06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Baumaterialien aus Metall, insbesondere vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau (soweit in Klassen 6 enthalten), insbesondere für Linienentwässerung oder Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und - rechen, Rohr- und Schlauchverbindungsteile, Schellen, Rohrmuffen, Rohrkappen, Rohrendverschlüsse, Mauer- und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten aus Metall; aus Metall gefertigte Formteile zur Entwässerung an Gebäuden, nämlich Dachrinnen und Fallrohre; vorgefertigte Bauelemente aus Metall für Be- und Entlüftungsanlagen, insbesondere für Gebäude, nämlich Zu- und Abluftführungskanäle, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter; metallene Profile für Bauzwecke, insbesondere Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer, aus Metall hergestellte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen, Dachfenster; Profile aus Metall für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Metallrohre, insbesondere für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten), insbesondere flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile aus Metall zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie metallene Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten). Maschinen für die Abwasserbehandlung, insbesondere Abscheider, insbesondere für Leicht- oder Schwerstoffe, insbesondere Fettabscheider, Benzinabscheider, Abscheider für mineralische Leichtflüssigkeiten, Stärkeabscheider, Koaleszenzabscheider, hydrodynamische Abscheider; Pumpstationen; Teile und Zubehör der vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 7 enthalten), insbesondere vorgefertigte Becken und Behälter, Abdeckungen, Schwimmer, Schwimmerventile, Verschlüsse, Zulaufsperren, Schlammabzug, Ölabsaugvorrichtungen, Skimmer, Filter, Schlammfang. Steuerungen, Regelungs- und Steuerungseinheiten für den Bereich der Bewässerungs- und Entwässerungs- und Abwassertechnologie, insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Kameras, Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere physikalische und chemische Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere für Raumüberwachung, Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Anzeige- und Rückmeldeeinheiten zur Verwendung mit den vorstehend genannten Sensoren und Detektoren; Computersoft- und Hardware für den Betrieb von Sensoren, Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Raumüberwachung, der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Geräte für Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Wetterdaten zur Verwendung in Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen. Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder, insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile, alle für Wasserleitungsgeräte, Wasserfiltriergeräte und Wasserreinigungsanlagen im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile für Lüftungsanlagen, insbesondere Lüfter, im Hoch- und Tiefbau. Baumaterialien ganz oder teilweise bestehend aus mineralischen Baustoffen, Zementbeton, Kunststoff-Beton, Kunststoff, Gummi und Gummiersatzstoffen, Steingut, Porzellan, Glas, Mineralguss, insbesondere für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere für Linienentwässerung, Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; nicht aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und -rechen, Mauer und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten (nicht aus Metall); Formteile aus Kunststoff zur Be- und Entwässerung an Gebäuden, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter, Außen- und Innenhauben; Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer; aus Kunststoff und Holz gefertigte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen; Profile (nicht aus Metall) für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Bauglas für Türen, Fenster für Gebäude, insbesondere als Einfachglas-, Isolierglas- und Doppelglasscheiben, sowie Dreifachglasscheiben; aus Kunststoff oder Acrylglas hergestellte Türen und Fensterscheiben; Rohre (nicht aus Metall) für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau, Be- und Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klassen 19 enthalten), insbesondere: flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile (nicht aus Metall) zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (nicht aus Metall) (soweit in Klasse 19 enthalten); Rigolenkörper und Bauteile für Rigolenkörper, insbesondere Grundelemente sowie Seitenwände für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff, Inspektionsschächte und Schachtabdeckungen für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Zubehörteile für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Stabilisierungstextilien [Geotextilien] zur Verwendung im Bauwesen. Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen, insbesondere von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Installation, Reinigung, Reparatur sowie Wartung von Fenstersystemen, insbesondere automatisiert öffnenden und schließenden Fenstersystemen, und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik. Ausbildung, insbesondere Akademien, Kolloquien, Organisation und Veranstaltung von Konferenzen und Kongressen, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Seminaren, Schulungen und Workshops, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie; Verfassen und Herausgabe von Texten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie, ausgenommen Werbetexte; Erziehung und Unterricht. Beratung im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungs- und Abscheidertechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bauplanungsunterstützung insbesondere durch Bereitstellung von Konfiguratoren zu Berechnungs- und Planungszwecken; Design und Entwicklung von Computerhardware und -software für Be- und Entwässerungssysteme und Lüftungssysteme; Wasseranalyse; Beratung im Bereich Wassereinsparung und Wassernutzung; Cloud Computing, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Online-Bereitstellung einer interaktiven webbasierten Anwendung (nicht herunterladbar), insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; technische Datenanalyse, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Beratungs-, Management-, Analyse- und Informationsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf alle vorgenannten Tätigkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Pflege von Datenbanken, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren Softwareanwendungen, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Fenstersystemen und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Baumaterialien aus Metall, insbesondere vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau (soweit in Klassen 6 enthalten), insbesondere für Linienentwässerung oder Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und - rechen, Rohr- und Schlauchverbindungsteile, Schellen, Rohrmuffen, Rohrkappen, Rohrendverschlüsse, Mauer- und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten aus Metall; aus Metall gefertigte Formteile zur Entwässerung an Gebäuden, nämlich Dachrinnen und Fallrohre; vorgefertigte Bauelemente aus Metall für Be- und Entlüftungsanlagen, insbesondere für Gebäude, nämlich Zu- und Abluftführungskanäle, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter; metallene Profile für Bauzwecke, insbesondere Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer, aus Metall hergestellte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen, Dachfenster; Profile aus Metall für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Metallrohre, insbesondere für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten), insbesondere flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile aus Metall zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie metallene Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten). Maschinen für die Abwasserbehandlung, insbesondere Abscheider, insbesondere für Leicht- oder Schwerstoffe, insbesondere Fettabscheider, Benzinabscheider, Abscheider für mineralische Leichtflüssigkeiten, Stärkeabscheider, Koaleszenzabscheider, hydrodynamische Abscheider; Pumpstationen; Teile und Zubehör der vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 7 enthalten), insbesondere vorgefertigte Becken und Behälter, Abdeckungen, Schwimmer, Schwimmerventile, Verschlüsse, Zulaufsperren, Schlammabzug, Ölabsaugvorrichtungen, Skimmer, Filter, Schlammfang. Steuerungen, Regelungs- und Steuerungseinheiten für den Bereich der Bewässerungs- und Entwässerungs- und Abwassertechnologie, insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Kameras, Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere physikalische und chemische Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere für Raumüberwachung, Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Anzeige- und Rückmeldeeinheiten zur Verwendung mit den vorstehend genannten Sensoren und Detektoren; Computersoft- und Hardware für den Betrieb von Sensoren, Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Raumüberwachung, der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Geräte für Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Wetterdaten zur Verwendung in Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen. Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder, insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile, alle für Wasserleitungsgeräte, Wasserfiltriergeräte und Wasserreinigungsanlagen im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile für Lüftungsanlagen, insbesondere Lüfter, im Hoch- und Tiefbau. Baumaterialien ganz oder teilweise bestehend aus mineralischen Baustoffen, Zementbeton, Kunststoff-Beton, Kunststoff, Gummi und Gummiersatzstoffen, Steingut, Porzellan, Glas, Mineralguss, insbesondere für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere für Linienentwässerung, Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; nicht aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und -rechen, Mauer und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten (nicht aus Metall); Formteile aus Kunststoff zur Be- und Entwässerung an Gebäuden, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter, Außen- und Innenhauben; Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer; aus Kunststoff und Holz gefertigte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen; Profile (nicht aus Metall) für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Bauglas für Türen, Fenster für Gebäude, insbesondere als Einfachglas-, Isolierglas- und Doppelglasscheiben, sowie Dreifachglasscheiben; aus Kunststoff oder Acrylglas hergestellte Türen und Fensterscheiben; Rohre (nicht aus Metall) für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau, Be- und Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klassen 19 enthalten), insbesondere: flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile (nicht aus Metall) zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (nicht aus Metall) (soweit in Klasse 19 enthalten); Rigolenkörper und Bauteile für Rigolenkörper, insbesondere Grundelemente sowie Seitenwände für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff, Inspektionsschächte und Schachtabdeckungen für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Zubehörteile für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Stabilisierungstextilien [Geotextilien] zur Verwendung im Bauwesen. Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen, insbesondere von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Installation, Reinigung, Reparatur sowie Wartung von Fenstersystemen, insbesondere automatisiert öffnenden und schließenden Fenstersystemen, und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik. Ausbildung, insbesondere Akademien, Kolloquien, Organisation und Veranstaltung von Konferenzen und Kongressen, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Seminaren, Schulungen und Workshops, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie; Verfassen und Herausgabe von Texten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie, ausgenommen Werbetexte; Erziehung und Unterricht. Beratung im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungs- und Abscheidertechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bauplanungsunterstützung insbesondere durch Bereitstellung von Konfiguratoren zu Berechnungs- und Planungszwecken; Design und Entwicklung von Computerhardware und -software für Be- und Entwässerungssysteme und Lüftungssysteme; Wasseranalyse; Beratung im Bereich Wassereinsparung und Wassernutzung; Cloud Computing, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Online-Bereitstellung einer interaktiven webbasierten Anwendung (nicht herunterladbar), insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; technische Datenanalyse, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Beratungs-, Management-, Analyse- und Informationsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf alle vorgenannten Tätigkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Pflege von Datenbanken, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren Softwareanwendungen, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Fenstersystemen und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Baumaterialien aus Metall, insbesondere vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau (soweit in Klassen 6 enthalten), insbesondere für Linienentwässerung oder Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und - rechen, Rohr- und Schlauchverbindungsteile, Schellen, Rohrmuffen, Rohrkappen, Rohrendverschlüsse, Mauer- und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten aus Metall; aus Metall gefertigte Formteile zur Entwässerung an Gebäuden, nämlich Dachrinnen und Fallrohre; vorgefertigte Bauelemente aus Metall für Be- und Entlüftungsanlagen, insbesondere für Gebäude, nämlich Zu- und Abluftführungskanäle, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter; metallene Profile für Bauzwecke, insbesondere Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer, aus Metall hergestellte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen, Dachfenster; Profile aus Metall für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Metallrohre, insbesondere für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten), insbesondere flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile aus Metall zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie metallene Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 6 enthalten). Maschinen für die Abwasserbehandlung, insbesondere Abscheider, insbesondere für Leicht- oder Schwerstoffe, insbesondere Fettabscheider, Benzinabscheider, Abscheider für mineralische Leichtflüssigkeiten, Stärkeabscheider, Koaleszenzabscheider, hydrodynamische Abscheider; Pumpstationen; Teile und Zubehör der vorgenannten Waren (soweit in Klasse 7 enthalten), insbesondere vorgefertigte Becken und Behälter, Abdeckungen, Schwimmer, Schwimmerventile, Verschlüsse, Zulaufsperren, Schlammabzug, Ölabsaugvorrichtungen, Skimmer, Filter, Schlammfang. Steuerungen, Regelungs- und Steuerungseinheiten für den Bereich der Bewässerungs- und Entwässerungs- und Abwassertechnologie, insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Kameras, Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere physikalische und chemische Sensoren und Detektoren, insbesondere für Raumüberwachung, Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen sowie für Fenster, Lichtschächte und Lüfter; Anzeige- und Rückmeldeeinheiten zur Verwendung mit den vorstehend genannten Sensoren und Detektoren; Computersoft- und Hardware für den Betrieb von Sensoren, Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Raumüberwachung, der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Geräte für Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Wetterdaten zur Verwendung in Steuerungen, Reglern und Steuerungseinheiten im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen. Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder, insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile, alle für Wasserleitungsgeräte, Wasserfiltriergeräte und Wasserreinigungsanlagen im Bereich der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie und zur Steuerung von Stellgliedern in der Abwasser- und Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie insbesondere für Abscheider, Hebeanlagen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Kläranlagen und Linien- und Punktentwässerung und Wasserspeicher und Retentionsvorrichtungen; Steuergeräte, Regelgeräte, Stellglieder insbesondere Ventile sowie deren Teile und Bestandteile für Lüftungsanlagen, insbesondere Lüfter, im Hoch- und Tiefbau. Baumaterialien ganz oder teilweise bestehend aus mineralischen Baustoffen, Zementbeton, Kunststoff-Beton, Kunststoff, Gummi und Gummiersatzstoffen, Steingut, Porzellan, Glas, Mineralguss, insbesondere für Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; vorgefertigte Bauelemente zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln, Aufbereiten und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere für Linienentwässerung, Oberflächenentwässerung oder Oberflächenbewässerung; nicht aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und -rechen, Mauer und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten (nicht aus Metall); Formteile aus Kunststoff zur Be- und Entwässerung an Gebäuden, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter, Außen- und Innenhauben; Zargen, Winkelrahmen, Abdeckroste und Bodenwannen für Schuhabstreifer; aus Kunststoff und Holz gefertigte Türen, Türen- und Fensterzargen, Fertigfenster, Leibungsfenster und Leibungskellerfenster mit und ohne integrierten Rollladen; Profile (nicht aus Metall) für Türen und Fenster, nämlich Einbauzargen, Leibungsrahmen, Schutzgitter, Ziergitter, Blend- und Flügelrahmen, Fensteraufsteller, Kellerlichtschächte mit und ohne Lichtschachtrost, Entwässerungsanschlüsse für Kellerlichtschächte; Bauglas für Türen, Fenster für Gebäude, insbesondere als Einfachglas-, Isolierglas- und Doppelglasscheiben, sowie Dreifachglasscheiben; aus Kunststoff oder Acrylglas hergestellte Türen und Fensterscheiben; Rohre (nicht aus Metall) für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau, Be- und Entwässerungsrohre, Be- und Entlüftungsrohre und Zu- und Abwasserrohre (soweit in Klassen 19 enthalten), insbesondere: flexible und nichtflexible Rohre, Teleskoprohre, Winkelrohre, T-Rohrstücke, Bogenrohre, Abzweigrohre, Reinigungsrohre, Sickerleitungsrohre, Dränagerohre für Bauzwecke; vorgefertigte Bauteile (nicht aus Metall) zum Bau von Kontroll-, Spül- und Sammelschächten bei Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen; sowie Teile und Zubehör zu allen vorgenannten Waren (nicht aus Metall) (soweit in Klasse 19 enthalten); Rigolenkörper und Bauteile für Rigolenkörper, insbesondere Grundelemente sowie Seitenwände für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff, Inspektionsschächte und Schachtabdeckungen für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Zubehörteile für Rigolenkörper aus Kunststoff; Stabilisierungstextilien [Geotextilien] zur Verwendung im Bauwesen. Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen, insbesondere von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Installation, Reinigung, Reparatur sowie Wartung von Fenstersystemen, insbesondere automatisiert öffnenden und schließenden Fenstersystemen, und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Installation, Reinigung, Wartung und Reparatur von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Vermietung und Verpachtung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik. Ausbildung, insbesondere Akademien, Kolloquien, Organisation und Veranstaltung von Konferenzen und Kongressen, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Seminaren, Schulungen und Workshops, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie; Verfassen und Herausgabe von Texten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie, ausgenommen Werbetexte; Erziehung und Unterricht. Beratung im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungs- und Abscheidertechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bauplanungsunterstützung insbesondere durch Bereitstellung von Konfiguratoren zu Berechnungs- und Planungszwecken; Design und Entwicklung von Computerhardware und -software für Be- und Entwässerungssysteme und Lüftungssysteme; Wasseranalyse; Beratung im Bereich Wassereinsparung und Wassernutzung; Cloud Computing, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Online-Bereitstellung einer interaktiven webbasierten Anwendung (nicht herunterladbar), insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; technische Datenanalyse, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Beratungs-, Management-, Analyse- und Informationsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf alle vorgenannten Tätigkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Pflege von Datenbanken, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren Softwareanwendungen, insbesondere im Bereich der Be- und Entwässerungstechnologie sowie der Lüftungstechnologie; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Oberflächenentwässerungsanlagen und Bewässerungsanlagen, Rigolen, Regenwassernutzungsanlagen, Abwasserhebeanlagen, Rückstausicherungen, Pumpstationen, Sedimentations- und Filteranlagen, Nassmüllentsorgungssysteme und Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, insbesondere Leichtflüssigkeits- und Fettabscheider; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Fenstersystemen und Lichtschächten, insbesondere hochwasserdichten Kellerfenstersystemen und Lichtschächten; Technische Überwachung und Inspektion von Dachabläufen und Dachablaufsystemen; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden; Technische Verwaltung von Anlagen und Systemen zur Be- und Entwässerung im Tiefbau, im Hochbau und in der Haustechnik.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Baumaterialen aus Stahl und Gusseisen für die Punkt- und Linienentwässerung, insbesondere Entwässerungsrinnen, Sinkkästen und Schächte sowie Abdeckungen hierzu und deren Einzelteile; Metallteile und Metallfertigteile für Stahlbeton, insbesondere Stahlbeton-Schlitzrinnen, Stahlarmierungen für Stahlbetonteile und Stahlbetonfertigteile, Schachtdeckel aus Metall. Baumaterialien ganz oder teilweise bestehend aus mineralischen Baustoffen, Zementbeton, Kunststoff-Beton, Kunststoff, Gummi und Gummiersatzstoffen, Steingut, Porzellan, Glas, Mineralguss, insbesondere für Entwässerungsanlagen im Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau; vorgefertigte Bauelemente (nicht aus Metall) zum Bau von Anlagen, zum Sammeln und Abführen von Wasser, Oberflächenwasser, Abwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten (soweit in Klasse 19 enthalten), insbesondere für Linienentwässerung, Punktentwässerung oder Oberflächenentwässerung; nicht aus Metall bestehende Entwässerungsrinnen und deren Teile, insbesondere Betonschlitzrinnen, Bord- und Muldensteine, Fahrbahnbegrenzungen, Bordschlitzrinnen, Einlaufkästen und -behälter, Zwischenbehälter, Drosselschächte, Sinkkästen, Fallrohrkästen, Schlammeimer, vorgefertigte Revisionsschächte, Bodenabläufe mit und ohne Geruchsverschluss, Deckel, Abdeckroste, Abdeckgitter, Abdeckplatten, Schachtabdeckungen mit und ohne Lochungen, Schmutzfangsiebe und -rechen, Mauer und Fensterdurchführungen für Rohre; Sickerplatten (nicht aus Metall); Formteile aus Kunststoff zur Entwässerung an Gebäuden, Ent- und Belüftungsgitter; Rohre (nicht aus Metall) für Tiefbau, Wasserbau, Straßenbau, Sportplatzbau und Gebäudebau, Entwässerungsrohre.
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Computer software, more specifically Non-downloadable computer software for the design of drainage and irrigation articles, in particular point and line drainage and retention devices. Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Including in particular in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Maintenance of databases; providing non-downloadable software application services, Including in particular in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology.
The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a drainage article (10), in particular a channel (11) or a point drain, using a device (100) comprising: a bottom, two side walls and two end walls (101) which form an outer shape of the drainage article (10); and at least one core (102) which forms an inner shape, in particular a drainage surface (19), of the drainage article (10), wherein at least one of the two end walls (101) has an undercut (103) in order to form an extension (12) of the drainage article (10). The method comprises the following steps: - positioning the side walls and the end walls (101) on the bottom so as to form a peripherally closed mould, the undercut (103) of the at least one end wall (101) facing the interior (104) of the mould; - filling the interior (104) of the mould with a flowable material, in particular concrete material, in such a way that the flowable material fills the undercut (103), air and/or the flowable material which accumulate(s) in the undercut (103) during filling being discharged through at least one channel (105) in the end wall (101); and - hardening the liquid material in order to form the drainage article (10) and demoulding the hardened drainage article (10).
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
19 - Non-metallic building materials
21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, In particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, for use in the following fields: Rainwater harvesting, Treating and draining water, Especially Transportable buildings and Transportable containers, Especially Plant holders featuring water storage. Controls and regulators and Control units, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and waste water technology, Especially in relation to the following goods: Plant containers; Sensors and Detectors, Especially Physical and chemical sensors and detectors, Especially, for use in relation to the following goods: Plant containers; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, Computer software and hardware for operating sensors, controllers, regulators and control units in the following fields: Watering of plants; Apparatus for collecting, storing and processing weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units in the following fields: Watering of plants; Water level indicators. Construction materials made wholly or partially of the following materials: Mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, Gum and Substitutes for gum, Pottery stone, Porcelain, Glass, Mineral casting, The aforesaid goods in particular for transportable buildings and containers, in particular plant holders featuring water storage. Household or kitchen utensils and containers, planted and plantable containers, Especially Plant holders, Fibreglass containers, Hydroculture vessels, Plant containers, Illuminated containers, Plant tubs of the following materials: Plastic, Stainless steel, Zinc, Polystone, Natural stone, Artificial stone or Garden pottery; Hydroponic accessories, namely Plant watering holders, Culture pots, Holders for culture pots; Hydroponic systems, namely Hydroponic vessels for cultivation pots and Holders for culture pots.
According to various embodiments, a pump housing can have: an input port (110), an output port (120), a plurality of housing sections, of which: a first housing section (130) has a first cavity, in which the input port (110) opens; a second housing section (140) has a second cavity, in which the output port (120) opens, and a housing wall (141) which bounds the second cavity and is penetrated along an axis of rotation (162) by a shaft-receiving opening (161) for receiving a drive shaft (410); wherein the plurality of housing sections are formed monolithically.
The invention relates to a drainage channel for sanitary facilities, in particular shower facilities, with a channel body extending in a longitudinal direction, comprising:
at least one first channel section having a bottom and at least two side walls arranged opposite one another at the bottom, wherein the first channel section is adapted to accommodate at least one heat exchanger unit for heat recovery; and
at least one second channel section with a receiving area for receiving a channel cover element, which adjoins the first channel section above, wherein
the channel body has at least one undercut through which the receiving area of the second channel section is arranged transversely to the longitudinal direction within at least one of the side walls, in particular both side walls, of the first channel section.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, in particlar for prefabricated building elements of metal for ventilating and aerating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, aerating and ventilating grilles, external and internal hoods; Metallic profiles for building, Especially Window casings, Pre-fabricated windows, Soffit cellar windows with and without integrated roller blinds, Roof windows, Skylights; Profiles of metal for windows, Especially Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Blind frames and window frames; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for building construction, in particular prefabricated building elements (not of metal) for the construction of prefabricated building elements (not of metal) for ventilating and aerating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, aerating and ventilating grilles, external and internal hoods; Window casings, Pre-fabricated windows, Soffit cellar windows with and without integrated roller blinds, Skylights, Skylights, of the following materials: plastic and Wood; Profiles for windows, not of metal, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Blind frames and window frames; Building glass for windows, skylights and light panels for buildings, in particular being single sheet plate glass, insulating glass and double sheet plate glass; Window glass, Skylights, Lighting panels, of the following materials: plastic or Acrylic glass; All the aforesaid goods included in class 19; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19).
40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
Goods & Services
Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, especially Prefabricated basins and containers for storing light or heavy materials, in particular fats, petrol, light mineral liquids and starches; Parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid machines, especially Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Filters, Sludge traps. Recycling of waste and trash; Water treating; Preparation of light and/or heavy materials, in particular fats, from fat separators, petrol separators, separators for light mineral liquids, separators for starches, coalescence separators.
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Machines for sewage treatment, In particular separators, In particular for light or heavy materials, in particular grease traps, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators, in particular valves and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water purification installations in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Steering devices, Regulating apparatus, Actuator Especially Valves, related parts and related fittings, for use in relation to the following goods: Ventilating installations, in particular ventilators, in structural and civil engineering. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators. Counselling Relating to the following sectors: Irrigation and drainage and separator technology Through the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software for irrigation and drainage systems; Water analysis; Consultancy in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Consultancy, analysis and information services and technical project management services relating to all the aforesaid activities, in particular in the field of irrigation and drainage technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical control services and Technical inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Machines for sewage treatment, In particular separators, In particular for light or heavy materials, in particular grease traps, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators, in particular valves and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water purification installations in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Steering devices, Regulating apparatus, Actuator Especially Valves, related parts and related fittings, for use in relation to the following goods: Ventilating installations, in particular ventilators, in structural and civil engineering. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators. Counselling Relating to the following sectors: Irrigation and drainage and separator technology Through the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software for irrigation and drainage systems; Water analysis; Consultancy in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Consultancy, analysis and information services and technical project management services relating to all the aforesaid activities, in particular in the field of irrigation and drainage technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical control services and Technical inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, Especially Prefabricated components for building installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for irrigation and drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction (included in Class 6) in particular for channel drainage or surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Profiles of metal for doors and windows, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Sash frames, window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated metallic building components, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially Separators, especially for use in relation to the following goods: Light or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, Control units and Control units for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and waste water technology, Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Cameras [photography], Sensors and detectors, Especially Physical and chemical sensors and detectors, Especially for use in the following fields: Room surveillance, Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors; Computer software and hardware for operating sensors, controllers, regulators and control units in the field of room surveillance, waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of waste water, irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water. irrigation and drainage technology Especially for use in the following fields: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators, in particular valves and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water purification installations in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Steering devices, Regulating apparatus, Actuator specifically Valves, related parts and related fittings, for use in relation to the following goods: Ventilating installations, in particular ventilators, in structural and civil engineering. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for irrigation and drainage installations in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction; Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for collecting, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for line drainage, surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); plastic mouldings for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles for windows and doors, not of metal, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Window sashes, Window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes (not of metal) for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction, irrigation and drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation pipes and supply pipes and waste water pipes, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in Class 19, Especially: Flexible and non-flexible pipes, Telescopic pipes, Angled pipes, t-pipe pieces, bent pipes, Curves, Cleaning pipes, seeping pipes, Drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated components, not of metal, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; installation, Purification, Repair, Maintenance in relation to the following goods: Window systems, Especially Automated opening and closing window systems and light wells, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology. Training, In particular academies, Colloquiums, Arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses, Arranging and conducting of courses, seminars and workshops, specifically, in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Writing and publishing of texts, other than publicity texts, specifically, in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Teaching. Counselling in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Separation technology, ventilation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software, for use in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drainage systems and ventilation systems; Water analysis; Counselling in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Consultancy services, management services, analysis services and information services relating to all the aforesaid activities, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, Especially Prefabricated components for building installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for irrigation and drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction (included in Class 6) in particular for channel drainage or surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Profiles of metal for doors and windows, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Sash frames, window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated metallic building components, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially Separators, especially for use in relation to the following goods: Light or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, Control units and Control units for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and waste water technology, Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Cameras [photography], Sensors and detectors, Especially Physical and chemical sensors and detectors, Especially for use in the following fields: Room surveillance, Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors; Computer software and hardware for operating sensors, controllers, regulators and control units in the field of room surveillance, waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of waste water, irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water. irrigation and drainage technology Especially for use in the following fields: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators, in particular valves and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water purification installations in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Steering devices, Regulating apparatus, Actuator specifically Valves, related parts and related fittings, for use in relation to the following goods: Ventilating installations, in particular ventilators, in structural and civil engineering. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for irrigation and drainage installations in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction; Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for collecting, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for line drainage, surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); plastic mouldings for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles for windows and doors, not of metal, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Window sashes, Window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes (not of metal) for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction, irrigation and drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation pipes and supply pipes and waste water pipes, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in Class 19, Especially: Flexible and non-flexible pipes, Telescopic pipes, Angled pipes, t-pipe pieces, bent pipes, Curves, Cleaning pipes, seeping pipes, Drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated components, not of metal, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; installation, Purification, Repair, Maintenance in relation to the following goods: Window systems, Especially Automated opening and closing window systems and light wells, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology. Training, In particular academies, Colloquiums, Arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses, Arranging and conducting of courses, seminars and workshops, specifically, in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Writing and publishing of texts, other than publicity texts, specifically, in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Teaching. Counselling in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Separation technology, ventilation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software, for use in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drainage systems and ventilation systems; Water analysis; Counselling in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Consultancy services, management services, analysis services and information services relating to all the aforesaid activities, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated metal
construction materials for the construction of installations
for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water,
wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for
civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building,
sports ground construction and building construction
(included in this class), in particular for line drainage or
surface drainage; metal drainage pipes, metal inflow boxes
and containers, intermediate containers, catch containers,
down pipe boxes, sludge tanks (gullies), prefabricated metal
inspection shafts, floor drains of metal with and without
drain traps, metal covers, covering grates, covering grid
plates, access covers, manhole covers with and without
perforations, dirt collecting sieves and rakes, metal
fittings for pipes namely pipe and flexible pipe connectors,
clamps, pipe muffs, pipe caps, closures for pipes,
penetrations for pipes for walls and windows, of metal;
seepage plates of metal; shaped parts of metal for the
drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes;
prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and
ventilating installations, in particular for buildings,
namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating
grilles; profiles of metal for building, in particular
frames of metal for building, angle frames of metal for
building, metal grates and base trays for use as structures
with shoe cleaning function, metal doors, door and window
frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement
hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds,
skylights; sections of metal for doors and windows, namely
built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating,
decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar
light wells with and without light well grates, drainage
pieces for cellar light wells; pipes and tubes of metal in
particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering,
road building, sports ground construction and building
construction; drainage pipes of metal, ventilation pipes of
metal, supply pipes and waste water pipes of metal (included
in this class), in particular non-flexible pipes of metal,
telescopic pipes of metal, angled tubes of metal, pipe
fittings of metal, namely T-pieces, pipe bends of metal,
branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage
pipes of metal for building; prefabricated construction
parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers,
flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage
installations; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid
goods (included in this class). Machines for sewage treatment, especially separators, in
particular for lightweight or heavy materials, especially
grease separators, petrol separators, separators for
lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence
separators, hydrodynamic separators; pumping stations; parts
and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in
this class, in particular prefabricated basins and
containers, copings, floats, floating valves, closures,
inlet locks, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, skimmers,
filters, sludge traps. Power controllers, power regulators and electric control
units for use in the field of drainage and waste water
technology, in particular for separators, lift
installations, sedimentation and filter installations,
clarifying installations and line and point drainage and
water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light
shafts and ventilators; sensor and detectors, in particular
physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular
for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter
installations, clarifying installations and line and point
drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for
windows, light shafts and ventilators; electronic display
and control units for use with sensors and detectors,
computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors,
controllers, regulators and control units relating to the
field of drainage and waste water technology and for the
control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology,
in particular for separators, lift installations,
sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying
installations and line and point drainage and water
reservoirs and retention units; apparatus for recording,
storage and processing of weather data for use in
controllers, regulators and control units relating to the
field of drainage and waste water technology and for the
control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology,
in particular for separators, lift installations,
sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying
installations and line and point drainage and water
reservoirs and retention units. Regulating and safety accessories, and parts and fittings
therefor, for water supply apparatus, water filtering
apparatus and water purification installations in the field
of drainage and wastewater technology, in particular for
separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter
installations, clarifying installations and line and point
drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral
building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete,
plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials,
earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in
particular for drainage installations in civil engineering
projects, water constructions, road building, sports field
construction and building construction, namely prefabricated
building elements for the construction of installations, for
the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface
water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for
channel or surface drainage systems; non-metallic drainage
pipes, non-metallic inflow boxes and containers,
non-metallic intermediate tanks, non-metallic catch tanks,
non-metallic downpipe boxes, non-metallic sludge tanks
(gullies), prefabricated non-metallic inspection shafts,
floor drains of non-metallic materials with and without
odour traps, non-metallic covers, covering grates and
covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with
and without perforations, dirt collecting sieves and rakes,
penetrations for pipes for walls and windows, all the
aforesaid goods not of metal; drainage plates (not of
metal); shaped construction materials of plastic for the
drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids,
interior and exterior hoods; non-metallic building frames,
angle frames for buildings, covering grates for use as
structures with shoe cleaning function; plastic and wooden
doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows,
hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without
integrated roller blinds; profiles (not of metal) for doors
and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames,
protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window
casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and
without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar
lightwells; building glass for doors, windows for buildings,
in particular being single glass, insulating glass and
double glass panes, and triple glass panes; doors and
windows made of plastic or acrylic glass; rigid pipes, not
of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road
construction, sports field construction and building
construction; drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation
ducts, and inlet and waste water pipes, not of metal for
building, included in this class, in particular non-flexible
pipes, telescopic pipes, angled pipes, curved pipes,
branching pipes, drain pipes, rubble drain pipes and
drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction
materials, not of metal, for the construction of inspection
chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage
installations; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid
goods (not of metal) (included in this class); non-metallic
buildings and structures in the form infiltration trenches,
in particular base elements and side walls of plastic,
manholes and manhole coverings of plastic; structural
elements of plastic for construction of infiltration
trenches; stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in
construction. Installation, cleaning, maintenance and repair in relation
to the following goods: dehydration systems, especially
surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches,
rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump
stations, backwater protection, pumping stations,
sedimentation installations and filter installations, wet
waste disposal systems and waste water purification
installations, especially light liquid separators and grease
traps; installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance
services of: window systems and light shafts, especially
flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts;
installation, cleaning, maintenance and repair in relation
to the following goods: roof outlets and roof outlet
systems; rental and leasing of installations and systems for
drainage inside and outside of buildings; rental and leasing
of installations and systems for drainage, in the following
fields: construction engineering, engineering (construction
-), building services. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation
technology; construction planning support, in particular via
the providing of configurators for calculation and planning
purposes; technical control services and inspection in
relation to the following goods: surface drainage
installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation
installations, waste water pump stations, backwater
protection, pumping stations, sedimentation installations
and filtering installations, wet waste disposal systems and
waste water cleaning installations, especially light liquid
and grease traps; technical control services and inspection
in relation to the following goods: window systems and light
shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems
and light shafts; technical control services and inspection
in relation to the following goods: roof outlets and roof
outlet systems; technical monitoring services of
installations and systems for drainage inside and outside
buildings; technical monitoring services of installations
and systems for drainage in civil engineering, structural
engineering and building technology.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, Especially Prefabricated components for building installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for irrigation and drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction (included in Class 6) in particular for channel drainage or surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Profiles of metal for doors and windows, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Sash frames, window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated metallic building components, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially Separators, especially for use in relation to the following goods: Light or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, Control units and Control units for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and waste water technology, Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Cameras [photography], Sensors and detectors, Especially Physical and chemical sensors and detectors, Especially for use in the following fields: Room surveillance, Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors; Computer software and hardware for operating sensors, controllers, regulators and control units in the field of room surveillance, waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of waste water, irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water. irrigation and drainage technology Especially for use in the following fields: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators, in particular valves and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water purification installations in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Steering devices, Regulating apparatus, Actuator specifically Valves, related parts and related fittings, for use in relation to the following goods: Ventilating installations, in particular ventilators, in structural and civil engineering. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for irrigation and drainage installations in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction; Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for collecting, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for line drainage, surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); plastic mouldings for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles for windows and doors, not of metal, namely Installation frames, reveal frames, Protective grilles, Decorative fences, Window frames and Window sashes, Window catches, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage connections for cellar light wells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes (not of metal) for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction, irrigation and drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation pipes and supply pipes and waste water pipes, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in Class 19, Especially: Flexible and non-flexible pipes, Telescopic pipes, Angled pipes, t-pipe pieces, bent pipes, Curves, Cleaning pipes, seeping pipes, Drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated components, not of metal, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; installation, Purification, Repair, Maintenance in relation to the following goods: Window systems, Especially Automated opening and closing window systems and light wells, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology. Counselling in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Separation technology, ventilation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software, for use in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drainage systems and ventilation systems; Water analysis; Counselling in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Consultancy services, management services, analysis services and information services relating to all the aforesaid activities, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology, Ventilation technology; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical supervision and inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in this class, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes, sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, cover gratings, cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, wall and window feedthroughs for pipes, none of the aforesaid consisting of metal; drainage plates (not of metal); shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; frames, angle frames, covering grates and wash basins [bowls not part of sanitary installations], also adaptable fleer-basin for shoe cleaning apparatus; doors, door and window frames, prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles, not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells with and without a light well grate, drainage connections for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from plastic and wood; building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes; doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in this class, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in this class); infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction.
The invention relates to a drainage article, in particular a channel (10), having at least one drainage body (11) formed as a single piece from a mortar/concrete mixture (GM), wherein the drainage body (11) has at least one first region (12) filled by the mortar/concrete mixture (GM), wherein the drainage body (11) has at least one second region (14) with a fine structure (15) and filled by a mortar portion (MA) of the mixture (GM) to form the fine structure (15), wherein, between the two regions (12, 14), at least one transition section (16) is provided which separates at least the concrete portion (BA) of the mixture (GM) in the first region (12) from the mortar portion (MA) in the second region (14).
The invention relates to a drainage arrangement, for example a channel (10) or a point drain, having a drainage body (11), which has a body base (12) and two opposite side walls (13), wherein at least one recess (15) is formed on the outside of each of the side walls (13), wherein the recess (15) comprises a lateral cutout (16) in the body base (12), wherein the cutout (16) is bounded by an at least partially encircling projection (17), which forms at least one anchoring undercut in the substrate.
The invention relates to a manhole cover (10) for a manhole covering (50) comprising at least one locking device (20) for locking the manhole cover (10) on a manhole frame (40) of the manhole covering (50), wherein the locking device (20) has a lock (21), which can be moved between an unlocking position (I) and a locking position (II), and a monitoring device (30) for monitoring the locking, wherein the lock (21) can be moved from the locking position (II) into a pressing-on position (III) in order to press the manhole cover (10) firmly onto the manhole frame (40) in use, wherein the monitoring device (30) is designed to detect the unlocking position (I), the locking position (II) and the pressing-on position (III) of the lock (21).
Construction materials made wholly or partially of the following materials: Mineral building materials, Cement concrete, artificial concrete, plastic, Gum and Substitutes for gum, Pottery stone, Porcelain, Glass, Mineral casting, Especially, for use in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction; Manufactured building elements (Non-metallic -) Especially Concrete panels, stone panels, panels, blocks and stones for surface laying.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, Especially Prefabricated components for building installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for irrigation and drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction (included in Class 6) in particular for channel drainage or surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Irrigation tubing and Drain pipes, Ventilation and vent pipes and supply and waste water pipes, The aforesaid goods included in class 6, Especially flexible pipes and Non-flexible pipes, Telescopic pipes, Angled pipes, t-pipe pieces, bent pipes, Curves, Cleaning pipes, seeping pipes, Drainage pipes for building; prefabricated metallic building components, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, Starch separators, Coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, Regulators and Control units, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and waste water technology, Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices, Windows, Light shafts and Fans; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors; Computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units in the field of waste water and irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of waste water, irrigation and drainage technology and for the control of actuators in waste water. irrigation and drainage technology Especially for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water accumulators and Retention devices. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and parts and fittings thereof, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and irrigation and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in waste water and irrigation and drainage technology specifically for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Lift installations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Sewage treatment installations and Line and point drainage and Water reservoir and Retention devices. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for irrigation and drainage installations in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction; Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for collecting, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for line drainage, surface drainage or surface irrigation; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); plastic mouldings, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes (not of metal) for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction, irrigation and drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation pipes and supply pipes and waste water pipes, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in Class 19, Especially: Flexible and non-flexible pipes, Telescopic pipes, Angled pipes, t-pipe pieces, bent pipes, Curves, Cleaning pipes, seeping pipes, Drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated components, not of metal, for use in the following fields: Construction of inspection, rinsing and collection shafts for irrigation and drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Irrigation and drain structures, Especially Surface drainage installations and irrigation schemes, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators; installation, Purification, Repair, Maintenance in relation to the following goods: Window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and Repair in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology. Consultancy in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage and separator technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Design and development of computer hardware and software for irrigation and drainage systems; Water analysis; Consultancy in the following fields: water conservation and Water usage; Cloud computing, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Online providing of an interactive web-based application (non-downloadable), Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical data analysis, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Consultancy, management, analysis and information services relating to all the aforesaid activities, in particular in the field of irrigation and drainage technology; Maintenance of databases, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; providing non-downloadable software application services, Especially in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage technology; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations and Irrigation devices, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical management of installations and systems, for use in the following fields: Irrigation and drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
According to various embodiments, a liquid collecting arrangement (151) can include: a container (102) having a cavity (102h) for collecting liquid; at least one extraction fitting (104) coupled to the cavity (102h) for extracting the liquid from the cavity (102h) by means of negative pressure; a sensor opening (106) connected to the cavity (102h) for detecting the liquid in the cavity (102h); one or more first liquid feeds (108) opening into the cavity (102h) on a first side (101a) of the container for feeding liquid into the cavity (102h); one or more second liquid feeds (118) opening into the cavity (102h) on the first side or a second side (101b) of the container for feeding liquid into the cavity (102h), wherein the first side (101a) is opposite to the second side (101b).
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal parts and finished metal parts for reinforced concrete, Especially Steel reinforcements for reinforced concrete parts and prefabricated reinforced concrete parts, Manhole covers of metal; Grids and Lids of metal, for use in relation to the following goods: Prefabricated concrete parts and prefabricated reinforced concrete parts. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; Pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in class 19, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; channels for drainage not of metal, Curb stones and Stone gutters, curbs, slot gutters, Especially Reinforced concrete slot gutters, Inlet boxes and containers, Intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes,sludge traps, Prefabricated inspection chambers, Floor drains with and without odour traps, Lids, Grille covers, Gratings, Sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, Pipe ducts for walls and windows; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19).
The invention relates to an irrigation and drainage device and/or water storage device, preferably for managing water, in particular irrigation of (green) areas and/or plants, comprising the following:
at least one water-collection device (10, 20, 30, 40, 64) designed to collect and/or store water, wherein the water-collection device (10, 20, 30, 40, 64) is in direct or indirect fluid connection with a buffer (tank) (60) and/or a storage reservoir (80),
wherein the buffer (tank) (60) and/or the storage reservoir (80) is/are designed to store water and to make the stored water available for use, for example to release it into an irrigation pipe network (85);
at least one control unit (61, 130), which is designed to receive and/or acquire environmental data, in particular to acquire these data by means of at least one sensor (100), and based on the environmental data, using at least one actuator, for example a control valve (84), to make available for use a water volume flow from the buffer (tank) (60) and/or from the storage reservoir (80), for example to control it in the irrigation pipe network (85).
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated
components for the construction of installations for
collecting, treating and draining water, surface water,
wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for
civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building,
sports ground construction and building construction
(included in this class), in particular for line drainage or
surface drainage; drainage channels, metal building
materials, namely inflow basins and metal storage tanks,
intermediate metal storage tanks, catch basins, gulley
holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection
chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers,
covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft
covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and
rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe
muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for
walls and windows, of metal; seepage plates of metal; shaped
parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters
and downpipes; prefabricated building elements of metal for
aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for
buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and
aerating grilles; profiles of metal for building, in
particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor
basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window
frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement
hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds,
skylights; sections of metal for doors and windows, namely
built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating,
decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar
light wells with and without light well grates, drainage
pieces for cellar light wells; pipes and tubes of metal in
particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering,
road building, sports ground construction and building
construction; drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply
pipes and waste water pipes (included in this class), in
particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic
pipes, ells, t-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning
pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building;
prefabricated construction parts of metal for the
construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and
collection pits in drainage installations; and parts and
accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in this
class). Machines for sewage treatment, in particular separators,
especially separators for light or heavy materials, in
particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators
for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators,
coalescence separators, hydrodynamic separators; pumping
stations; parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid
goods included in this class, in particular prefabricated
basins and containers, copings, floats, floating valves,
bottle-corking machines, inlet locks, sludge outlets, oil
suction devices, skimmers, filters, sludge traps. Controllers, electronic regulators and control units
relating to the field of drainage and waste water
technology, in particular for separators, lift
installations, sedimentation and filter installations,
clarifying installations and line and point drainage and
water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light
shafts and ventilators; sensor and detectors, in particular
physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular
for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter
installations, clarifying installations and line and point
drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for
windows, light shafts and ventilators; display and feedback
units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors,
computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors,
controllers, electronic regulators and control units
relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology
and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage
technology, in particular for separators, lift
installations, sedimentation and filter installations,
clarifying installations and line and point drainage and
water reservoirs and retention units; apparatus for
recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in
controllers, electronic regulators and control units
relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology
and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage
technology, in particular for separators, lift
installations, sedimentation and filter installations,
clarifying installations and line and point drainage and
water reservoirs and retention units; actuators and their
parts and fittings. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus and their parts and
fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water
filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the
field of drainage and waste water technology and for the
control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology,
in particular for separators, lift installations,
sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying
installations and line and point drainage and water
reservoirs and retention units. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral
building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete,
plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials,
earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in
particular for drainage installations in civil engineering
projects, water constructions, road building, sports field
construction and building construction, namely prefabricated
building elements for the construction of installations, for
the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface
water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for
channel or surface drainage systems; drainage channels,
inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch
basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies),
prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and
without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering
grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and
without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe
ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of
metal; drainage plates (not of metal); shaped parts of
plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and
aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; frames, angle
frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning
apparatus; plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames,
pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper
windows with and without integrated roller blinds; profiles
(not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in
frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and
window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar
lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage
pieces for cellar lightwells; building glass for doors,
windows for buildings, in particular being single glass,
insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass
panes; doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic
glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic
engineering, road construction, sports field construction
and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and
ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included
in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes,
telescopic tubes, angled tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved
pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes,
drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction
parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection
chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage
installations; including parts and accessories for all the
aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19);
trench bodies and components for infiltration trenches, in
particular base elements and side walls for infiltration
trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole
coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; fittings for
infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics
(geotextiles) for use in construction. Installation, telemonitoring, maintenance, general
inspection and repair in relation to the following goods:
dehydration systems, especially surface drainage
installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation
installations, waste water pump stations, backwater
protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter
installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water
cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and
grease separators; installation, repair, monitoring
services, telemonitoring and maintenance in relation to the
following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially
flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts;
installation, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring and
repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; rental,
management and leasing of installations and systems for
drainage inside and outside buildings; rental, management
and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in the
civil engineering and construction sector and rental,
management and leasing in relation to the following goods:
installations and systems for drainage in housing
technology. Purification, in relation to the following goods:
dehydration systems, especially surface drainage
installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation
installations, waste water pump stations, backwater
protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter
installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water
cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and
grease separators; purification, in relation to the
following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially
flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation
technology; construction planning support, in particular via
the providing of configurators for calculation and planning
purposes; commissioning, in relation to the following goods:
dehydration systems, especially surface drainage
installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation
installations, waste water pump stations, backwater
protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter
installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water
cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and
grease separators; commissioning, in relation to the
following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially
flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts;
commissioning of roof drains and roof drainage systems.
The invention relates to a gutter element (1) for draining a traffic area, preferably a heavy-duty traffic area, preferably to be driven over, having a gutter (10) and a grating (50) covering the gutter (10) on a top side (18), wherein the gutter (10) has an at least substantially U- or V-shaped inner surface (12) for guiding liquid in the gutter (10), wherein the gutter (10) has, on at least one end face, an abutting surface (22) for providing a sealable transition between two gutters (10, 101) that are arranged next to or abut one another, and wherein the abutting surface (22) has a setback (24) at least partially adjoining the inner surface (12). According to the invention, in order to provide better assembly and sealing, the abutting surface (22) has a groove (30) next to the setback (24), said groove at least partially following the course of the setback (24).
Semi-finished goods, namely Profiles, Pipes and discs Being parts of machines and machine tools of plastic, especially Of polyutherane, the aforesaid goods in particular for the mechanical engineering industry, especially Semi-finished goods for the hydraulic and pump industry; Parts of machines and machine tools, for use in the following fields: Material processing and Producing of plastic, especially Of polyutherane, the aforesaid goods in particular for the mechanical engineering industry, especially Parts for the hydraulic and pump industry; Parts for agricultural mechanical engineering, especially Sowing shafts, compresses, prism stars for packer rollers for soil treatment equipment, bearing covers, cable clips, finger hoes for viticulture, special seals of plastic; Parts for swimming pool counter current installations, especially Turbine holders, of plastic; Bits, for use in the following fields: Sounding drillings for explosive ordnance disposal; Threaded protective caps, for use in the following fields: Oil, well and mining industry; Well components, especially Well caps, of plastic; Parts for mechanical engineering, especially Wear coatings for scrapers, casings for pumps, propellers and stirring devices, stirring device holders and rake filters of plastic; Brush bodies for the brush industry, of plastic; Water outlets and grip housing, for use in relation to the following goods: Concrete saws; feet and Sockets of plastic, for use in relation to the following goods: Transporters; Plastic components, for use in relation to the following goods: Excavators, Parquet treatment machines. Construction material consisting wholly or partly of plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, in particular for drainage installations in the following fields: Civil engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Road buildings, Sports ground construction and building construction, namely Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for collecting, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19).
The present invention relates to a ladder-like grating (10) comprising a plurality of longitudinally extending support portions (12) and a plurality of transversely extending portions (14). The transversely extending portions extend between the longitudinally extending support portions, wherein each transversely extending portion comprises a flat sub-portion (18) and two connection sub-portions (20), one at each end of the flat sub-portion. Each connection sub-portion is a twisted rectangular strip which extends in the transverse direction from one of the longitudinally extending support portions to the flat sub-portion of the transversely extending portion. The present invention also relates to a method for producing a ladder-like grating.
The invention relates to a sensor box (10) for process-engineering and/or mechanical-engineering systems with a control unit and a plurality of interfaces (11) connected to the control unit, wherein the plurality of interfaces (11) can be connected or are connected to a corresponding number of cables or transmitting and receiving devices in order to establish a communicative connection to corresponding sensors (13) connected to different functional points of a process-engineering and/or mechanical-engineering system (12), and the control unit is configured to request corresponding measurements from the plurality of sensors (13) via the plurality of interfaces (11).
The invention relates to a separating apparatus (10) for purifying a liquid, in particular for purifying rainwater, comprising a container (11) with at least one separation region (12) and a deposition and sludge collection chamber (13), the deposition and sludge collection chamber (13), in order to receive sediments that are to be separated, being fluidically connected to the separation region (12) and arranged below the separation region (12) during use, the separating apparatus further comprising at least one feed device (14) for feeding the liquid to be purified and having at least one liquid outlet (15), which opens out into the separation region (12), the feed device (14) having at least one lower guide plate (16) between the deposition and sludge collection chamber (13) and the separation region (12), the lower guide plate (16) being arranged below the liquid outlet (15) during use, in such a way that a liquid flowing from the liquid outlet (15) can be guided by the lower guide plate (16) radially outward in the direction of the inner wall of the container (11), a lower gap (18) being formed between the outer periphery of the lower guide plate (16) and the inner wall of the container (11).
According to different embodiments, a channel-retaining device (200) can comprise: a retaining holder (102), which has a first coupling region (102k) and a retaining region (102a) for retaining a drainage channel extending in a direction; a retaining socket (104), which has a second coupling region (104k); wherein the first coupling region (102k) and the second coupling region (104k) form, when joined together, a joint (106), which provides the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) with a rotational degree of freedom (111) relative to each other in the direction; a locking device (108), which is designed to block the rotational degree freedom (111) when the locking device is placed in a first state, so that the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) are locked to each other, and designed to release the rotational degree freedom (111) when the locking device is placed in a second state, so that the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) can be moved relative to each other.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal parts and finished metal parts for reinforced concrete, Especially Reinforced concrete diaphragm gutters, steel reinforcement for reinforced concrete parts, finished reinforced concrete parts, Manhole covers of metal. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; Pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in class 19, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; channels for drainage, not of metal, Curb and trough stones, road borders, curb diaphragm gutters, Inlet boxes and containers, Intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes,sludge traps, Prefabricated inspection chambers, Floor drains with and without odour traps, Lids, Grille covers, Gratings, Sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, Pipe ducts for walls and windows; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Doors, door and window frames, prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles, not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells with and without a light well grate, drainage connections for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from plastic and wood; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction.
40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
Goods & Services
Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, especially Prefabricated basins and containers for storing light or heavy materials, in particular fats, petrol, light mineral liquids and starches; Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Filters, Sludge traps. Recycling of waste and trash; Water treating; Preparation of light and/or heavy materials, in particular fats, from fat separators, petrol separators, separators for light mineral liquids, separators for starches, coalescence separators.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, in particular gutters, gully holes and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor. Building materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete, in particular gutters, gully holes and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor.
Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of
mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic
concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes,
earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in
particular for drainage installations in civil engineering,
hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field
construction and building construction; pre-fabricated
components, not of metal, for building installations for
collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water
and other liquids, included in this class, in particular for
channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage;
drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate
containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes,
sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor
drains with and without odour traps, covers, cover gratings,
cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without
perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, wall and
window feedthroughs for pipes, none of the aforesaid
consisting of metal; drainage plates (not of metal); shaped
parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating
and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; frames,
angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe
cleaning apparatus; doors, door and window frames,
prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement
windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles,
not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation
frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative
grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells
with and without a light well grate, drainage connections
for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from
plastic and wood; building glass for doors, windows for
buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating
glass and double glass panes; doors and windows glass made
of plastic or acrylic glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil
engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction,
sports field construction and building construction,
drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and
waste water pipes, included in this class, in particular
flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled
tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes,
cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for
building; prefabricated construction parts (not of metal)
for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts
and collection pits in drainage installations; including
parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of
metal) included in this class; infiltration trenches and
components for infiltration trenches, in particular base
elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of
plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for
infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics
(geotextiles) for use in construction.
Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of
mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic
concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes,
earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in
particular for drainage installations in civil engineering,
hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field
construction and building construction; pre-fabricated
components, not of metal, for building installations for
collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water
and other liquids, included in this class, in particular for
channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage;
drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate
containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes,
sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor
drains with and without odour traps, covers, cover gratings,
cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without
perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, wall and
window feedthroughs for pipes, none of the aforesaid
consisting of metal; drainage plates (not of metal); shaped
parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating
and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; frames,
angle frames, covering grates and wash basins [bowls not
part of sanitary installations], also adaptable fleer-basin
for shoe cleaning apparatus; doors, door and window frames,
prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement
windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles,
not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation
frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative
grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells
with and without a light well grate, drainage connections
for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from
plastic and wood; building glass for doors, windows for
buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating
glass and double glass panes; doors and windows glass made
of plastic or acrylic glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil
engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction,
sports field construction and building construction,
drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and
waste water pipes, included in this class, in particular
flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled
tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes,
cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for
building; prefabricated construction parts (not of metal)
for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts
and collection pits in drainage installations; including
parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of
metal) (included in this class); infiltration trenches and
components for infiltration trenches, in particular base
elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of
plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for
infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics
(geotextiles) for use in construction.
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Machines for sewage treatment, namely separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, namely separators for lightweight mineral liquids, namely Starch separators, namely Coalescence separators; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), in particular prefabricated basins and containers, covers, floats, equilibrium float valves, closures, gravity barriers, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, filters. Controllers, regulators and control units for use in the field of drainage and waste water technology, Especially, for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations; Sensors and detectors, Especially Physical and chemical sensors and detectors, Especially, for use in relation to the following goods: Waste traps, Elevator installation, Sedimentation and filter installations, Sewage treatment installations; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations and clarifying installations; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. installation, Initial commissioning of services, Purification, Maintenance and fix, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially, Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations and waste water purification installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Technical control services and Technical control, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations and Waste water cleaning installations; Technical supervision and inspection, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially, Surface drainage installations, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps.
01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
17 - Rubber and plastic; packing and insulating materials
19 - Non-metallic building materials
20 - Furniture and decorative products
21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
35 - Advertising and business services
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
38 - Telecommunications services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
Goods & Services
Chemicals used in industry and science, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, coating materials; Impregnating preparations. Metal materials for building, in particular prefabricated components for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, sewage and other liquids, for drainage installations civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, included in class 6, in particular for channel drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without stink traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, wall disks, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for ventilating and aerating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, aerating and ventilating grilles, external and internal hoods; Moulds of metal for building purposes, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for footmats, doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, soffit windows, soffit cellar windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights, all of metal; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, angular pipes, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; And metal parts for all of the aforesaid goods, included in class 6; Metal materials for building for agriculture and animal husbandry, in particular step treads, stable floor elements, in particular stable floor panels, slotted floors, partitions, wall coverings, manure gutters, drainage channels, inflows, outflows, doors and door parts, prefabricated windows and window parts; Containers for mixing purposes, in particular for dry feed and liquid feed; Fittings for feed installations and partitions; Posts; Stable facilities, in particular boxes and cages for livestock farming, in particular stable facilities for organising the transport of animals, in particular stable facilities having guiding devices to feed devices, scales or separation devices; Building materials of metal Especially, for use in relation to the following goods: Drainage installations in building construction, Especially Prefabricated construction elements (of metal) for building installations, collecting and removing water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in Class 6; Building materials of metal, Especially Drainage channels consisting of metal, inlet boxes and Containers, Intermediate containers, Drain boxes, Downspout boxes, mud buckets, Prefabricated inspection chambers, Lids, Grille covers, Gratings, sheeting panels, Shaft covers with and without perforations, Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings; Metal building materials and pipes and tubes of metal for building, in particular drainage pipes, gutters, runoffs, and drainage channels comprising the aforesaid goods, as well as shaft structures and absorption systems; Absorbing wells and conduits of metal, pipes and nozzles of metal; Leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits, manhole extensions of metal for rainwater tanks; Covers for rainwater tanks of metal; Overflow and connection pieces of metal for rainwater tanks, rainwater filters, leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits; Pipe sections of metal; Common metals and their alloys, in particular unwrought or semi-wrought iron; Unwrought or semi-wrought cast iron, in particular unwrought or semi-wrought ductile iron, grey cast iron or vermicular graphite iron; Semi-finished goods and assemblies, in particular of cast iron; Raw materials of metal, as far as these goods are not included in other classes; Water junction boxes of metal. Prefabricated construction parts (in the form of parts of machines) for mechanical engineering in the form of castings, pressings, moulded parts and extruded parts for machines for manufacturing semi-finished products of plastic; Pumps [machines]; Conveyors (mechanical animal breeding); Feed transport systems for dry feeding and liquid feeding, in particular chain conveyor installations and pressure conveyor installations; Dosing devices for animal feed, in particular dry feed or liquid feed machines for conveying fluids, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Separators (machines) for organic and inorganic light-density materials, heavy materials, liquids and coarse and suspended matter, in particular fat, oil, petrol, sand and starch separators; Sludge traps, with or without circulating and extraction pumps; Spray apparatus; Rinsing apparatus; Float valves (parts of machines); Floats (parts of machines); Machine parts, namely, Bottle-corking machines; Inlet locks; Oil suction devices; Filters being parts of machines; Stirring devices; Machines and installations constructed therefrom, for draining, discharging and feeding fluids, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage, gravity separators (machines); Parts of the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; Machines for conveying fluids, namely waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Machines for lifting and conveying service water, rainwater, waste water containing sewage or without sewage, and polluted water; Pumps (machines), in particular submersible motor pumps, drainage pumps, centrifugal pumps and ready-made pumping stations composed of the aforesaid goods, The aforesaid goods included in class 7, The aforesaid goods in particular for conveying service water, rainwater, waste water containing sewage and without sewage, and sludge; Machines and installations constructed therefrom, for draining, discharging and feeding fluids, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Pumps, in particular vacuum pumps; Regulators for drinking water supplies in the form of parts of machines; parts, for use in relation to the following goods: machines, namely Drive technology machines, Machines for the taps industry, Construction machines, Building materials machines, machines for pressure-tight casts, machines for the electrical industry, Machines for the generation of energy; parts, for use in relation to the following goods: machines, namely, Machines for vehicle construction (lorries), machines for vehicle construction (cars), Agricultural machines, Machines for mechanical engineering, Machines for pumps and compacters, machines for rail vehicle construction, Machines for use in the civil engineering industry, Machines for machine tool engineering, Machines for the production of wind power and motors, of metal, especially, of the following materials: Cast iron; Housings [parts of machines], Cranks, Pillow blocks, Journals, Connecting rods for motors, engines and machines; Pile drivers, Stands for machines, Stators [parts of machines], Tables for machines, Valves, Rollers, Shafts, Axles for machines, Tool holders, Winches, Cylinders for machines; Pistons for machines, of the following materials: Cast iron, spheroidal graphite iron, grey iron, vermicular graphite iron; Cast iron parts for machine and vehicle construction, rail vehicle technology, in particular axle bearing carriers, brake discs, ribbed plates for switch points; Wheels and rollers in the form of parts of machines; Parts for pumps and compressors; Automatic feeders, in particular for stables. Level indicators for rainwater tanks. Refrigerating, drying, ventilating and water supply apparatus, the aforesaid goods other than for household purposes; Sanitary installations; Apparatus as parts of used water and sewage treatment installations; Water supply apparatus of metal or not of metal for agriculture and livestock farming, in particular gutters, drainage channels, pipe connections, inflows, outflows; Equipment for the distribution of liquids, in particular for animals; Heating apparatus, in particular for agriculture and housing animals, in particular warming panels; Automatic liquid feeders, in particular for stables; refrigeration installations, in particular cooling panels for livestock farming; Apparatus for drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, included in class 11, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Purification installations for sewage, All the aforesaid goods being for construction products; Mechanical apparatus and installations constructed therefrom, for waste water clarification, waste water pre-treatment, waste water post-treatment and waste water treatment, in particular biological waste water treatment, all the aforementioned goods being building services products; Flotation installations, namely consisting of machines and mechanical equipment for purifying waste water and service water of undissolved substances and cellulose; Precipitation installations, namely consisting of machines for separating undissolved substances in chemical processes; Neutralisation installations, namely consisting of machines for balancing acids and alkalis in chemical processes; Sedimentation installations, namely machines and mechanical apparatus for the chemical or thermal treatment of deposited or precipitated particles from liquids or gases; Parts for the aforesaid goods, in particular prefabricated basins and tanks, waste water basins, covers, floats and closures; Metal materials for building for agriculture and animal husbandry, namely heating panels and cooling panels; Grates of metal for organic and inorganic light-density materials and light-density material mixtures, coarse substances and/or suspended matter, being parts for installations for waste water clarification, waste water pre-treatment, waste water treatment and waste water post-treatment; Strainers being parts for waste water technology installations; Machines and installations constructed therefrom for watering, in particular of waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Building materials and pipes (not of metal) of concrete, fibre cement, polymer concrete, plastics for agriculture and livestock, namely warming panels and cooling panels; Rainwater filters of plastic; Water junction boxes of plastic, metal or concrete; Overflow and connection pieces of plastic or concrete, in particular polymer concrete for rainwater tanks; Rain water filters; Water supply softeners; Water filtering apparatus; Anti-syphon traps; Suction valves of plastic or metal; vacuum toilets, specifically, for use in the following fields: Shipbuilding, commercial construction and residential construction; Vacuum capacitor drainage systems, specifically, for use in relation to the following goods: Installations for freezing, Refrigerating apparatus, Air-conditioning installations. Connecting parts for pipes and hoses, clips, pipe joints, pipe caps, seals for the ends of pipes; Wall boards; Films of plastic or viscose for building purposes, in particular for cladding infiltration trenches; Plugs for infiltration trenches of plastic; Connecting pieces (junctions, not of metal, for pipes) for connecting inlets, outlets or vents to infiltration trenches of plastic; Connecting means (junctions, not of metal, for pipes) of plastic, in particular for connecting infiltration trenches to one another; Chemicals used in industry, science, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, namely jointing materials; Drainage pipes, ventilation and aeration pipes and inlet pipes and wastewater pipes, namely non-flexible pipes; Pipes (not of metal) for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction, drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes, namely flexible pipes; Pipe sections of plastic. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, namely Prefabricated construction elements for building installations, for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for point drainage or line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements (not of metal) for the construction of ventilating and aerating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, aerating and ventilating grilles, external and internal hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, soffit windows, soffit cellar windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights, all the aforesaid goods made from plastic and wood; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows, skylights and light panels for buildings, in particular being single sheet plate glass, insulating glass and double sheet plate glass; Doors and window panes, skylights, light panels, wedge-type and corrugated slabs, roofing for buildings, all the aforesaid goods made from plastic or acrylic glass; Prefabricated drainage floors, and channels for liquid manure (animal husbandry) of metal; Non-metallic pipes for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation pipes and inlet and sewage pipes, included in class 19, in particular rigid pipes, telescopic pipes, angled pipes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Plastic building materials, namely, Trench bodies, Especially, Block and tree trench bodies, Components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic; Inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction; Building materials and pipes (not of metal) of concrete, fibre cement, polymer concrete, plastics for agriculture and livestock, in particular steps, stable screed, stable floor elements, in particular stable floor panels, slotted floors, partition walls, wall cladding, liquid manure gutters, inflows, outflows, doors and parts for doors, prefabricated windows and parts for windows; Containers for mixing purposes, in particular for dry feed and liquid feed; fittings for feed installations and partitions, posts; Stable facilities, in particular boxes and cages for livestock farming, in particular stable facilities for controlling the transport of animals, in particular stable facilities having guides to feed devices, scales or separation devices; Building and constructional material, not of metal Especially, for use in relation to the following goods: Drainage installations in building construction, Especially, Prefabricated construction elements (not of metal) for building installations, for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids (included in class 19), Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings; Rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; Building materials and rigid pipes (non-metallic) for building, in particular drainage pipes, gullies and runoffs, and drainage channels comprising the aforesaid goods, as well as shaft structures and absorption systems; Rainwater tanks of plastic and concrete, in particular polymer concrete; Leaf traps, seepage pits and ducts, straight and curved pipe sections of plastic; Domed pit extensions of plastic for rain water tanks; Covers for rainwater tanks of plastic and concrete, in particular polymer concrete; Overflow and connection pieces of concrete, in particular polymer concrete, for rainwater tanks, rainwater filters, leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits. Water connection boxes of plastic; Overflow and connection pieces of plastic for rainwater tanks, rainwater filters, leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits. Moulded mangers, troughs, feeding troughs and water troughs for livestock farming, of metal and not of metal, in particular feeding troughs, mangers for livestock, water troughs, drink containers of metal or not of metal, of concrete, fibre cement, polymer concrete or plastic; Metal materials for building for agriculture and animal husbandry, namely feeding troughs and drinking troughs; Building materials and pipes (not of metal) of concrete, fibre cement, polymer concrete, plastics for agriculture and livestock, namely feed trays and drinking vessels. Computerized file management; Drawing up of statements of accounts; Compilation of statistics; On line advertising on a computer network; Organisational consultancy; Presentation of goods in communications media for retail; Systemization of information into computer databases; assembling data in computer-databases; Outsourcing services [business assistance]. Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; Installation and maintenance of network systems; Office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; Repair and maintenance of data technology installations; installation, Initial commissioning of services, Purification, Maintenance and fix, in relation to the following goods: Vacuum toilets and vacuum capacitor drainage systems, dehydration systems, Especially, Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Wet waste disposal systems, waste water purification installations, Especially, Light liquid and grease traps; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair and maintenance of window systems, in particular flood protection basement window systems and light shafts; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair and maintenance of roof drains and roof drainage systems. Providing access to global computer networks, providing access to information on the Internet; Providing internet chatrooms, Providing access to portals on the Internet; Electronic mail services, electronic messaging services; Providing of internet access [hardware]; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Forwarding of messages of all kinds to Internet addresses (Webmessaging); Message sending. Educational instruction; Training; Entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, concerts, symposiums, workshops and seminars; Presentation of live performances; Presentation of exhibitions; Party planning, Musical performances; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Providing entertainment information; Educational instruction and Training, for children; Nursery schools and/or day nurseries, in particular with morning, part-time and/or full-day care; Sporting and cultural activities, in particular for children; Education information; Gymnastic or sports training in nursery schools and/or day nurseries; English language education services, Pre-school education; Pre-school education. Technical control services, Technical control, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Wet waste disposal systems, Waste water cleaning installations; Technical supervision and inspection, in relation to the following goods: Vacuum toilets and vacuum capacitor drainage systems, dehydration systems, Especially, Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Wet waste disposal systems, Waste water cleaning installations, Especially, Light liquid and grease traps. Providing of food and drink and temporary accommodation; Rental of temporary accommodation; Rental of transportable buildings, chairs, tables, table linen and glasses; Restaurants, self-service restaurants and snack bars; Rental of meeting rooms; Temporary accommodation reservations; Accommodation agencies (hotels and guest houses).
Drainage body unit, drainage body system and shaft element
The invention relates to a drainage-body unit having at least one drainage-body element (10), at least one first shaft element (11) and at least one second shaft element (12), wherein a treatment element (13) is located in the first shaft element (1) between a fluid inlet (14), and a fluid outlet (15), a throttle element (16) is located in the second shaft element (12) between a fluid inlet (17) and a fluid outlet (18), and the shaft elements (11, 12) are or can be fluidically connected to one or more drainage-body elements (10).
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction included in this class, in particular for line drainage and surface drainage; metal drainage channels; metal building materials, namely, inflow basins and metal storage tanks, intermediate metal storage tanks, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets being gullies, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; seepage plates of metal; shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely, gutters and downpipes; prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely, inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; sections of metal for doors and windows, namely, built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes included in this class made of metal, in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, t-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; and parts and accessories being fittings for all the aforesaid goods Machines for sewage treatment, in particular separators, especially separators for light or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, hydrodynamic separators; pumping stations being machines; structural parts and accessories being fittings for all of the aforesaid goods included in this class, in particular prefabricated basins and containers, copings, floats, floating valves, bottle-corking machines, inlet locks, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, skimmers, filters, sludge traps Purification, in relation to dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; purification, in relation to window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts Electronic controllers, electronic regulators and electronic control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; display and feedback electronic units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, downloadable computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, electronic regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, electronic regulators and electronic control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; electric actuators and their parts and fittings Control apparatus, regulating apparatus and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely, prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets being gullies, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odor traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; drainage plates not of metal; shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; profiles not of metal for doors and windows, namely, built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction parts not of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods not of metal; trench bodies and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics being geotextiles for use in construction Installation, telemonitoring for maintenance purposes, maintenance, general inspection and repair in relation to dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; installation, repair, monitoring services for maintenance purposes, telemonitoring for maintenance purposes and maintenance in relation to window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring for maintenance purposes and repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in the civil engineering and construction sector and rental, management and leasing in relation to installations and systems for drainage in housing technology Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; technical consulting in the field of engineering related to dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; technical consulting in the field of engineering related to window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; technical consulting in the field of engineering related to roof drains and roof drainage systems
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
(1) Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction (included in this class), in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; drainage channels, metal building materials, namely inflow basins and metal storage tanks, intermediate metal storage tanks, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; seepage plates of metal; shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in this class), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, t-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; and parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in this class).
(2) Machines for sewage treatment, in particular separators, especially separators for light or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, hydrodynamic separators; pumping stations; parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in this class, in particular prefabricated basins and containers, copings, floats, floating valves, bottle-corking machines, inlet locks, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, skimmers, filters, sludge traps.
(3) Controllers, electronic regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, electronic regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, electronic regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; actuators and their parts and fittings.
(4) Control apparatus, regulating apparatus and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units.
(5) Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; drainage plates (not of metal); shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, t-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); trench bodies and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. (1) Installation, telemonitoring, maintenance, general inspection and repair in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; installation, repair, monitoring services, telemonitoring and maintenance in relation to the following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring and repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in the civil engineering and construction sector and rental, management and leasing in relation to the following goods: installations and systems for drainage in housing technology.
(2) Purification, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; purification, in relation to the following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts.
(3) Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; commissioning, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, especially surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, rainwater utilisation installations, waste water pump stations, backwater protection, pumping stations, sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; commissioning, in relation to the following goods: window systems and light shafts, especially flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; commissioning of roof drains and roof drainage systems.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction (included in class 6), in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and fix in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, Especially Light liquid separators and Grease traps; installation, Purification, fix, Maintenance services of: Window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and fix in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside of buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems for drainage, in the following fields: Construction engineering, Engineering (construction-), Building services. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical administration, in relation to the following goods: Installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical administration, in relation to the following goods: Installations and systems for drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
The invention refers to a drainage system (100), in particular a roof drainage system, comprising an outlet member (10) and a flow restrictor (20), whereby the flow restrictor (20) is situated above the outlet member (10). The flow restrictor (20) comprises a contact portion (22) and the outlet member (10) comprises a flange portion (12), whereby a first sealing member (30) is arranged on and/or along the flange portion (12) of the outlet member (10) and a second sealing member (40) is arranged at the contact portion (22) of the flow restrictor (20).
39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
Goods & Services
Conducting of sailing trips, in particular day trips, week and weekend tours. Educational instruction; Training; Entertainment, sports and cultural activities provided on a ship/boat in the context of bareboat chartering; Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, training courses, conferences, congresses, concerts, symposiums, workshops and seminars on ships; Presentation of live performances on ships; Presentation of exhibitions on ships; Party planning, Musical performances on ships; Organisation of competitions on ships [education and entertainment]; Information relating to events on ships [entertainment]. Providing of food and drink and temporary accommodation; Rental of guest rooms on ships; Rental of transportable buildings, chairs, tables, table linen and glasses on ships; Providing of food and drink in restaurants, fast-food restaurants and snack bars on ships; Rental of meeting rooms on ships.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction (included in class 6), in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, especially separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, especially grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Purification, Maintenance and fix in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filter installations, Wet waste disposal systems and waste water purification installations, Especially Light liquid separators and Grease traps; installation, Purification, fix, Maintenance services of: Window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; installation, Purification, Maintenance and fix in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Rental and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside of buildings; Rental and leasing of installations and systems for drainage, in the following fields: Construction engineering, Engineering (construction-), Building services. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation installations and Filtering installations, Wet waste disposal systems and Waste water cleaning installations, Especially Light liquid and grease traps; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Technical control services and Inspection in relation to the following goods: Roof outlets and roof outlet systems; Technical administration, in relation to the following goods: Installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; Technical administration, in relation to the following goods: Installations and systems for drainage in civil engineering, structural engineering and building technology.
The invention relates to a gutter system (1) comprising at least one frame unit (10), at least one cover unit (20) and at least one securing element (30), wherein the frame unit (10) comprises at least one receiving area (12) for arranging the cover unit (20), and wherein the securing element (30) is adapted to engage in the cover unit (20) and to releasably engage in the receiving area (12) so the cover unit (20) can interlock in the receiving area (12) of the frame unit (10). The invention also relates to a cover unit (20) and a securing element (30).
A vacuum wastewater device (100) having a wastewater collection container (102) in the form of a vacuum toilet, a vacuum wastewater fitting (202), a wastewater valve (204), which is connected between the wastewater collection container (102) and the vacuum wastewater fitting (202); at least one electrical final control element (206a, 206b, 208), which is configured to change an actual state of the vacuum wastewater device (100), and a control unit (106), which is configured to receive a message (902) according to a network communication protocol, wherein the message (902) includes a specification on a target state; and to activate the at least one electrical final control element (206a, 206b, 208) according to the target state.
The invention relates to a gutter system (1) with at least one frame unit (10), at least one cover unit (20) and at least one first damping element (14), wherein the frame unit (10) has at least one receiving area (12) for arranging the cover unit (20). The receiving area (12) of the frame unit (10) has at least three side walls (12.1; 12.2; 12.3; 12.4; 12.5), wherein the first damping element (14) is provided between the frame unit (10) and the cover unit (20) in such a way that the cover unit (20) is received in the frame unit (10) in a damping manner in at least three spatial directions.
39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids; Pumping stations and Lifting installations. Apparatus for the treatment or purification of waste water; Apparatus for supplying water; Water filtering apparatus. Containers, drums, cisterns and tanks for liquid storage made of plastic, especially glass fiber plastics, or concrete. Services for the storage, distribution, transport, packing and packaging of miscellaneous goods. Services of studies of technical projects, surveys and engineering works, services of technical projects.
Semi-finished goods, namely Profiles, Iron slabs, Truncheons, rods, Pipes, Parallel bars, Flat steel, Automatic lathes and discs, Being parts of machines and machine tools, for use in the following fields: Material treatment and production of metal, especially Of cast iron, especially, for use in the following fields: Mechanical engineering industry, especially Semi-finished goods, for use in the following fields: Hydraulics industry, pump industry, glass moulding industry; Parts of machines and machine tools, for use in the following fields: Material treatment and production of metal, especially Of cast iron, especially, for use in the following fields: Mechanical engineering industry, especially parts, for use in the following fields: Hydraulics industry, pump industry, glass moulding industry.
Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; Pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in class 19, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes, sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, cover gratings, cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, wall and window feedthroughs for pipes, none of the aforesaid consisting of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Doors, door and window frames, prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles, not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells with and without a light well grate, drainage connections for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from plastic and wood; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction.
The invention relates to a sensing device (2) for sensing the fill level of a container (4) for applications in construction, more particularly in construction at or below ground level, and/or for applications in wastewater treatment and/or drainage technology, comprising: - at least one holder (6), more particularly a housing, which can be or is disposed on, more particularly within, the container (4); - at least one sensor unit (8) for capturing sensor data, more particularly relating to a fill level of the container (4), said sensor unit being disposed on, more particularly within, the holder (6); - a transmitting unit (10) for transmitting a signal to an external storage unit (12), the signal comprising information about the sensed fill level; - a setting unit (14) for the setting and/or configuration, more particularly for the external setting and/or configuration, of at least one transmission parameter, more particularly a transmission interval, of the transmitting unit (10).
G01F 23/24 - Indicating or measuring liquid level or level of fluent solid material, e.g. indicating in terms of volume or indicating by means of an alarm by measuring physical variables, other than linear dimensions, pressure or weight, dependent on the level to be measured, e.g. by difference of heat transfer of steam or water by measuring variations of resistance of resistors due to contact with conductor fluid
B07B 1/00 - Sieving, screening, sifting, or sorting solid materials using networks, gratings, grids, or the like
C02F 1/00 - Treatment of water, waste water, or sewage
The invention relates to a surface-water-drainage system (10) having at least one linear-drainage unit (20) in the form of a conduit and/or pipe, wherein, beneath the conduit-form and/or pipe-form linear-drainage unit (20), at least one slotted drainage pipe (30) is arranged in and/or on a drainage bed (40), wherein the slotted drainage pipe (30) communicates with the linear-drainage unit (20) via at least one connecting portion (50), and wherein at least certain areas of a wall (60) of the slotted drainage pipe (30) have openings (70) through which water can flow from an interior (80) of the slotted drainage pipe (30) into the drainage bed (40), and also relates to a surface-water-drainage system having at least one linear-drainage unit in the form of a conduit and/or pipe, wherein at least one drainage bed is arranged beneath the conduit-form and/or pipe-form linear-drainage unit, wherein the drainage bed is formed from granular material, in particular from gravel, grit, rubble and/or chippings, and the conduit-form and/or pipe-form linear-drainage unit communicates via at least one connecting portion which is provided in the form of at least one opening on an underside of the conduit-form and/or pipe-form linear-drainage unit or is provided by a connecting shaft or by a connecting pipe or in the form of a drain sump unit, wherein a filtering and/or settling device is possibly provided, and therefore water can flow out of the conduit-form and/or pipe-form linear-drainage unit into the drainage bed, and further relates to a method for producing a surface-water-drainage system.
Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; Pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in class 19, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes, sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, cover gratings, cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, wall and window feedthroughs for pipes, none of the aforesaid consisting of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, ventilating and aeration grids, interior and exterior hoods; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Doors, door and window frames, prefabricated windows, awning windows and awning basement windows with and without integrated roller blinds, profiles, not of metal, for doors and windows, namely installation frames, awning window frames, protective grilles, decorative grilles, blind frames and casements, basement light wells with and without a light well grate, drainage connections for basement light wells, all of the aforesaid made from plastic and wood; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction.
In accordance with various embodiments, a liquid-collecting arrangement (151) can comprise: a container (102) with a chamber (102h) for collecting liquid; at least one suction port (104), coupled to the chamber (102h), for removing by suction the liquid from the chamber (102h) using a negative pressure; a sensor opening (106), which is connected to the chamber (102h), for sensing the liquid in the chamber (102h); one or more first liquid feeds (108), which open on a first side (101a) of the container into the chamber (102h), for supplying liquid into the chamber (102h); one or more second liquid feeds (118), which open in the chamber (102h) on the first side or a second side (101b) of the container, for supplying liquid into the chamber (102h), wherein the first side (101a) is opposite the second side (101b).
A drainage system (1) comprising: at least one water receiving unit (20) having: a water receptacle (22) for receiving water from an adjoining surface; a first neck piece (24) which can be connected to the water receptacle (22) and provided such that water can flow out of the water receiving unit (20) through an opening (26) of the first neck piece (24); and at least one water drainage unit (40) for draining the water, comprising: a pipe body (42); and a first opening (46b), provided on the pipe body (42), for receiving the water in said pipe body (42); wherein: the water drainage unit (40) can be provided and oriented under the surface such j that the opening (26) of the first neck piece (24) and the first opening (46b) of the pipe body (42) can be connected and the water flowing out of the water receiving unit (20) can flow into the water drainage unit (40). Also disclosed are drainage units and methods.
Disclosed is a drainage system (1) comprising: at least one water receiving unit (20) having: a water receptacle (22) for receiving water from an adjoining surface of an upper stratum; and at least one drainage unit comprising: a body; wherein: the water receptacle (22) can be integrated into the upper stratum; the drainage unit can be provided and oriented, at least in part, in a central stratum at a distance under the surface, with respect to its uppermost face, such that water flowing out of the water receiving unit (20) can flow into the drainage unit through a connection between the water receptacle (22) and the body; and the connection can be maintained irrespective of a change in this distance. Also disclosed are drainage units and methods.
The invention relates to a building product for construction or civil engineering applications, having a wall structure (10) which is at least partially formed from foamed plastic material. The invention is characterized in that the plastic material comprises a foam structure and has a different density with respect to the wall cross-section.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular Construction materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
19 - Non-metallic building materials
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction (included in class 6), in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, In particular separators, especially Separators for light or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Apparatus for recording, storage and processing of weather data for use in controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and their parts and fittings, all being for water supply apparatus, water filtering apparatus and water cleaning installations in the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, sedimentation and filter installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Trench bodies and Components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, Inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. installation, Commissioning, Purification, Telemonitoring, Maintenance, General inspection and fix In relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially Surface drainage installations, infiltration ditches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Sedimentation and filter installations, wet waste disposal systems and waste water cleaning installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators; installation, Commissioning, Purification, fix, Monitoring services, Telemonitoring and Maintenance In relation to the following goods: Window systems and Light shafts, Especially Flood protection cellar window systems and light shafts; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring and repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in the civil engineering and construction sector and Rental, Management and Leasing In relation to the following goods: Installations and systems for drainage in housing technology. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes.
The invention relates to a sensor box (10) for processing and/or machinery plants having a control unit and a plurality of interfaces (11) connected to the control unit, wherein the plurality of interfaces (11) can be connected or is connected to a corresponding number of cables or transmitting and receiving devices to establish a communication link to corresponding sensors (13) connected at various functional points of a processing and/or machinery plant (12), and the control unit is configured to request corresponding measurements from the plurality of sensors (13) via the plurality of interfaces (11).
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Prefabricated building elements for building installations, for collecting and removing water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports ground construction and building construction (included in class 6), namely for point drainage; Drains, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, downspout boxes of metal, Grille covers, Goods of metal, namely. Manufactured building elements (Non-metallic -), In particular, of the following materials: Concrete, Polymer concrete, plastic, for use in the following fields: Building of installations, collecting and removing water, collecting and removing surface water, collecting and removing waste water and other liquids (included in class 19), namely, Point drainage; Drains, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, downspout boxes, not of metal, Grille covers, not of metal.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
In particular building materials of steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor. Building materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete, in particular steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor.
The invention relates to an irrigation and drainage device and/or water storage device, preferably for managing water, in particular irrigation of (green) spaces and/or plants, comprising the following: - at least one water capture device (10, 20, 30, 40, 64) designed to collect and/or store water, wherein the water capture device (10, 20, 30, 40, 64) is indirectly or directly fluidically connected to a buffer (tank) (60) and/or to a storage reservoir (80), - wherein the buffer (tank) (60) and/or the storage reservoir (80) is/are designed to store water and make the stored water available for use, e.g. to discharge said water into an irrigation line network (85); - at least one control unit (61, 130) designed to receive and/or acquire environmental data, in particular acquire environmental data by means of at least one sensor (100), and, based on the environmental data and using at least one actuator, e.g. a control valve (84), to make a volumetric water flow from the buffer (tank) (60) and/or from the storage reservoir (80) available for use, e.g. to direct said flow into the irrigation line network (85).
The invention relates to a manhole cover (10) comprising a cover element (11), more particularly a cover element (11) made of cast iron, wherein the cover element (11) has an edge (12) which delimits a filling region (13), and in the filling region (13) at least one layer (14) of a filling mass is arranged, wherein the filling mass comprises a polymer-based asphalt mixture.
According to different embodiments, a channel-retaining device (200) can comprise: - a retaining holder (102), which has a first coupling region (102k) and a retaining region (102a) for retaining a drainage channel extending in a direction; - a retaining socket (104), which has a second coupling region (104k), the first coupling region (102k) and the second coupling region (104k) forming, when joined together, a joint (106), which provides the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) with a rotational degree of freedom (111) relative to each other in the direction; - a locking device (108), which is designed to block the rotational degree of freedom (111) when the locking device is brought into a first state, so that the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) are locked to each other, and to release the rotational degree of freedom (111) when the locking device is brought into a second state, so that the retaining holder (102) and the retaining socket (104) can be moved relative to each other.
Building materials, not of metal, namely Goods for landscaping, infrastructure and garden design, goods therefor, in particular plastic grids with honeycomb structure for use for gravel, sand, grass, soil, ground stabilisation and reinforcement and balcony, patio and roofing applications.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building materials of steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, sump units and shafts and covers therefore, and individual parts, in particular gratings for point and channel drainage, therefore. Building materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete, in particular for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, sump units and shafts and covers therefore, and individual parts, in particular gratings for point and channel drainage, therefore.
Immiscible liquids separation apparatus and method
An immiscible liquids separation apparatus (50) comprising: a vessel comprising a first separation chamber (66) and second separation chamber (72) being in first fluid communication with the first separation chamber (66), the first separation chamber (66) being situated above the second separation chamber (72); an inlet (52) arranged at the first separation chamber (66) to allow a liquid to flow into the vessel; a low-density liquid outlet (78) arranged on the second separation chamber (72) to allow low-density liquid separated from the liquid to be removed therefrom; and a high-density liquid outlet (60) arranged at the vessel to allow high-density liquid separated from the liquid to flow out of the vessel, and a corresponding method.
Drainage systems are limited in performance and difficult to maintain. A drainage system is therefore specified, comprising at least one infiltration device (10, 40) adapted to receive fluid; a collecting device (30) which is in fluid communication with the at least one infiltration device (10, 40) and is adapted to receive fluid from the at least one infiltration device (10, 40) and to discharge it to a fluid system (4), wherein a gateway device (52) is provided, which is adapted to receive and transmit sensor data to a receiving unit (60); and at least one sensor (6, 6′, 7, 11, 11′, 14, 31, 31′, 32, 33, 41, 44, 42, 45) is provided, which is communicatively connected to the gateway device (52) for providing sensor data.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor. Measuring and/or transmitting equipment for shaft covers and attachments. Construction materials (not of metal), in particular of concrete, plastics and synthetic concrete for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, sewage and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, gully holes and absorption systems and covers, in particular shaft covers, and attachments therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular Construction materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular Construction materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, gully holes and absorbtion systems and covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular, made from the following materials: Concrete, plastic, Synthetic concrete, for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, gully holes and infiltration systems and covers and attachments therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, gully holes and absorbtion systems and covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular, made from the following materials: Concrete, plastic, Synthetic concrete, for installations for the collection and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, gully holes and infiltration systems and covers and attachments therefor.
01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
07 - Machines and machine tools
11 - Environmental control apparatus
Goods & Services
Bacteria and bacteria cultures for waste water treatment;
chemical products for waste water treatment. Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in
particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular
grease separators, petrol separators, separators for
lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence
separators; pumping stations, in particular lifting and
transfer station; parts and accessories for the aforesaid
goods (included in this class), in particular prefabricated
basins and containers, covers, floats, equilibrium float
valves, closures, gravity barriers, sludge outlets, oil
suction devices, filters. Apparatus for supplying water; water purification,
desalination and conditioning installations, in particular
waste water and sewage treatment installations, plants and
tanks; filters for waste water; parts and accessories for
the aforesaid goods (included in this class).
A frame system for a manhole covering includes at least one first frame element and one second frame element, each including at least one first connecting surface and/or at least one second connecting surface. The first and second frame elements are connectable to one another in a friction-locked and/or formfitting manner along the opposing first or second connecting surfaces, wherein in the connected state of the first and second frame element at least one joining region is formed between the opposing first connecting surfaces or between the opposing second connecting surfaces. The joining region can be filled using a joining element in such a way that the joined connection of the frame elements is detachable and reproducible wherein the joining element comprises a hot melt adhesive.
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials (non-metallic) and non-metallic rigid pipes for roof garden and roof attenuation installations, in particular roof attenuation units, especially stackable roof attenuation units, roof runoffs and flow restrictors; building materials for drainage (non-metallic); textile for use in construction, in particular geotextile being protective and separating layers, in particular for protecting the attenuation units from clogging; non-woven fabric (of textile) being protective and separating layers for use in construction, in particular for protecting the attenuation units from clogging. Technical planning and consultancy for the construction of roof attenuation installations.
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Building materials (non-metallic) and non-metallic rigid pipes for roof garden and roof attenuation installations, in particular roof attenuation units, especially stackable roof attenuation units, roof runoffs and flow restrictors; building materials for drainage (non-metallic); textile for use in construction, in particular geotextile being protective and separating layers, in particular for protecting the attenuation units from clogging; non-woven fabric (of textile) being protective and separating layers for use in construction, in particular for protecting the attenuation units from clogging. Technical planning and consultancy for the construction of roof attenuation installations.
01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
07 - Machines and machine tools
11 - Environmental control apparatus
Goods & Services
Bacteria and bacteria cultures for waste water treatment; chemical products for waste water treatment, namely, waste water treatment chemicals for industrial use Wastewater treatment machines, in particular centrifugal separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; wastewater pumping stations, in particular lifting and transfer station; parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods, in particular prefabricated basins and containers in the nature of metal water storage basins for collecting and storing water and containers of metal for liquid gas specially adapted for use with the aforesaid goods, fitted covers, floats and equilibrium float valves being parts of machines, closures, gravity barriers and sludge outlets being structural parts of the aforesaid goods, oil suction devices in the nature of suction pumps, and oil and air filters for mechanical purposes Apparatus for supplying water, namely, regulating accessories for water supply, namely, metered valves; water purification, desalination and conditioning installations, in particular waste water and sewage treatment installations, plants and tanks, namely, water purification installations, water desalination plants, water conditioning units; filters for waste water; parts and accessories in the nature of structural parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, In particular for drainage installations in building construction, in particular prefabricated construction elements of metal for building installations, collecting and removing water, surface water, waste water and other liquids In class 6; Metal drainage channels and drainage boxes, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and balconies, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, drain traps, gulley holes, sludge buckets; Prefabricated inspection chambers, Lids, Grille covers, Drainage grates, Gratings, sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas, for the drainage of balconies, Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings. Building materials (non-metallic), in particular for drainage installations for building construction, in particular prefabricated building elements (not of metal) for building installations, for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other fluids (included in class 19); Drainage channels and drainage boxes, not of metal, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and balconies, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, drain traps, gulley holes, sludge buckets; Prefabricated inspection chambers, Lids, Grille covers, Drainage grates, gratings, Sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, In particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and the drainage of balconies, Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings; Rigid pipes, not of metal, for building.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building materials of metal, In particular for drainage installations in building construction, in particular prefabricated construction elements of metal for building installations, collecting and removing water, surface water, waste water and other liquids In class 6; Metal drainage channels and drainage boxes, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and balconies, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, drain traps, gulley holes, sludge buckets; Prefabricated inspection chambers, Lids, Grille covers, Drainage grates, Gratings, sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas, for the drainage of balconies, Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings. Building materials (non-metallic), in particular for drainage installations for building construction, in particular prefabricated building elements (not of metal) for building installations, for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other fluids (included in class 19); Drainage channels and drainage boxes, not of metal, in particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and balconies, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, drain traps, gulley holes, sludge buckets; Prefabricated inspection chambers, Lids, Grille covers, Drainage grates, gratings, Sheeting panels, Manhole covers with and without perforations, In particular for facade and terrace drainage and for the drainage of pergolas and the drainage of balconies, Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings; Rigid pipes, not of metal, for building.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
17 - Rubber and plastic; packing and insulating materials
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Absorbing wells and conduits of metal, pipes and nozzles of metal; Leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits, manhole extensions of metal for rainwater tanks; Covers for rainwater tanks of metal; Overflow and connection pieces of metal for rainwater tanks, rainwater filters, leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits; Pipe sections of metal. Pumps [machines], namely Submersible pressure pumps and clear water pressure pumps for rainwater usage; Regulators for drinking water supplies; Level regulating valves [parts of machines] being parts of level indicators for rainwater tanks. Level indicators for rainwater tanks. Rainwater filters of plastic; Water junction boxes of plastic, metal or concrete; Overflow and connection pieces of plastic or concrete, in particular polymer concrete for rainwater tanks; Rain water filters; Water supply softeners; Water filtering apparatus; Anti-syphon traps; Suction valves of plastic or metal. Pipe unions (Non-metallic -), In particular overflow and connection pieces, and water connection boxes of plastic or concrete, in particular polymer concrete for rainwater tanks. Absorbing wells and conduits of plastic and concrete, in particular polymer concrete; Plastic pipes and connections; Pipe inserts for threading empty pipes through holes in building walls to seal off moisture links between the empty pipe and the building; Rainwater tanks of plastic and concrete, in particular polymer concrete; Leaf traps, seepage pits and ducts, straight and curved pipe sections of plastic; Domed pit extensions of plastic for rain water tanks; Covers for rainwater tanks of plastic and concrete, in particular polymer concrete; Overflow and connection pieces of concrete, in particular polymer concrete, for rainwater tanks, rainwater filters, leaf separators, absorbing wells and conduits.
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
Goods & Services
Agricultural machines, namely feed apparatus, feed transporters and parts therefore, in connection with the feeding and watering of livestock animals, mechanical feeders for feeding and watering livestock animals. Measuring apparatus and parts therefore for feed apparatus and feed transporters for livestock animals. Drinking troughs, drinking bowls, feeding troughs, feeding bowls and feed containers and parts therefore for livestock animals.
Machines for conveying fluids, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage; Machines for lifting and conveying service water, rainwater, waste water containing sewage or without sewage, and polluted water; Pumps (machines), in particular submersible motor pumps, drainage pumps, centrifugal pumps and ready-made pumping stations composed of the aforesaid goods; All included in class 7, in particular for conveying service water, rainwater, waste water containing sewage and without sewage, and polluted water; Machines and installations constructed therefrom, for draining, discharging and feeding fluids, in particular waste water containing sewage or without sewage. Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes; Machines and installations constructed therefrom for irrigation.
01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
07 - Machines and machine tools
11 - Environmental control apparatus
Goods & Services
Bacteria and bacteria cultures for waste water treatment; chemical products for waste water treatment. Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; Pumping stations, in particular lifting and transfer station; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), in particular prefabricated basins and containers, covers, floats, equilibrium float valves, closures, gravity barriers, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, filters. Apparatus for supplying water; water purification, desalination and conditioning installations, in particular waste water and sewage treatment installations, plants and tanks; filters for waste water; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods (included in class 11).
01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
07 - Machines and machine tools
11 - Environmental control apparatus
Goods & Services
Bacteria and bacteria cultures for waste water treatment; chemical products for waste water treatment. Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; Pumping stations, in particular lifting and transfer station; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), in particular prefabricated basins and containers, covers, floats, equilibrium float valves, closures, gravity barriers, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, filters. Water conduits installations; Water purifying, desalinating and treatment installations, in particular installations, works and tanks for sewage and waste water treatment; Filters for wastewater; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods, included in class 11; All the aforesaid goods exclusively for use in the nautical sector.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
In particular building materials of steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor. Building materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete, in particular steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated construction elements for building installations for collecting and removing water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, included in class 6, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage and surface drainage; Drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes, sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes, pipe and hose connections, clamps, pipe muffs, pipe caps, pipe sealing ends, all of the aforesaid consisting of metal; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction. Wastewater treatment machines, in particular separators, in particular hydrodynamic separators, in particular for lightweight or heavy materials, in particular grease separators, petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), in particular prefabricated basins and containers, covers, floats, equilibrium float valves, closures, gravity barriers, sludge outlets, oil suction devices, filters. Construction materials consisting wholly or partly of mineral construction materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitutes, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral casting, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction; Pre-fabricated components, not of metal, for building installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, included in class 19, in particular for channel drainage, point drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inlet boxes and containers, intermediate containers, throttle shafts, catch basins, downspout boxes, sludge traps, prefabricated inspection chambers, covers, cover gratings, cover grilles, cover plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt collection sieves and rakes; Infiltration trenches and components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, Inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Building material made of steel and cast iron for point and line drainage, especially drainage channels, sump units, shafts, gratings and covers and their components. Building material made of concrete, plastic, polymer concrete for point and line drainage, especially drainage channels, sump units, shafts, gratings and covers and their components.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
07 - Machines and machine tools
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
17 - Rubber and plastic; packing and insulating materials
19 - Non-metallic building materials
35 - Advertising and business services
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Metal building materials, in particular prefabricated components for the construction of installations for collecting, treating and draining water, surface water, wastewater and other liquids, for drainage installations for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction (included in class 6), in particular for line drainage or surface drainage; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gulley holes, sludge buckets (gullies) prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without drain traps, covers, covering grates, covering grid plates, access covers, shaft covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe and flexible pipe connectors, collars, pipe muffs, pipe caps, sealing ends for pipes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, of metal; Seepage plates of metal; Shaped parts of metal for the drainage of buildings, namely gutters and downpipes; Prefabricated building elements of metal for aerating and ventilating installations, in particular for buildings, namely inlet and outlet ducts, ventilating and aerating grilles; Profiles of metal for building, in particular frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe scrapers, metal doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds, skylights; Sections of metal for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, decorative grilles, window casements and door leaves, cellar light wells with and without light well grates, drainage pieces for cellar light wells; Pipes and tubes of metal in particular for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road building, sports ground construction and building construction; Drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, supply pipes and waste water pipes (included in class 6), in particular flexible and non-flexible pipes, telescopic pipes, ells, T-pieces, pipe bends, branching pipes, cleaning pipes, drainage conduits, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts of metal for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; And parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 6). Machines for sewage treatment, In particular separators, In particular for light or heavy materials, in particular grease traps, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Collection, storage and processing of weather data. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and parts and fittings, all for appliances for water distribution; Water filtering apparatus; Water purification installations. Connecting parts for pipes and hoses, clips, pipe joints, pipe caps, seals for the ends of pipes; Films of plastic or viscose for building purposes, in particular for cladding infiltration trenches; Plugs for infiltration trenches of plastic; Connecting pieces (junctions, not of metal, for pipes) for connecting inlets, outlets or vents to infiltration trenches of plastic; Connecting means (junctions, not of metal, for pipes) of plastic, in particular for connecting infiltration trenches to one another. Building materials wholly or partly consisting of mineral building materials, cement concrete, plastic concrete, plastic, rubber and rubber substitute materials, earthenware, porcelain, glass, mineral cast iron, in particular for drainage installations in civil engineering projects, water constructions, road building, sports field construction and building construction, namely prefabricated building elements for the construction of installations, for the collection, treatment and drainage of water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular for channel or surface drainage systems; Drainage channels, inflow basins and containers, intermediate containers, catch basins, gutter basins, sludge buckets (gullies), prefabricated inspection chambers, floor drains with and without odour traps, covers, covering grates and covering grid plates, covering plates, manhole covers with and without perforations, dirt bucket sieves and rakes, pipe ducts for walls and windows, all the aforesaid goods not of metal; Drainage plates (not of metal); Shaped parts of plastic for the drainage of buildings, Ventilating and aerating grilles, inner and outer shrouds; Frames, angle frames, covering grates and floor basins for shoe cleaning apparatus; Plastic and wooden doors, door and window frames, pre-fabricated windows, hopper windows and basement hopper windows with and without integrated roller blinds; Profiles (not of metal) for doors and windows, namely built-in frames, soffit frames, protective grating, grilles, door and window frames, window casements and door leaves, cellar lightwells with and without lightwell grates, drainage pieces for cellar lightwells; Building glass for doors, windows for buildings, in particular being single glass, insulating glass and double glass panes, and triple glass panes; Doors and windows glass made of plastic or acrylic glass; Pipes, not of metal, for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, road construction, sports field construction and building construction, drainage pipes, aeration and ventilation tubes and inlet and waste water pipes, included in class 19, in particular flexible and non-flexible tubes, telescopic tubes, angled tubes, T-sections for pipes, curved pipes, branching pipes, cleaning tubes, rubble drain pipes, drainage pipes for building; Prefabricated construction parts (not of metal) for the construction of inspection chambers, flushing shafts and collection pits in drainage installations; Including parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (not of metal) (included in class 19); Trench bodies and Components for infiltration trenches, in particular base elements and side walls for infiltration trenches of plastic, Inspection manholes and manhole coverings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Fittings for infiltration trenches of plastic; Stabilisation fabrics (geotextiles) for use in construction. Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Systemisation of information into computer databases, in particular of data from drainage installations and systems; Professional business consultancy in the field of drainage; Compilation of statistics; Advice relating to the sale of businesses. Building construction, repair; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, remote monitoring, maintenance, general inspection and repair of drainage installations, in particular surface drainage installations, infiltration trenches, rainwater utilisation installations, wastewater pump stations, backwater protection, pump stations, wet waste disposal systems and wastewater purification installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair, remote monitoring and maintenance of window systems, in particular flood protection basement window systems and light shafts; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring and repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside buildings; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in the civil engineering and construction sector. Training, In particular academies, Colloquiums, Arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses, Arranging and conducting of courses, seminars and workshops, In particular in the field of drainage and separation technology; Drafting and publication of texts, In particular in the field of drainage and separation technology, Other than publicity texts; Teaching. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
Metal building materials for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor. Building materials (non-metallic), In particular of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete for installations for collecting and draining water, surface water, waste water and other liquids, in particular drainage channels, outlets, shaft structures, drain traps and absorption systems and covers, in particular manhole covers and attachments therefor.
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
11 - Environmental control apparatus
35 - Advertising and business services
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
Goods & Services
Machines for sewage treatment, In particular separators, In particular for light or heavy materials, in particular grease traps, Petrol separators, separators for lightweight mineral liquids, starch separators, coalescence separators, Hydrodynamic separators; Pumping stations; Parts and accessories for all of the aforesaid goods included in class 7, In particular prefabricated basins and containers, Copings, Floats, Floating valves, Bottle-corking machines, Inlet locks, Sludge outlets, Oil suction devices, Skimmers, Filters, Sludge traps. Controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Sensor and detectors, in particular physical and chemical sensors and detectors, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units and for windows, light shafts and ventilators; Display and feedback units for use with the aforesaid sensors and detectors, computer software and hardware for the operation of sensors, controllers, regulators and control units relating to the field of drainage and waste water technology and for the control of actuators in wastewater and drainage technology, in particular for separators, lift installations, clarifying installations and line and point drainage and water reservoirs and retention units; Collection, storage and processing of weather data. Control apparatus, regulating apparatus, actuators and parts and fittings, all for appliances for water distribution; Water filtering apparatus; Water purification installations. Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage inside and outside of buildings; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage in civil engineering and construction; Systemisation of information into computer databases, in particular of data from drainage installations and systems; Professional business consultancy in the field of drainage; Compilation of statistics. Building construction, repair; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, remote monitoring, maintenance, general inspection and repair of drainage installations, in particular surface drainage installations, infiltration trenches, rainwater utilisation installations, wastewater pump stations, backwater protection, pump stations, wet waste disposal systems and wastewater purification installations, in particular light liquid and grease separators; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair, remote monitoring and maintenance of window systems, in particular flood protection basement window systems and light shafts; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, maintenance, remote monitoring and repair of roof drains and roof drainage systems; Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Sales support; Planning support in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes. Training, In particular academies, Colloquiums, Arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses, Arranging and conducting of courses, seminars and workshops, In particular in the field of drainage and separation technology; Drafting and publication of texts, In particular in the field of drainage and separation technology, Other than publicity texts; Teaching. Consultancy in the field of drainage and separation technology; Construction planning support, in particular via the providing of configurators for calculation and planning purposes.
16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
35 - Advertising and business services
Goods & Services
Paper and cardboard; Printed matter; Graphic prints and representations; Transparencies; Chromos, Especially Vehicle markings and Perimeter advertising. Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Systemization of information into computer databases, Especially, Systemisation of data from drainage installations and systems and waste water treatment; Professional business consultancy in the field of drainage and waste water treatment services; Compilation of statistics; social media marketing and Location marketing; Search engine advertising and print marketing, Especially, Placement of advertisements in print and online media; Event marketing and Employer branding, Especially Personnel marketing, Especially job advertising services; Advice relating to the sale of businesses.
16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
35 - Advertising and business services
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
Goods & Services
Paper and cardboard; Printed matter; Graphic prints and representations; Transparencies; Chromos, Especially Vehicle markings and Perimeter advertising. Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Systemization of information into computer databases, Especially, Systemisation of data from drainage installations and systems and waste water treatment; Professional business consultancy in the field of drainage and waste water treatment services; Compilation of statistics; social media marketing and Location marketing; Search engine advertising and print marketing, Especially, Placement of advertisements in print and online media; Event marketing and Employer branding, Especially Personnel marketing, Especially job advertising services; Advice relating to the sale of businesses. Construction; installation, Commissioning, Purification, Maintenance and Repair, in relation to the following goods: dehydration systems, Especially, Surface drainage installations, Infiltration trenches, Rainwater utilisation installations, Waste water pump stations, Backwater protection, Pumping stations, Wet waste disposal systems and Sewage treatment installations, In particular light liquid and grease separators; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair and maintenance of window systems, in particular flood protection basement window systems and light shafts; Installation, commissioning, cleaning, repair and maintenance of roof drains and roof drainage systems; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage and waste water treatment inside and outside buildings; Rental, management and leasing of installations and systems for drainage and waste water treatment in underground construction and structural engineering.
06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
19 - Non-metallic building materials
Goods & Services
In particular building materials of steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor. Building materials of concrete, plastic and synthetic concrete, in particular steel and cast iron for point and channel drainage, in particular drainage channels, drain traps and shafts and covers therefor, and individual parts therefor.
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
Goods & Services
Online advertising on a computer network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes, especially for companies in the area of livestock farming. Arranging and conducting of conferences, workshops and seminars, especially in the area of livestock farming; providing videos on communication media, especially in the area of livestock farming.