Cardiff Group, naamloze vennootschap


Total IP 12
Total IP Rank # 126,552
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 918,762
Dominant Nice Class Paper, cardboard and goods made ...



1 1
1 0
7 1
Last Patent 2019 - Drink holder
First Patent 2010 - Device for tapping a beverage ou...
Last Trademark 2017 - Ecodraft
First Trademark 2017 - ECODRAFT

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2017 G/S Apparatus for drawing up beer and other beverages under pressure, including their parts thereof ...
G/S Packaging materials, namely, packaging materials made of recycled paper, cardboard and plastic fi...
G/S Apparatus for drawing up beer and other beverages under pressure, including their parts thereof n...
2016 Invention Drink holder. Holder for beverages, whereby the holder includes a rigid outer holder that is prov...
Invention Drink holder. Holder (1) for beverages, whereby the holder comprises a rigid outer holder (2) tha...
Invention Barrel for carbon dioxide containing drinks and use thereof. Disclosed is a barrel for CO2-conta...
Invention Barrel for co2-containing drinks and use thereof. Barrel for CO2-containing drinks, whereby the b...
2014 Invention Holder for a liquid product. Holder (1) to keep a fluid product (12) under pressure and to let i...
Invention Holder for a liquid product. Holder (1) to keep a fluid product (12) under pressure and to let it...
Invention Holder for a fluid product and method for producing such a holder. Method for forming a holder (1...
Invention Holder for a fluid product and method for manufacturing such a holder.. Method for forming a hold...
2012 Invention Combination of a container for a liquid foodstuff and a quantity of propellant and use of a prope...
Invention Container for storing a liquid foodstuff and dispensing it under pressure. A container (1) for st...
Invention A container for storing a liquid foodstuff and dispensing it under pressure. A container (1) for ...
2010 Invention Device for tapping a beverage out of a reusable keg and method for filling said keg. A device for...