DentiGrafix, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 4
Total IP Rank # 381,352
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829



3 0
0 0
1 0
Last Patent 2019 - Systems and methods for recordin...
First Patent 2010 - Mandible position indicator and ...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2018 Invention Systems and methods for recording mandibular movement. A clutch apparatus includes a mandibular c...
2014 Invention Mandible position indicator for analyzing bite function. A system and method for capturing movem...
2013 Invention Mandible position indicator for analyzing bite function. A system and method for modeling bite fu...
2012 Invention Mandible position indicator for measuring and replicating occlusion. One embodiments of the prese...
2010 Invention Mandible position indicator and automatic articulator for measuring and replicating occlusion. On...