SSM Giudici S.r.l.


Total IP 7
Total IP Rank # 220,795
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 929,971



2 0
0 0
5 0
Last Patent 2021 - Device and method for producing ...
First Patent 2002 - Texturing and interlacing machine

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Device and method for producing fancy yarns. The device (1) comprises a first roller (3) rotatabl...
2016 Invention Method and device for the production of a slub yarn, and yarn produced. The device (1) comprises:...
2015 Invention Machine and method for the production of fancy yarns. Machine for the production of a composite y...
2014 Invention Machine for producing bobbins of yarn with superimposed winding positions with multiple motor dri...
Invention A module for a machine for producing bobbins of yarn. The module comprises a plurality of winding...
2008 Invention Texturing-interlacing machine with double oven. The texturing and interlacing machine for process...
2004 Invention Method and device for the production of a covered elastic yarn and for automatic replacement of f...
2003 Invention Method and device for the production of covered elastic yarn and for automatically replacing feed...
2002 Invention Texturing and interlacing machine. The machine comprises a texturing zone (12) trough which a cov...