development, programming and implementation of computer hardware and software; Development and testing of computing methods, algorithms and software; Rental of computer software; Computer programming for industrial and commercial analysis and reporting; Advisory services relating to computer based information systems; Creating and maintaining web sites for others; Research and development of new products for others; Research and development services; Hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software; designing, managing and maintaining of websites for others; Web site design consultancy; Digitalization of sound and images. Professional consultancy relating to health care; Professional consultancy relating to health; Outpatient and inpatient care services; Providing information relating to dietary and nutritional guidance; DNA screening for medical purposes; Emergency medical assistance; Telemedicine services; Telemedicine services; Geriatric nursing; Consultancy services relating to personal behaviour; Psychological counseling of staff; Nursing home services; Rental of equipment for human healthcare; Consultancy relating to integral psychology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Public health counseling; Residential medical treatment services; Residential medical advice services; Home health care services; Psychological services relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Provision of information relating to behavioural modification; Behavioural analysis for medical purposes; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical information; Providing medical information in the healthcare sector; Providing medical information in the field of geriatrics; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of persons; Medical diagnostic services; Medical care; Medical health assessment services; Medical information; Counselling relating to the psychological relief of medical ailments; Counselling relating to the psychological treatment of medical ailments; Medical services; Medical assistance consultancy provided by doctors and other specialized medical personnel; Physician services; Mental health services; Personality assessment services [mental health services]; Personality testing for psychological purposes; Monitoring of patients; Psychiatric consultation; Psychiatric services; Provision of information relating to psychology; Psychological treatment; Psychological counseling; Psychological testing services; Psychological examination; Services of a psychologist; Psychological assessment and examination services; Conducting of psychological assessments and examination; Preparation of psychological reports; Psychotherapists' services; Psychological therapy for infants; Psychotherapy services; Nursing services; Information services relating to health care; Preparation of reports relating to health care matters; Consulting services relating to health care; Human healthcare services; Providing health care information by telephone; Health counselling; Health risk assessment surveys; Health advice and information services; Providing health information; Individual and group psychology services; Voice and speech therapy services. Consultancy relating to intellectual property management; Licensing of intellectual property and copyright; Copyright (Professional advisory services relating to -); Consulting in the field of personal relationships; Mentoring [spiritual]; Counselling relating to spiritual direction; Provision of emotional support to families; Providing information on issues concerning human rights; Personal background investigations; Management of intellectual property; Licensing of intellectual property; Advisory services relating to intellectual property licensing; Advisory services relating to intellectual property protection; Enforcement of intellectual property rights; Investigations in relation to intellectual property; Advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; Professional advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; Intellectual property consultancy; Intellectual property consultancy services for universities and research institutions; Legal administration of licences; Information, advisory and consultancy services relating to legal matters; Online social networking services; Political information services; Copyright and industrial property rights management; Management of copyright and industrial property rights for others; Management and exploitation of copyright and industrial property rights by licensing for others; Licensing of intellectual property; Consultancy relating to industrial property rights; Industrial property consultancy; Consultancy relating to the protection of industrial designs; Providing information in the field of intellectual property; Domain name advisory services; Consultancy relating to the registration of domain names.


INVEST #NewWelfareState

Application Number 018323127
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-10-19
Registration Date 2021-03-31
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

3D animation software; Sensory software; Animation software; Customer relation management [CRM] software; Audiovisual teaching apparatus; Computer programmes stored in digital form; Digital recording media; Electronic publications, downloadable; Software for GPS navigation systems; Graphical user interface software; Integrated software packages; Interactive databases; Software downloadable from the internet; Computer software downloaded from the internet; Internet access software; Home automation software; Machine learning software; Educational computer applications; Educational mobile applications; Educational software; Downloadable publications; Downloadable mobile applications for the transmission of information; Downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; Downloadable software applications; Downloadable application software for smart phones; Computer software applications, downloadable; Downloadable computer software for remote monitoring and analysis; Augmented reality software; Augmented reality software for simulation; Augmented reality software for education; Augmented reality software for use in mobile devices; Augmented reality software for creating maps; Augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments; Computer software relating to the medical field; Computer software for mobile phones; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Mobile apps; Software; Software and applications for mobile devices; Application software for mobile phones; Software for smartphones; Conference software; Software for online messaging; Software suites; Computer software for biometric systems for the identification and authentication of persons; Facial analysis software; Software for the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of Big Data; Software converters of natural language into machine executable commands; Software programs for video games; Student software; Software for searching and retrieving information across a computer network; Virtual classroom software; Teacher software; Software for optical character recognition; Threat detection software; Software for electronic driving assistance systems; Software to control building environmental, access and security systems; Software for monitoring, analysing, controlling and running physical world operations; Teaching apparatus; Education software; Computer gaming software; Cloud server software; Decision-making software; Social software; Embedded software; E-books; Software for tablet computers; Artificial intelligence and machine learning software; Data storage devices; Science software; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Computer software, recorded; Computer programs for interactive games and/or quiz games; Software; Computer software to enable the provision of information via the Internet; Computer software for business purposes; Personal computers incorporating dietary aid computer software; Computer programs for project management; Video editing software; Computer software for the control of lighting; Computer software for database management; Computer programs for video and computer games; Computer programs for the enabling of access or entrance control; Games software; Computer programs for editing images, sound and video; Computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer games relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Workflow management system software; Training manuals in the form of a computer program; Training software; Parental control software; Video recordings; Communication, networking and social networking software; Communication software; Software for virtual reality cinema; Virtual and augmented reality software; Interactive software; Interactive video software; Programs for smartphones; Sound records. Periodicals; Activity books; Fantasy books; Series of fiction books; Workbooks containing exercises; Exercise books; Printed publications; Books; Books in the fields of games and gaming; Bond paper; Writing and stamping implements; Textbooks; Printed matter relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying, namely books, booklets, forms, publications, posters; Picture cards; Pens; Manuals [handbooks]; Manuals [handbooks]; Children's activity books; Children's storybooks; Books for children; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Guide books; Manuals for instructional purposes; Educational and instructional material; Educational publications; Educational books; Educational equipment; Study guides; Textbooks; Printed training materials; Printed books in the field of music education; Printed teaching materials; Printed teaching activity guides; Printed informational folders; Printed research reports; Printed matter; Printed matter for instructional purposes; Stationery and educational supplies; Drawing books; Pop-up books; Rule books; Rule books for playing games; Computer game instruction manuals; Information books; Informational sheets; Children's books incorporating an audio component. Outsourcing services in the field of business operations; Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging service contracts for others; Professional consultancy relating to personnel management; Estimations for marketing purposes; Business appraisals; Document preparation; Assistance with business planning; Business management assistance; Document reproduction; Advisory services relating to electronic data processing; Confirming scheduled appointments for others; Handbill distribution; Interviewing services [for personnel recruitment]; Project studies for businesses; Arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; Management advice relating to the placing of staff; Consultancy and advisory services relating to personnel management; Personnel selection [for others]; Human resources consultancy; Business information; Consultancy relating to management selection; Management advice; Advisory services (Business -) relating to the management of public sector businesses; Business advice relating to growth financing; Advisory services for business management; Evaluations relating to commercial matters; Provision of commercial information; Management and operation assistance to commercial businesses; Advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; Arranging of commercial and business contacts; Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; Consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; Affiliate marketing; Cost benefit analysis; Cost assessment services; Provision of on-line business and commercial information; Expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; Business advisory and information services; Development of concepts for business economy; Business administration consultancy; Business appraisal consultancy; Consultations relating to business promotion; Business promotion; Business consultancy and advisory services; Advisory services and information in business organization and management; Advice relating to the organisation and management of business; Advisory services relating to business risk management; Business strategy and planning services; Efficiency experts; Business expertise services; Business networking services; Evaluation of business opportunities; Business project management; Consultancy services regarding business strategies; Analysis of business trends; Business management; Advertising; Consultancy relating to advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Advertising services to promote public awareness of social issues; Advertising services to promote public awareness in the field of social welfare; Market analysis reports; Market analysis; Marketing studies; Development of marketing strategies and concepts; Planning of marketing strategies; Development and implementation of marketing strategies for others; Market segmentation consultation; Media relations services; Advice relating to marketing management; Marketing consulting; Marketing advice; Professional consultancy relating to marketing; Opinion polling; Advisory services relating to the corporate structure of businesses; Online advertising on a computer network; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services; Personality testing for recruitment purposes; Psychological testing for the selection of personnel; Psychometric testing for the selection of personnel; Procurement of contracts [for others]; Strategic business planning; Public relations services; Public relations consultancy; Public relations consultancy; Conducting studies in the field of public relations; Public relations consultancy; Efficiency experts; Word processing; Assistance to industrial or commercial enterprises in the running of their business; Help in the management of business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; Data search in computer files for others; Collecting information for business; Compilation of information into computer databases; Data processing for the collection of data for business purposes; Systemization of information into computer databases; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Computerized file management; Compilation of statistics; Office functions; Wholesale and retail services for the benefit of others also by mail and by communication media, including the internet, relating to books and computer programs; Career placement consulting services; Career networking services; Consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; Information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; Information services relating to businesses; Information in business matters; Business administration; Assistance and advice regarding business management; Advisory services relating to corporate identity; Corporate image development consultation; Business advisory and information services; Business strategy services; Business strategy development services; Business planning services; Business efficiency expert services; Business assistance, management and administrative services; Business research and advisory services; Business research and information services. Publication of periodicals and books in electronic form; Adult training; Academic examination services; Academic mentoring of school age children; Publication of documents in the field of training, science, public law and social affairs; Electronic library services; Provision of electronic publications (not downloadable); Electronic desktop publishing; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Publication of prospectuses; Arranging of presentations for educational purposes; Arranging of demonstrations for training purposes; Organising of shows for educational purposes; Teaching; Personnel training; Educational services provided by institutes of further education; Management education services; Publication of texts, other than publicity texts; Providing publications from a global computer network or the internet which may be browsed; Publishing and reporting; Educational instruction; Arranging and conducting of colloquiums; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Lending library services; Library services related to documents stored and retrieved by electronic means; Library services related to data stored and retrieved by electronic means; Arranging of conventions for training purposes; Arranging and conducting conferences and seminars; Organisation of conferences and symposia in the field of medical science; Organisation of congresses and conferences for cultural and educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of congresses; Educational services provided by institutes of higher education; Educational services provided by schools; organization of training days, seminars and competitions relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; educational services relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; Pedagogical services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; Educational examination; Organisation of training; Teaching; Education and instruction; Provision of training courses; Courses (Training -) relating to finance; Courses (Training -) relating to management; Courses (Training -) relating to research and development; Publication of instructional literature; Development of educational materials; Provision of training services for business; Provision of training services for industry; Training; Education services relating to commerce; Education services relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Education services relating to the development of childrens' mental faculties; Education services relating to the development of childrens' intellectual faculties; Arranging and conducting of training seminars; Organisation of educational events; Arranging and conducting of educational events; Information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Provision of educational information; Business training services; Business training consultancy services; Training in business skills; Training services relating to management consultancy; Production of course material distributed at management lectures; Arranging of lectures; Arranging and conducting of lectures; Publishing of medical publications; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; Education information; Induction training relating to the curriculum for the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Educational examination services (Information relating to -); Political debate training and coaching; Political speech training and coaching; Political speech writing; Adult education services relating to finance; Training services relating to finance; Provision of instruction courses in finance; Publishing a newspaper for customers on the Internet; Arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops; Arranging and conducting of seminars; Instruction in social graces; Arranging and conducting of symposiums; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Educational services provided to industry; Health and wellness training; Services for the publication of newsletters; Tutoring; Practical training [demonstration]; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Coaching [training]; Coaching in economic and management matters; Training for parents in parenting skills; Training for parents in the organisation of parent support groups; Publishing of web magazines; Providing information about online education; Providing online courses of instruction; Educating at university or colleges; Higher education services; Conducting of courses relating to business administration; Consultation services relating to business education; Teaching services relating to business assistance; Business training services; Education services relating to business training; Organising of business training. Electronic data storage; Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS]; information technological services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; Business digitalisation; Design and development of mobile services; Development of software for data processing and for the processing and distribution of multimedia content; Updating of computer software; Design of games; Platform as a service [PaaS]; Design services; Online data storage; Electronic storage of files and documents; Scientific research and development; Scientific research in the field of social medicine; Scientific risk assessment; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Preparation of reports relating to scientific research; Compilation of scientific information; Science and technology services; Scientific research services; Conducting of scientific studies; Providing scientific information in the field of medical disorders and their treatment; Scientific services and design relating thereto; Conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; Information system integration; Design, development, programming and implementation of computer hardware and software; Development and testing of computing methods, algorithms and software; Rental of computer software; Computer programming for industrial and commercial analysis and reporting; Advisory services relating to computer based information systems; Creating and maintaining web sites for others; Research and development of new products for others; Research and development services; Hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software; designing, managing and maintaining of websites for others; Web site design consultancy; Digitalization of sound and images. Professional consultancy relating to health care; Professional consultancy relating to health; Outpatient and inpatient care services; Providing information relating to dietary and nutritional guidance; DNA screening for medical purposes; Emergency medical assistance; Telemedicine services; Telemedicine services; Geriatric nursing; Consultancy services relating to personal behaviour; Psychological counseling of staff; Nursing home services; Rental of equipment for human healthcare; Consultancy relating to integral psychology; Medical information services provided via the Internet; Public health counseling; Residential medical treatment services; Residential medical advice services; Home health care services; Psychological services relating to the reduction and prevention of school bullying; Provision of information relating to behavioural modification; Behavioural analysis for medical purposes; Medical tele-reporting [medical services]; Medical counseling; Medical information; Providing medical information in the healthcare sector; Providing medical information in the field of geriatrics; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of persons; Medical diagnostic services; Medical care; Medical health assessment services; Medical information; Counselling relating to the psychological relief of medical ailments; Counselling relating to the psychological treatment of medical ailments; Medical services; Medical assistance consultancy provided by doctors and other specialized medical personnel; Physician services; Mental health services; Personality assessment services [mental health services]; Personality testing for psychological purposes; Monitoring of patients; Psychiatric consultation; Psychiatric services; Provision of information relating to psychology; Psychological treatment; Psychological counseling; Psychological testing services; Psychological examination; Services of a psychologist; Psychological assessment and examination services; Conducting of psychological assessments and examination; Preparation of psychological reports; Psychotherapists' services; Psychological therapy for infants; Psychotherapy services; Nursing services; Information services relating to health care; Preparation of reports relating to health care matters; Consulting services relating to health care; Human healthcare services; Providing health care information by telephone; Health counselling; Health risk assessment surveys; Health advice and information services; Providing health information; Individual and group psychology services; Voice and speech therapy services. Consultancy relating to intellectual property management; Licensing of intellectual property and copyright; Copyright (Professional advisory services relating to -); Consulting in the field of personal relationships; Mentoring [spiritual]; Counselling relating to spiritual direction; Provision of emotional support to families; Providing information on issues concerning human rights; Personal background investigations; Management of intellectual property; Licensing of intellectual property; Advisory services relating to intellectual property licensing; Advisory services relating to intellectual property protection; Enforcement of intellectual property rights; Investigations in relation to intellectual property; Advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; Professional advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; Intellectual property consultancy; Intellectual property consultancy services for universities and research institutions; Legal administration of licences; Information, advisory and consultancy services relating to legal matters; Online social networking services; Political information services; Copyright and industrial property rights management; Management of copyright and industrial property rights for others; Management and exploitation of copyright and industrial property rights by licensing for others; Licensing of intellectual property; Consultancy relating to industrial property rights; Industrial property consultancy; Consultancy relating to the protection of industrial designs; Providing information in the field of intellectual property; Domain name advisory services; Consultancy relating to the registration of domain names.



Document Number 03135366
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-04-02
Open to Public Date 2020-10-08
  • Daskalakis, Konstantinos
  • Torma, Paivi


The present invention relates to a white organic light emitting device (WOLED) comprising an electroluminescent material (ELM) and a Bragg converter disposed adjacent to the ELM. In addition, the invention also relates to a method for producing white light using said WOLED, use of the WOLED for producing white light, and a process for producing said WOLED.

IPC Classes  ?

  • H10K 50/13 - OLEDs or polymer light-emitting diodes [PLED] characterised by the electroluminescent [EL] layers specially adapted for multicolour light emission, e.g. for emitting white light comprising stacked EL layers within one EL unit
  • H01L 33/50 - Wavelength conversion elements
  • H10K 50/858 - Arrangements for extracting light from the devices comprising refractive means, e.g. lenses
  • H10K 71/00 - Manufacture or treatment specially adapted for the organic devices covered by this subclass


Luminescent material

Application Number 16852722
Grant Number 11034887
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-04-20
First Publication Date 2020-10-08
Grant Date 2021-06-15
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella


Further, the invention relates to a luminescent material, and to different medical imaging and diagnostic methods of using the material. Also disclosed is a method of securely identifying an item using the material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 11/67 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing refractory metals
  • G01T 1/06 - Glass dosimeters
  • C09K 11/77 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing rare earth metals
  • C09K 11/64 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing aluminium
  • H01L 33/50 - Wavelength conversion elements
  • C09K 9/00 - Tenebrescent materials, i.e. materials for which the range of wavelengths for energy absorption is changed as a result of excitation by some form of energy
  • G01T 1/16 - Measuring radiation intensity



Application Number FI2020050096
Publication Number 2020/174124
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-02-17
Publication Date 2020-09-03
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella


A lighting device for adjusting the color temperature of white light emitted by a luminescent material is disclosed. The lighting device comprises: a luminescent material configured to emit white light when being exposed to electromagnetic radiation of a preselected wavelength range; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a first wavelength range selected from the range of 230 -330 nm; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a second wavelength range, different from the first wavelength range, selected from the range of 300 – 600 nm; a metering unit configured to adjust the ratio of the irradiances of electromagnetic radiation of first wavelength range and of electromagnetic radiation of second wavelength range that is exposed on the luminescent material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 11/67 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing refractory metals
  • C09K 11/77 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing rare earth metals
  • H05B 33/14 - Light sources with substantially two-dimensional radiating surfaces characterised by the chemical or physical composition or the arrangement of the electroluminescent material



Document Number 03131303
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-02-17
Open to Public Date 2020-09-03
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella


A lighting device for adjusting the color temperature of white light emitted by a luminescent material is disclosed. The lighting device comprises: a luminescent material configured to emit white light when being exposed to electromagnetic radiation of a preselected wavelength range; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a first wavelength range selected from the range of 230 -330 nm; at least one excitation unit configured to expose the luminescent material to electromagnetic radiation of a second wavelength range, different from the first wavelength range, selected from the range of 300 600 nm; a metering unit configured to adjust the ratio of the irradiances of electromagnetic radiation of first wavelength range and of electromagnetic radiation of second wavelength range that is exposed on the luminescent material.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 11/67 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing refractory metals
  • C09K 11/77 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing rare earth metals
  • H05B 33/14 - Light sources with substantially two-dimensional radiating surfaces characterised by the chemical or physical composition or the arrangement of the electroluminescent material



Document Number 03126199
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-11-13
Open to Public Date 2020-07-16
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pankaala, Mikko
  • Koivisto, Tero


An apparatus for measuring functionality of an arterial system of an individual comprises a photoplethysmography sensor(101) for emitting, to the arterial system, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in the range from 475 nm to 600 nm and for receiving a part of the electromagnetic radiation reflected off the arterial system.The apparatus further comprises a pressure instrument (102) for managing mechanical pressure applied on the arterial system when the photoplethysmography sensor emits and receives the electromagnetic radiation to and from the arterial system. The effect of the mechanical pressure on the envelope of the reflected electromagnetic radiation can be used for determining diastolic blood pressure of arteries or for determining whether there is normal endothelial function.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds



Application Number FI2019050807
Publication Number 2020/144397
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-11-13
Publication Date 2020-07-16
  • Panula, Tuukka
  • Kaisti, Matti
  • Pänkäälä, Mikko
  • Koivisto, Tero


An apparatus for measuring functionality of an arterial system of an individual comprises a photoplethysmography sensor(101) for emitting, to the arterial system, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in the range from 475 nm to 600 nm and for receiving a part of the electromagnetic radiation reflected off the arterial system.The apparatus further comprises a pressure instrument (102) for managing mechanical pressure applied on the arterial system when the photoplethysmography sensor emits and receives the electromagnetic radiation to and from the arterial system. The effect of the mechanical pressure on the envelope of the reflected electromagnetic radiation can be used for determining diastolic blood pressure of arteries or for determining whether there is normal endothelial function.

IPC Classes  ?

  • A61B 5/024 - Measuring pulse rate or heart rate
  • A61B 5/022 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers
  • A61B 5/0225 - Measuring pressure in heart or blood vessels by applying pressure to close blood vessels, e.g. against the skinOphthaldynamometers the pressure being controlled by electric signals, e.g. derived from Korotkoff sounds
  • A61B 5/00 - Measuring for diagnostic purposes Identification of persons


Synthetic material for detecting ultraviolet radiation and/or X-radiation

Application Number 16704613
Grant Number 10941340
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-12-05
First Publication Date 2020-04-09
Grant Date 2021-03-09
  • Lastusaari, Mika
  • Norrbo, Isabella


Also disclosed is an ultraviolet radiation sensing material, an X-radiation sensing material, a device and a method for determining the intensity of ultraviolet radiation.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C09K 9/00 - Tenebrescent materials, i.e. materials for which the range of wavelengths for energy absorption is changed as a result of excitation by some form of energy
  • C09K 11/00 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials
  • G01T 1/16 - Measuring radiation intensity
  • G01T 1/06 - Glass dosimeters
  • C09K 11/77 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing rare earth metals
  • C09K 11/64 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing aluminium
  • C09K 11/67 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing refractory metals
  • C09K 11/66 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing germanium, tin or lead
  • C09K 11/62 - Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent, materials containing inorganic luminescent materials containing gallium, indium or thallium


Manufacturing of foreign oxide or foreign nitride on semiconductor

Application Number 16707090
Grant Number 11646193
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-12-09
First Publication Date 2020-04-09
Grant Date 2023-05-09
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Muhammad, Yasir
  • Tuominen, Marjukka
  • Dahl, Johnny
  • Tuominen, Veikko
  • Makela, Jaakko
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Kokko, Kalevi


A method for forming a foreign oxide or foreign nitride layer (6) on a substrate (1) of a semiconductor comprises providing a semiconductor substrate (1) having an oxidized or nitridized surface layer (3), supplying a foreign element (5) on the oxidized or nitridized surface layer; and keeping the oxidized or nitridized surface layer (3) at an elevated temperature so as to oxidize or nitridize at least partially the foreign element by the oxygen or nitrogen, respectively, initially present in the oxidized or nitridized surface layer (3).

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof


Silicon-on-insulator with crystalline silicon oxide

Application Number 16611413
Grant Number 11443977
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-30
First Publication Date 2020-04-02
Grant Date 2022-09-13
  • Laukkanen, Pekka
  • Kuzmin, Mikhail
  • Mäkelä, Jaakko
  • Tuominen, Marjukka
  • Punkkinen, Marko
  • Lahti, Antti
  • Kokko, Kalevi
  • Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka


o in the range of 0.1 to 1000 Langmuir; whereby a crystalline silicon oxide layer (204) with a thickness of at least two molecular layers is formed within the silicon substrate, between a crystalline silicon base layer (203) and a crystalline silicon top layer (205).

IPC Classes  ?

  • H01L 21/762 - Dielectric regions
  • H01L 21/02 - Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof
  • H01L 23/31 - Encapsulation, e.g. encapsulating layers, coatings characterised by the arrangement



Application Number 200649400
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-01-02
Registration Date 2022-10-12
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

(1) Life-saving instruments, namely, reflective attention safety vests relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying and teaching apparatus and instruments, namely, computers, keyboards, interactive electronic whiteboards and associated pens and pads used in conjunction with electronic whiteboards; blank magnetic data carriers, namely blank computer discs and prerecorded magnetic data carriers featuring computer game programs; blank recording discs, namely blank computer discs; computer software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying, namely, interactive multimedia software featuring audio and video information regarding the reduction and prevention of bullying; computer games relating to reduction and prevention of bullying (2) Printed matter relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying, namely books, booklets, forms, publications, posters; printed instructional and teaching material regarding prevention of school bullying (1) Education relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying, orientation training to teaching curriculum in the field of reduction and prevention of school bullying; providing of training in the field of reduction and prevention of school bullying; cultural activities; educational services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; pedagogical services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying (2) Design and development of computer hardware and software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; designing, managing and maintaining of websites for others; information technological services, namely troubleshooting and updating of computer software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying (3) Hygienic and beauty care for humans and animals, namely consultation in the field of personal hygiene care and beauty care treatments; psychologist services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying



Application Number 201030400
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-01-02
Registration Date 2022-10-12
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

(1) Reflective attention vests relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; blank recording disks, namely blank computer discs; computer software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying, namely, interactive multimedia software featuring audio and video information regarding the reduction and prevention of bullying; computer games relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying (2) Printed matter relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying, namely books, booklets, forms, publications, posters. (1) Education relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying, orientation training to teaching curriculum in the field of reduction and prevention of school bullying; organization of training days, seminars and competitions relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; educational services relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying; pedagogical services relating to reduction and prevention of bullying. (2) Design and development of computer hardware and software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying; designing, managing and maintaining of websites for others; information technological services, namely troubleshooting and updating of computer software relating to reduction and prevention of bullying (3) Psychologist services relating to reduction and prevention of school bullying.



Document Number 03099639
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-05-29
Open to Public Date 2019-12-05
  • Chakroborty, Deepankar
  • Reddy, Emani Maheswara
  • Elo, Laura
  • Lahesmaa, Riitta
  • Ristimaki, Ari
  • Haglund, Caj


The present invention relates to biomarkers, such as L1NE-1 type transposase domain containing 1 (L1TD1) as predictive prognostic markers of colon cancer. The invention also relates to a method of prognosing colon cancer, and to a kit for use in said method.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer



Application Number FI2019050416
Publication Number 2019/229302
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-05-29
Publication Date 2019-12-05
  • Chakroborty, Deepankar
  • Reddy, Emani Maheswara
  • Elo, Laura
  • Lahesmaa, Riitta
  • Ristimäki, Ari
  • Haglund, Caj


The present invention relates to biomarkers, such as L1NE-1 type transposase domain containing 1 (L1TD1) as predictive prognostic markers of colon cancer. The invention also relates to a method of prognosing colon cancer, and to a kit for use in said method.

IPC Classes  ?

  • C12Q 1/6886 - Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material for cancer



Application Number 018156627
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-11-22
Registration Date 2020-05-22
Owner Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Audiovisual teaching apparatus; Electronic publications, downloadable; Reflective safety vests; Reflecting discs for wear; Personal security alarms; Interactive databases; Digital books downloadable from the Internet; Software downloadable from the internet; Educational mobile applications; Educational computer applications; Educational software; Downloadable electronic reports; Downloadable educational media; Downloadable image files; Downloadable mobile applications for the transmission of information; Downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; Downloadable multimedia files; Computer software applications, downloadable; Downloadable educational course materials; Downloadable application software for smart phones; Electronic publications, downloadable, relating to games and gaming; Downloadable computer software for remote monitoring and analysis; Calculators; Children's educational software; Computer software concerned with children's education; Media content; Mobile apps; Memory sticks; Software; Software and applications for mobile devices; Software for online messaging; Teacher software; Student software; Education software; Social software; E-books; Interactive computer software enabling exchange of information; Computer software to enable the provision of information via the Internet; Computer application software featuring games and gaming; Computer application software for streaming audio-visual media content via the internet; Electronic publications recorded on computer media; Information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Training manuals in the form of a computer program; Parental control software; Web application and server software; Video recordings; Interactive software; Programs for smartphones; Audio recordings. Periodicals; Activity books; Printed publications; Books; Writing and stamping implements; Writing tablets; Writing materials; Bond paper; Writing instruments; Copybooks; Textbooks; School writing books; School supplies [stationery]; Pens; Children's slates; Children's activity books; Books for children; Blotters; Instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); Instructional manuals for teaching purposes; Manuals for instructional purposes; Educational and instructional material; Educational publications; Educational books; Educational equipment; Study guides; Flash cards; Textbooks; Printed training materials; Printed teaching materials; Printed lessons; Printed research reports; Printed matter; Printed matter for instructional purposes; Papier mâché; Stationery and educational supplies; Stationery; Rubber erasers; Informational sheets. Publication of periodicals and books in electronic form; Academic mentoring of school age children; Academic examination services; Primary education services; Specialisation training; Specialist courses; Pre-school education; Nursery schools; Providing courses of instruction at post-graduate level; Conducting distance learning instruction at the graduate level; Educational instruction; Club services [entertainment or education]; Summer camps [entertainment and education]; Organisation of competitions [education or entertainment]; Library services; Organisation of correspondence courses; Organisation of meetings and conferences; Conducting distance learning instruction at the college level; Providing self-study material relating to the well-being of schoolchildren; Providing of training; Education and training consultancy; Educational research; Provision of information relating to training; Educational assessment services; Educational advisory services; Provision of day-care [educational] units; Provision of training and education; Education and instruction; Development of educational courses and examinations; Publication of instructional literature; Development of educational materials; Training modules; Arranging teaching programmes; Education services relating to the development of childrens' mental faculties; Education services relating to the development of childrens' intellectual faculties; Arranging and conducting of training courses; Information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Provision of educational information; Education export, namely providing educational expertise to foreign individuals, companies or representatives of the public sector as educational and training services; Organisation of courses using self-tuition methods; Educational services provided for children; Education relating to science, research and technology for children and young people; Organisation of training days, seminars and competitions relating to science, research and technology for children and young people; Educational services provided for teachers of children; Training services for nannies; Development of child protection education; Arranging and conducting of lectures for educational purposes; Publishing of medical publications; Teacher training services; Organising of competitions for education; Provision of information and preparation of progress reports relating to education and training; Provision of educational entertainment services for children in after school centers; Education academy services; Tuition; Provision of education on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets; Production of educational sound and video recordings; Teaching assessments for counteracting learning difficulties; Publication of instructional literature; Arranging and conducting of educational courses; Provision of training courses; Provision of facilities for tuition; Educational materials or apparatus (Rental of -); Publication of educational teaching materials; Education information; organisation and staging of seminars; Instruction in social graces; Health and wellness training; Educational training services relating to science, research and technology; School courses relating to examination preparation; Organisation of examinations to grade level of achievement; Training for parents in parenting skills; Training for parents in the organisation of parent support groups; Publishing of web magazines; Providing online courses of instruction; Educational services provided by universities; Conducting distance learning instruction at the university level; Education services in the nature of courses at the university level. Development of child protection research; Natural science services; Medical and pharmacological research services; Platform as a Service [PaaS]; Conducting of scientific studies; Creating, designing and maintaining web sites; Software as a service [SaaS]; Science and technology services; Research relating to technology; Scientific services and design relating thereto; Software design and development; Design and development of computer hardware. Professional consultancy relating to health care; Telemedicine services; Consultancy services relating to personal behaviour; Consultancy relating to integral psychology; Public health counseling; Residential medical advice services; Provision of information relating to behavioural modification; Medical assistance consultancy provided by doctors and other specialized medical personnel; Tele-reporting (medical services); Medical counseling; Providing medical information in the healthcare sector; Medical information retrieval services; Providing medical information; Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons; Medical analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of persons; Medical health assessment services; Counselling relating to the psychological relief of medical ailments; Counselling relating to the psychological treatment of medical ailments; Mental health services; Providing mental rehabilitation facilities; Personality assessment services [mental health services]; Personality testing for psychological purposes; Personality testing [mental health services]; Monitoring of patients; Psychiatric consultation; Psychiatric services; Provision of information relating to psychology; Psychological treatment; Psychological counseling; Psychological testing services; Psychological examination; Psychologist (Services of a -); Providing psychological treatment; Psychological assessment and examination services; Conducting of psychological assessments and examination; Preparing psychological profiles; Preparation of psychological reports; Psychotherapists' services; Psychological therapy for infants; Psychotherapy services; Preparation of reports relating to health care matters; Consulting services relating to health care; Human healthcare services; Providing health care information by telephone; Advisory services relating to health; Health risk assessment surveys; Health advice and information services; Providing health information; Individual and group psychology services. Consulting in the field of personal relationships; Mentoring [spiritual]; Counselling relating to spiritual direction; Provison of emotional support to families; Providing information on issues concerning human rights; Personal background investigations.
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