

Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,947
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 934,847
Dominant Nice Class Medical apparatus and instruments



1 2
0 0
1 2
Last Patent 2021 - Single pushchair which can be co...
First Patent 2017 - Single pushchair that can be con...
Last Trademark 2018 - VIDIAMO
First Trademark 2018 - VIDIAMO

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2018 G/S Feeding bottles; feeding bottle teats Land vehicles; mopeds; motor cycles; strollers Ball for gam...
G/S Feeding bottles; feeding bottle teats. Mopeds; cycles; cycle brakes; bicycle rims; tires for cyc...
G/S Feeding bottles; feeding bottle teats. Vehicles; mopeds; cycles; strollers. Games; toys; toys for...
G/S Feeding bottles; feeding bottle teats Mopeds; motor cycles; brake levers for cycles; motor cycle ...
2017 Invention Single pushchair which can be converted into a tandem pushchair that is practical to use. The inv...
Invention Single pushchair that can be converted into a tandem pushchair that is practical to use. The inve...