Jakarto Cartographie 3D Inc.


Total IP 5
Total IP Rank # 309,571
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 934,847
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



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Last Patent 2021 - Method and system for generating...
First Patent 2019 - Method and system for generating...
Last Trademark 2018 - JAKARTO
First Trademark 2018 - JAKARTO

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Method and system for generating an electronic map and applications therefor. A method, system a...
Invention Method and system for generating an electronic map and applications therefor. A method, system an...
2018 G/S Computer software, mobile and web applications for capturing, logging, compressing, processing, p...
G/S Downloadable computer software, downloadable mobile applications for capturing, logging, compress...
G/S Computer software, downloadable mobile applications for capturing, logging, compressing, processi...