Indukern, S.A.
Total IP | 1 |
Total IP incl. subs | 25 (+ 24 for subs) |
Total IP Rank # | 1,258,280 |
IP Activity Score | 0/5.0 0 |
IP Activity Rank # | 1,661,095 |
IP AS incl. subs | 0.9/5.0 3 |
Parent Entity | Grupo Indukern S.L |
Dominant Nice Class | Cosmetics and toiletries; cleani... |
Last Trademark | 2017 - COPAIBAROL | |||||||||||||||
First Trademark | 2017 - COPAIBAROL | |||||||||||||||
Subsidiaries2 subsidiaries with IP (4 patents, 20 trademarks) Register for free to unlock the subsidiary list |
Industry (Nice Classification) |
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