Deskins, Franklin David

United States of America

Total IP 3
Total IP Rank # 503,941
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821



3 0
0 0
0 0
Last Patent 2014 - Quick-dry filter dewatering mobi...
First Patent 1995 - Sewage dewatering process

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2012 Invention Quick-dry filter dewatering mobile process and apparatus. Utilizing mobile walls, a transportable...
2009 Invention Apparatus for combining solids thickening and dewatering in one vessel. A granular filter media d...
2005 Invention Process for combining solids thickening and dewatering in one vessel. Process involving repeatedl...
1998 Invention Sewage dewatering process and equipment. A process of dewatering primary-treated sewage which inc...
1996 Invention Sewage dewatering equipment. A process of dewatering primary-treated sewage which includes mixing...
1995 Invention Sewage dewatering process. A process of dewatering primary-treated sewage which includes mixing t...