RoboteX Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 11
Total IP Rank # 139,684
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



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Last Patent 2016 - Robotic system and methods of use
First Patent 2011 - Robotic system and methods of use
Last Trademark 2015 - RX
First Trademark 2007 - ROBOTEX

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2015 Invention System and method for collecting and processing data and for utilizing robotic and/or human resou...
G/S Aeronautical radio navigation services; Air traffic control services; Air transport; Air transpor...
Invention Infrastructure for robots in human-centric environments. To improve efficient use of robots in h...
2014 Invention Robotic system and methods of use. A robotic system that can have a body and four flippers is de...
Invention Repeater devices and methods of use. To increase the range of a remote controlled robot, one or m...
Invention Low latency data link system and method. Devices and methods for a low latency data telecommunic...
Invention Low latency data link system and method. Devices and methods for a low latency data telecommunica...
2013 Invention Infrastructure for robots in human-centric environments. To improve efficient use of robots in hu...
Invention Trailer and hitch system and method. A robot and trailer system is disclosed. The robot can have...
Invention Robotic system and methods of use. A robotic system that can have a body and four flippers is des...
2012 Invention Method of displaying a digital signal. Devices communicate with one another over a wireless chann...
Invention Method of displaying a digital signal. Devices communicate with one another over a wireless chan...
Invention Method of adapting a wireless system for use in a geographic location. A wireless communication ...
Invention Robotic arm system. A robotic arm for use with a robotic system and methods for making and using...
Invention Robotic arm system. A robotic arm for use with a robotic system and methods for making and using ...
2011 Invention System and method for controlling a power supply. A power monitor system and method are disclosed...
2008 G/S Tactical robots
2007 G/S Robots for personal or hobby use Remotely controlled land vehicle Remote control toys, namely, we...