10691976 Canada Ltd.


Total IP 7
Total IP Rank # 220,360
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 465,803



2 0
2 0
3 0
Last Patent 2024 - Crop growth system including a s...
First Patent 2019 - Harvester for a crop growth system

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Crop growth system including a seeder and associated harvester. A method for growing plants incl...
2019 Invention Harvester for a crop growth system. A method for growing plants includes both a seeder and a harv...
Invention Seeder for a crop growth system. A seeding apparatus for applying seeds to a growth medium compri...
Invention Crop growth system including a seeder and associated harvester. A method for growing plants inclu...
Invention Seeder for a crop growth system. A method for growing plants includes both a seeder and a harves...
Invention Harvester for a crop growth system. A method for growing plants includes both a seeder and a har...