Dry Plasma Systems, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 5
Total IP Rank # 308,763
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 929,971



4 0
0 0
1 0
Last Patent 2020 - Improved plasma initiation in an...
First Patent 1998 - Downstream plasma using oxygen g...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Improved plasma initiation in an inductive rf coupling mode. A method, apparatus and system for i...
Invention Plasma initiation in an inductive rf coupling mode. A method, apparatus and system for initiating...
2014 Invention Plasma concentration apparatus and method. An apparatus and method to concentrate a plasma from o...
2013 Invention Plasma extension and concentration apparatus and method. An apparatus and method to extend and co...
2012 Invention Plasma de-activation apparatus and method. An apparatus and method to de-activate a plasma from o...
2004 Invention Higher power density downstream plasma. A method and system to obtain a high power density plasma...
2000 Invention Downstream plasma using oxygen gas mixtures. A constriction in the exhaust side of a discharge ch...
1998 Invention Downstream plasma using oxygen gas mixture. A constriction in the exhaust side of a discharge cha...