Amcor Flexibles Transpac B.V.B.A.


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IPC Class
B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind 5
B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin 5
B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides 5
B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters 5
B32B 1/02 - Receptacles, e.g. tanks 4
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Pending 2
Registered / In Force 7



Application Number 018581469
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-10-20
Registration Date 2023-03-24
Owner Amcor Flexibles Transpac BVBA (Belgium)
NICE Classes  ? 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Packaging design services for others; technology consulting services of this kind in the field of packaging design.


Single-serve portion pack

Application Number 16767073
Grant Number 10967603
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-09-27
First Publication Date 2020-11-26
Grant Date 2021-04-06
Owner Amcor Flexibles Transpac BVBA (Belgium)
  • De Schoenmaker, Bert
  • Malfait, Tony
  • Plaetinck, Lieven


A single-serve portion pack may have a multilayer film structure including a protective layer, a print, a base layer and a peelable seal layer. The print is situated in-between the protective layer and the base layer. The protective layer is a polyalkylene terephthalate based layer having a stress value at 20% strain, at 90° C., comprised between 5 and 20 MPa (preferably between 5 and 15 MPa), and a melting peak temperature comprised between 190 and 240° C. (preferably between 200 and 230° C.).

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 1/02 - Receptacles, e.g. tanks
  • B32B 7/12 - Interconnection of layers using interposed adhesives or interposed materials with bonding properties
  • B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind
  • B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin
  • B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters
  • B65D 1/09 - Ampoules
  • B65D 85/76 - Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials for edible or potable liquids, semiliquids, or plastic or pasty materials for cheese



Application Number EP2018076290
Publication Number 2019/101399
Status In Force
Filing Date 2018-09-27
Publication Date 2019-05-31
  • De Schoenmaker, Bert
  • Malfait, Tony
  • Plaetinck, Lieven


The present invention is related to a single-serve portion pack comprising a multilayer film structure, said multilayer film structure comprising a protective layer, a print, a base layer and a peelable seal layer, said print situated in-between said protective layer and said base layer wherein said protective layer is a polyalkylene terephthalate based layer characterized by: - a stress value at 20% strain, at 90°C, comprised between 5 and 20MPa, preferably between 5 and 15 MPa; - a melting peak temperature comprised between 190 and 240°C, preferably between 200 and 230°C.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 7/12 - Interconnection of layers using interposed adhesives or interposed materials with bonding properties
  • B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind
  • B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters
  • B32B 1/02 - Receptacles, e.g. tanks
  • B32B 27/18 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin characterised by the use of special additives
  • B32B 15/085 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 15/088 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 15/082 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinsLayered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising acrylic resins
  • B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin
  • B32B 27/32 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B65D 1/09 - Ampoules



Document Number 03080053
Status Pending
Filing Date 2018-09-27
Open to Public Date 2019-05-31
  • De Schoenmaker, Bert
  • Malfait, Tony
  • Plaetinck, Lieven


CA 03080053 2020-04-23 (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property 111111 1 11111111 111111 1 11 11111 1 111 11111 1 111 1 11 11111 1 111 1111 11111 1111 11111111111 1 111111 Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2019/101399 Al 31 May 2019 (31.05.2019) WIPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, B32B 7/12 (2006.01) B32B 15/088 (2006.01) TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, B32B 27/08 (2006.01) B32B 15/082 (2006.01) KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). B32B 27/36 (2006.01) B32B 27/30 (2006.01) B32B 1/02 (2006.01) B32B 27/32 (2006.01) Declarations under Rule 4.17: B32B 27/18 (2006.01) B32B 27/34 (2006.01) ¨ as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a B32B 15/085 (2006.01) B65D 1/09 (2006.01) patent (Rule 4. 17(ii)) ¨ of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) (21) International Application Number: PCT/EP2018/076290 Published: ¨ with international search report (Art. 21(3)) (22) International Filing Date: 27 September 2018 (27.09.2018) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 17203752.5 2'7November 201'7 (2'7.11.201'7) EP (71) Applicant: AMCOR FLEXIBLES TRANSPAC BVBA [BE/BE]; Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 801, 9000 GENT (BE). (72) Inventors: DE SCHOENMAKER, Bert; Gentstraat 367-101, 9041 OOSTAKKER (BE). MALFAIT, Tony; Sint-Jansstraat 15, 8880 ROLLEGEM-KAPELLE (BE). PLAETINCK, Lieven; Bosstraatje 46, 9270 LAARNE KALKEN (BE). (74) Agent: ASSOCIATION OF REPRESENTATIVES "PRONOVEM"; c/o pronovem - Office Van Malderen, Parc d'affaires Zanobe Gramme - batiment K, Square des conduites d'eau 1/2, 4020 LIEGE (BE). = (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, 141 (54) Title: SINGLE-SERVE PORTION PACK e (57) Abstract: The present invention is related to a single-serve portion pack comprising a multilayer film structure, said multilayer film structure comprising a protective layer, a print, a base layer and a peelable seal layer, said print situated in-between said protective layer and said base layer wherein said protective layer is a polyalkylene terephthalate based layer characterized by: - a stress value at 20% strain, at 90 C, comprised between 5 and 20MPa, preferably between 5 and 15 MPa; - a melting peak temperature comprised el between 190 and 240 C, preferably between 200 and 230 C.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 7/12 - Interconnection of layers using interposed adhesives or interposed materials with bonding properties
  • B32B 1/02 - Receptacles, e.g. tanks
  • B32B 15/082 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinsLayered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising acrylic resins
  • B32B 15/085 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 15/088 - Layered products essentially comprising metal comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind
  • B32B 27/18 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin characterised by the use of special additives
  • B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin
  • B32B 27/32 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters
  • B65D 1/09 - Ampoules



Document Number 03037244
Status Pending
Filing Date 2017-10-17
Open to Public Date 2018-05-31
  • Verlodt, Ingeborg
  • Malfait, Tony


The present invention is related to a heat-sealable multilayer film comprising: - a support layer comprising at least one polymeric layer; - a peelable seal layer of polymer blend, said blend comprising: - 50 to 80% by weight of an ethylene polymer; - 10 to 40% by weight of a styrene polymer; and - 5 to 30% by weight of a styrene-butadiene block copolymer, characterized in that the average of the elastic or storage compliance at a frequency of 10 rad/s (J'10) and the elastic or storage compliance at a frequency of 100 rad/s (J'100) is at least 10-5 Pa-1, preferably at least 12 10-6 Pa-1, measured at a temperature of 160°C on a dynamic plate/plate rheometer.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 7/06 - Interconnection of layers permitting easy separation
  • B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind
  • B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin
  • B32B 27/32 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters



Application Number EP2017076416
Publication Number 2018/095657
Status In Force
Filing Date 2017-10-17
Publication Date 2018-05-31
  • Verlodt, Ingeborg
  • Malfait, Tony


The present invention is related to a heat-sealable multilayer film comprising: - a support layer comprising at least one polymeric layer; - a peelable seal layer of polymer blend, said blend comprising: - 50 to 80% by weight of an ethylene polymer; - 10 to 40% by weight of a styrene polymer; and - 5 to 30% by weight of a styrene-butadiene block copolymer, characterized in that the average of the elastic or storage compliance at a frequency of 10 rad/s (J'10) and the elastic or storage compliance at a frequency of 100 rad/s (J'100) is at least 10-5 Pa-1, preferably at least 12 10-6 Pa-1, measured at a temperature of 160°C on a dynamic plate/plate rheometer.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 7/06 - Interconnection of layers permitting easy separation
  • B32B 27/08 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin as the main or only constituent of a layer next to another layer of a specific substance of synthetic resin of a different kind
  • B32B 27/30 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising vinyl resinLayered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising acrylic resin
  • B32B 27/32 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyolefins
  • B32B 27/34 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyamides
  • B32B 27/36 - Layered products essentially comprising synthetic resin comprising polyesters
  • A61J 1/00 - Containers specially adapted for medical or pharmaceutical purposes



Application Number EP2012059791
Publication Number 2012/160181
Status In Force
Filing Date 2012-05-25
Publication Date 2012-11-29
  • Nedell, Henrik
  • Schlemmer, Paul
  • Meldgaard-Andersen, Willy


A hermetically closed package enclosing a product comprises a wall formed of a packaging material including a first polymer film (7) and a second polymer film (10) being co-extensive with the packaging material, the first polymer film (7) is laminated to the second polymer film (10) by means of an adhesive layer (16). One of the polymer films is provided in a limited region thereof with a layer of a material generating heat when subjected to microwave radiation, i.e. a heat-generating layer (5) having susceptor effect. The heat-generating effect, i.e. the susceptor effect, of the heat-generating layer (5) is selected so as to melt, decompose, soften or weaken the first polymer film (7) and/or the second polymer film (10) in the limited region as seen transversely of the packaging material to such a degree that an opening is formed in the limited region.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B65D 81/34 - Containers, packaging elements, or packages, for contents presenting particular transport or storage problems, or adapted to be used for non-packaging purposes after removal of contents for packaging foodstuffs intended to be cooked or heated within the package
  • B65D 77/30 - Opening or contents-removing devices added or incorporated during filling or closing of containers


Packaging material with integrated pressure relief valve

Application Number 13382429
Grant Number 08557357
Status In Force
Filing Date 2010-07-02
First Publication Date 2012-08-02
Grant Date 2013-10-15
Owner Amcor Flexibles Transpac B.V.B.A. (Belgium)
  • Lykke, Kirsten
  • Hansen, Peter


A packaging material for forming at least a part of a package for a product releasing gasses comprises a one-way pressure relief valve (18) including a first inner film (10), being provided with at least one inlet opening (13, 14) therethrough, and a second outer film (11) covering the at least one inlet opening (13, 14) and being bonded to the first inner film (10) to form a channel portion (12) between the inner and the outer film. The channel portion (12) communicates with the surroundings of the package through at least one outlet opening (15) spaced apart from the at least one inlet opening (13, 14). The pressure relief valve (18) further comprises a liquid (19) provided in the channel portion (12) and solid spacer means (17) provided in the channel portion (12) proximate to the at least one inlet opening (13, 14). The outer film (11) is a soft film having such a flexibility or elasticity that in a tensile test a force of less than 5 N is needed for elongating a test piece thereof having a width of 15 mm by 5%.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 3/10 - Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a discontinuous layer, i.e. apertured or formed of separate pieces of material
  • B32B 3/20 - Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a discontinuous layer, i.e. apertured or formed of separate pieces of material characterised by an internal layer formed of separate pieces of material of hollow pieces, e.g. tubesLayered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a discontinuous layer, i.e. apertured or formed of separate pieces of material characterised by an internal layer formed of separate pieces of material of pieces with channels or cavities
  • B32B 3/26 - Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a particular shape of the outline of the cross-section of a continuous layerLayered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a layer with cavities or internal voids
  • B32B 9/04 - Layered products essentially comprising a particular substance not covered by groups comprising such substance as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific substance
  • B32B 1/02 - Receptacles, e.g. tanks



Application Number EP2010059470
Publication Number 2011/003831
Status In Force
Filing Date 2010-07-02
Publication Date 2011-01-13
  • Lykke, Kirsten
  • Hansen, Peter


A packaging material for forming at least a part of a package for a product releasing gasses comprises a one-way pressure relief valve (18) including a first inner film (10), being provided with at least one inlet opening (13,14) therethrough, and a second outer film (11) covering the at least one inlet opening (13, 14) and being bonded to the first inner film (10) to form a channel portion (12) between the inner and the outer film. The channel portion (12) communicates with the surroundings of the package through at least one outlet opening (15) spaced apart from the at least one inlet opening (13, 14). The pressure relief valve (18) further comprises a liquid (19) provided in the channel portion (12) and solid spacer means (17) provided in the channel portion (12) proximate to the at least one inlet opening (13, 14).The outer film (11) is a soft film having such a flexibility or elasticity that in a tensile test a force of less than 5 N is needed for elongating a test piece thereof having a width of 15mm by 5%.

IPC Classes  ?

  • B32B 3/08 - Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by features of form at particular places, e.g. in edge regions characterised by added members at particular parts
  • B32B 3/24 - Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar shapeLayered products comprising a layer having particular features of form characterised by a discontinuous layer, i.e. apertured or formed of separate pieces of material characterised by an apertured layer, e.g. of expanded metal
  • B65D 77/22 - Packages formed by enclosing articles or materials in preformed containers, e.g. boxes, cartons, sacks or bags Details