Emerald Energy NW, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 11
Total IP Rank # 139,561
IP Activity Score 1.6/5.0    7
IP Activity Rank # 134,872



11 0
0 0
0 0
Last Patent 2022 - Integrated refueling station
First Patent 2016 - Refrigeration system including m...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2021 Invention Active magnetic regenerative processes and systems employing hydrogen as heat transfer fluid and ...
Invention Integrated refueling station. A process that includes pre-cooling a H2 gas feedstock with a comp...
Invention Advanced multi-layer active magnetic regenerator systems and processes for magnetocaloric liquefa...
2019 Invention Active magnetic regenerative liquefier using process gas pre-cooling from bypass flow of heat tra...
2018 Invention Rotary seal facilitating fluid flows through a rotating toroidal mass within a pressurized housin...
2017 Invention Refrigeration system including micro compressor-expander thermal units. An active gas regenerativ...
Invention 2 vehicle dispenser. 2 vehicle dispenser.