Diva International Inc.


Total IP 60
Total IP Rank # 22,687
IP Activity Score 2.5/5.0    41
IP Activity Rank # 18,189
Dominant Nice Class Medical apparatus and instruments



1 15
1 29
1 0
Last Patent 2023 - Menstrual disc
First Patent 2005 - Menstrual cup
Last Trademark 2024 - VBIOME
First Trademark 2002 - The DivaCup

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 G/S Feminine hygiene and intimate care products including non-medicated feminine hygiene wash, spray ...
G/S Online retail and retail store services featuring sanitizing hand lotion, sanitizing foaming hand...
2022 Invention Menstrual disc. A menstrual disc is provided. The disc comprises a receptacle that has a posterio...
Invention Menstrual disc. A menstrual disc is provided. The disc comprises a receptacle that has a posteri...
G/S Laundry Soap. Candles. Disposable menstruation tampons, menstruation Pads and Panty Liners; Reusa...
G/S Laundry Soap; massage oil; bath soaks, namely, bubble bath; body wash and non- medicated hand was...
G/S Reusable menstrual underwear
G/S reusable menstrual underwear
G/S Laundry Soap; Massage Oil; Bath soaks/ bubble bath; Body wash and hand wash; Body moisturizer and...
G/S cup and disc cleaners, namely, cleaning preparations Menstrual cups and discs; menstrual cup and ...
G/S Menstrual cup and disc cleaners, namely, cleaning preparations Menstrual cups and discs; menstrua...
2021 G/S Sanitizing hand lotion; Sanitizing foaming hand soap; Steam and UV sanitizer for menstrual cups; ...
G/S Feminine soap for intimate personal hygiene purposes, non medicated; pH balancing gel; vaginal cl...
G/S Feminine soap for intimate personal hygiene purposes, non medicated; pH balancing gel; All of the...
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely, a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup; menstrual cup wipe...
G/S Promoting public awareness in the field of recycling, re-use and responsible use of waste materia...
2020 G/S Feminine soap for intimate personal hygiene purposes, non medicated. Personal cleansing solution ...
G/S Personal cleansing solution namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup Menstrual cups Onl...
G/S Hand Care including lotions and soaps; Body Care including lotions, soaps, bath additives; Hair C...
G/S Sanitizer lotions, UV Sanitizer, Steam Sanitizer, Feminine Hygiene Freshening Spray, Menstrual Cu...
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup Menstrual cups Onl...
2019 G/S Cleaning wipes for menstrual cups.
G/S Menstrual cups.
G/S Non-medicated personal cleansers for intimate personal hygiene purposes, namely, a cleaning solut...
G/S Menstrual cups
G/S Menstrual cups. Online retail and retail store services in relation to menstrual cups.
2018 G/S Menstrual cups
G/S Menstrual cups.
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup. Menstrual cups. onl...
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup. Menstrual cups. Pro...
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup. Menstrual cups. Onl...
G/S Personal cleansing solution for medical use, namely, a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup Men...
G/S Menstrual cups Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup Onlin...
G/S Personal cleansing solution, namely a cleansing solution for a menstrual cup Menstrual cups Adver...
2005 Invention Menstrual cup. A menstrual cup for use in a vagina. The cup includes a receptacle extending from...
Invention Menstrual cup. A menstrual cup for use in a vagina. The cup includes a receptacle extending from ...