Bodycote Warmebehandlung GmbH


Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,877
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821
Parent Entity Bodycote International plc
Dominant Nice Class Treatment of materials; recyclin...



0 1
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2 1
Last Patent 2012 - Zinc diffusion coating method
First Patent 2001 - Hydraulic piston and process for...
Last Trademark 2006 - CORR-I-DUR
First Trademark 2006 - CORR-I-DUR

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2010 Invention Zinc diffusion coating method. A method for diffusion coating a surface of a metal substrate wit...
Invention Zinc diffusion coating method. A method for diffusion coating a surface of a metal substrate with...
2009 Invention Sherardizing method. The invention relates to a method for coating a surface of at least one subs...
2006 G/S Hardening and surface refinement of steel by thermo chemical processes, such as gas-nitro-carburi...
G/S Hardening and surface finishing of metals.
G/S Hardening and surface refinement of metals
G/S Hardening and surface refinement of metals.
2001 Invention Hydraulic piston and process for its surface treatment. The present invention relates to a hydrau...