Veolia Environnement - ve


Total IP 16
Total IP Rank # 94,214
IP Activity Score 1.1/5.0    3
IP Activity Rank # 340,571



5 0
2 0
9 0
Last Patent 2021 - Method for operating a wastewate...
First Patent 2015 - In-situ biostimulation of the hy...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Method for selective leaching of zinc. The invention relates to a method for selective leaching o...
Invention Method for producing flour enriched with proteins from larvae used for bioconversion of organic w...
2019 Invention Method for operating a wastewater treatment plant for phosphorus treatment of effluent. A method...
Invention Method for operating a wastewater treatment plant for phosphorus treatment of effluent. The inven...
2018 Invention Extraction of volatile compounds from a liquid containing a dissolved salt. The present invention...
Invention Method for remotely removing a load from a load fixed bed vessel. The present invention relates g...
2017 Invention Electrolytic method for extracting tin and/or lead contained in an electrically conductive mixtur...
Invention Method for guiding a device for the high-pressure cleaning of heat exchanger tubes. Some embodime...
Invention Tool for managing multiple water resources. A system for quantitative water management comprises:...
Invention Method for determining a maximum allowable volume of water that can be removed over time from an ...
Invention Tool for managing multiple water resources. The invention pertains to a system for quantitative w...
2016 Invention Selective sorting method. A selective sorting method in order to identify and sort material objec...
Invention Selective sorting method. A selective sorting method is described to identify and sort material o...
2015 Invention In-situ biostimulation of the hydrolysis of organic matter for optimizing the energy recovery the...