Feramda Ltd.


Total IP 1
Total IP Rank # 1,261,879
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,658,319



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Last Patent 2018 - Compositions and combinations fo...
First Patent 2004 - Biologically active complex

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2016 Invention Compositions and combinations for the treatment of angiogenesis diseases and disorders. The pres...
Invention Compositions and combinations for the treatment of angiogenesis diseases and disorders. The prese...
2009 Invention Biologically active complex. where X is an optionally substituted divalent saturated hydrocarbon...
2008 Invention Methods and compositions for inhibiting integrins using tellurium-containing compounds. Compositi...
2005 Invention Tellurium compounds and their use as immunomodulators. Novel tellurium-containing compounds and u...
Invention Novel tellurium compounds and their use as immunomodulators. It is provided a tellurium-containin...
2004 Invention Biologically active complex. 2 with a moiety of formula (A) and ammonium salts thereof: HO—X—OH (...