Sonaca S.A.


Total IP 54
Total IP Rank # 25,365
IP Activity Score 2.3/5.0    30
IP Activity Rank # 25,773



17 0
17 0
20 0
Last Patent 2024 - Rapid attachment for a movable f...
First Patent 2000 - Assembly procedure for a flexibl...


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Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Adjustable eccentric bushing. The present invention relates to an adjustable guide bushing (10) c...
Invention Pull-control system. The present invention relates to a transport container for a system for dete...
Invention Movable leading-edge flap with multiple force flow paths. The invention relates to a movable lead...
2022 Invention Rapid attachment for a movable flap module of an aircraft wing. A method for manufacturing a con...
Invention Rapid attachment for a movable flap module of a wing of an aircraft. The present invention relate...
Invention Rapid attachment for a movable flap module of an aircraft wing. The present invention relates to ...
Invention Optimised structure for regulating heat via heat pipe for electronic equipment support panels. A...
Invention Optimised structure for regulating heat via heat pipe for electronic equipment support panels. Th...
2021 Invention Aircraft anti-icing protection system using blown hot air with reduced energy penalty. A system f...
Invention Aircraft anti-icing protection system using blown hot air with reduced energy penalty. The invent...
2020 Invention Ice protection and boundary layer suction system for an aircraft aerofoil. A system for suction o...
Invention System for suction of the boundary layer and protection against icing of an aircraft bearing surf...
2019 Invention Aeraulic turbine with through-flow. The invention concerns an aeraulic turbine (1) with through-f...
Invention Aircraft wing comprising a mobile leading edge flap guided by a device located at the front of a ...
Invention Aile d'aeronef comprenant un volet mobile de bord d'attaque guide par un dispositif situe a l'ava...
Invention Assembly for aircraft including a mobile load-bearing surface, borne by an operating shaft crossi...
Invention Assembly for aircraft comprising a moveable bearing surface supported by a drive shaft passing th...
2018 Invention Assembly for aircraft comprising a movable trailing edge flap. The invention relates to an assemb...
2017 Invention Aircraft wing comprising a mobile leading edge flap driven by a linear electric motor. The invent...
Invention Aircraft wing comprising a movable trailing-edge flap driven by a linear electric motor. The inve...
Invention Aircraft wing comprising a mobile trailing edge flap driven by a linear electric motor. The inven...
Invention Aircraft wing comprising a movable flap and a housing for accommodating flexible piping. An aircr...
Invention Aircraft wing comprising a movable flap and a housing for accommodating flexible piping. The inve...
2016 Invention Hybrid airship with a flexible compartmented exterior envelope. i.
Invention System for dual management of anti-icing and boundary layer suction on an aerofoil of an aircraft...
2015 Invention System for the dual management of anti-icing and boundary-layer suction on an aerofoil of an airc...
Invention System for dual management of anti-icing and boundary layer suction on abearing surface of an air...
Invention Improved system for the dual management of anti-icing and boundary-layer suction on an aerofoil o...
2013 Invention Method for producing a leading edge skin by baking a stack incorporating heating elements and lay...
2008 Invention Process for manufacturing a panel comprising at least one honeycomb body and a first skin made fr...
Invention Method for making a panel including at least one cellular body and a first skin made of a composi...
Invention Cable carrier chain for leading edge mobile slat for an aircraft wing. An aircraft wing comprisin...
Invention Cable-carrying chain for an aircraft wing leading edge mobile flap shutter. The invention relates...
2007 Invention Device and process for assembly of panels using riveting. A device (1) for assembling panels usin...
Invention Method for assembling sheets by riveting. The invention relates to a method for assembling sheets...
Invention Assembly method using plate riveting. The invention concerns an assembly method using plate rivet...
2005 Invention Mobile leading edge flap for a main wing of the aerofoils of an aircraft and main wing provided w...