Sappi Biotech UK Ltd

United Kingdom

Total IP 8
Total IP Rank # 193,529
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 469,395
Dominant Nice Class Treatment of materials; recyclin...



3 0
1 0
2 2
Last Patent 2019 - Hemicellulose processing method
First Patent 2014 - Lactate production process
Last Trademark 2017 - XYLEX
First Trademark 2014 - VERSALAC

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2018 Invention Hemicellulose processing method. 3-8 alkyl alcohol from the product of step (d).
Invention Hemicellulose processing method. A method of processing an aqueous hemicellulosic stream containi...
2017 G/S Processing, separation, treatment, extraction, disposal and/or recycling of chemicals, prehydrol...
2016 Invention Biomass processing method. A method of processing a feedstream comprising black or brown liquor w...
2015 Invention Biomass processing method. 3-08 alkyl ester. The product of step (b) may be further processed usi...
2014 G/S Processing, treatment, extraction, disposal and/or recycling of chemicals, unprocessed plastics,...
Invention Lactate production process. A process for producing lactic acid is provided. The process comprise...