Unicon A/S


Total IP 3
Total IP Rank # 503,751
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,659,438
Dominant Nice Class Non-metallic building materials



0 0
0 0
1 2
Last Patent 2007 - Method and means for lubricating...
First Patent 2007 - Method and means for lubricating...
Last Trademark 2008 - UNI-Light
First Trademark 1994 - unicon

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2008 G/S Building materials (non-metallic), including concrete. Building construction, including informati...
2007 Invention Method and means for lubricating pump hoses, pipes and systems prior to pumping concrete. A means...
1994 G/S Installations pour la purification d'eaux résiduelles. Produits en béton préformé et en béton pré...