Enjoy Group AB


Total IP 9
Total IP Rank # 171,247
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,661,095



2 0
0 0
7 0
Last Patent 2012 - Shelf unit and shelving system
First Patent 2006 - Refrigerator

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2011 Invention Shelf unit and shelving system. Example embodiments relate to a rotatable gravity feeding shelf u...
Invention Shelf unit and shelving system. There is provided a rotatable gravity feeding shelf unit comprisi...
2010 Invention A refrigerator with rotatable shelves. The invention relates to a refrigerator comprising a cabin...
2007 Invention Shelf assembly. A shelf assembly for products to be placed in a limited space, which at least is ...
Invention Shelving section pivotable between a display and a refill position. The present invention relates...
2006 Invention Refrigerator. A refrigerator, having an outer cabinet and an inner shelf carriage supporting a p...
Invention Refrigerator. A refrigerator has a cabinet, shelves arranged within a refrigerated space of the ...
Invention Shelf assembly. A self-contained in-store merchandise shelf assembly has a shelf carriage suppor...
Invention Refrigerator with turning device. This invention relates to a refrigerator (7,25,43,49,71) compri...
Invention Refrigerator with inner shelf carriage and turning device. The present invention relates to a ref...
Invention Shelf assembly with turning device. The present invention relates to a self-contained in-store me...
Invention Refrigerator. The present invention relates to a refrigerator with an outer cabinet surrounding a...