Solon SE


Total IP 5
Total IP Rank # 309,571
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



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0 1
2 0
Last Patent 2012 - Frame-like holder for a solar pa...
First Patent 2007 - Light-weight photovoltaic system
Last Trademark 2008 - SOLON
First Trademark 2006 - SOLON-Mover

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2012 Invention Frame-like holder for a solar panel, with a cable holder. A frame-like holder for a solar panel i...
Invention Electrical junction box for a photovoltaic module. An electrical junction box for a photovoltaic...
Invention Electrical junction box for a photovoltaic module. Known junction boxes set the alignment of the ...
2011 Invention Solar module with a connecting unit having a molded part. A solar module configured for electric...
Invention Solar module with a connecting unit with moulded part. Solar modules have a connecting unit with ...
Invention Solar inverted roof. An inverted roof is a flat roof constructed as a non-ventilated warm roof. I...
Invention Supporting plate for mounting solar modules on a flat substrate and supporting plate panel. A su...
Invention Supporting plate for mounting solar modules on a flat substrate and supporting plate panel. Known...
Invention Frame-like holder for a solar panel, with a cable holder. A frame-like holder for a solar panel ...
Invention Positive connecting device for two components, particularly solar modules. A positive connecting...
Invention Positive connecting device for two components, particularly solar modules. Positive connecting de...
2010 Invention Photovoltaic plant with reflector elements. A photovoltaic plant includes a plurality of longitud...
Invention Photovoltaic plant with reflector elements. Known photovoltaic plants have longitudinal solar pan...
Invention Solar installation including at least one solar module having a spring-loaded mounting of the cov...
Invention Solar installation comprising at least one solar module having a spring-loaded mounting of the co...
2009 Invention Mounting device for solar modules having a large aspect ratio. A mounting device for solar module...
Invention Photovoltaic module with a wind suction securing device and method of production. A photovoltaic...
Invention Photovoltaic module with a wind suction securing device and method of production. Although a know...
Invention Fixing device for photovoltaic modules on sloping roofs. A fixing device for fixing a photovoltai...
Invention Fixing device for photovoltaic modules on sloping roofs. Photovoltaic modules are fixed on slopin...
2008 Invention Photovoltaic unit comprising a matrix of frameless solar modules. A photovoltaic unit includes a...
Invention Photovoltaic unit comprising a matrix of frameless solar modules. Known framless solar modules ar...
Invention Photovoltaic plant with a matrix made from frameless solar modules. Known frameless solar modules...
G/S Data processors and computer software for use in the production, distribution and monitoring of s...
2007 Invention Light-weight photovoltaic system. A light-weight photovoltaic system made from a plurality of sub...
Invention Light-weight photovoltaic system. A light-weight photovoltaic system includes a substructure and ...
2006 G/S Instruments for producing electricity, namely solar installations, including electric distributio...