

Total IP 23
Total IP Rank # 63,443
IP Activity Score 1.1/5.0    3
IP Activity Rank # 336,396



21 0
0 0
2 0
Last Patent 2020 - Fitting system for a seat
First Patent 1992 - Wheel embellishing member, in pa...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Fitting system for a seat. A fastening system for a seat includes a base associated with the rest...
Invention Fastening system for a seat and associated aircraft. A system for fastening a seat in a rail incl...
2018 Invention System for securing a seat, for example, for an airplane and seat comprising such a system. A sys...
Invention System for securing a seat notably for aircraft and seat comprising such a system. A system for s...
2015 Invention Fixation device comprising a toggle joint, for an aircraft seat. A fixation device for an aircraf...
Invention Device for attaching an object on a rail of a support. A device for attaching an object on a rail...
Invention Device for attaching an object within a rail of a support. A device for attaching an object with...
2014 Invention System for securing an aircraft seat and aircraft seat comprising such a system. A device for sec...
Invention System for securing an aircraft seat and aircraft seat comprising such a system. This system for ...
2012 Invention System for fastening a seat, in particular for an aircraft, on said aircraft. System for fastenin...
2011 Invention System for engaging an aircraft seat in a fastening rail. The system for engaging an aircraft sea...
Invention System for fastening a seat in an aircraft rail. A system for fastening an aircraft seat in a cor...
Invention Coupling system for an aircraft seat. In a coupling system for coupling an aircraft seat in a rai...
2010 Invention System for fastening a seat in particular an aircraft seat and seat comprising at least one such ...
Invention Attachment system for an aircraft seat. A system for attaching an aircraft seat to an aircraft. T...
Invention Fixing system for a seat, in particular an aircraft seat. A fixing system for a seat, in particul...
Invention Fixing system for a seat, for example an aircraft seat. The system comprising a base (2) having a...
2009 Invention System for fixing a seat, in particular an aircraft seat, and seat including such a system. Provi...
2008 Invention Spring clip for fixing two components to each other. This spring clip for fixing two components t...
Invention System for fixing two components to each other. b) of the first component (12) to be engaged, to ...
Invention System for engaging a dashboard with a chassis of a motor vehicle. System for engaging a dashboar...
Invention System for engaging two components with each other. System for engaging two components with each ...
2006 Invention Resilient fastener for fixing two parts onto each other. The resilient fastener for fixing two pa...
Invention Device for holding screw-like means in position. This device for holding screw-like means (1) in ...
2005 Invention Fastener for fixing two components to each other. This fastener is characterized in that it compr...
2004 Invention Spring clip for fixing two parts to each other. This clip in the general shape of a V comprising ...
1992 Invention Device for fixing a tubular element on a tubular connecting spigot of a component of in particula...
Invention Wheel cover, in particular for an automobile vehicle. The embellishing member wheel cover, provid...
Invention Wheel embellishing member, in particular for an automobile vehicle. The embellishing member, prov...