Qbo Coffee GmbH


Total IP 61
Total IP Rank # 22,268
IP Activity Score 1.8/5.0    11
IP Activity Rank # 80,998



27 0
5 0
29 0
Last Patent 2019 - Drinks preparation machine
First Patent 2010 - Portion capsule for a coffee mac...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2017 Invention Drinks preparation machine. A drinks preparation system includes a preparation module for a brewe...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. A drinks preparation machine includes a preparation module for prepar...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine (1) having a ...
Invention Beverage preparation system. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine (1) having a...
Invention Beverage-preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine comprising ...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine comprising a ...
2016 Invention Drinks preparation machine. A beverage-making machine for making a beverage from a portion capsul...
Invention Brewing module, a capsule recognition module and a drinks preparation machine. A capsule-detectin...
Invention A drinks preparation machine for preparing a drink. A beverage-making machine for making a bever...
Invention Drinks preparation machine and method for operating. A beverage-making machine having a housing t...
Invention A drinks preparation machine for preparing a drink. The invention relates to a beverage-making ma...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage-making machine (10) for making a ...
Invention Brewing module, capsule-detecting module, and beverage-preparing machine. The invention relates t...
Invention Beverage-making machine. The invention relates to a beverage-making machine for making a beverage...
Invention Beverage-making machine for making a beverage. The invention relates to a beverage-making machine...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage-making machine for making a bever...
Invention A brewing module, a capsule recognition module and a drinks preparation machine. The invention re...
Invention Beverage-making machine. The invention relates to a beverage-making machine (10) for making a bev...
Invention System with drinks preparation machine, a method and computer program for its activation. A metho...
Invention Drinks preparation machine, a system with a drinks preparation machine, method for its activation...
Invention A system with drinks preparation machine, a method and computer program for its activation. A met...
Invention A drinks preparation machine, a system with a drinks preparation machine, method for its activati...
Invention System comprising a beverage preparation machine, method, and computer program for actuating same...
Invention Beverage-making machine, system having a beverage-making machine, and method for controlling the ...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. A drinks preparation machine for preparing a drink from a portion ca...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. A beverage-making machine 1 of the type according to the invention is...
Invention Beverage-making machine. A beverage-making machine 1 of the type according to the invention is de...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. A drinks preparation machine for preparing brewed drinks from a porti...
Invention Drinks preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine for preparing...
Invention Beverage preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine for prepari...
Invention Capsule for an extraction material, method for producing the capsule, and device for brewing coff...
Invention Method for the production of a capsule for extraction product. A capsule to form a closed interio...
Invention System for brewing coffee. A capsule to form a closed interior filled with an extraction product ...
Invention Beverage preparation machine. The invention relates to a beverage preparation machine having a wa...
Invention Beverage preparation machine. A beverage preparation machine (1) of the type according to the inv...
2015 Invention Beverage capsule, beverage preparation system and method for identifying a beverage capsule. A c...
Invention Brewing module, capsule recognition module, and beverage preparation machine. A brewing module fo...
Invention Brewing module, capsule recognition module, and beverage preparation machine. A capsule recogniti...
Invention Milk frother appliance, drinks preparation system and a drinks preparation machine. An appliance ...
Invention Milk frother appliance, drinks preparation system and drinks preparation machine. An appliance fo...
Invention Milk frother appliance. An appliance that is dockable onto a drinks preparation machine, for prep...
Invention Milk frother appliance. An appliance for preparing frothed milk is dockable onto a drinks prepara...
Invention Coffee machine for portion capsules. An extraction appliance with a brewing module for forming a ...
Invention System for preparing a brewed product. A system for preparing a brewed product, the system includ...
2014 Invention Portion capsule for preparing a brewed product and a method for producing said portion capsule. A...
Invention Portion capsule for preparing a brewed product. A capsule containing an extraction substance, an...
Invention Portion capsule for preparing a brewed product. A portion capsule that is filled with an extract...
Invention Brewing module and method of using same. A brewing module for an extraction appliance has a first...