

Total IP 5
Total IP Rank # 307,310
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,653,802
Dominant Nice Class Machines and machine tools



0 0
0 0
4 1
Last Patent 2020 - Wrapping method and wrapping mac...
First Patent 2001 - Spectacles with wire-like branches
Last Trademark 1979 - THIMON
First Trademark 1979 - THIMON

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Wrapping method and wrapping machine. The wrapping device comprises means (5) for covering the si...
2018 Invention Covering and heat-sealing method. The method for covering and heat-sealing a cover (3) around a l...
2011 Invention Method and machine for the robot wrapping of a palletized load with a cover made of flexible plas...
2006 Invention Method and machine for preparing and depositing a stretch-film packaging sleeve on a palletized l...
2001 Invention Spectacles with wire-like branches. The invention concerns spectacles having a vertical median pl...
1979 G/S Machines et machines-outils, moteurs (excepté pour véhicules terrestres), accouplements et courr...