Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 11
Total IP Rank # 139,320
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 467,939
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



9 1
0 0
1 0
Last Patent 2021 - 3d printed electron beam device
First Patent 1997 - Multi-stage depressed collector ...
Last Trademark 2012 - CCR
First Trademark 2012 - CCR

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention 3d printed electron beam device. An RF circuit for an electron beam device is formed with success...
2017 Invention Multi-beam power grid tube for high power and high frequency operation. A multi-beam triode for R...
2015 Invention Traveling wave tube with periodic permanent magnet focused multiple electron beams. A coupled cav...
Invention Gyrotron whispering gallery mode coupler for direct coupling of rf into he11 waveguide. A cylindr...
Invention Gyrotron whispering gallery mode coupler with a mode conversion reflector for exciting a circular...
2014 Invention Low reflectance high power rf load. A load for traveling microwave energy has an absorptive volum...
2013 Invention Periodic permanent magnet focused klystron. A periodic permanent magnet (PPM) klystron has beam t...
Invention High power rf window deposition apparatus, method, and device. A process for forming a coating fo...
2012 Invention Sintered wire cesium dispenser photocathode. A photoelectric cathode has a work function lowering...
G/S Radio frequency generators; electron tubes; radio frequency components, namely, electron guns, RF...
2011 Invention Coupler for coupling gyrotron whispering gallery mode rf into he11 waveguide. A cylindrical waveg...
2010 Invention Low reflectance radio frequency load. A load for traveling microwave energy has an absorptive vol...
Invention Electron gun for a multiple beam klystron with magnetic compression of the electron beams. A mult...
2005 Invention Sintered wire annode. A plurality of high atomic number wires are sintered together to form a por...
2004 Invention Backward wave coupler for sub-millimeter waves in a traveling wave tube. A slow wave structure fo...
2003 Invention Power combiner. A power combiner for the combining of symmetric and asymmetric traveling wave ene...
2002 Invention Traveling wave device for combining or splitting symmetric and asymmetric waves. A traveling wave...
Invention Electron gun for multiple beam klystron using magnetic focusing. An RF device comprising a plural...
2000 Invention Multi-mode horn. A horn has an input aperture and an output aperture, and comprises a conductive ...
Invention Electron gun for a multiple beam klystron using magnetic focusing with a magnetic field corrector...
1997 Invention Multi-stage depressed collector for small orbit gyrotrons. A multi-stage depressed collector (60)...