Hummingavis Co., Ltd.

Republic of Korea

Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,877
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 933,816
Dominant Nice Class Cosmetics and toiletries; cleani...



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1 2
Last Patent 2023 - Heating element composition, and...
First Patent 2020 - Heating element composition, and...
Last Trademark 2020 - STEAMBASE
First Trademark 2019 - STEAMBASE

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Heating element composition, and method and device of manufacturing eye mask pack. The present i...
Invention Heating element composition, and method and device for manufacturing eye mask pack. The present i...
G/S Heating sleep masks; sleep masks; thermal sleep masks; non-electric thermal sleep masks; disposa...
G/S Heating sleep masks; sleep masks; thermal sleep masks; non-electric thermal sleep masks; disposab...
2019 G/S Exfoliant cosmetics; cosmetic preparations for the care of mouth and teeth; functional cosmetics;...
G/S Exfoliant cosmetics; cosmetic preparations for the care of mouth and teeth; functional cosmetics...