Global Thermostat Operations LLC

United States of America

Total IP 53
Total IP Rank # 25,852
IP Activity Score 2.3/5.0    29
IP Activity Rank # 26,898



32 0
11 0
10 0
Last Patent 2024 - Sorbents, systems including sorb...
First Patent 2007 - System and method for removing c...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention Sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the sorbents. The present disclosure is ...
2023 Invention Aldehyde modified sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the sorbents. 222222-ph...
Invention Aziridine or azetidine modified amine sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the...
Invention Glycidyl ether modified amine sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the sorbent...
Invention Substituted epoxide modified sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the sorbents...
Invention Phenol containing sorbents, systems including sorbents, and methods using the sorbents. 222222 bi...
Invention Phenyl containing sorbents, bicarbonate containing sorbents, systems including sorbents, and meth...
Invention Phosphite-containing sorbents, systems including phosphite-containing sorbents, and methods using...
Invention Epoxide-modified-sorbents, systems including epoxide-modified-sorbents, and methods using the epo...
2022 Invention Pcstructures including supported polyamines and methods of making the supported polyamines. 2 usi...
Invention Systems and methods for carbon dioxide capture. There is provided a structurally stable monolith...
2021 Invention An improved system for direct air capture of carbon dioxide without movement. A no-movement syste...
Invention Continuous-motion direct air capture system. A system and a method for continuously separating c...
Invention Continuous-motion direct air capture system. A system and a method for continuously separating ca...
Invention Novel composition of matter & carbon dioxide capture systems. There is provided a structurally st...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. A method for removing carbon dio...
2020 Invention Rotating continuous multi-capture systems and apparatus for improved direct air capture of carbon...
2019 Invention Renewable energy-driven carbon cycle economic and ecological operating systems. An integrated sy...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. A method and a system capable of...
2018 Invention 2 from the atmosphere. 2 from the desired level back to the base level.
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. 2 and to regenerate the sorbent f...
2017 Invention Systems, components & methods for the preparation of carbon-neutral carbonated beverages. A syst...
Invention Pcstructures including supported polyamines and methods of making the supported polyamines. Metho...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. 2. The method comprises the steps...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration utilizing an improved substrate st...
Invention 2 mixtures. 2 adsorption.
2015 Invention System and method for removing carbon dioxide from an atmosphere and global thermostat using the ...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. 2. Increased efficiency can be ac...
Invention Vapor phase methods of forming supported highly branched polyamines. Methods of making supported ...
2014 Invention Rotating multi-monolith bed movement system for removing co2 from the atmosphere. A system for re...
2013 Invention Carbon dioxide capture/regeneration method using monolith. New and useful system and method conce...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. A method and a system for removi...
Invention System and method for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. A system and method of reducing t...
2012 Invention Carbon dioxide capture/regeneration method using vertical elevator and storage. New and useful sy...