Aspen Systems, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 2
Total IP Rank # 723,161
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



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Last Patent 2009 - Convenient substance-recovery sy...
First Patent 1996 - Controlling multiple variable sp...
Last Trademark 2013 - CANOPY
First Trademark 2013 - CANOPY

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2013 G/S Computer software for use in the food industry which provides accounting, purchasing, order entry...
2008 Invention Convenient substance-recovery system and process. A polar-substance-permselective membrane inclu...
Invention Convenient substance-recovery system and process. A polar-substance-permselective membrane includ...
2007 Invention Thermoelectric fan for radiation-based heaters, and methods related thereto. Disclosed is a ther...
Invention Thermoelectric fan for radiation-based heaters, and methods related thereto. Disclosed is a therm...
2003 Invention Enhancement of fluid replacement in porous media through pressure modulation. A method is describ...
2000 Invention Rapid aerogel production process. Method of more rapidly producing aerogel products by means of a...
1998 Invention Fast neutron irradiation of sapphire. Methods of irradiating sapphire with fast neutron radiation...
1996 Invention Flexible aerogel superinsulation and its manufacture. A superthermal insulation is produced by fo...
Invention Transportation safety apparatus and method. A transportation safety apparatus and method for the ...
Invention Controlling multiple variable speed compressors. A refrigeration system having a plurality of var...