Friedhelm Loh Stiftung & Co. KG
Total IP | 1 |
Total IP incl. subs | 651 (+ 650 for subs) |
Total IP Rank # | 1,259,195 |
IP Activity Score | 0/5.0 0 |
IP Activity Rank # | 1,659,906 |
IP AS incl. subs | 2.9/5.0 284 |
Dominant Nice Class | Advertising and business services |
Last Trademark | 2001 - FRIEDHELM LOH GROUP | |||||||||||||||
First Trademark | 2001 - FRIEDHELM LOH GROUP | |||||||||||||||
Subsidiaries4 subsidiaries with IP (344 patents, 306 trademarks) 5 subsidiaries without IP Register for free to unlock the subsidiary list |
Industry (Nice Classification) |
Latest Inventions, Goods, Services