Inotev Inc.


Total IP 10
Total IP Rank # 153,786
IP Activity Score 1.4/5.0    5
IP Activity Rank # 195,117



4 0
4 0
2 0
Last Patent 2021 - Sleigh shovel
First Patent 2018 - Dolly for attachment to a vehicl...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Sleigh shovel. A sleigh shovel includes a scoop having lateral panels, a rear panel extending bet...
Invention Sleigh shovel. A sleigh shovel is provided. The sleigh shovel includes a scoop having lateral pan...
2018 Invention Geothermal pile. A geothermal pile for harvesting electricity from a gradient of temperature betw...
Invention Bait sleeve. A bait sleeve for securing a bait therein is disclosed. The bait sleeve includes a s...
Invention Dolly for attachment to a vehicle hitch. A dolly for attachment to a vehicle hitch is disclosed. ...