Yxlon International GmbH


Total IP 49
Total IP Rank # 28,033
IP Activity Score 1.4/5.0    5
IP Activity Rank # 194,662
Parent Entity Comet Holding AG
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



11 4
0 0
30 3
Last Patent 2020 - Method for reconstructing a digi...
First Patent 2008 - Device for the operation of elec...
Last Trademark 2014 - GEMINY
First Trademark 1998 - YXLON

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Method for reconstructing a digital representation of object features of an examination object in...
2019 Invention Method for stabilizing a focal spot of an x-ray tube, and x-ray ct system. The present invention ...
Invention X-ray tube having collimator, collimator apparatus for closed x-ray tube and use of such a collim...
Invention Method for obtaining at least one significant feature in a series of components of the same type ...
Invention Method for obtaining information from x-ray computed tomography data for optimizing the injection...
Invention Method for correcting measurement errors in the imaging of an analysis object by means of compute...
Invention Computer tomography system and computer tomographic method. The present invention relates to a co...
Invention Method for calibrating a high voltage generator of an x-ray tube in a radiographic system. Metho...
2018 Invention Transmission target for an open x-ray tube, open x-ray tube, method for detecting a transmission ...
Invention Detector with reduced-size edge pixel elements. b).
Invention Component or electron capture sleeve for an x-ray tube and x-ray tube having such a device. The i...
Invention Method for characterizing materials with inclusions. A method for the image processing of data o...
Invention Method for checking the location of elements in a tire in an x-ray inspection system, x-ray inspe...
Invention Anti-scatter filter for an x-ray inspection system, x-ray inspection system and operation of an x...
2017 Invention Method for the reconstruction of a test part in an x-ray ct method in an x-ray ct system by means...
Invention Use of a marker for determining the projection geometry of an x-ray ct device, and fixing device ...
Invention Method for reconstructing a test object in an x-ray ct method in an x-ray ct system without a man...
Invention Method for reconstructing a test object in an x-ray ct method in an x-ray ct system. The inventio...
Invention Method for automatically determining the relative spatial arrangement of markers in an x-ray ct d...
2016 Invention Apparatus for nondestructive material testing of objects. The invention relates to a device for n...
Invention Device for non-destructively material testing objects, in particular rims and wheels made of alum...
Invention Method for checking an electronic component. The invention relates to a method for testing an ele...
Invention Method for checking an electronic component. The invention relates to a method for checking an el...
2014 Invention Method for determining the danger zone between a test object and an x-ray inspection system. Met...
Invention Target and/or filament for an x-ray tube, x-ray tube, method for identifying a target and/or a fi...
Invention X-ray inspection system and method for rotating a test object by means of such an x-ray inspectio...
Invention Method for determining the danger zone between a test object and an x-ray inspection system. The ...
G/S [ Providing access to the internet for the purpose of accessing information as well as computer ...
G/S Computer software and computer software applications (both stored and also downloadable via the ...
Invention Method for calibrating an x-ray testing system for a tire type and method for checking the positi...
Invention X-ray line detector and method for the production thereof. An X-ray line detector includes a hous...
2013 Invention X-ray line detector. An X-ray line detector includes a housing having an upper part a lower part ...
Invention Method for feeding x-ray fluoroscopy images in the context of a digital laminography technique an...
2012 Invention Method for inspecting wheels by means of x-rays and radiation protection booth therefor. The inve...
Invention Bearing element, conveying chain and wheel-manipulation apparatus. The invention deals with a bea...
Invention Radioscopy method for generating two radioscopic images. The invention relates to a radioscopy me...
Invention Wheel inspection system comprising a plurality of inspection devices, and method for inspecting w...
Invention Testing of wheels with two detectors which are moveable in an arc independently of each other. Th...
Invention High freqency power multiplier solution. The invention relates to a high frequency power multipl...
Invention High frequency power multiplier solution. The invention relates to a high frequency power multipl...
2011 Invention Detection of defects in a moving object by means of orthostereoscopy. The invention relates to a ...
Invention X-ray line detector and method for the production thereof. The invention relates to an x-ray line...
Invention X-ray line detector. The invention relates to an X-ray line detector having at least one detector...
Invention Laminography system. A laminography system includes a first linear guide defining a z-direction o...
2010 Invention Handle for a housing for a portable x-ray device. A handle for a housing of a portable X-ray dev...
Invention Handle for a housing for a portable x-ray device. The invention relates to a handle 17, 21 for a ...
2009 Invention Device and method for non-destructively testing cylindrical or tube-shaped test objects by means ...
2008 Invention Device for the operation of electronic circuits on a high-voltage potential. A device for operat...
G/S X-ray tubes for non-medical use; industrial X-ray systems for non-medical use, consisting of X-r...
G/S X-Ray tubes for non-medical use; industrial X-ray systems for non-medical use, consisting of X-ra...
G/S X-ray tubes for non-medical use; industrial X-ray systems for non-medical use consisting of X-ray...
1999 G/S Computerized image analysis system, principally composed of a diode array, a digital image conver...
1998 G/S Scientific surveying, measuring, checking apparatus and instruments, in particular x-ray apparatu...