Epsilor - Electric Fuel Ltd.


Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,352
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 929,971



3 0
0 0
3 0
Last Patent 2018 - Survivor locator light
First Patent 2014 - Flow battery and usage thereof

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2017 Invention Survivor locator light. wherein the upper aperture is positioned below the top of housing to crea...
Invention Cathode formulation for survivor locator light. d) at least one aperture leading to said at least...
2016 Invention Water activated battery. The invention provides a water-activated, deferred-action battery having...
2015 Invention Novel iron anode for stationary storage. An iron anode characterized by having a thickness of at ...
2014 Invention Novel flow battery and usage thereof. A voltaic cell comprising an iron in alkali anode where met...
Invention Flow battery and usage thereof. A voltaic cell comprising an iron in alkali anode where metal iro...