Garrison Dental Solutions

United States of America

Total IP 10
Total IP Rank # 153,685
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,659,438
Dominant Nice Class Medical apparatus and instruments



2 2
0 0
5 1
Last Patent 2018 - Curing light device assembly
First Patent 2002 - Dental apparatus
Last Trademark 2013 - Garrison

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2018 Invention Curing light device assembly. A curing light assembly includes a housing, a base for supporting t...
2014 Invention Matrix ring for tooth restoration. A matrix ring comprising a biasing ring and a pair of opposing...
2013 Invention Matrix band for dental applications. A matrix band for dental applications including a base mate...
G/S Dental instruments for use in dental restoration.
Invention Dental implements. A matrix ring comprising a ring body and a pair of opposing tips mounted to th...
Invention Dental implements. A matrix ring comprising a ring body and a pair of opposing tips mounted to t...
G/S Dental instruments for use in tooth restoration
G/S Dental instruments for use in dental restoration
Invention Matrix ring for tooth restoration. A matrix ring includes a biasing ring and a pair of opposing t...
2010 Invention Matrix band for dental applications. A matrix band for dental applications comprising a base mate...
2009 Invention Matrix band for dental applications. A matrix band for dental applications comprising a base mat...
Invention Dental implement for tooth restoration. A dental implement comprising a biasing ring and a pair o...
2008 Invention Dental implement for tooth restoration. A dental implement that includes a biasing ring and a pai...
2007 Invention Dental forceps
2006 Invention Dental implement for tooth restoration. A dental implement comprising a primary body and a secon...
2002 Invention Dental unit water system treatment. A treatment for a dental water unit system comprises a shock ...
Invention Dental apparatus. A prophy angle comprising a body, a drive system, and a paste feed assembly. Th...