Haver & Boecker OHG


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IPC Class
B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers 34
B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles 27
B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling 24
B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags 23
B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details 21
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NICE Class
07 - Machines and machine tools 54
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments 29
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design 25
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services 9
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal 7
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Pending 26
Registered / In Force 201
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Application Number 1837293
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-12-10
Registration Date 2024-12-10
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials

Goods & Services

Sacks; bags [sacks] for packaging materials in bulk, sacks for the storage of materials in bulk, sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; flexible intermediate bulk containers [sacks] for storing and transporting materials in bulk; packaging bags (sacks) of plastic for bulk storage and transport; packaging sacks for storing materials in bulk, packaging sacks for transporting materials in bulk; valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with closure for resealing; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting filling materials, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; open sacks; open sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack.



Application Number 019131999
Status Pending
Filing Date 2025-01-16
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Unternehmens- und Managementberatung im Bereich von Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Misch-, Lagerungs- und Versandleistungen, Sieb-, Filter- und Aufbereitungsprozessen, sowie im Bereich der Anwendung und Nutzung von Draht- Sieb- und Filtergeweben auch im Umweltschutz, sowie im Bereich La-bor- und Analyseprozesse; Organisationsberatung in Geschäftsangelegenheiten im Bereich der Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Misch-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufbereitungs-, Labor-, Analyse-, Lagerungs- und Versandindustrie, sowie im Bereich der Anwendung von Filtration im Umweltschutz; Management im Bereich der Organisation und Durchführung von Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Misch-, Lagerungs- und Versandprozessen, Sieb-, Filter- und Aufbereitungsprozessen sowie im Bereich der Anwendung und Nutzung von Draht- Sieb- und Filtergeweben, auch im Umweltschutz, sowie in Bezug auf Labor- und Analyseprozesse; Beratungsdienste in Fragen der Geschäftsführung; Organisation und Durchführung von Ausstellungen und von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Groß- und Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufbereitungs-, Misch-, Labor- und Analysemaschinen und deren Teile und Komponenten, sowie in Be-zug auf Draht- Sieb-, und Filtergewebe als Halbzeug und in der Weiterverarbeitung und Anwendung im Umweltschutz; kaufmännisches Projektmanagement in Bezug auf die Installation und den Betrieb von Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufberei-tungs-, Misch-, Labor- und Analysemaschinen; Datensammlung für Dritte; computergestützte Datenverwaltung; Dokumentation von Leistungsdaten von Maschinen und Anlagen (Administrative Datenverarbeitung); Unternehmensberatung im Bereich von digitaler Prozesssteuerung und Wartungskontrolle von Maschinen und Anlagen, auch über Cloud-Computing Systeme und über Internet of Things (IoT), sowie im Bereich Filtration, auch in Bezug auf den Umweltschutz; Online-Bestelldienste; Zurverfügungstellung von betriebswirtschaftlichen Informationen zu Online-Handelsverzeichnissen und Online-Datenbanken über Maschinendaten sowie Daten im Bereich Filterelemente und Filtergewebe; Online-Datenverarbeitung; administrative Datenverarbeitung; Zusammenstellung und Systematisierung von Datenbanken; Erstellung von Datensammlungen in Bezug auf Maschinen, Anlagen, sowie in Be-zug auf Filterelemente und Filtergewebe. Konfiguration, Installation, Wartung, Reparatur, Montage und Instandhaltung von Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufberei-tungs-, Misch-, Labor- und Analysemaschinen und deren Teilen und Komponenten; Montage, Wartung und Reparatur von Architekturgeweben für Fassaden-, und De-ckenverkleidungen, Sonnenschutz, Brüstungen; Konfiguration, Montage, Wartung und Reparatur von Sieb- und Filtergeweben, sowie von Filterelementen, auch im Bereich Umweltschutz. Telekommunikation mittels Plattformen im Internet; Bereitstellung des Zugriffs auf Inhalte, Webseiten und Internetportale; Bereitstellung von Benutzerzugängen zu Internet-Plattformen, insbesondere für Benutzer von Maschinen und technischen Anlagen, sowie im Bereich technischer Dienstleistungen, technischer Analyse und der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz technischer Produkte, Maschinen, sowie im Bereich der Analyse, Konfiguration und Entwicklung von Anwendungen der Filtrationen im Umweltschutzbereich; Bereitstellung des Zugriffs auf Online-Checklisten für Benutzer von technischen Anlagen und von Kunden im Bereich Filtration; Bereitstellung von Online-Foren; Telekommunikationsdienste zur Sammlung und Verarbeitung von Informationen, insbesondere über die technischen Daten, Inspektionszyklen, Fehlermeldungen und Fehleranalyse von Maschinen und Anlagen, sowie zur Entwicklung von individuellen technischen Lösungen für Kunden in Bezug auf Filtration, auch im Umweltschutzbereich; Verschaffung des Zugriffs auf Datenbanken; Bereitstellung von Online-Diensten zur Benutzung von Internet of Things (IoT) Dienstleistungen, nämlich Bereitstellung elektronischer Kommunikationsverbindungen für die interaktive Kommunikation zwischen Maschinen und Anlagen zu Datenverarbeitungsgeräten, sowie im Bereich Filtration, auch in Bezug auf den Umweltschutz; Verbindungsdienstleistungen für Datenbanken; Bereitstellung des Zugriffs auf Online-Kataloge über technische Dienstleistungen, Anlagen und deren Teile; Kommunikationsdienste zwischen Datenbanken. Luft- und Wasserbehandlung; Luft- und Wasserreinigung; Abwasseraufbereitung; Bekämpfung von Gerüchen; Kundenspezifische Fabrikations- und Anfertigungsdienstleistungen im Bereich Sieb- und Filtertechnik; Recycling von Müll und Abfall; Abfallverarbeitung [Umwandlung]; Sortierung von Müll und wiederverwertbaren Stoffen; Bearbeitung und Veredelung von Metall; Bereitstellung von Auskünften über Materialbearbeitung; Beratung in Bezug auf die Auslegung und den Betrieb von Anlagen und Installationen in den Bereichen Energie, Umweltschutz, CO2-Capturing, CO2 Filtration, CO2-Abscheidung, elektromagnetische Abschirmungen, Brennstoffzellen, Wasserstofftechnik, Photovoltaik und Erdwärme; Beratung in Bezug auf Abfallrecycling; Beratung in Bezug auf Abfallvernichtung; Verarbeitung von recycelbaren Materialien; Bodenbehandlungsdienste (Umweltsanierung); Boden-, Abfall- und Wasserbehandlungsdienste (Umweltsanierungsdienste); Beratung in Bezug auf Filtration von Feststoffen, Gasen und Flüssigkeiten sowie im Bereich der Anwendung von Filterelementen und Filtergeweben, auch in komplexen Bereichen der Filtration im Umweltschutz. Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Seminaren, Lehrgängen, Kongressen und Workshops für die Erwachsenenbildung, auch online; Durchführung von Fachseminaren im technischen, kaufmännischen und wirtschaftlichen Bereich; Seminare, Schulung und Workshops im technischen Bereich der Entwicklung, Konfiguration und Bedienung von Maschinen, sowie der Entwicklung, Konfiguration und Anwendung von Sieb- und Filtergeweben auch im Umweltschutzbereich, sowie im Bereich Labor- und Analyseprozesse; Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten zu Bildungszwecken mit Schulen und Hochschulen im technischen Bereich, auf dem Gebiet der Fülltechnik sowie der Technik der Entwicklung von Drahtgeweben im industriellen und architektonischen Bereich, Drahtgittern, Industriesieben, Partikelanalyse, der Entwicklung, Konfiguration und Anwendung von Sieb- und Filtergeweben auch im Umweltschutzbereich, sowie im Bereich kunststoffummantelte Draht- und Gittergewebe; Seminare, Workshops, Kongresse und Schulungen im Bereich Internet of Things (IoT), insbesondere für die Netzwerkverbindung von Maschinen und Anlagen zu Datenverarbeitungsgeräten zur interaktiven Kommunikation und Kontrolle von Maschinenfunktionen; Seminare, Kongresse und Schulungen im Bereich des Einsatzes und der Steuerung von elektronischer Lagerverwaltung und Warenausgangskontrolle, sowie der Dokumentation von Produktionsabläufen; Veröffentlichung von online-Newslettern im Bereich technischer Leistungen. Technische Projektplanung, insbesondere im Bereich der Verpackungs-,Abfüll-, Palettier-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufbereitungs-, Misch-, Labor-, Analyse-, Lagerungs- und Versandindustrie, sowie im Bereich Draht-, Sieb- und Filtergewebe und deren Weiterverarbeitungen, auch im Umweltschutz; Erstellen von technischen Gutachten, insbesondere im Bereich der Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Aufbereitungs-, Misch-, Labor-, Analyse-, Lagerungs- und Versandindustrie, sowie in Bezug auf Draht-, Sieb-, und Filtergewebe und deren Weiterverarbeitungen, auch im Umweltschutzbereich; Forschung in Bezug auf die computergestützte Automatisierung von technischen Prozessen; Entwurf und Entwicklung von Computersoftware zur Prozesssteuerung; Prozessüberwachung zur Qualitätssicherung insbesondere im Bereich von Verpackung, Abfüllen, Palettieren, Sieben, Filter, Aufbereiten, Mischen, Analysieren, Lagerung und Versand von Produkten, Produktion von Draht- Sieb, und Filtergeweben und deren Weiterverarbeitungen auch im Umweltschutzbereich; technische Prozessunterstützung, insbesondere bei der Verpackung, dem Abfüllen, Palettieren, Sieben, Filtern, Aufbereiten, Mischen, Analysieren, Lagern und Versenden von Produkten, bei der Produktion von Draht-, Sieb-, und Filtergeweben und deren Weiterverarbeitungen auch im Umweltschutzbereich; Durchführung technischer Studien; Erstellung technischer Bedienungsanleitungen; technische Beratung, insbesondere im Bereich der Verpackung, dem Abfüllen, Palettieren, Sieben, Filtern, Aufbereiten, Mischen, Analysieren, Lagern und Versenden von Produkten, bei der Konfiguration, Produktion und Anwendung von Draht- , Sieb-, und Filtergeweben und deren Weiterverarbeitungen auch im Umweltschutzbereich; Durchführung technischer Prüfungen und technischen Supports, insbesondere von Verpackungs-, Abfüll-, Palettier-, Sieb-, Filter-, Aufbereitungs-, Misch-, Labor- und Analysemaschinen; Planung technischer Projekte; Technische Zeichnungen (Ingenieurdienstleistungen); Zurverfügungstellung von technischen Informationen zu Online-Handelsverzeichnissen und Online-Datenbanken über Maschinendaten sowie Daten im Bereich Filterelemente und Filtergewebe; Bereitstellung von Informationen im Bereich technischer Leistungen.



Serial Number 79416255
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-12-10
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials

Goods & Services

Sacks; bags [sacks] for packaging materials in bulk, sacks for the storage of materials in bulk, sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; flexible intermediate bulk containers [sacks] for storing and transporting materials in bulk; packaging bags (sacks) of plastic for bulk storage and transport; packaging sacks for storing materials in bulk, packaging sacks for transporting materials in bulk; valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with closure for resealing; sacks for packaging, storing and transporting filling materials, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; open sacks; open sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack.



Application Number EP2024063320
Publication Number 2024/240558
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-05-15
Publication Date 2024-11-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Siewecke, Klaus


The invention relates to a packing system (50) comprising a packing machine (500) which rotates 360° and which comprises two filling connections (501) for filling valve bags (400), a bag fitting device (200) comprising a feed-in channel (201) for fitting empty valve bags (400) onto the filling connections (501) of the packing machine (500), and a discharge device (700) for transporting away filled valve bags (400) by means of a conveyor device (701). The feed-in channel (201) is arranged at a rotational angle (a) of the packing machine of 0°, and the transfer region (702) of the discharge device (700) for a filled valve bag (400) is arranged at a rotational angle (b) of the packing machine (500) between 340° and 360°. According to the method for operating such a packing system, a valve bag (400) is fed onto a filling connection (501) at a rotational angle (a) of the packing machine (500) of 0°, and the bag (400) is transferred to the discharge device (700) at a rotational angle (b) of 340° and up to 360°.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/52 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using roller-ways or endless conveyors
  • B65B 43/60 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation rotatable
  • B65B 61/28 - Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages for discharging completed packages from machines
  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags



Application Number EP2024063314
Publication Number 2024/240556
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-05-15
Publication Date 2024-11-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Siewecke, Klaus


The invention relates to a bag fitting system (100), comprising a bag fitting device (200) for fitting empty bags (400) onto a filling connection (501) of a packing machine (500) and comprising a supply (300) of empty bags (400). A conveyor device (1) comprising a conveyor section (2) with a first end (3) and a second end (4) is provided between the bag fitting device (200) and the supply (300) of empty bags (400), wherein empty bags (400) are conveyed along the conveyor section (2) by means of the conveyor device (1), empty bags (400) are supplied to the conveyor section from the supply (300) at the first end (3), and empty bags (400) are supplied to the bag fitting device (200) at the second end (4). In the method for operating such a bag fitting system (100), an empty bag (400) is supplied to the conveyor section (2) of a conveyor device (1) from a supply (300) at the first end (3) of the conveyor section (2) and is transferred to the bag fitting device (200) at the second end (4) of the conveyor section (2).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/52 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using roller-ways or endless conveyors
  • B65B 43/56 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation movable stepwise to position container or receptacle for the reception of successive increments of contents
  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags



Application Number EP2024060380
Publication Number 2024/218128
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-04-17
Publication Date 2024-10-24
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Schütte, Volker
  • Everwand, Torsten


The invention relates to a welding apparatus (1) comprising a main body (2) having a carrier device (3) and a welding element (4). The carrier device (3) comprises a flow channel (5) having an outlet opening (7) in the direction of the welding element (4). Provided between the welding element (4) and the carrier device (3) is an insulating device (50) which is made of a thermally insulating material (51). The insulating device (50) comprises a fluid passage (52), wherein the fluid passage (52) of the insulating device (50) is operatively connected to the outlet opening (7) of the flow channel (5). The method for operating such a welding apparatus (1) is characterised in that the welding element (4) is heated to produce a weld seam, and that, at least after the welding process, at least one fluid is fed to the fluid passage (52) of the insulating device (50) via the outlet opening (7) of the carrier device (3) and is guided via the opening (53) of the fluid passage (50) to the welding element (4) in order to cool the welding element (4) at least in some portions.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B29C 65/18 - Joining of preformed partsApparatus therefor by heating, with or without pressure using heated tool
  • B29C 65/30 - Electrical means
  • B29C 65/00 - Joining of preformed partsApparatus therefor
  • B29C 65/22 - Heated wire



Application Number EP2024060385
Publication Number 2024/218131
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-04-17
Publication Date 2024-10-24
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Schütte, Volker
  • Everwand, Torsten


An application station (1) for applying a venting device (50) to a predetermined position of a bag material (101), comprising a feed (2) and a discharge (3) for bag material, wherein a welding device (4) comprising a welding unit (5) and a counterpart (6) is arranged between the feed (2) and the discharge (3), wherein the bag material (101) can be transported between the welding unit (5) and the counterpart (6). This allows a venting device (50) to be fed to the welding device (4). The bag-making apparatus (200) comprises a store (201) with a bag material (101) and also comprises a moulding device (202) with a welding station (203), wherein such an application station (1) is located between the store (2) with bag material (101) and the moulding device. In the method for applying a venting device (50) to a predetermined position of a bag material (101) with such an application station (1) and/or with such a bag-making apparatus (200), a venting device is fed to the welding device (4) and is applied to the bag material by means of the welding device (4).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B31B 70/85 - Applying patches or flexible valve inserts, e.g. applying film-like valves
  • B31B 70/00 - Making flexible containers, e.g. envelopes or bags
  • B31B 70/10 - Feeding or positioning webs
  • B31B 70/16 - Cutting webs
  • B31B 70/26 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs
  • B31B 70/36 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs by continuously feeding them to stationary members, e.g. plates, ploughs or cores
  • B31B 70/64 - Uniting opposed surfaces or edgesTaping by applying heat or pressure
  • B31B 70/81 - Forming or attaching accessories, e.g. opening devices, closures or tear strings
  • B65D 33/01 - Ventilation or draining of bags
  • B31B 155/00 - Flexible containers made from webs
  • B31B 160/20 - Shape of flexible containers with structural provision for thickness of contents



Application Number 18575495
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-27
First Publication Date 2024-10-03
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Schütte, Volker
  • Everwand, Torsten


A ventilation device for introduction into a bag wall of a bag and bag with a ventilation device including a dust protection layer and a fluid-tight outer layer, wherein a ventilation opening is introduced into the outer layer is disclosed. A fluid-tight spacer device is arranged between the dust protection layer and the outer layer, wherein a free cross section of flow is made available between the dust protection layer and the spacer device and a free cross section of flow is made available between the outer layer and the spacer device, and wherein the spacer device includes at least one through-opening. In the method of production, the individual layers are made available, and spacer elements are made available by impressions.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 1807744
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-06-13
Registration Date 2024-06-13
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Filling machines; packing machines, in particular for bulk material, liquids and pasty substances; machines for filling bags, in particular open bags or valve bags, in particular of paper or plastic, of foil, woven or non-woven (fleece), with bulk material; packaging machines [wrapping machines]; robot-controlled packaging machines; packaging apparatus [machines]; packaging units; machines for feeding empty bags onto bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for attaching empty valve bags to valve bag filling machines; conveyor belts; conveyor units; conveying machines; conveyor system with holding devices for bags; machines and machine parts for tailoring and providing bags; robot mechanics for conveying; transport equipment (conveyors); machines and machine parts and accessories for filling machines [included in this class]; machines and machine parts and accessories for packaging machines [included in this class]; filling machines with one or more filling spouts as well as their parts and accessories, included in this class; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in lines; rotary filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk material weighers; filling machines for liquids; machines and machine parts for closing open bags and machines and machine parts for closing valves on valve bags after filling; machines for producing open bags; machine parts for conveying and feeding bulk material to filling machines.



Application Number EP2024053552
Publication Number 2024/170530
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-02-13
Publication Date 2024-08-22
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Bergmann, Dirk


A load carrier control apparatus (1) comprising a control device (50), the control device (50) comprising a sensor device (51) and a computing device (52). The computing device (52) is suitable and designed for using an evaluation based on an automated application to inspect a quality feature of a controllable load carrier (100) on the basis of the data captured by the sensor device (51), the automated application comprising an AI application and/or at least one computer vision application. The method for operating such a load carrier control apparatus (1) involves using the automated application to infer at least one quality feature and initiating an accordingly predetermined action. The use relates to an automated application comprising at least one AI application and/or at least one computer vision application for controlling load carriers (100).

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number EP2024053642
Publication Number 2024/170576
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-02-13
Publication Date 2024-08-22
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Bergmann, Dirk
  • Hoxha, Florian


The invention relates to an occupational safety monitoring device (1) for a machine (300) or system (300) with a control apparatus (30), comprising a monitoring apparatus (50), wherein the monitoring apparatus (50) has a sensor apparatus (51) and a computing apparatus (52). The computing apparatus (52) is suitable and designed for checking a safety feature of a user (100), who is to be monitored, using the data captured by the sensor apparatus (51) using an evaluation based on an automated application, wherein the automated application comprises an AI application and/or at least one computer vision application. The monitoring apparatus (50) is in operative connection with the control apparatus (30) of the machine (100) or system (100), wherein the evaluation of the automated application can be transmitted to the control apparatus (30) and wherein at least one predetermined action can be carried out by means of the control apparatus (30) based on the result of the check. In the method for operating such an occupational safety monitoring device (1) using the automated application, a conclusion is drawn about at least one safety feature and a correspondingly predetermined action is initiated.

IPC Classes  ?

  • F16P 3/14 - Safety devices acting in conjunction with the control or operation of a machineControl arrangements requiring the simultaneous use of two or more parts of the body with means, e.g. feelers, which in case of the presence of a body part of a person in or near the danger zone influence the control or operation of the machine the means being photocells or other devices sensitive without mechanical contact



Application Number EP2024051712
Publication Number 2024/160630
Status In Force
Filing Date 2024-01-25
Publication Date 2024-08-08
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Bergmann, Dirk


The invention relates to a system comprising a packing machine, a control device and a monitoring device, wherein the monitoring device comprises at least one sensor device and a computer device and wherein the packing machine comprises a filling machine with a filling nozzle. The computer device is designed and configured to check the data recorded by the sensor device for predetermined events on the basis of an evaluation based on an automated application. The automated application comprises an AI application and/or a computer vision application. In the method for operating a system of this type, a certain event is indicated on the basis of the evaluation of the data from the sensor device based on the automated application and a corresponding predetermined action is initiated. The invention also relates to the use of an automated application comprising an AI application and/or a computer vision application in the monitoring of events in a packing machine.

IPC Classes  ?

  • G05B 19/418 - Total factory control, i.e. centrally controlling a plurality of machines, e.g. direct or distributed numerical control [DNC], flexible manufacturing systems [FMS], integrated manufacturing systems [IMS] or computer integrated manufacturing [CIM]
  • B65B 1/00 - Packaging fluent solid material, e.g. powders, granular or loose fibrous material, loose masses of small articles, in individual containers or receptacles, e.g. bags, sacks, boxes, cartons, cans or jars
  • B65B 1/30 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled
  • G06N 3/08 - Learning methods
  • G06T 7/00 - Image analysis



Application Number 1800385
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-03-06
Registration Date 2024-03-06
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Machines for filling bags, in particular open-mouth bags or valve bags, in particular of paper or plastics, with bulk material; filling machines with one or more filling spouts and parts and accessories thereof, included in this class; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in series; rotating filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk material scales; filling machines for liquid substances; machines for feeding empty bags into bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for fitting empty valve bags onto valve bag filling machines; machines and machine parts for sealing open-mouth bags and machines and machine parts for sealing the valves on valve bags after filling; machines for making open-mouth bags; mechanical apparatuses for conveying and feeding bulk material to the filling machines, included in this class; machine parts, namely dosing devices for filling machines; valves [machine parts]; rotary valves [machine parts] for dosing the flow of products in filling machines and packing machines; valve actuators; valve closing mechanisms [machine parts]; parts and components of the aforementioned apparatus and machines. Electrically and electronically controlled dosing devices for filling machines and packaging machines; electronic scales for filling machines and packaging machines; electrical and electronic controls for controlling scales; electrical valve controls; motor-driven dosing devices; control units consisting of electrical control devices for filling machines and packaging machines; electrical and electronic controls for bag filling of bulk materials or liquid or pasty substances; electrical and electronic units for the remote control of industrial plants; remote-controlled cameras for the observation of work processes in filling machines and packing machines; computer software for the control and operation and monitoring of filling machines and packing machines.



Application Number 1799218
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-03-22
Registration Date 2024-03-22
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Overhead cranes; conveyor belts; Lifting arms for lifting and transporting loads; Electromechanical machines and apparatuses for transport systems and loading systems. Electrical and electronic units for the remote control of industrial plants; electrical and electronic units for the remote control of industrial operations, in particular for transporting and loading of unit loads, namely of bags, parcels, bales and palletized goods; Control units for machines and/or motors, in particular for transport installations and loading installations; Hardware for data communication, namely for controlling and managing transport and loading units; Computer software, in particular for controlling and managing transport units and loading units; Remote-controlled cameras for observing transport systems and loading systems; Computer touch screens; Computer software for operating and controlling loading systems.



Application Number 1796310
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-03-01
Registration Date 2024-03-01
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Machines for filling bags, in particular open-mouth bags or valve bags, in particular of paper or plastics, with bulk material; Filling machines with one or more filling spouts and parts and accessories thereof, included in class 07; Filling machines with filling spouts arranged in series; Rotating filling machines; Filling machines equipped with bulk material scales; Filling machines for liquid substances; Machines for feeding empty bags into bag filling machines; Empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; Machines for fitting empty valve bags onto valve bag filling machines; Machines and machine parts for sealing open-mouth bags and machines and machine parts for sealing the valves on valve bags after filling; Machines for making open-mouth bags; Mechanical apparatuses for conveying and feeding bulk material to the filling machines, included in this class; Machine parts, namely dosing devices for filling machines; valves [machine parts]; rotary valves [machine parts] for dosing the flow of products in filling machines and packing machines; valve actuators; valve closing mechanisms [machine parts]; parts and components of the aforementioned apparatus and machines. Electrically and electronically controlled dosing devices for filling machines and packaging machines; Electronic scales for filling machines and packaging machines; Electrical and electronic controls for controlling scales; Electrical valve controls; Motor-driven dosing devices; Control units consisting of electrical control devices for filling machines and packaging machines; Electrical and electronic controls for bag filling of bulk materials or liquid or pasty substances; Electrical and electronic units for the remote control of industrial plants; Remote-controlled cameras for the observation of work processes in filling machines and packing machines; Computer software for the control and operation and monitoring of filling machines and packing machines.



Application Number 019041769
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-06-17
Registration Date 2024-11-22
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials

Goods & Services

Sacks; Bags [sacks] for packaging materials in bulk, Sacks for the storage of materials in bulk, Sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; Flexible intermediate bulk containers [sacks] for storing and transporting materials in bulk; Packaging bags (sacks) of plastic for bulk storage and transport; Packaging sacks for storing materials in bulk, Packaging sacks for transporting materials in bulk; Valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; Sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout; Sacks for packaging, storing and transporting materials in bulk, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with closure for resealing; Sacks for packaging, storing and transporting filling materials, with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; Valve sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack; Open sacks; Open sacks with an opening for filling by means of a filling spout and with a tear-off strip with optional closure for resealing, whereby the tear-off strip is optionally attached to the filling end or to another end of the sack.



Serial Number 79403626
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-06-13
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Filling machines; packing machines, in particular for bulk material, liquids and pasty substances; machines for filling bags, in particular open bags or valve bags, in particular of paper or plastic, of foil, woven or non-woven (fleece), with bulk material; packaging machines [wrapping machines]; robot-controlled packaging machines; packaging apparatus [machines]; packaging units; machines for feeding empty bags onto bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for attaching empty valve bags to valve bag filling machines; conveyor belts; conveyor units; conveying machines; conveyor system with holding devices for bags; machines and machine parts for tailoring and providing bags; robot mechanics for conveying; transport equipment (conveyors); machines and machine parts and accessories for filling machines [included in this class]; machines and machine parts and accessories for packaging machines [included in this class]; filling machines with one or more filling spouts as well as their parts and accessories, included in this class; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in lines; rotary filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk material weighers; filling machines for liquids; machines and machine parts for closing open bags and machines and machine parts for closing valves on valve bags after filling; machines for producing open bags; machine parts for conveying and feeding bulk material to filling machines.



Application Number 1794343
Status Registered
Filing Date 2024-03-22
Registration Date 2024-03-22
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Machines for feeding empty bags into bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for fitting empty valve bags onto valve bag filling machines; filling machines.



Application Number EP2023079878
Publication Number 2024/089147
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-10-26
Publication Date 2024-05-02
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Mackel, René
  • Barg, Philipp


Proposed is a rotatably mounted component (1) comprising a shaft portion (2) and a functional portion (3) received on said shaft portion, wherein the shaft portion (2) is assigned a sealing device (4), wherein the shaft portion (2) and the functional portion (3) are sealed with respect to one another by means of the sealing device (4). The shaft portion (2) is received, in the region of the sealing device (4), in a housing (5), and the sealing device (4) comprises a first sealing means (6) and a second sealing means (7), wherein a flow channel (8) between the shaft portion (3) and the housing is formed between the two sealing means (6, 7). Furthermore, a line (9) is connected to the flow channel (8), via which line at least one fluid can be fed into the flow channel (8). A pressure control valve (10) and a pressure sensor device (12) are provided for controlling the feed of fluid into the flow channel (7). A ventilation channel (16) is furthermore provided, adjacent to the first sealing means (6), in the functional portion (3). Also proposed is a method for operating such a component (1), in which method a predetermined pressure is applied by virtue of at least one fluid being introduced into the flow channel (8) by means of the pressure control valve (10), wherein the predetermined pressure is monitored by means of the pressure sensor device (12).

IPC Classes  ?

  • F16K 5/04 - Taps or cocks comprising only cut-off apparatus having at least one of the sealing faces shaped as a more or less complete surface of a solid of revolution, the opening and closing movement being predominantly rotary with plugs having cylindrical surfacesPackings therefor
  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags
  • B65B 39/00 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/50 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using rotary tables or turrets
  • F16K 24/04 - Devices, e.g. valves, for venting or aerating enclosures for venting only
  • F16K 27/06 - Construction of housingsUse of materials therefor of taps or cocks
  • F16K 39/06 - Devices for relieving the pressure on the sealing faces for taps or cocks
  • F16K 41/00 - Spindle sealings
  • F16K 37/00 - Special means in or on valves or other cut-off apparatus for indicating or recording operation thereof, or for enabling an alarm to be given
  • F16J 15/40 - Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces by means of fluid



Application Number EP2023079875
Publication Number 2024/089146
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-10-26
Publication Date 2024-05-02
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Mackel, René


The invention relates to a filling device (1) for a packaging machine (100) for filling containers (200) with bulk goods (300), comprising a housing (2), a filling channel (3) formed therein, and a controllable channel closure (4) in order to control the filling of containers with bulk goods. The channel closure (4) comprises at least one pivotable closure member (6), which, when installed, is accommodated in a closure holder (5) in the housing (2), the closure holder (5) extending through the filling channel (3) and at least partly through the housing (2) in a direction (7) transverse to the filling channel (3). The closure member (6) comprises a side wall (13, 14) and a closure element (15), the side wall (13, 14) being disposed in the closure holder (5) in the housing (2) outside the region of the filling channel (3), and the closure element (15) being disposed within the closure holder (5) in the region of the filling channel (3). A peripherally extending sealing device (16) is assigned to the side wall (13, 14) in order to provide sealing between the side wall (13, 14) and the closure holder (5). Also, a seal (19) transverse to the filling channel (3) is assigned to the closure element (15).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags
  • B65B 39/00 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/50 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using rotary tables or turrets
  • F16K 5/04 - Taps or cocks comprising only cut-off apparatus having at least one of the sealing faces shaped as a more or less complete surface of a solid of revolution, the opening and closing movement being predominantly rotary with plugs having cylindrical surfacesPackings therefor
  • F16K 24/04 - Devices, e.g. valves, for venting or aerating enclosures for venting only
  • F16K 27/00 - Construction of housingsUse of materials therefor
  • F16K 39/06 - Devices for relieving the pressure on the sealing faces for taps or cocks
  • F16K 41/00 - Spindle sealings
  • F16J 15/40 - Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces by means of fluid



Application Number EP2023075293
Publication Number 2024/056799
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-09-14
Publication Date 2024-03-21
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a gripper device (1) for gripping individual units (200) comprising a gripper unit (2) and a holder unit (3), wherein the gripper unit (2) has a contact section (4) for an individual unit (200) to be gripped and wherein the holder device (3) comprises a holder element (5). A free end (6) of the contact section (4) comprises a lifting device (7) for lifting an individual unit (200) to be gripped, such that the contact section (4) can be shifted at least underneath the individual unit (200) to be gripped. The gripper unit (2) also comprises a fixing device (14). A handling device (50) comprises a robot device (60) with a robotic arm (61) and a gripper device (1) of this type arranged thereon. The system (100) for gripping and transferring at least one individual unit (200) comprises a handling device (50) of this type and at least one control device (80). In the method for gripping at least one individual unit (200) using a system (100) of this type, the gripper unit (2) is brought up to an edge (201) of the individual unit (200) to be gripped and the lifting device raises the individual unit such that the contact section is moved underneath the individual unit (200) to be gripped. The individual unit (200) is clamped between the fixing device (14) and the contact section (4).

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number EP2023075278
Publication Number 2024/056795
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-09-14
Publication Date 2024-03-21
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Siewecke, Andre
  • Henke, Robert
  • Schütte, Volker


The invention relates to a method for gripping and transferring an individual unit (200) out of a stock of individual units (200), which are stacked in an offset manner, using a system (100) comprising a handling device (50) with a gripping device (1) and comprising a controller (80), wherein the stock of individual units, which are stacked in an offset manner, is provided on a storage surface (500). The position and/or orientation of an exposed individual unit (200) on the storage surface (500) is detected by the controller (80), the handling device (50) and the gripping device (1) are actuated by means of the controller (80) on the basis of the ascertained position and/or orientation in order to grip the individual unit (200), and the gripped individual unit (200) is transferred to a specified location (400) and/or unit (400). A system (100) comprising a handling device (50) with at least one gripping device (1) and comprising a controller (80) is used to grip and transfer an individual unit (200), the position and/or the orientation of an exposed individual unit (200) on a storage surface (500) being detected by means of the controller (80).

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number EP2023073752
Publication Number 2024/047087
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-08-30
Publication Date 2024-03-07
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Achmedow, Michael
  • Morisse, André
  • Friedrich, Edelmeier
  • John, Detlef
  • Mantler, Alexander
  • Meyer, Frank


The invention relates to a filter device (1) for a drum filter apparatus (100), comprising a support device (2) and a filter layer (3), wherein the support device (2) has a frame device (4) and a support structure (5). The filter layer (3), when in the installed state, is seated against the support structure (5). A fastening device (8, 9) is disposed at each of two opposite ends (6, 7) of the support device (2), and a tensioning element (10) is tensioned between the fastening devices (8, 9), said tensioning element retaining the filter layer (3) on the support structure (5). The drum filter apparatus comprises a carrier structure (101) and a filter device (1) as previously described, the filter device being held on the carrier structure. In the method for mounting at least one filter layer (3) of a filter device (1) of this type, a filter layer (3) is disposed on the support structure (5) of the filter device (1) and is fastened or clamped against the support structure (5) by means of at least one tensioning element (10). In the method for mounting at least one filter device (1) of this type on the carrier structure (101) of a drum screen apparatus (100), the filter layer is mounted on the support structure as previously described, and subsequently the fully installed filter device is fitted on the carrier structure (101).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B01D 33/06 - Filters with filtering elements which move during the filtering operation with rotary cylindrical filtering surfaces, e.g. hollow drums
  • B01D 33/067 - Construction of the filtering drums, e.g. mounting or sealing arrangements



Application Number EP2023066214
Publication Number 2023/247341
Status In Force
Filing Date 2023-06-16
Publication Date 2023-12-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Neu, Guido
  • Pagenkemper, Bernhard
  • Ünlüarici, Ahmet


The invention relates to a modular packing unit system (1) comprising a packing unit module (2) which comprises a rotatable packing unit (100) for filling bulk material into bags and a pre-silo (2), said pre-silo (3) being arranged over the packing unit (100). The packing unit (100) and the pre-silo (3) are received in a silo-type housing (4), wherein the housing (4) comprises a supporting structure (5) made of profiled elements (6). In the method for installing such a modular packing unit system (1), the following steps are carried out: - providing a foundation (25); - providing a housing (4) which comprises at least one supporting structure (5) made of profiled elements (6); - erecting a packing unit (100); and - installing a pre-silo (3) above the packing unit (100). The use is characterized by the use of standard sea containers (24) for a modular packing unit system (1).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 59/00 - Arrangements to enable machines to handle articles of different sizes, to produce packages of different sizes, to vary the contents of packages or to give access for cleaning or maintenance purposes
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Application Number 1763749
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-10-04
Registration Date 2023-10-04
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific and technological services as well as research and design services relating thereto; industrial analysis, industrial research and industrial design services; quality control and authentication services; engineering services, in particular technical consultation, technical project planning, construction planning, preparation of technical, scientific and technical safety expert opinions; engineering services, namely technical planning and preparation of expert opinions for individually configured machines and technical installations including packaging machines and packaging installations, palletising installations, filling installations, processing technology including screening machines and pelletising installations, silo technology; engineering services, namely technical planning and preparation of expert opinions for the commissioning, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of machines and technical installations including packaging machines and packaging installations, palletising installations, filling installations, processing technology including screening machines and pelleting installations, silo technology and their parts via digital systems such as cloud computing and internet of things (IoT); provision of technical customer support and customer consulting in the field of configuration of machines and technical plants including packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, processing technology incl. screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; technical consulting services regarding the planning, operation and maintenance, servicing and repair of technical plants; technical configuration of processes and workflows of machines and technical plants, including packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, preparation technology incl. screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; technical consulting in the area of remote control of the operation, repair, maintenance and remote servicing of machines and technical plants including packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, preparation technology incl. screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; design of software and workflow plans for online monitoring and for cloud computing and with the help of data collection on technical data on the operation of machinery and technical equipment; technical consulting in the field of configuration of electronic systems for ordering machinery and equipment parts and components; consulting in the field of development, set-up and operation of technical monitoring of equipment and production processes to facilitate process control and to monitor the need for maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment via an electronic system, in particular via cloud computing; consultancy services on technology services in the field of power and energy supply, engineering services and energy supply systems; consultancy in the field of design and implementation of software for internet of things (IoT), in particular for network connection of machines and plants to data processing devices for interactive communication and control of machine functions; technological planning services; technical project management.



Application Number 1760056
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-08-29
Registration Date 2023-08-29
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Robots, namely, industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots with articulated arms, namely, industrial robots with articulated arms; automated robotic handling apparatus for palletising packages, namely, bags [sacks], valve bags, barrels, buckets, boxes and packagings; automated robotic handling apparatus for stacking packages for storage or transportation; automated robotic handling apparatus for the removal of stacked packages; robots for depalletizing packages, namely, empty bags, open-mouth bags, valve bags, barrels, buckets, boxes or packagings from a pallet; automated robotic handling apparatus for gripping and opening packages and bags; automated robotic handling apparatus for feeding filling and packing machines with packages and bags; machine parts and components for industrial robots; machine tools, namely, machine tools for industrial robots.



Application Number 1759514
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-01
Registration Date 2023-09-01
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Buildings of metal; metal containers; metal reinforcement for concrete; metal reinforcing bars and baskets for casting for foundations; metal containers as components of packing plants; metal gangways as components of packing plants; metal scaffolds as components of packing plants; metal supporting structures for buildings; metal storage silo. Machines for filling bags, in particular open-mouth bags or valve bags, in particular made of paper or plastic, with bulk material; filling machines, with one or more filling spouts, and parts and accessories thereof, as far as included in this class; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in series; rotating filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk scales; filling machines for liquid materials; machines for feeding empty bags to bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for placing empty valve bags on valve bag filling machines; machines and mechanical parts for closing open bags and machines and mechanical parts for closing the valves on valve bags after filling; machines for making open bags; mechanical devices for transferring and feeding bulk materials to filling machines, included in this class. Project management in construction [construction supervision]; construction management and construction supervision in the field of packing plants; factory construction; assembly of modules for packing plants; maintenance of packing plants.



Serial Number 79384194
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-10-04
Registration Date 2024-12-10
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific and technological services, namely, research and design in the field of programming of industrial computers and programmable logic controller (PLC) for industrial machines for the packing, packaging, filling and product handling industry; industrial analysis, namely, scientific analysis and evaluation relating to machine engineering analysis; Industrial research in the field of packing, packaging, filling and product handling; industrial design services for the packing, packaging, filling and product handling industry; Quality control for others; Authentication in the field of packing, packaging, filling and product handling; engineering services, in particular technical consultation, technical project planning, construction land use planning, preparation of technical, scientific and technical safety expert opinions; Plant engineering services, namely technical project planning and preparation of expert opinions for individually configured machines and technical installations, namely, packaging machines and packaging installations, palletising installations, filling installations, processing technology, namely, screening machines and pelletising installations, and silo technology; Plant engineering services, namely, technical project planning and preparation of expert opinions in the engineering of machines and technical installations namely, packaging machines and packaging installations, palletising installations, filling installations, processing technology namely, screening machines and pelleting installations, silo technology and their parts via digital systems on cloud computing and internet of things (IoT); provision of computer technology technical customer support and customer consulting in the field of configuration of machines and technical plants namely, packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, processing technology namely, screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; technical consulting services regarding the planning, maintenance, and repair of computer software used in technical plants; technical computer software configuration for processes and workflows of machines and technical plants, namely, packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, preparation technology namely, screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; technical computer consulting services, namely, remote management, repair and maintenance of the computer software of machines and technical plants, namely, packaging machines and plants, palletising plants, filling plants, preparation technology namely, screening machines and pelleting plants, silo technology; design of software, workflow software for online monitoring, and software for cloud computing with the help of data collection on technical data on the operation of machinery and technical equipment for the packing, packaging, filling and product handling industry; technical consulting in the field of software configuration of electronic systems for ordering machinery and equipment parts and components; computer consulting in the field of software development, set-up and operation of technical monitoring of software used in equipment and production processes to facilitate process control and to monitor the need for maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment via an electronic system, in particular via cloud computing; Technology consultancy services in the field of power and energy supply; engineering consultancy services; engineering consultancy for energy supply systems; consultancy in the field of design and implementation of software for internet of things (IoT), in particular for network connection of machines and plants to data processing devices for interactive communication and control of machine functions; technological planning services in the field of computer hardware systems, renewable energy resources, packing plant design for the packing, packaging, filling and product handling industry; technical computer project management for the packing, packaging, filling and product handling industry



Serial Number 79382495
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-01
Registration Date 2024-10-29
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Transportable buildings of metal; metal containers for storage or transport; metal reinforcement for concrete; metal reinforcing bars and baskets for casting for foundations; metal storage containers for use in packing plants; metal gangways being prefabricated metal platforms for packing plants; metal scaffolds for use in packing plants; metal supporting structures for buildings, namely, metal beams; metal storage silo Machines for filling bags, in particular open-mouth bags or valve bags, in particular made of paper or plastic, with bulk material; filling machines, with one or more filling spouts; Filling machines and parts thereof; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in series; rotating filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk scales; filling machines for liquid materials; machines for feeding empty bags to bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for placing empty valve bags on valve bag filling machines; machines for closing opened bags and mechanical parts thereof; machines for closing the valves on valve bags after filling and mechanical parts thereof; machines for making open bags; machines for transferring and feeding bulk materials to filling machines Construction supervision, namely, project management in construction; construction management and construction supervision in the field of packing plants; factory construction; assembly services, namely, installation of prefabricated modular buildings for packing plants; maintenance of packing plants


Displacement device and method for displacement

Application Number 17998379
Grant Number 12157588
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
First Publication Date 2023-08-31
Grant Date 2024-12-03
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Westarp, Christian


A displacement device for a handling device, including an articulation mechanism on which the handling device is accommodated, wherein the handling device is displaceable by the articulation mechanism between a first position and a second position. The articulation mechanism has a four-pivot arrangement with a first link and a second link, wherein the first link is connected to the second link via a coupler. The coupler has a receiving section for receiving the handling device, wherein the first link, the second link and the coupler are matched to one another so that a substantially rectilinear displacement of the handling device takes place from the first position into the second position. In a method for displacement of a handling device by such a displacement device, the handling device is displaced substantially rectilinearly by the articulation mechanism between the first position and the second position. A packaging machine includes the displacement device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow



Serial Number 79382786
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-08-29
Registration Date 2024-11-05
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Robots, namely, industrial robots; Industrial robots featuring robotic arms for industrial purposes; structural parts for industrial robots, namely, robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots with articulated arms, namely, industrial robots with articulated arms; automated robotic handling apparatus for palletizing packages, namely, bags, sacks, valve bags, barrels, buckets, boxes and packaging; automated robotic handling apparatus for stacking packages for storage or transportation; automated robotic handling apparatus for the removal of stacked packages; Industrial robots for depalletizing packages, namely, empty bags, open-mouth bags, valve bags, barrels, buckets, boxes or packaging from a pallet; automated robotic handling apparatus for gripping and opening packages and bags; automated robotic handling apparatus for feeding filling and packing machines with packages and bags; Structural machine parts for industrial robots and components therefor; machine tools for industrial robots, namely, automatic gripper for grabbing empty bags and empty bag bundles and industrial cameras therefor for detecting the bag layout on the pallet, all sold as a unit



Application Number 18118347
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-03-07
First Publication Date 2023-08-10
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


Apparatus and method of manufacturing open-mouth bags, comprising a storage device with a supply of bag film, a control device for controlling, a conveying device for conveying the bag film and/or the bag body along a conveying path, a welding device with welding means for making a bottom seam in the bag film and a cutting device with a cutting means for separating a predetermined film length of the bag film to form the bag body of an open-mouth bag. The control device controls the conveying device so as to cause a relative motion of the bag body and the bag film and a distance between the bag body and the bag film is generated prior to making the bottom seam. The control device controls the conveying device and the welding means so that while welding the bottom seam the welding means extend at least up to the bottom end of the bag body.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/04 - Forming flat bags from webs
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 41/12 - Feeding webs from rolls
  • B65B 51/30 - Devices, e.g. jaws, for applying pressure and heat successively, e.g. for subdividing filled tubes
  • B65B 61/00 - Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages
  • B65D 30/20 - Sacks, bags or like containers characterised by shape or construction with folds, e.g. to facilitate collapsing
  • B31B 50/16 - Cutting webs



Application Number 17998382
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
First Publication Date 2023-08-03
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


A displacement device for a handling device, having an articulation mechanism on which the handling device is accommodated, wherein the handling device is displaceable by the articulation mechanism between a first position and a second position. A pre-loading device is in operative connection with the articulation mechanism and/or the handling device to intercept the weight of the articulation mechanism and/or the handling device during displacement of the handling device between the first position and the second position. In a method for displacement of a handling device by such a displacement device, the pre-loading device unloads the weight of the handling device during displacement between the first position and the second position so that a continuous and reduced application of force moves the handling device. A packing machine for filling product like bulk materials into bags includes a filling module with a filling nozzle, a displacement device and a handling device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 43/36 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks by internal pressure applied pneumatically



Application Number 17998320
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
First Publication Date 2023-07-27
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


A packing machine for filling product into bags including a bag supply, a filling module with a filling nozzle and a bag removal, wherein between the bag supply and the bag removal a transfer device is provided, which is suitable and configured to feed an empty bag from the bag supply to the filling nozzle and to feed the filled bag from the filling nozzle to the bag removal. In a method for operation, an empty bag is fed from the bag supply to the filling module by means of the transfer device and a filled bag is fed by means of the transfer device from the filling module to the bag removal. In a method for maintaining such a packing machine transfer device is moved to release at least the filling module.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Application Number 17998317
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
First Publication Date 2023-07-20
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


A packing machine for filling product into bags including a bag supply, a filling module with a filling nozzle and a bag removal. In this case, the bag supply and the bag removal are arranged in a line and the filling module is arranged pulled out of the line. In a method for operating such a packing machine, a bag from the bag supply is fed out from the line to the filling module and after filling is guided back into the line and fed to the bag removal.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof
  • B65B 43/30 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks by grippers engaging opposed walls, e.g. suction-operated



Application Number 17998321
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
First Publication Date 2023-07-20
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


A packing machine having a cleaning apparatus and a cleaning apparatus for cleaning a working section when filling bulk materials into containers, including a blowing strip having a first nozzle device and a second nozzle device through which an air stream can be guided temporarily in each case. In this case, the first and the second nozzle devices each have a fixed blowing-out direction, wherein the blowing-out directions of the first nozzle device and of the second nozzle device differ from one another. Furthermore, a control device is provided which is suitable and configured to control the first nozzle device and the second nozzle device at least temporarily in a temporally staggered manner. In a method for cleaning a working section using such a cleaning apparatus, the control device controls the first nozzle device and the second nozzle device in a temporally staggered manner.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Application Number EP2022079619
Publication Number 2023/072844
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-10-24
Publication Date 2023-05-04
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Stövesand, Bernhard


A roller table (1) for use in a dusty or dirty environment, comprising a roller row (2) with a roller (3) and two bearing devices (4, 5) which lie opposite one another. The roller (3) comprises a fixed axle (6), and the bearing devices (4, 5) each comprise an axle support (7) for supporting the axle (6) of the roller (3). Here, the bearing devices (4, 5) are formed in the region of the axle support (7) from a more readily wearing material (8) than the axle (6), with the result that a wear volume (9) is made available. The bag loading device (100) comprises a loading nozzle (101) with a roller table (1) of this type.

IPC Classes  ?


Emptying device and method for emptying a silo of a packaging system

Application Number 17904032
Grant Number 12084216
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-02-09
First Publication Date 2023-03-16
Grant Date 2024-09-10
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Knubel, Heiner


An emptying device for completely emptying at least one silo of at least one rotary packaging system, and rotary packaging system, including at least one silo, at least two filling stations with at least one filling spout each in connection with the silo, and such an emptying device, including a discharge pipe with a take-up opening. The longitudinal extension of the take-up opening is larger than its transverse extension. In the method for completely emptying a silo of a rotary packaging system with two filling stations with one filling spout each and such an emptying device, the packaging system is provided for rotating continuously during emptying.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 39/00 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Document Number 03223634
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-27
Open to Public Date 2023-01-05
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Schutte, Volker
  • Everwand, Torsten


Ventilation device (1) for introduction into a bag wall (101) of a bag (100) and bag (100) with a ventilation device (1) comprising a dust protection layer (2) and a fluid-tight outer layer (3), wherein a ventilation opening (4) is introduced into the outer layer (3). A fluid-tight spacer device (5) is arranged between the dust protection layer (2) and the outer layer (3), wherein a free cross section of flow (9) is made available between the dust protection layer (2) and the spacer device (5) and a free cross section of flow (10) is made available between the outer layer (3) and the spacer device (5), and wherein the spacer device (5) comprises at least one through-opening (6). In the method of production, the individual layers are made available, and spacer elements are made available by impressions.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number EP2022067518
Publication Number 2023/274929
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-06-27
Publication Date 2023-01-05
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Schütte, Volker
  • Everwand, Torsten


Ventilation device (1) for introduction into a bag wall (101) of a bag (100) and bag (100) with a ventilation device (1) comprising a dust protection layer (2) and a fluid-tight outer layer (3), wherein a ventilation opening (4) is introduced into the outer layer (3). A fluid-tight spacer device (5) is arranged between the dust protection layer (2) and the outer layer (3), wherein a free cross section of flow (9) is made available between the dust protection layer (2) and the spacer device (5) and a free cross section of flow (10) is made available between the outer layer (3) and the spacer device (5), and wherein the spacer device (5) comprises at least one through-opening (6). In the method of production, the individual layers are made available, and spacer elements are made available by impressions.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 17595664
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-05-20
First Publication Date 2022-07-14
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Wagemann, Jens


An assembly device for pressing and/or retracting components into an opening in a housing part and/or for sliding on and/or pulling off components, including a base body and a counterpart, the base body has a reciever for receiving the counterpart, a tube with a contact section, the tube is slid in sections over the base body, and the tube and the base body are displaceable relative to each other by at least one actuator so that the distance is variable between the contact section and the reciever. In a method, a component is arranged in front of one side of an opening, the counterpart is passed from the other side of the opening through the opening and the component, the counterpart is connected to the base body via the reciever, and the distance between the contact section and the reviever is changed by the actuator to press in the bearing.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B25B 27/06 - Hand tools or bench devices, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for for connecting objects by press fit or detaching same inserting or withdrawing sleeves or bearing races


Filling box and method for filling packages

Application Number 17281841
Grant Number 12037147
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-09-30
First Publication Date 2022-04-21
Grant Date 2024-07-16
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Siewecke, Andre


A packaging system for filling bulk materials into packages, including a filling unit with a filling box, and a filling box for a filling unit of a packaging machine for filling bulk materials into packages, including an upwardly opened takeup space for a package, wherein the takeup space is laterally enclosed by side walls. A partial vacuum device is provided, which is disposed in a corner portion between the side walls. The method for filling packages provides for a package to be guided to the takeup space of such a filling box of a filling unit of a packaging system. The partial vacuum device is then activated for aspirating a flexible wall of a package into the corner portion between the side walls of the takeup space of the filling box.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/16 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by pneumatic means, e.g. by suction
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 43/36 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks by internal pressure applied pneumatically
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/60 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation rotatable
  • B65B 47/10 - Apparatus or devices for forming pockets or receptacles in or from sheets, blanks, or webs, comprising essentially a die into which the material is pressed or a folding die through which the material is moved by application of fluid pressure by vacuum


Filling unit and method for filling containers

Application Number 17279452
Grant Number 11760513
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-09-24
First Publication Date 2022-02-03
Grant Date 2023-09-19
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Schwippe, Dieter


Filling unit (1) for a packaging machine (100) for filling bulk materials (50) into packages (60), and packaging machine with a filling unit (1), comprising a conveyor device (2), by means of which bulk materials (50) can be conveyed into a package (60), and a control device (3), which is suitable and configured to guide a filling stream (4) into a package (60). A fill level sensor device (5) including a sensor device (6) is provided, which is suitable and configured to detect a first fill level (7) and a second fill level (8) of bulk materials (50) in a package (60), wherein the first fill level (7) corresponds to a lower fill level than the second fill level (8). The control device (3) regulates the filling stream (4) by way of the fill levels determined by the sensor device (6). With the method according to the invention, the package is filled until the second fill level is detected. Then the filling stream is reduced until the first fill level is detected. Thereupon the filling stream is increased.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/48 - Checking volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 57/14 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices responsive to absence, presence, abnormal feed, or misplacement of articles or materials to be packaged and operating to control, or stop, the feed of articles or material to be packaged
  • G01F 23/263 - Indicating or measuring liquid level or level of fluent solid material, e.g. indicating in terms of volume or indicating by means of an alarm by measuring physical variables, other than linear dimensions, pressure or weight, dependent on the level to be measured, e.g. by difference of heat transfer of steam or water by measuring variations of capacity or inductance of capacitors or inductors arising from the presence of liquid or fluent solid material in the electric or electromagnetic fields by measuring variations in capacitance of capacitors



Document Number 03183105
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Open to Public Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Rene


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) for filling product into bags, comprising a bag storage means (2), a filling module (100) with a filling nozzle (101), and a bag transportation means (3). The bag storage means and the bag transportation means are arranged in a line (12) and the filling module is arranged outside the line (12). In the method for operating a packing machine of this type, a bag is transferred from the bag storage means (2), out of line (12) to the filling module (100), and, after filling, it is transferred back into line (12) and to the bag transportation means.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Document Number 03183113
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Open to Public Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Rene


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) having a cleaning device (50), and to a cleaning device (50) for cleaning a work portion when filling bulk materials into containers, comprising a blowing strip (51) with a first nozzle unit (52) and a second nozzle unit (53), through which an airflow can be conducted from time to time. The first and the second nozzle unit (52, 53) each have a fixed outlet direction (55, 56), the outlet directions (55, 56) of the first nozzle unit (52) and of the second nozzle unit (53) being different from one another. A control unit (58) is also provided, which is suitable and designed for controlling the first nozzle unit (52) and the second nozzle unit (53) temporarily in a temporally staggered manner. In the method for cleaning a work portion using a cleaning device (50) of this kind, the control device (58) controls the first nozzle unit (52) and the second nozzle unit (53) in a temporally staggered manner.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021062425
Publication Number 2021/228818
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Publication Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) for filling product into bags, comprising a bag storage means (2), a filling module (100) having a filling nozzle (101), and a bag transportation means (3), wherein a transfer device (4) is provided between the bag storage means (2) and the bag transportation means (3), which is suitable and designed for supplying an empty bag from the bag storage means (2) to the filling nozzle (101) and for supplying the filled bag from the filling nozzle (101) to the bag transportation means (3). In the operating method, an empty bag is supplied from the bag storage means (2) to the filling module (100) using the transfer device (4) and a filled bag is supplied from the filling module (100) to the bag transportation means (3) using the transfer device (4). In the method, for servicing a packing machine of this type, the transfer device (4) is moved in order to release at least the filling module (100).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021062432
Publication Number 2021/228823
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Publication Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) having a cleaning device (50), and to a cleaning device (50) for cleaning a work portion when filling bulk materials into containers, comprising a blowing strip (51) with a first nozzle unit (52) and a second nozzle unit (53), through which an airflow can be conducted from time to time. The first and the second nozzle unit (52, 53) each have a fixed outlet direction (55, 56), the outlet directions (55, 56) of the first nozzle unit (52) and of the second nozzle unit (53) being different from one another. A control unit (58) is also provided, which is suitable and designed for controlling the first nozzle unit (52) and the second nozzle unit (53) temporarily in a temporally staggered manner. In the method for cleaning a work portion using a cleaning device (50) of this kind, the control device (58) controls the first nozzle unit (52) and the second nozzle unit (53) in a temporally staggered manner.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Document Number 03183110
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Open to Public Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Rene


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) for filling product into bags, comprising a bag storage means (2), a filling module (100) having a filling nozzle (101), and a bag transportation means (3), wherein a transfer device (4) is provided between the bag storage means (2) and the bag transportation means (3), which is suitable and designed for supplying an empty bag from the bag storage means (2) to the filling nozzle (101) and for supplying the filled bag from the filling nozzle (101) to the bag transportation means (3). In the operating method, an empty bag is supplied from the bag storage means (2) to the filling module (100) using the transfer device (4) and a filled bag is supplied from the filling module (100) to the bag transportation means (3) using the transfer device (4). In the method, for servicing a packing machine of this type, the transfer device (4) is moved in order to release at least the filling module (100).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Document Number 03183116
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Open to Public Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Westarp, Christian


The invention relates to a movement device (200) for a handling device (250), comprising a hinge mechanism (201) on which the handling device (250) is received. The handling device (250) can be moved between a first position (202) and a second position (203) by the hinge mechanism (201). The hinge mechanism (201) has a four-hinge assembly (219) with at least one first control lever (204) and at least one second control lever (205), said first control lever (204) being connected to the second control lever (205) via at least one coupling (206). The coupling (206) comprises a receiving section (214) for receiving the handling device (250). The first control lever (204), the second control lever (205), and the coupling (206) match one another such that the handling device (250) is moved from the first position (204) into the second position (205) in a substantially straight line. In the method for moving a handling device (250) using such a movement device (200), the handling device (250) is moved between the first position (202) and the second position (203) in a substantially straight line by means of the hinge mechanism (201). A packing machine (1) for filling a product into bags comprises a filling module (100) comprising a filler neck (101), such a movement device (200), and a handling device (250).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Document Number 03183121
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Open to Public Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Rene


The invention relates to a movement device (200) for a handling device (250), comprising a hinge mechanism (201) on which the handling device (250) is received. The handling device (250) can be moved between a first position (202) and a second position (203) by the hinge mechanism (201). A pre-loading device (204) is operatively connected to the hinge mechanism (201) and/or the handling device (250) in order to absorb the weight of the hinge mechanism and/or the handling device (250) during the movement of the handling device (250) between the first position (202) and the second position (203). In the method for moving a handling device (250) using such a moving device (200), the pre-loading device (204) releases the weight of the handling device (250) during the movement between the first position (202) and the second position (203) so that a continuous and reduced application of force is necessary to move the handling device (250). The packing machine (1) for filling a product, in particular bulk goods, into bags comprises a filling module (100) with a filler neck (101), such a moving device (200), and at least one handling device (250).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021062418
Publication Number 2021/228812
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Publication Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


The invention relates to a packing machine (1) for filling product into bags, comprising a bag storage means (2), a filling module (100) with a filling nozzle (101), and a bag transportation means (3). The bag storage means and the bag transportation means are arranged in a line (12) and the filling module is arranged outside the line (12). In the method for operating a packing machine of this type, a bag is transferred from the bag storage means (2), out of line (12) to the filling module (100), and, after filling, it is transferred back into line (12) and to the bag transportation means.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021062438
Publication Number 2021/228827
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Publication Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Westarp, Christian


The invention relates to a movement device (200) for a handling device (250), comprising a hinge mechanism (201) on which the handling device (250) is received. The handling device (250) can be moved between a first position (202) and a second position (203) by the hinge mechanism (201). The hinge mechanism (201) has a four-hinge assembly (219) with at least one first control lever (204) and at least one second control lever (205), said first control lever (204) being connected to the second control lever (205) via at least one coupling (206). The coupling (206) comprises a receiving section (214) for receiving the handling device (250). The first control lever (204), the second control lever (205), and the coupling (206) match one another such that the handling device (250) is moved from the first position (204) into the second position (205) in a substantially straight line. In the method for moving a handling device (250) using such a movement device (200), the handling device (250) is moved between the first position (202) and the second position (203) in a substantially straight line by means of the hinge mechanism (201). A packing machine (1) for filling a product into bags comprises a filling module (100) comprising a filler neck (101), such a movement device (200), and a handling device (250).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021062454
Publication Number 2021/228837
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Publication Date 2021-11-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Mackel, Renè


The invention relates to a movement device (200) for a handling device (250), comprising a hinge mechanism (201) on which the handling device (250) is received. The handling device (250) can be moved between a first position (202) and a second position (203) by the hinge mechanism (201). A pre-loading device (204) is operatively connected to the hinge mechanism (201) and/or the handling device (250) in order to absorb the weight of the hinge mechanism and/or the handling device (250) during the movement of the handling device (250) between the first position (202) and the second position (203). In the method for moving a handling device (250) using such a moving device (200), the pre-loading device (204) releases the weight of the handling device (250) during the movement between the first position (202) and the second position (203) so that a continuous and reduced application of force is necessary to move the handling device (250). The packing machine (1) for filling a product, in particular bulk goods, into bags comprises a filling module (100) with a filler neck (101), such a moving device (200), and at least one handling device (250).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 65/02 - Driving gear
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 31/02 - Filling, closing, or filling and closing, containers in chambers maintained under vacuum or superatmospheric pressure or containing a special atmosphere, e.g. of inert gas
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/16 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B65B 59/04 - Machines constructed with readily-detachable units or assemblies, e.g. to facilitate maintenance
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65G 47/90 - Devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 51/10 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof



Application Number EP2021053005
Publication Number 2021/160574
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-02-09
Publication Date 2021-08-19
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Knubel, Heiner


The invention relates to an emptying device (1) for completely emptying at least one silo (101) of at least one rotating packing system (100) and to a rotating packing system (100) comprising at least one silo (101), at least two filling spaces (102) with at least one respective filling nozzle (103) connected to the silo (101), and such an emptying device (1), comprising a discharge line (2) with a receiving opening (3). The longitudinal extension (4) of the receiving opening (3) is greater than the transverse extension (5) thereof. In the method for completely emptying a silo (101) of a rotating packing system (1) comprising two filling spaces (102) with a respective filling nozzle (103) and such an emptying device (1), the packing system (100) continuously rotates during the emptying process.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 39/00 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers
  • B08B 5/04 - Cleaning by suction, with or without auxiliary action


Device and method for producing at least one empty open bag

Application Number 17261447
Grant Number 11780200
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-07-11
First Publication Date 2021-08-05
Grant Date 2023-10-10
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


Apparatus for manufacturing an open-mouth bag of at least one layer of a flexible bag material, and method of manufacturing a bag by such apparatus. The apparatus includes a shaping device with a shaping box in the contour of the bag shape to be formed, with a top end and a bottom end, a conveying device for transporting the bag material along the shaping box, a closing device for joining the bag material along the shaping box to form a tube, and a closing station for generating a bag bottom, which is disposed beneath the bottom end of the shaping box. A partial vacuum device is configured to generate intermittently, a partial vacuum. When manufacturing a bag, the bag material is draped around the shaping box in the contour of the bag shape to be formed as continuous material and is joined to form a tube by the closing device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B31B 70/00 - Making flexible containers, e.g. envelopes or bags
  • B31B 70/26 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs
  • B31B 155/00 - Flexible containers made from webs


Supporting device and method of manufacturing

Application Number 17149091
Grant Number 12226717
Status In Force
Filing Date 2021-01-14
First Publication Date 2021-07-29
Grant Date 2025-02-18
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Fröhlich, Helmut


A supporting device for a filter device including a flat-woven material manufactured of warp devices and weft devices, which form a woven surface, wherein the flat-woven material shows, in two opposite end portions, two free ends of warp devices or weft devices protruding from the woven surface. The flat-woven material is shaped to form a predetermined three-dimensional shape with a free cross-section, and the free ends overlap and are interconnected. The present method provides for shaping the flat-woven material around a molding part until the free ends of the two end portions overlap. The ends are interconnected. A filtering device accordingly includes a supporting device and a filter device.

IPC Classes  ?



Application Number 1601435
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-03-08
Registration Date 2021-03-08
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Software for the simulation of processes in the processing technology and for filling machines and packaging machines; software for sizing and optimizing of processing machines and processing installations and of filling machines and packaging machines; software for the visualization of process engineering sequences; software for automation of machines, material flow and value chains; data processing equipment; software for displaying material test results; digital displays for measurement results; parts and components of the aforementioned apparatus. Design and configuration of computer software; design of software for operation and control of processing installations and of filling machines and packaging machines; updating and installation of software; scientific and technological services and research and designer services; industrial analysis and research services; the aforementioned services in particular in the field of development, installation and operation of simulation software for processing machines, and of filling machines and packaging machines and of software in the processing technology; technical consultancy in the field of development, installation and operation of simulation software for processing machines, and of filling machines and packaging machines and of software in the processing technology; technical planning of the design and optimization of machines; technological consultancy and preparation of reports relating to technological research; quality testing of processing machines and of filling machines and of packaging machines.



Application Number 17051875
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-05-02
First Publication Date 2021-06-24
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Rolf, Christian
  • Bless, Dominik
  • Felling, Heinz-Peter
  • Hinse, Christian


Apparatus and method for filling bulk materials into open-mouth bags, including the following steps: a) an open-mouth bag is appended from beneath to a filling spout of a filling station by way of an at least partially upwardly motion, so that the bottom end of the open-mouth bag is freely suspended; b) the filling process is started and bulk material is introduced into the open-mouth bag so that the freely suspended bottom end of the open-mouth bag unfolds; and c) the filling spout is lowered, so that the unfolded bottom end of the open-mouth bag is supported.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 41/10 - Feeding sheets or wrapper blanks by rollers
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 39/14 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers movable with a moving container or wrapper during filling or depositing
  • B65B 43/04 - Forming flat bags from webs



Application Number 17094565
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-11-10
First Publication Date 2021-05-13
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Fröhlich, Helmut
  • Butenkemper, Stefan
  • Meyer, Frank


A wire mesh layer, including warp wires and weft wires, wherein the warp wires and the weft wires form woven meshes and open up a woven surface. A connecting member is provided, which includes a thermoplastic material. The multilayered product is provided having such a wire mesh layer and a further layer, wherein the wire mesh layer and the further layer are connected by the thermally deformed connecting member. In a method of manufacturing such a multilayered product, the wire mesh layer and the further layer are placed on top of one another in a predetermined orientation. Due to the thermal deformation of the thermoplastic material of the connecting member, the wire mesh layer and the further layer will be interconnected.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 5/06 - Layered products characterised by the non-homogeneity or physical structure of a layer characterised by structural features of a layer comprising fibres or filaments characterised by a fibrous layer needled to another layer, e.g. of fibres, of paper
  • B32B 5/02 - Layered products characterised by the non-homogeneity or physical structure of a layer characterised by structural features of a layer comprising fibres or filaments
  • B32B 5/26 - Layered products characterised by the non-homogeneity or physical structure of a layer characterised by the presence of two or more layers which comprise fibres, filaments, granules, or powder, or are foamed or specifically porous one layer being a fibrous or filamentary layer another layer also being fibrous or filamentary
  • B32B 37/06 - Methods or apparatus for laminating, e.g. by curing or by ultrasonic bonding characterised by the heating method
  • B32B 15/02 - Layered products essentially comprising metal in a form other than a sheet, e.g. wire, particles


Compaction station for compacting bulk material in open-mouth bags, and method

Application Number 16611804
Grant Number 11273942
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-08
First Publication Date 2021-03-18
Grant Date 2022-03-15
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schütte, Volker


A compaction station and method with a compacting device for compacting open-mouth bags filled with bulk materials includes a container with a tubular inner wall and a takeup space for taking up a filled open-mouth bag, and a support unit on a height-displaceable lifting device, wherein when the lifting device is in a lowered position the support unit is supported from beneath and when in an elevated position, it is suitable to take over a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device. A pressure plug that can be lowered from above is included which, when in a lowered position acts on the bulk material from above, and in an elevated position allows takeover of a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B08B 9/087 - Cleaning of containers, e.g. tanks by methods involving the use of tools, e.g. brushes, scrapers
  • B08B 9/093 - Cleaning of containers, e.g. tanks by the force of jets or sprays
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/24 - Reducing volume of filled material by mechanical compression
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction
  • B65B 43/44 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation from supply magazines



Application Number 211923300
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-03-08
Registration Date 2024-02-26
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

(1) Software for the simulation of processes in the processing technology and for filling machines and packaging machines; software for sizing and optimizing of processing machines and processing installations and of filling machines and packaging machines; computer software for the visualization in the nature of graphical representation and analysis of process engineering sequences in the fields of minerals processing, stone crushing, project managing and planning; computer software for use in project management and planning that automate machines, material flow and value chains in the field of materials logistic and processing; data processing equipment, namely, computers and programmable logical control devices; computer software for displaying determined results in the field of material processing; computer display screens for measurement results. (1) Design and configuration of computer software; design of software for operation and control of processing installations and of filling machines and packaging machines; updating and installation of software; scientific and technological services and research and designer services all in the fields of computer hardware, computer software, materials handling plant layout design; industrial analysis and research services in the fields of computer hardware computer software design, and materials handling plant layout design; the aforementioned services in particular in the field of development, installation and operation of simulation software for processing machines and of software in the processing technology; technical consultancy in the field of development, installation and operation of computer software for processing machines; technical planning of the design and optimization of materials handling and processing machines; technological consultancy and preparation of reports relating to technological research all in the fields of minerals processing, stone crushing, project managing and planning; quality testing of processing machines and of filling machines and of packaging machines.



Application Number EP2020064091
Publication Number 2020/239581
Status In Force
Filing Date 2020-05-20
Publication Date 2020-12-03
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Wagemann, Jens


The invention relates to an assembly device (1), in particular for pressing and/or retracting components into an opening (301) provided for this purpose in a housing part (300) or the like and/or for slipping on and/or pulling off components, said device comprising: a base body (2) and a counterpart (3), the base body (2) having a receiving means (4) for receiving the counterpart (3); a tube means (5) having a contact section (6), the tube means (5) being pushed over sections of the base body (2), and the tube means (5) and the base body (2) being displaceable relative to one another by means of at least one actuator means (7) so that the distance between the contact section (6) and the receiving means (4) can be varied. In a method for pressing in components, a component (100) is positioned in front of one side of an opening (301), the counterpart (3) is guided from the other side of the opening (301) through the opening (301) and the component (100), the counterpart (3) is connected to the base body (2) via the receiving means (4), and the distance between the contact section (6) and the receiving means (4) is changed by means of the actuator means (7) in order to press in the bearing (100). The method for retracting components (200) works in the same way, wherein the counterpart (3) is attached to the component (200).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B25B 27/00 - Hand tools or bench devices, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for
  • B25B 27/06 - Hand tools or bench devices, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for for connecting objects by press fit or detaching same inserting or withdrawing sleeves or bearing races



Application Number 1557574
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-07
Registration Date 2020-08-07
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Components and assemblies for packing machines and for filling machines; control units and/or devices for regulating packing silos in packing machines and filling machines. Sensors, controllers and control devices for the level regulation of packing silos in packing machines and filling machines; hardware and software for the control of packing silos on packing machines and filling machines; monitoring and/or control devices for the regulation of packing silos in packing machines and filling machines.


Packaging machine and method for introducing bulk materials into containers

Application Number 16956298
Grant Number 11377238
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-12-17
First Publication Date 2020-10-15
Grant Date 2022-07-05
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Siewecke, Klaus
  • Vollenkemper, Willi


A packaging machine and method for filling bulk materials into packages with a rotatable machine frame and a plurality of circumferentially arranged filling spouts. During frame rotation, bulk materials are filled into packages. A machine silo is configured at the machine frame which has a storage volume for storing a quantity of bulk materials for filling a plurality of packages. Bulk materials are filled into the attributed packages from the silo through the filling spout. The machine silo is connected with a material supply with a controllable closing member for feeding bulk materials to the machine silo. A controller controls the closing member of the material supply dependent on the fill level to reduce the height of fall of the bulk materials being fed into the silo, or to avoid a free fall of the bulk materials during the feeding of bulk materials into the machine silo.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags
  • B65B 1/10 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by rotary feeders
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 1/30 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled
  • B65B 39/00 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/20 - Reducing volume of filled material


Bag manufacturing apparatus and method

Application Number 16466504
Grant Number 11643234
Status In Force
Filing Date 2017-12-08
First Publication Date 2020-08-20
Grant Date 2023-05-09
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


Apparatus and method of manufacturing open-mouth bags, comprising a storage device with a supply of bag film, a control device for controlling, a conveying device for conveying the bag film and/or the bag body along a conveying path, a welding device with welding means for making a bottom seam in the bag film and a cutting device with a cutting means for separating a predetermined film length of the bag film to form the bag body of an open-mouth bag. The control device controls the conveying device so as to cause a relative motion of the bag body and the bag film and a distance between the bag body and the bag film is generated prior to making the bottom seam. The control device controls the conveying device and the welding means so that while welding the bottom seam the welding means extend at least up to the bottom end of the bag body.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/04 - Forming flat bags from webs
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 41/12 - Feeding webs from rolls
  • B65B 51/30 - Devices, e.g. jaws, for applying pressure and heat successively, e.g. for subdividing filled tubes
  • B65B 61/00 - Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages
  • B65D 30/20 - Sacks, bags or like containers characterised by shape or construction with folds, e.g. to facilitate collapsing
  • B31B 50/16 - Cutting webs



Serial Number 79296820
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-07
Registration Date 2022-06-07
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Component parts of packing machines and filling machines Electric sensors; electrical controllers for the level regulation of packing silos in packing machines and filling machines; computer hardware and downloadable software for controlling packing silos on packing machines and filling machines; electronic monitors for regulating the filling level, spread of product and flow rate in packing silos in packing machines and filling machines



Application Number 1540075
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-01-15
Registration Date 2020-01-15
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Application software for cloud computing services; software for monitoring cloud networks; software for mobile monitoring of machines and equipment using cloud computing; downloadable computer software for data management; downloadable mobile applications for data management; software for process automation; software for networked control and documentation of machine processes; software for the construction and use of the Internet of Things (loT) for the purpose of networking electronic systems that enable interaction between virtual and physical objects and humans; software to enable self-control and adjustment of machines; artificial intelligence (Al) software to control and regulate machines and robots; software for the automated display and control of the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of machines; software for organizing warehousing, warehouse management and shipping systems. Data collection for third parties; computer-aided data management; documentation of performance data of machines and plants; business management consultancy in the field of digital process control and maintenance control of machines and plants, including via cloud computing systems and via the Internet of Things (loT); online ordering services; provision of business information relating to online trade directories and online databases comprising machine data; online data processing; administrative data processing; compilation and systematisation of databases; compilation of machine and plant data collections. Installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of machines and technical equipment; setup [assembly and installation], implementation, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of machines and technical equipments and parts thereof. Telecommunication by means of Internet platforms; provision of access to content, websites and Internet portals; provision of user access to Internet platforms, in particular for users of machines and technical equipment; provision of access to online checklists for users of technical equipment; provision of online forums; telecommunication services for the collection and processing of information, in particular on technical data, inspection cycles, error messages and fault analysis of machines and equipment; provision of access to databases; provision of Internet access for the use of Internet of Things (loT) services, in particular for interactive communication between machines and equipment with data processing equipment; database interconnection services; provision of access to online catalogues offering technical equipment and parts thereof; communication services between databases. Organisation of seminars, congresses and workshops; training courses, in particular in the technical field; seminars, congresses and training courses in the field of the Internet of Things (loT), in particular for the network connection of machines and equipment to data processing devices for the purpose of interactive communication and control of machine functions; seminars, congresses and training courses in the field of the use and control of electronic warehouse management and outgoing goods control, as well as documentation of production processes. Remote administration and management of computer software relating to the installation, repair, maintenance and remote servicing of machinery and technical equipment through online monitoring and cloud computing and through collection of technical data on the operation of machines and technical equipment; cloud computing and hosting of computer software applications for Internet of Things [IoT] relating to engineering design, implementation, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of machines and technical equipment and parts thereof; design and development of application software for accessing and using cloud computing networks; design, development and implementation of software for the Internet of Things (loT) functions; cloud computing for virtual computer systems; programming of operating software for accessing and using cloud computing networks; rental of software for accessing and using cloud computing networks; design and development of computer software for process control; design and development of an electronic system for ordering parts of machines and equipment and components thereof; design and development of a technical monitoring system of machines and production processes for facilitating process control and for monitoring the maintenance and repair requirements of machines and equipment via an electronic system, in particular via cloud computing; technical online monitoring of machines; process monitoring of machines and equipments for quality assurance, in particular via computer-aided remote data transmission such as cloud computing; research related to computer-aided automation of technical processes; consulting services on technology services in the field of electricity and energy supply, engineering services and energy supply systems; development and implementation of a customer app for an electronic ordering system; design and development of an electronic network for fault analysis, maintenance and monitoring of maintenance intervals of machines and industrial equipments, in particular via cloud computing systems; development of an electronic checklist for the operation, maintenance and error reporting for machines and equipments; design of software and development of a system for the electronic collection, transfer and synchronization of data on an online platform; creation, implementation and maintenance of computer database software; design and implementation of software for the Internet of Things (loT), in particular for the network connection of machines and equipment to data processing devices for the purpose of interactive communication and control of machine functions; technological planning services; technical project management; technological consulting services regarding the planning, operation and maintenance, servicing and repair of technical equipment; hosting of websites; software as a service [SaaS]; IT consultancy, information and retrieval services; engineering services; scientific research using databases; design and implementation of AI [Artificial Intelligence] software for controlling machines and robots; design and implementation of software for the automated display and control of the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of machines.



Document Number 03115132
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-09-30
Open to Public Date 2020-04-09
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Siewecke, Andre


The invention relates to a packaging system (200) for filling bulk material (50) into packages (60), comprising a filling unit (100) with a filling box (1), and to a filling box (1) for a filling unit (100) of a packaging machine (200) for filling bulk material (50) into packages (60), comprising a receiving area (2) which is open at the top for a package (60), said receiving area (2) being laterally delimited by lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6). A negative pressure device (15) is provided which is arranged in a corner section (9) between the lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6). In the method for filling packages (60), a package (60) is supplied to the receiving area (2) of such a filling box (1) of a filling unit (100) of a packaging system. The negative pressure device (15) is then activated in order to suction a flexible wall (61) of a package (60) against the corner section (9) between the lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6) of the receiving area (2) of the filling box (1).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/32 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks by external pressure diagonally applied


Apparatus and method for compacting packages filled with bulk material

Application Number 16617164
Grant Number 11059611
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-30
First Publication Date 2020-04-09
Grant Date 2021-07-13
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


A compacting device and method is provided for compacting bulk material in an open package, the compacting device including a poker compactor accommodated on a carrier device. The poker compactor includes a gas-permeable outer wall connected with a suction duct. The poker compactor is suitable to be inserted into an open package for the poker compactor to come into contact with the bulk material to degas and compact the bulk material in the open package. The poker compactor has a longitudinal axis around which it is pivotally accommodated.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 1/24 - Reducing volume of filled material by mechanical compression
  • B65B 1/48 - Checking volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/44 - Checking density of material to be filled



Application Number EP2019076460
Publication Number 2020/070071
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-09-30
Publication Date 2020-04-09
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Siewecke, Andre


The invention relates to a packaging system (200) for filling bulk material (50) into packages (60), comprising a filling unit (100) with a filling box (1), and to a filling box (1) for a filling unit (100) of a packaging machine (200) for filling bulk material (50) into packages (60), comprising a receiving area (2) which is open at the top for a package (60), said receiving area (2) being laterally delimited by lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6). A negative pressure device (15) is provided which is arranged in a corner section (9) between the lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6). In the method for filling packages (60), a package (60) is supplied to the receiving area (2) of such a filling box (1) of a filling unit (100) of a packaging system. The negative pressure device (15) is then activated in order to suction a flexible wall (61) of a package (60) against the corner section (9) between the lateral walls (3, 4, 5, 6) of the receiving area (2) of the filling box (1).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/32 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks by external pressure diagonally applied
  • B65B 43/54 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation



Document Number 03115283
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-09-24
Open to Public Date 2020-04-02
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Schwippe, Dieter


The invention relates to a filling unit (1) for a packaging machine (100) for filling containers (60) with bulk material (50) and to a packaging machine comprising a filling unit (1), comprising a conveyor device (2), by means of which bulk material (50) can be conveyed into a container (60), and a controller (3), which is suitable for and designed to control a filling flow (4) into a container (60). A fill level sensor device (5) is provided with a sensor device (6), which is suitable for and designed to detect a first fill level (7) and a second fill level (8) of bulk material (50) in a container (60), wherein the first fill level (7) corresponds to a lower fill level than the second fill level (8). The controller (3) regulates the filling flow (4) using the fill levels ascertained by the sensor device (6). In a method according to the invention, the container is filled until the second fill level is detected. The filling flow is then reduced until the first fill level is detected, and the filling flow is then increased.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/48 - Checking volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 57/14 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices responsive to absence, presence, abnormal feed, or misplacement of articles or materials to be packaged and operating to control, or stop, the feed of articles or material to be packaged
  • B65B 1/32 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled by weighing



Application Number EP2019075679
Publication Number 2020/064713
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-09-24
Publication Date 2020-04-02
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Westarp, Christian
  • Schwippe, Dieter


The invention relates to a filling unit (1) for a packaging machine (100) for filling containers (60) with bulk material (50) and to a packaging machine comprising a filling unit (1), comprising a conveyor device (2), by means of which bulk material (50) can be conveyed into a container (60), and a controller (3), which is suitable for and designed to control a filling flow (4) into a container (60). A fill level sensor device (5) is provided with a sensor device (6), which is suitable for and designed to detect a first fill level (7) and a second fill level (8) of bulk material (50) in a container (60), wherein the first fill level (7) corresponds to a lower fill level than the second fill level (8). The controller (3) regulates the filling flow (4) using the fill levels ascertained by the sensor device (6). In a method according to the invention, the container is filled until the second fill level is detected. The filling flow is then reduced until the first fill level is detected, and the filling flow is then increased.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/48 - Checking volume of filled material
  • B65B 57/14 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices responsive to absence, presence, abnormal feed, or misplacement of articles or materials to be packaged and operating to control, or stop, the feed of articles or material to be packaged
  • G01F 23/26 - Indicating or measuring liquid level or level of fluent solid material, e.g. indicating in terms of volume or indicating by means of an alarm by measuring physical variables, other than linear dimensions, pressure or weight, dependent on the level to be measured, e.g. by difference of heat transfer of steam or water by measuring variations of capacity or inductance of capacitors or inductors arising from the presence of liquid or fluent solid material in the electric or electromagnetic fields
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 1/32 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled by weighing


Filling machine for filling open bags with bulk material and cleaning device

Application Number 16611812
Grant Number 11305907
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-08
First Publication Date 2020-02-27
Grant Date 2022-04-19
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schütte, Volker


A filling machine for filling open-mouth bags with bulk material wherein the open-mouth bag is at least temporarily received in a container with a cleaning apparatus, and a cleaning apparatus for cleaning a tubular inner wall of the container e.g. from particles of bulk material, the cleaning apparatus including a cleaning device that is movable in the container in a longitudinal direction. The cleaning device has a laminate of a multitude of layers. The layers extend transverse to the longitudinal direction and the laminate includes two end layers having one end face each. One end layer is configured as a top layer with a top surface and one end layer, as a bottom layer with a bottom surface. The laminate is configured with a plurality of outwardly oriented fluid outlet ports for directing a fluid flow toward the tubular inner wall of the container.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 55/24 - Cleaning of, or removing dust from, containers, wrappers, or packaging
  • B08B 9/087 - Cleaning of containers, e.g. tanks by methods involving the use of tools, e.g. brushes, scrapers
  • B08B 9/093 - Cleaning of containers, e.g. tanks by the force of jets or sprays
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/24 - Reducing volume of filled material by mechanical compression
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction
  • B65B 43/44 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation from supply magazines
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers


Apparatus and method for filling bulk materials into open bags

Application Number 16610051
Grant Number 12077326
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-03
First Publication Date 2020-02-27
Grant Date 2024-09-03
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Felling, Heinz-Peter
  • Bleß, Dominik
  • Rolf, Christian
  • Hinse, Christian


d) the filling process is started and bulk material is introduced into the open-mouth bag so that the freely suspended bottom end of the open-mouth bag unfolds.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 39/10 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers by means of clamps operating automatically
  • B65B 39/12 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers movable towards, or away from, container or wrapper during filling or depositing
  • B65B 39/14 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers movable with a moving container or wrapper during filling or depositing
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 43/58 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation movable stepwise to position container or receptacle for the reception of successive increments of contents vertically movable
  • B65B 51/14 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof by reciprocating or oscillating members
  • B65B 51/32 - Cooling, or cooling and pressing, package closures after heat-sealing



Application Number EP2019068663
Publication Number 2020/020651
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-07-11
Publication Date 2020-01-30
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a device (1) for producing an open bag (100) out of at least one layer of a substantially flexible bag material (101) and to a method for producing a bag using such a device (1). The device (1) comprises a molding device (2) with a molding box (3) with the contour of the bag to be molded, comprising an upper end (4) and a lower end (5), a transport device (6) for transporting the bag material (101) along the molding box (3), a closing device (7) for connecting the bag material (101) along the molding box in order to form a tube (102), and a closing station (8) for producing a bag base (103), said station being arranged below the lower end (5) of the molding box (3). Additionally, a negative pressure device (9) is provided which is suitable for and designed to temporarily generate a slight negative pressure at least on the lower end (5) of the molding box (3). During the production of a bag, the bag material, in the form of a continuous material, is placed about the molding box with the contour of the bag to be molded and is connected by means of the closing device in order to form a tube. The closing station is used to produce a bag base, wherein during the production of the bag base of a subsequent bag, a slight negative pressure is temporarily generated in the tube made of the bag material using the negative pressure device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B31B 70/60 - Uniting opposed surfaces or edgesTaping
  • B31B 70/74 - Auxiliary operations
  • B65B 43/10 - Forming three-dimensional containers from sheet material by folding the material
  • B31B 70/36 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs by continuously feeding them to stationary members, e.g. plates, ploughs or cores
  • B31B 70/26 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs
  • B31B 155/00 - Flexible containers made from webs
  • B31B 160/20 - Shape of flexible containers with structural provision for thickness of contents



Document Number 03107047
Status Pending
Filing Date 2019-07-11
Open to Public Date 2020-01-30
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a device (1) for producing an open bag (100) out of at least one layer of a substantially flexible bag material (101) and to a method for producing a bag using such a device (1). The device (1) comprises a molding device (2) with a molding box (3) with the contour of the bag to be molded, comprising an upper end (4) and a lower end (5), a transport device (6) for transporting the bag material (101) along the molding box (3), a closing device (7) for connecting the bag material (101) along the molding box in order to form a tube (102), and a closing station (8) for producing a bag base (103), said station being arranged below the lower end (5) of the molding box (3). Additionally, a negative pressure device (9) is provided which is suitable for and designed to temporarily generate a slight negative pressure at least on the lower end (5) of the molding box (3). During the production of a bag, the bag material, in the form of a continuous material, is placed about the molding box with the contour of the bag to be molded and is connected by means of the closing device in order to form a tube. The closing station is used to produce a bag base, wherein during the production of the bag base of a subsequent bag, a slight negative pressure is temporarily generated in the tube made of the bag material using the negative pressure device.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B31B 70/60 - Uniting opposed surfaces or edgesTaping
  • B31B 70/26 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs
  • B31B 70/36 - Folding sheets, blanks or webs by continuously feeding them to stationary members, e.g. plates, ploughs or cores
  • B31B 70/74 - Auxiliary operations
  • B65B 43/10 - Forming three-dimensional containers from sheet material by folding the material



Application Number 1509604
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-09-19
Registration Date 2019-09-19
  • Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
  • IKN GmbH Ingenieurbüro-Kühlerbau-Neustadt (Germany)
  • Loesche GmbH (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Marketing services; arranging and conducting of marketing strategies; advertising and marketing; consulting services in the field of Internet marketing; computer-aided advertising; compilation of online trade directories and catalogues; online ordering services; providing information on online trade directories and online databases on machine data; online data processing; administrative data processing; compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; data compilation on machines and plants; development and implementation of bonus programmes for marketing purposes; provision of online price comparison services; online data processing services in the fields of financial services, guarantee services and bonus systems; development and provision of loyalty, incentive and bonus program services, including via online platforms. Financial services; online financial transactions; brokerage and granting of guarantees and warranties. Installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of tools, machines and plants; construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of technical plants, factory equipment and parts thereof; remote maintenance of machines and plants by means of online monitoring and data collection on technical data related to the operation of machines; rental of cement mixing equipment and machines for construction purposes; service of pressure injection of cement; installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of conveyors. Telecommunications via Internet platforms; provision of access to content, websites and Internet portals; provision of user access to Internet platforms, in particular for users of machines and technical plants; provision of access to online checklists for users of technical plants; provision of online forums; provision of access to online services for the collection and processing of information, in particular on technical data, inspection cycles, error messages and fault analysis of machines and plants; provision of access to databases; provision of access to online services for the use of Internet of things [IoT] services, in particular for interactive communication between machines and plants with data processing equipment; connection services for databases; provision of access to online catalogues on technical plants and parts thereof; communication services between databases. Publication of online catalogues; arranging of seminars, congresses and workshops; arranging and conducting of training courses, in particular in the technical field; arranging and conducting of seminars, congresses and training courses in the field of Internet of things (IoT), in particular for the network connection of machines and equipment to data processing equipment for the interactive communication and control of machine functions. Design, development and implementation of computer-aided networks; software design; development, programming and implementation of software for online monitoring and display of industrial plants and maintenance intervals; development and implementation of an electronic system for ordering machines and plants; development and implementation of a customer app for an electronic ordering system as well as for electronic price and bonus systems; development and implementation of an electronic system for fault analysis and for the maintenance of machines and plants; development and implementation of an electronic network for the collection of data and fault messages related to machines and plants; development of an electronic checklist for operation, maintenance and fault messages related to machines and plants; design of software and implementation of a system for the electronic collection, transfer and synchronization of data on an online platform; creation, implementation and maintenance of databases; design and implementation of software for Internet of things [IoT], in particular for the network connection of machines and plants to data processing equipment for the interactive communication and control of machine functions; technological planning services; technical project management; planning and design of technical projects; planning of cement plants and their installations and machines; technical consultancy services related to the planning, operation and maintenance, servicing and repair of technical plants, in particular cement plants; hosting services; software as a service [SaaS] and rental of software; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; engineering services; scientific research conducted using databases; technical online monitoring and inspection of machines.



Serial Number 79289295
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-01-15
Registration Date 2021-08-17
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG, Dr. Reinhold Festge, a German citizen and Walter Haver, a German citizen (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Providing telecommunication by means of Internet platforms to the internet, namely, providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network and data transmission and reception services via telecommunication means; provision of internet access to content, websites and Internet portals; provision of user access to Internet platforms, in particular for users of machines and technical equipment; provision of access to online checklists for users of technical equipment; provision of online forums for communication between manufacturer and customer or customer and customer; telecommunication services for the collection and processing of information, in particular on technical data, inspection cycles, error messages and fault analysis of machines and equipment; provision of access to databases; provision of Internet access for the use of Internet of Things (IoT) services, in particular for interactive communication between machines and equipment with data processing equipment; database interconnection services, namely, providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network, providing internet chatrooms, electronic bulletin board services being telecommunications services, providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services, message sending, computer aided transmission of messages and images, transmission of electronic mail, rental of message sending apparatus, teleconferencing services and providing access to databases; provision of internet access to online catalogues offering technical equipment and parts thereof; communication services, namely, electronic transmission of data between databases Downloadable application software for cloud computing services for machine management, analysis and controlling in the industrial area; downloadable software for use in machine management, material handling, weighing, filling and classifying industrials materials; downloadable software for monitoring cloud networks; downloadable software for mobile monitoring of machines and equipment using cloud computing; downloadable software for process automation; downloadable software for networked control and documentation of machine processes; downloadable software for the construction and use of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the purpose of networking electronic systems that enable interaction between virtual and physical objects and humans; downloadable software to enable self-control and adjustment of machines; downloadable artificial intelligence (Al) software to control and regulate machines and robots; downloadable software for the automated display and control of the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of machines; downloadable software for organizing warehousing, warehouse management and shipping systems; application software for cloud computing services for machine management, analysis and controlling in the industrial area recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for monitoring cloud networks recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for mobile monitoring of machines and equipment using cloud computing recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for process automation recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for networked control and documentation of machine processes recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for the construction and use of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the purpose of networking electronic systems that enable interaction between virtual and physical objects and humans recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software to enable self-control and adjustment of machines recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; artificial intelligence (Al) software to control and regulate machines and robots recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for the automated display and control of the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of machines recorded on cloud servers, DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers; software for organizing warehousing, warehouse management and shipping systems recorded on DVDs, computer media, USB-Sticks, and local servers Data collection for third parties for machine management, analysis and controlling in the industrial area; computer-aided data management for machine management, analysis and controlling in the industrial area; documentation of performance data of machines and plants for technical maintenance services and spare parts; business management consultancy in the field of digital process control and maintenance control of processing machines, machines for storage, mixing machines, packing machines, filling machines, palletizing machines, loading machines as well as of processing plants, plants for storage, mixing plants, packing plants, filling plants, palletizing plants, loading plants including via cloud computing systems and via the Internet of Things (IoT); online ordering services featuring technical maintenance services and spare parts; provision of business information relating to online trade directories and online databases comprising machine data; online data processing; administrative data processing; compilation and systematization of information into computer databases; compilation of machine and plant data collections in the field of technical maintenance services and the delivery of spare parts Installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of machines and technical equipment for processing, storage, mixing, packing, filling, palletizing, loading and logistics in commercial and industrial environments; setup in the nature of assembly and implementation, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of machines and technical equipments and parts thereof for processing, storage, mixing, packing, filling, palletizing, loading and logistics in commercial and industrial environments Organisation of seminars, congresses and workshops in the field of machine management, analysis and controlling data for commercial and industrial enterprises; training courses, in particular in the technical field of machine management, analysis and controlling; seminars, congresses and training courses in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), in particular for the network connection of machines and equipment to data processing devices for the purpose of interactive communication and control of machine functions; seminars, congresses and training courses in the field of the use and control of electronic warehouse management and outgoing goods control, as well as documentation of production processes Computer services, namely, remote administration and management of computer software relating to the installation, repair, maintenance and remote servicing of machinery and technical equipment through online monitoring and cloud computing on the operation of machines and technical equipment; cloud computing and hosting of computer software applications for Internet of Things [IoT] relating to engineering design, implementation, maintenance, modification, installation, repair and servicing of machines and technical equipment and parts thereof for others; computer services, namely, cloud hosting provider services; technical support services, namely, online monitoring of machines; technical support services, namely, process monitoring of machines and equipments for quality assurance, in particular via computer-aided remote data transmission such as cloud computing; technological research related to computer-aided automation of technical processes; consulting services on technology services in the field of electricity and energy supply, engineering services and energy supply systems; development and implementation of a customer computer software application for an electronic ordering system; design and development of an electronic communications network for fault analysis, maintenance and monitoring of maintenance intervals of machines and industrial equipments, in particular via cloud computing systems; development of computer software which creates an electronic checklist for the operation, maintenance and error reporting for machines and equipments; design and implementation of software for the Internet of Things (IoT), in particular for the network connection of machines and equipment to data processing devices for the purpose of interactive communication and control of machine functions; technical project management in the field of machine management, analysis and controlling data for commercial and industrial enterprises; technological consulting services regarding the planning, operation and maintenance, servicing and repair of technical equipment; hosting of websites; IT consultancy in the field of machine management, analysis and controlling in the industrial area information and retrieval services; engineering services; scientific research using databases; design and implementation of AI [Artificial Intelligence] software for controlling machines and robots; design and implementation of software for the automated display and control of the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of machines; software for organizing warehousing, warehouse management and shipping systems recorded on cloud servers; cloud computing featuring software and applications for use in machine management, material handling, weighing, filling and classifying industrials materials



Application Number EP2019061292
Publication Number 2019/211398
Status In Force
Filing Date 2019-05-02
Publication Date 2019-11-07
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Rolf, Christian
  • Bless, Dominik
  • Felling, Heinz-Peter
  • Hinse, Christian


The invention relates to a device and method for packaging bulk materials in open bags (2), comprising the following steps: a) an open bag (2) is hung onto a filling nozzle (6) of a filling station from below by means of a movement directed at least partially upward, such that the base end (9) of the open bag (2) hangs freely; b) the filling process is started and bulk material is introduced into the open bag (2), such that the freely hanging base end (9) of the open bag (2) unfolds; c) the filling nozzle (6) is lowered, such that the unfolded base end (9) of the open bag (2) rests, at the underside thereof, on a supporting surface.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/42 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling



Document Number 03062520
Status Pending
Filing Date 2018-05-08
Open to Public Date 2019-11-05
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schutte, Volker


The invention relates to a filling machine (1) for filling open bags (3) with bulk material, wherein the open bag is at least temporarily received in a container (110) having a cleaning device (200), and cleaning device (200) for cleaning a tubular inner wall (111) of the container (110), e.g. of particles of bulk material, wherein the cleaning device has a cleaning apparatus (202) that is movable in the container (110) along a longitudinal direction (201). The cleaning apparatus (2-2) comprises a layer composite (203) of a plurality of layers (204-208). The layers (204-208) extend transversely with respect to the longitudinal direction (201), and the layer composite (203) comprises two end layers (204, 208), each having an end face (214, 218). One end layer (208) is formed as a top layer having a top face (218) and an end layer (204) is formed as a bottom layer with a bottom face (240). A multiplicity of outwardly directed fluid outlet openings (210, 211) is formed on the layer composite (203), in order to align a fluid flow (209) with the tubular inner wall (111) of the container (110).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B08B 3/02 - Cleaning by the force of jets or sprays
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/12 - Feeding flexible bags or carton blanks in flat or collapsed stateFeeding flat bags connected to form a series or chain
  • B65B 43/14 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines
  • B65B 43/26 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks
  • B65B 43/42 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation
  • B65B 59/00 - Arrangements to enable machines to handle articles of different sizes, to produce packages of different sizes, to vary the contents of packages or to give access for cleaning or maintenance purposes
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details


Apparatus for filling bulk goods into open-mouth bags

Application Number 16464481
Grant Number 12043422
Status In Force
Filing Date 2017-12-08
First Publication Date 2019-10-24
Grant Date 2024-07-23
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Everwand, Torsten
  • Larssen, Heiner
  • Henke, Robert


The invention relates to a device (1) for filling open bags (2) with powdery food, comprising a support structure (3) and a filling spout (4) accommodated on the support structure (3), on which a bag (2) to be filling is suspended. The bag (2) is maintained on the filling spout (4) by means of a bag holder (5, 6). The support structure (3) comprises a hollow profile (10, 11) with a control component (20) accommodated therein in order to protect against soiling. The hollow profile (10) comprises an air outlet (8) for controlling, in the hollow profile (10) when in operation an air pressure higher than the environment.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 43/54 - Means for supporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation
  • B65B 57/00 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices



Document Number 03086597
Status Pending
Filing Date 2018-12-17
Open to Public Date 2019-06-27
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Siewecke, Klaus
  • Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a packaging machine (1) and to a method for introducing bulk materials (2) into containers (3) by means of a rotatable machine body (4) and a plurality of filling nozzles (5) distributed over the periphery. During the rotation of the machine body (4), bulk material (2) is introduced into containers (3). A machine silo (6) having a storage volume (7) for storing a bulk material amount (8) for filling a plurality of containers (3) is formed on the machine body (4). From the machine silo (6), bulk material (2) is introduced via the filling nozzle (5) into the associated container (3). The machine silo (6) is connected to a material feed (10) having a controllable closure element (11), in order to feed bulk material to the machine silo (6). A control device (12) is provided, by means of which the closure element (11) of the material feed (10) is controlled in dependence on the fill level (13) in order to reduce a drop height of the bulk material (2) in the feeding of bulk material (2) into the machine silo (6) or to avoid a free fall of the bulk material (2) in the feeding of bulk material (2) into the machine silo (6) during continuous operation.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 1/30 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled
  • B65B 57/00 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices



Application Number EP2018085299
Publication Number 2019/121561
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-12-17
Publication Date 2019-06-27
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Siewecke, Klaus
  • Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a packaging machine (1) and to a method for introducing bulk materials (2) into containers (3) by means of a rotatable machine body (4) and a plurality of filling nozzles (5) distributed over the periphery. During the rotation of the machine body (4), bulk material (2) is introduced into containers (3). A machine silo (6) having a storage volume (7) for storing a bulk material amount (8) for filling a plurality of containers (3) is formed on the machine body (4). From the machine silo (6), bulk material (2) is introduced via the filling nozzle (5) into the associated container (3). The machine silo (6) is connected to a material feed (10) having a controllable closure element (11), in order to feed bulk material to the machine silo (6). A control device (12) is provided, by means of which the closure element (11) of the material feed (10) is controlled in dependence on the fill level (13) in order to reduce a drop height of the bulk material (2) in the feeding of bulk material (2) into the machine silo (6) or to avoid a free fall of the bulk material (2) in the feeding of bulk material (2) into the machine silo (6) during continuous operation.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 37/02 - Supplying or feeding fluent-solid, plastic, or liquid material, or loose masses of small articles, to be packaged by gravity flow
  • B65B 57/00 - Automatic control, checking, warning or safety devices
  • B65B 1/28 - Controlling escape of air or dust from containers or receptacles during filling
  • B65B 1/30 - Devices or methods for controlling or determining the quantity or quality of the material fed or filled



Application Number EP2018083602
Publication Number 2019/121005
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-12-05
Publication Date 2019-06-27
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Fennenkötter, Klaus
  • Rölver, Fabian
  • Stichling, Michael


The invention relates to a method for operating a fine sieve machine (1) having at least one sieve deck (10) for receiving at least one sieve covering (21) and at least one ultrasonic vibration stimulator (23) for generating ultrasonic vibrations, which are transferred to the sieve covering (21). The method is characterized in that the at least one ultrasonic vibration stimulator (23) is operated in a pulsed manner, wherein the ultrasonic vibration stimulator (23) repeatedly switches between a first operating mode, having a first vibration amplitude, and a second operating mode, having a second vibration amplitude, which is lower compared to the first. The invention further relates to a fine sieve machine (1) having at least one sieve deck (10) for receiving at least one sieve covering (21) and at least one ultrasonic vibration stimulator (23), which is designed to carry out such a method.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B07B 1/42 - Drive mechanisms, regulating or controlling devices, or balancing devices, specially adapted for screens



Application Number EP2018072727
Publication Number 2019/038358
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-08-23
Publication Date 2019-02-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Wenzel, Holger


The invention relates to a horizontal stretching system (1) for packaging an object (100) in a film bag (2) and to a method for packaging objects (100) by means of such a system (1). The system (1) comprises a tubular film store (3), an opening station (50), two gathering arms (4) for gathering and spreading the film bag (2), and a closure station (5) for closing the filled film bag (2), the gathering arms (4) being movable between a bag receiving position (6) and a packaging position (7). A continuous conveying apparatus (8) having a conveying element (9) is provided, on which conveying apparatus an object (100) to be packaged is transported into the film bag (2) held open by the gathering arms (4) in the packaging position (7). The conveying apparatus (8) comprises a conveying plane (10). A deflecting apparatus (11, 11a) is provided, which deflects the conveying element (9) downward out of the conveying plane (10) at least in some sections such that a free space (12) is formed in the conveying plane (10), in which free space at least portions of at least the closing station (5) can be arranged.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 9/14 - Devices for distending the tubular webs
  • B65B 5/02 - Machines characterised by incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 59/00 - Arrangements to enable machines to handle articles of different sizes, to produce packages of different sizes, to vary the contents of packages or to give access for cleaning or maintenance purposes
  • B65B 51/14 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof by reciprocating or oscillating members
  • B65G 21/10 - Supporting or protective framework or housings for endless load-carriers or traction elements of belt or chain conveyors movable, or having interchangeable or relatively- movable partsDevices for moving framework or parts thereof
  • B65G 21/14 - Supporting or protective framework or housings for endless load-carriers or traction elements of belt or chain conveyors movable, or having interchangeable or relatively- movable partsDevices for moving framework or parts thereof to allow adjustment of length or configuration of load-carrier or traction element
  • B65B 35/24 - Feeding, e.g. conveying, single articles by endless belts or chains
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Application Number EP2018072731
Publication Number 2019/038359
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-08-23
Publication Date 2019-02-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Wenzel, Holger


The invention relates to an opening station (50) for opening a tubular film (17), comprising two substantially opposing arms (51, 52) and a transport device (53, 54), wherein the tubular film (17) to be opened can be transported between the arms (51, 52) by means of the transport device (53, 54). At least one arm (51, 52) can be moved relative to at least the one opposing arm (51, 52) and at least one arm (51, 52) comprises at least one retaining device (59) for at least temporarily securing the tubular film (17) to the arm (51, 52). In the method for opening a tubular film (17), the tubular film (17) is supplied to the arms (51, 52), transported through same and secured to an arm (51, 52) such that the bag is raised when moving the arms.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 9/14 - Devices for distending the tubular webs
  • B65B 5/02 - Machines characterised by incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 59/00 - Arrangements to enable machines to handle articles of different sizes, to produce packages of different sizes, to vary the contents of packages or to give access for cleaning or maintenance purposes
  • B65B 51/14 - Applying or generating heat or pressure or combinations thereof by reciprocating or oscillating members
  • B65G 21/10 - Supporting or protective framework or housings for endless load-carriers or traction elements of belt or chain conveyors movable, or having interchangeable or relatively- movable partsDevices for moving framework or parts thereof
  • B65G 21/14 - Supporting or protective framework or housings for endless load-carriers or traction elements of belt or chain conveyors movable, or having interchangeable or relatively- movable partsDevices for moving framework or parts thereof to allow adjustment of length or configuration of load-carrier or traction element
  • B65B 35/24 - Feeding, e.g. conveying, single articles by endless belts or chains
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details



Application Number 1445760
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-09-05
Registration Date 2018-09-05
Owner Haver & Boecker oHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Machine for placing bags on filling spouts of packing machines; machine for placing valve bags on filling spouts of packing machines; packing machines; filling machines; machines for filling bags; robots (machines); industrial robots; robot installations [machines]; industrial robots for filling bags; machines for automated filling of filling installations; parts of packing machines for filling of filling machines; parts of conveyor systems (insofar as included in this class); industrial manipulators; transporting machines (conveyors).



Application Number EP2018065711
Publication Number 2018/229154
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-06-13
Publication Date 2018-12-20
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Stövesand, Bernhard


The invention relates to a loading head (1) and method for receiving and/or discharging a load unit (101) in a loading process, wherein the loading head comprises a carrier unit (80) and a bearing unit (2, 3) received thereon and having a bearing part (4, 5) with a support surface (6, 7). The bearing unit (2, 3) is provided and designed for supporting the load unit (101) from below by means of the support surface (6, 7) of the bearing part (4, 5) during the loading process. A retaining unit (8) is received on the carrier unit (80), having a retaining surface (9) oriented transverse to the support surface (6, 7) of the bearing part (4, 5). The bearing part (4, 5) can move relative to the retaining unit (8) in order to release the load unit (101) from the loading head (1) and transfer same to a loading surface (204) of a separate transport means (203), by moving the bearing part (4, 5) backwards relative to the retaining unit (8). There is also a follower unit (70) having a follower (71) provided on the carrier unit (80), which is designed and configured to align a transportable load carrier (90) on the loading surface (204) of the transport means (203), on which a load unit is to be set down, when required during a movement of the loading head (1), in order to optionally set down the load unit onto a a transportable load carrier (90) aligned with the loading head (10) on the loading surface (204) of the transport means (203).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B66F 7/06 - Lifting frames, e.g. for lifting vehiclesPlatform lifts with platforms supported by levers for vertical movement
  • B66F 9/19 - Additional means for facilitating unloading
  • B65G 67/04 - Loading land vehicles



Document Number 03065144
Status Pending
Filing Date 2018-05-30
Open to Public Date 2018-12-06
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


Compacting device (1) and method,for compacting bulk material (3) in an open package (4), the compacting device (1) comprising a poker compactor (2) accommodated on a carrier device (10). The poker compactor (2) comprises a gas-permeable outer wall (5) connected with a suction duct (6). The poker compactor (2) is suitable to be inserted into an open package (4) for the poker compactor (2) to come into contact with the bulk material (3) to degas and compact the bulk material (3) in the open package (4). The poker compactor (2) has a longitudinal axis (8) around which it is pivotally accommodated.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 11/26 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in channel form about contents and then to close the ends of the channel by folding and finally the mouth of the channel by folding or twisting
  • B65B 1/20 - Reducing volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction
  • B65B 11/20 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in tubular form about contents
  • B65B 11/22 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in tubular form about contents and then to form closing folds of similar form at opposite ends of the tube



Application Number EP2018064261
Publication Number 2018/220055
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-30
Publication Date 2018-12-06
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Vollenkemper, Willi


The invention relates to a compression device (1) and method for compressing bulk material (3) in an open container (4), wherein the compression device (1) comprises a compression bottle (2) accommodated on a carrier device (10). The compression bottle (2) comprises a gas-permeable outer wall (5) which is connected to a suction channel (6). The compression bottle (2) is suitable for insertion into an open container (4) in order to bring the compression bottle (2) into contact with the bulk material (3) and in order to degas and compress the bulk material (3) in the open container (4). Here, the compression bottle (2) has a longitudinal axis (8) and is accommodated to be pivotable about said axis.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 11/26 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in channel form about contents and then to close the ends of the channel by folding and finally the mouth of the channel by folding or twisting
  • B65B 11/20 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in tubular form about contents
  • B65B 11/22 - Wrapping articles, or quantities of material, by conveying wrapper and contents in defined paths in two or more straight paths to fold the wrappers in tubular form about contents and then to form closing folds of similar form at opposite ends of the tube
  • B65B 1/20 - Reducing volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/22 - Reducing volume of filled material by vibration
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction



Application Number 1436397
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-10-04
Registration Date 2018-10-04
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Filling machines; packing machines, in particular for bulk material, liquids and pasty substances; machines for filling bags, in particular open bags or valve bags, in particular of paper or plastic, of foil, woven or non-woven (fleece), with bulk material; packaging machines [wrapping machines]; robot-controlled packaging machines; packaging apparatus [machines]; packaging units; machines and machine parts and accessories for filling machines [included in this class]; machines and machine parts and accessories for packaging machines [included in this class]; filling machines with one or more filling spouts as well as their parts and accessories, included in this class; filling machines with filling spouts arranged in lines; rotary filling machines; filling machines equipped with bulk material weighers; filling machines for liquids; machines for feeding empty bags onto bag filling machines; empty bag magazines as parts or accessories of bag filling machines; machines for attaching empty valve bags to valve bag filling machines; machines and machine parts for closing open bags; machines and machine parts for closing valves on valve bags after filling; machines for producing open bags; machine parts for conveying and feeding bulk material to filling machines; conveyor belts; conveyor units; conveying machines; machines and machine parts for tailoring and providing bags; machines for production; robot mechanics for conveying; transport equipment (conveyors).



Application Number 1436008
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-09-05
Registration Date 2018-09-05
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Filling machines; packing machines, in particular for bulk goods, liquids and paste-like material; packaging machines (wrapping machines); robot-controlled packaging machines; packaging apparatus (machines); packaging installations; packing machines; machine tools for packaging; machines and machine parts and accessories for packaging machines (insofar as included in this class); belt conveyors; electromechanical machines for the chemical industry; conveyor bands; conveying systems; conveying machines; machines and machine parts for tailoring bags; machines for production; robot mechanics for conveying; electrical welding device for synthetic packaging; transport equipment [conveyors]; aforementioned goods with the exception of agricultural machines for soil processing, manure spreaders and manure applicators. Packaging materials; synthetic packing materials; plastic foils [stretchable and/or adhesive] for pallet packaging; synthetic foils for packaging purposes; viscose foils for packaging purposes; cellulose foils for packaging purposes; synthetic bags for packaging purposes; synthetic sacks for packaging purposes; packaging bags, sleeves, pouches made of paper or synthetics. Wrapping and packaging services; packaging of items for transport; packaging of freight goods; packaging of pallets; packing of items by contract according to specifications provided by others; consulting services regarding the packaging of goods; renting of packing or wrapping machines and equipment; packaging of goods; storage of goods.



Document Number 03062235
Status Pending
Filing Date 2018-05-08
Open to Public Date 2018-11-15
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schutte, Volker


Compaction station (100) and method with a compacting device (101) for compacting open-mouth bags (3) filled with bulk materials comprising a container (110) with a tubular inner wall (111) and a takeup space (112) for taking up a filled open-mouth bag (3), and a support unit (231) on a height-displaceable lifting device (102), wherein when the lifting device (102) is in a lowered position (103) the support unit (231) is supported from beneath and when in an elevated position (104), it is suitable to take over a filled open-mouth bag (3) from an adjacent conveyor device (106). A pressure plug (120) that can be lowered from above is comprised which when in a lowered position (121) acts on the bulk material from above, and in an elevated position (122) allows takeover of a filled open-mouth bag (3) from an adjacent conveyor device (106).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/20 - Reducing volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/24 - Reducing volume of filled material by mechanical compression
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction



Application Number EP2018061921
Publication Number 2018/206602
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-08
Publication Date 2018-11-15
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schütte, Volker


The invention relates to a filling machine (1) for filling open bags (3) with bulk material, wherein the open bag is at least temporarily received in a container (110) having a cleaning device (200), and cleaning device (200) for cleaning a tubular inner wall (111) of the container (110), e.g. of particles of bulk material, wherein the cleaning device has a cleaning apparatus (202) that is movable in the container (110) along a longitudinal direction (201). The cleaning apparatus (2-2) comprises a layer composite (203) of a plurality of layers (204-208). The layers (204-208) extend transversely with respect to the longitudinal direction (201), and the layer composite (203) comprises two end layers (204, 208), each having an end face (214, 218). One end layer (208) is formed as a top layer having a top face (218) and an end layer (204) is formed as a bottom layer with a bottom face (240). A multiplicity of outwardly directed fluid outlet openings (210, 211) is formed on the layer composite (203), in order to align a fluid flow (209) with the tubular inner wall (111) of the container (110).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B08B 3/02 - Cleaning by the force of jets or sprays
  • B65B 39/06 - Nozzles, funnels or guides for introducing articles or materials into containers or wrappers adapted to support containers or wrappers
  • B65B 43/14 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines
  • B65B 59/00 - Arrangements to enable machines to handle articles of different sizes, to produce packages of different sizes, to vary the contents of packages or to give access for cleaning or maintenance purposes
  • B65B 65/00 - Details peculiar to packaging machines and not otherwise provided forArrangements of such details
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/04 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 43/12 - Feeding flexible bags or carton blanks in flat or collapsed stateFeeding flat bags connected to form a series or chain
  • B65B 43/26 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks
  • B65B 43/42 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation



Application Number EP2018061929
Publication Number 2018/206607
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-08
Publication Date 2018-11-15
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Schütte, Volker


The invention relates to a compaction station (100) and a method with a compaction device (101) for compacting open-mouth bags (2) filled with bulk material, comprising a container (110) with a tubular inner wall (111) and a receiving space (112) for receiving a filled open-mouth bag (3), and a support unit (231) on a vertically movable lifting device (102), wherein the support unit (231) is supported from below in a lowered position (103) of the lifting device (102) and in a raised position (104) is suitable for acquiring a filled open-mouth bag (3) from an adjacent conveying device (106). Here, a press punch (120) that is lowerable from above is comprised, said press punch (120), in a lowered position (121), acting on the bulk material from above, and, in a raised position (122), allowing the acquisition of a filled open-mouth bag (3) from an adjacent conveying device (106).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 1/20 - Reducing volume of filled material
  • B65B 1/24 - Reducing volume of filled material by mechanical compression
  • B65B 1/26 - Reducing volume of filled material by pneumatic means, e.g. suction



Application Number EP2018061378
Publication Number 2018/202789
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-05-03
Publication Date 2018-11-08
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
  • Felling, Heinz-Peter
  • Bless, Dominik
  • Rolf, Christian
  • Hinse, Christian


Apparatus and method for filling bulk materials into open bags (2), comprising the following steps: a) an open bag (2) is placed below a filling nozzle (6) of a filling station (5); b) the filling nozzle (6) is lowered and the open bag is suspended thereon (2); c) the filling nozzle (6) is moved upwards with the suspended open bag (2), with the result that the bottom end (9) of the open bag (2) hangs freely; d) the filling operation is started and bulk material is introduced into the open bag (2), with the result that the freely hanging bottom end (9) of the open bag (2) unfolds.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/26 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks
  • B65B 43/42 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation
  • B65B 43/46 - Feeding or positioning bags, boxes, or cartons in the distended, opened, or set-up stateFeeding preformed rigid containers, e.g. tins, capsules, glass tubes, glasses, to the packaging positionLocating containers or receptacles at the filling positionSupporting containers or receptacles during the filling operation using grippers
  • B65B 1/02 - Machines characterised by the incorporation of means for making the containers or receptacles
  • B65B 1/06 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles by gravity flow



Application Number 017964836
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-10-04
Registration Date 2019-03-19
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Filling machines; Packing machines, in particular for bulk goods, liquids and pasty substances; Machines for filling sacks, in particular open sacks or valve-operated sacks, in particular of paper or plastic, of film, woven or non-woven fabrics, with bulk goods; Packing machines; Robotic packaging machines; Packaging apparatus (machines); Packing installations; Machines and mechanical parts and fittings for filling machines, included in class 7; Machines and mechanical parts and fittings for packaging machines, included in class 7; Filling machines comprising one or more filling spouts, and parts and fittings therefor, included in class 7; Filling machines having filling supports arranged in rows; Rotating filling machines; Filling machines equipped with bulk-goods scales; Liquid-filling machines; Machines for equipping sack-filling machines with empty sacks; Empty sack magazines, being parts or fittings for sack filling machines; Machines for putting empty valve sacks onto valve-sack filling machines; Machines and mechanical parts for sealing open sacks and machines and mechanical parts for sealing valves on valve-operated sacks subsequent to the filling process; Machines for manufacturing open sacks; Mechanical apparatus for routing and supplying bulk goods to filling machines; Belts for conveyors; Transporters; Conveyers; Machines and mechanical parts for manufacturing and providing sacks; Robotic mechanisms for conveying; Conveyors.



Serial Number 79246133
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-09-05
Registration Date 2020-03-24
Owner Haver & Boecker OHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Filling machines; packing machines, in particular for bulk goods, liquids and paste-like material; packaging machines, namely, shrink and stretch film packaging machines; machine tools for packaging, namely, wrap arms, bag pushing devices, film tube open devices, and film and foil welding and cutting devices; accessories for packaging machines, namely, welding bars sold as an integral component of packing machines; belt, roller and chain conveyors and parts thereof, namely, belts, rollers, chains, and sensors for detecting goods sold as an integral component of the aforementioned conveyors; conveying systems comprised of conveyor lines, roller conveyors, bag traps and bag pusher, and checkweigher; bagging machines, stretch and shrink hoods machines, stretch and shrink hoods overcoater and stretch film wrapper; all the aforementioned goods with the exception of agricultural machines for soil processing, manure spreaders and manure applicators Packaging materials, namely, plastic shrink- and stretch-film in flat and tube form, open mouth plastic bags, valve bags of plastic and Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) of paper or cardboard; synthetic packing materials, namely, plastic bags, plastic woven bags, and paper bags; plastic foils for pallet packaging, synthetic plastic foils for packaging purposes; viscose plastic foils for packaging purposes; cellulose foils for packaging purposes, plastic bags for packaging purposes, paper bags for packaging purposes; packaging bags, sleeves and pouches made of paper; packaging bags, sleeves and pouches made of synthetic plastics and synthetic woven plastic film Wrapping and stretching packaging services, namely, wrapping services featuring the weather protection of paper bags and load securing of multiple part packages for others; packaging of items for transport; packaging of freight goods; packaging of pallets for transportation and storage; packing of items by contract according to specifications provided by others; consulting services regarding the packaging of goods for transportation and storage; renting of packing or wrapping machines and equipment; packaging of goods to the order and specification of others; storage of goods



Serial Number 79250181
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-09-05
Registration Date 2019-08-13
Owner Haver & Boecker oHG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Machine for placing bags on filling spouts of packing machines; machine for placing valve bags on filling spouts of packing machines; packing machines; filling machines; machines for filling bags; robots being industrial robots in nature; industrial robots; robot installations machines being industrial robots; industrial robots for filling bags; machines for automated filling of filling installations; replacement parts of packing machines for filling of filling machines; replacement parts of conveyor systems being industrial machines insofar as included in this class; industrial manipulators machines for packing goods or handling bags; transporting machines being conveyors for transporting bags or other filled or empty container, canister, pallets



Application Number EP2017084263
Publication Number 2018/115379
Status In Force
Filing Date 2017-12-21
Publication Date 2018-06-28
Owner HAVER & BOECKER OHG (Germany)
Inventor Remfert, Christian


Fitting device (1) for fitting woven and/or stitched valve bags (10) onto a filling spout (101) of a packaging machine (100), having a gripper holder (4) which can be moved between a receiving position (2) and an orientation position (3), and has a gripper (5), in order to grip a valve bag (10) in the receiving position (2), and having a blowing device (6) with an air nozzle (7), in order to orient the valve bag (10) in a defined manner in the orientation position (3). In the orientation position (3), an accommodating space (20) for a portion (10) of the valve bag (2) is formed between the gripper holder (4) and the blowing device (6). The gripper (5) is aligned with the accommodating space (20) from a first side (21), and the nozzle (7) is aligned with the accommodating space (20) from an opposite, second side (22), in order to act on opposite side walls (11, 12) of a valve bag (10) accommodated in the accommodating space (20).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65B 43/12 - Feeding flexible bags or carton blanks in flat or collapsed stateFeeding flat bags connected to form a series or chain
  • B65B 43/14 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines
  • B65B 43/18 - Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines by grippers by suction-operated grippers
  • B65B 43/26 - Opening or distending bagsOpening, erecting, or setting-up boxes, cartons, or carton blanks
  • B65B 1/18 - Methods of, or means for, filling the material into the containers or receptacles for filling valve-bags
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