Brian Astfalk

United States of America

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Pentatonic harmonica

Application Number 17747418
Grant Number 11817068
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-05-18
First Publication Date 2023-11-14
Grant Date 2023-11-14
Owner Brian Astfalk (USA)
Inventor Astfalk, Brian


Harmonicas with the blow reeds forming a repeating pentatonic scale and the draw reeds forming a repeating pentatonic scale to facilitate ease of playability and musicality when playing pentatonic scales.

IPC Classes  ?


Blues harmonica

Application Number 17846717
Grant Number 11810538
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-06-22
First Publication Date 2023-11-07
Grant Date 2023-11-07
Owner Brian Astfalk (USA)
Inventor Astfalk, Brian


Abstract: Harmonicas providing more notes and increased playability and musicality when playing blues scales. Disclosed harmonicas also provide functional minor scales.

IPC Classes  ?


Melodic bend harmonica

Application Number 17747554
Grant Number 11694661
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-05-18
First Publication Date 2023-07-04
Grant Date 2023-07-04
Owner Brian Astfalk (USA)
Inventor Astfalk, Brian


A harmonica with a repeating major scale configured across the draw reeds and a repeating major scale a half step lower than the draw reeds configured across the blow reeds. This configuration produces a chromatic instrument where all the notes of a major scale can be bent down to the next lower scale tone for musicality. The linear scale configuration provides trill and glissando sections for ease of playability and musicality.

IPC Classes  ?


Rock bend harmonica

Application Number 17747488
Grant Number 11688369
Status In Force
Filing Date 2022-05-18
First Publication Date 2023-06-27
Grant Date 2023-06-27
Owner Brian Astfalk (USA)
Inventor Astfalk, Brian


A harmonica with a repeating major pentatonic scale configured across the draw reeds and a repeating major pentatonic scale a half step lower than the draw reeds configured across the blow reeds. This configuration produces a chromatic instrument where all the notes of a major pentatonic scale can be bent down to the next lower scale tone for musicality. It provides more notes and more bends when playing pentatonic scales and the repeating pattern facilitates easy learning.

IPC Classes  ?