Techni AS


Total IP 10
Total IP Rank # 153,415
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,661,095



4 0
0 0
6 0
Last Patent 2015 - System for position measuring an...
First Patent 2009 - Shock and vibration damper

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2013 Invention System for position measuring and integrity measuring. A system for measuring the position of a r...
2012 Invention System for measuring pressure and temperature. The present invention relates to system for measur...
2011 Invention Device for transfer of electrical signals and/or electrical energy. A system for transmitting ele...
Invention Device for transmitting electrical signals and/or electrical energy. The present invention relate...
Invention Device for transfer of electrical signals and/or electrical energy. The present invention relates...
2010 Invention Voltage-free connector integrated in a weapon rail. A universal rail for a firearm has a pluralit...
Invention Voltage-free connector integrated in a weapon rail. The present invention relates to a universal ...
2009 Invention Driving arrangement for a pump or compressor. b) of the electric motor (31). The electric motor i...
Invention Driving arrangement for a pump or compressor. Driving arrangement (11) for a pump, compressor or ...
Invention Shock and vibration damper. The invention relates to a type of shock and vibration isolator which...