Solarpaint Ltd .


Total IP 44
Total IP Rank # 31,727
IP Activity Score 2.6/5.0    53
IP Activity Rank # 13,737
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



16 2
1 2
21 2
Last Patent 2024 - Flexible and rollable solar pane...
First Patent 2014 - Solar paint material and paintin...
Last Trademark 2024 - APOLLO POWER
First Trademark 2024 - APOLLO POWER

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention Flexible and rollable solar panels having an integrated functional backing layer of polymeric foa...
Invention Rollable photovoltaic awning, rollable photovoltaic canopy, and rollable photovoltaic articles th...
G/S Flexible photovoltaic cells; flexible photovoltaic films; flexible photovoltaic panels; flexible ...
G/S Flexible photovoltaic cells; flexible photovoltaic films; flexible photovoltaic panels; flexible...
Invention Hybrid photovoltaic device having rigid planar segments and flexible non-planar segments. A hybr...
Invention Flexible photovoltaic cell, and methods and systems of producing it. A flexible photovoltaic (PV...
Invention Flexible solar panels incorporated within non-planar generally-rigid vehicular components. A veh...
Invention Conjoined solar module, and a joining unit for conjoining multiple solar panels. Conjoined solar...
Invention Enhanced flexible solar panels and photovoltaic devices, and methods and systems for producing th...
Invention Solar panels having an integral and internal metal foil, mounted on a support substrate with embe...
Invention Flexible solar panels and photovoltaic devices, and methods and systems for producing them. Impr...
2023 Invention Corrugated solar panels for improved installation and water-tight mounting. Corrugated solar pane...
Invention Composite article that integrally incorporates a solar cell produced by a multi-cavity multi-laye...
Invention Solar cell having integrated isolated electrical contacts. An intermediate article includes a plu...
Invention Solar panel and photovoltaic devices having an integrated mechanical protection and mitigation la...
Invention Flexible and rollable self-floating and self-buoyant solar panels and photovoltaic devices. A se...
Invention Rubber molded articles that integrally incorporate a photovoltaic device, and method and system f...
Invention Injection molded, blow molded, and rotational molded articles that integrally incorporate a photo...
Invention Flexible solar panels and photovoltaic devices, and methods and systems of producing them. A fle...
2022 Invention Flexible solar panels incorporated within non-planar generally-rigid vehicular components. A vehi...
Invention Conjoined solar module, and a joining unit for conjoining multiple solar panels. Conjoined solar ...
Invention Improved flexible solar panels and photovoltaic devices, and methods and systems for producing th...
Invention Flexible and rollable self-floating and self-buoyant solar panels and photovoltaic devices. A sel...
2021 Invention Flexible solar panels and photovoltaic devices, and methods and systems of producing them. A flex...
Invention Flexible photovoltaic cell, and methods and systems of producing it. A flexible photovoltaic (PV)...
Invention Hybrid photovoltaic device having rigid planar segments and flexible non-planar segments. A hybri...
2019 Invention Toughened semiconductor substrates, devices produced with toughened semiconductor substrates, and...
Invention Flexible and rollable photovoltaic cell having enhanced properties of mechanical impact absorptio...
2018 Invention Flexible micro-patterned films system and method for manufacture thereof. A method for use in pat...
2017 Invention Photovoltaic cell and method of fabrication thereof. A photovoltaic device is described. The devi...
2016 Invention Electrode arrangement and method of production thereof. A method for use in producing an electro...
Invention Electrode arrangement and method of production thereof. A method for use in producing an electrod...
2015 Invention Photovoltaic device and components. An optically active medium and an electrode arrangement are ...
Invention Photovoltaic device and components. An optically active medium and an electrode arrangement are p...
2014 Invention Solar paint material and painting system using the same. An electrode arrangement and plurality ...
Invention Solar paint material and painting system using the same. An electrode arrangement and plurality o...