Qingdao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Institute Co., Ltd.


Total IP 18
Total IP Rank # 83,187
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829



1 0
0 0
17 0
Last Patent 2018 - Movable loading machine with a t...
First Patent 2010 - Onboard tv for railway vehicle

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2016 Invention Opening/closing mechanism equipped with a self-lock device. The present invention relates to an ...
2014 Invention Hand brake. Provided is a hand brake, comprising a hand wheel, a chain, an enclosure, and a drive...
2013 Invention Movable loading machine with a twin telescopic boom structure. Disclosed is a movable loading ma...
Invention Transverse adjustment mechanism for bilateral half-spring type load-carrying head. A transverse a...
Invention Compatible train lifting unit of pit-type train lifter. A compatible train lifting unit of a pit-...
Invention Segmented inverting cover plate apparatus for underfloor vehicle lifting jack. Disclosed is a seg...
Invention Front installed suspension system having overload protection. Disclosed is a front installed susp...
2012 Invention Telescopic mechanism in telescopic hitch buffer device for use in high speed electric multiple un...
Invention Air charging and discharging control device for air spring support system. Disclosed is an air ch...
Invention Train network device automatic test bed. A train network device automatic test bed comprises a ho...
Invention Urban tram braking system. An urban tram braking system, comprising a brake instruction generatio...
Invention Internal pull-to-break type buffer device for rail vehicle. Disclosed is an internal pull-to-brea...
2011 Invention Semi-permanent vehicle coupler for light rail. The present invention relates to a semi-permanent ...
Invention Comprehensive test bed for vehicle body. The present invention relates to a comprehensive test be...
Invention Ground power supply system for bullet trains. A ground power supply system for bullet trains incl...
Invention Power switching single phase inverter of train set. A power switching single phase inverter of th...
Invention Power supply charger for d-prefaced train set. A power supply charger for a D-prefaced train set ...
Invention Anti-rolling sill's suspender for low speed magnetic suspension train. An anti-rolling sill's sus...
Invention Transverse adjustment mechanism for a bilateral half-spring type load-carrying head. A transverse...
2010 Invention Onboard tv for railway vehicle. An onboard TV for railway vehicle is mounted on the ceiling of a ...
Invention Vehicle-body integrated test bench. A vehicle-body integrated test bench comprises a vehicle-body...
Invention Semi-permanent draw gear for light rail. A semi-permanent draw gear for light rail has one end wi...