Sachem, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 73
Total IP Rank # 18,355
IP Activity Score 2.2/5.0    22
IP Activity Rank # 36,845
Dominant Nice Class Chemical and biological material...



23 6
8 0
31 0
Last Patent 2023 - Preservatives for cosmetic and p...
First Patent 1986 - Method for producing high purity...
Last Trademark 2008 - ENVURE
First Trademark 2005 - SACHEM

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2022 Invention Preservatives for cosmetic and pharmaceutical compositions. Various preservatives and composition...
Invention Green cationization agent. 3322323232652223232264222222222222222222); and X is a suitable non-int...
Invention Green cationization agent. A compound having Formula (I) or Formula (II): and X is a suitable no...
Invention Strong binding metal-chelating resins. A metal-chelating resin includes (a) a compound represente...
Invention Strong binding metal-chelating resins using macrocycle molecules. A metal-chelating resin includ...
Invention Strong binding metal-chelating resins using macrocycle molecules. A metal-chelating resin include...
2021 Invention Method for protecting glycerol alkyl ethers from oxidation. Method of protecting glycerol alkyl ...
2019 Invention Morpholinium-based quaternary ammonium cation and aei type zeolite made therewith. An aluminosili...
2018 Invention Limmoxfy shell formation on cathode ceramic particle for li ion battery through onium metal oxide...
Invention Process for ssz-39 synthesis using modified reaction composition. A process for making SSZ-39 zeo...
2017 Invention Novel antioxidants for cosmetics and pharmaceutical compositions containing glycerol alkyl ethers...
Invention Antioxidants for cosmetics and pharmaceutical compositions containing glycerol alkyl ethers. Abst...
2016 Invention Structure directing agent for improved synthesis of zeolites. The present invention relates to st...
2015 Invention Electrolytic compositions for electric energy storage and generation devices. In one embodiment,...
Invention Electrolytic compositions base on mixed alkyl quartenary ammonium or phosphonium salts for electr...
Invention Quaternary ammonium hydroxides. A composition including (a) a quaternary ammonium hydroxide havin...
Invention Selective metal/metal oxide etch process. The present invention provides a process for selectivel...
2014 Invention Color inhibitor for quaternary ammonium hydroxide in non-aqueous solvent. A composition including...
2013 Invention Process for improved recovery of onium hydroxide from compositions containing process residues. A...
Invention Oxide shell formation on inorganic substrate via oxidative polyoxoanion salt deposition. The pres...
Invention Oxide shell formation on inorganic substrates via lithium polyoxoanion salt deposition. The prese...
Invention Gel method for preparation of ceramic material. A process for producing a ceramic material includ...
Invention Sol-gel method for preparation of ceramic material. A process for producing a ceramic material in...
2012 Invention Anionic displacer molecules for hydrophobic displacement chromatography. A process for separatin...
Invention Cationic displacer molecules for hydrophobic displacement chromatography. A process for separati...
Invention Neutral zwitterionic displacer molecules for hydrophobic displacement chromatography. A process f...
Invention Cationic displacer molecules for hydrophobic displacement chromatography. A process for separatin...
Invention Anionic displacer molecules for hydrophobic displacement chromatography. A process for separating...
Invention Quaternary ammonium hydroxides. A method of removing a residue from a surface, including applying...
2008 G/S Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely, high purity strong organic bases
G/S Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely, chemicals for use in preparation of advanced c...
G/S Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely high purity strong organic bases.
2007 G/S Chemicals for use in industry and science. Machinery and equipment for recycling chemicals compou...
G/S recycled quaternary ammonium compounds recycling, namely, recycling quaternary ammonium compounds...
2006 G/S Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and ...
2005 G/S Chemicals for use in industry, namely, etchants, developers, glycidyl ethers, hydroxylamines, ion...