Gebr. Schumacher Geratebaugesellschaft mbH


Total IP 8
Total IP Rank # 192,489
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,072



4 0
3 0
1 0
Last Patent 2018 - Support bar of a crop lifter for...
First Patent 2000 - Sieve for a thresher, especially...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2016 Invention Support bar of a crop lifter for harvested crops. The invention relates to a support bar (5) of ...
Invention Support bar of a crop lifter for harvested crops. The invention relates to a support bar (5) of a...
2013 Invention Crop lifter. A crop lifter for a mower of a harvesting machine has a support bar attachable to th...
2011 Invention Mowing finger arrangement. A mowing finger arrangement and mowing bar for finger bar mowers of a ...
Invention Mowing finger arrangement. Mowing finger arrangement and mowing bar for finger bar mowers of harv...
2010 Invention Crop lifter. A crop lifter for a mower of a harvesting machine with at least one mowing finger (2...
2009 Invention Bearing arrangement for a tine carrier on a reel of a harvester. A bearing arrangement (9) for a ...
Invention Bearing arrangement for a tine carrier on a reel of a harvester. The invention relates to a beari...
2002 Invention Adjustment arrangement for the tine carrier of a reel for a cutting device. The invention relates...
Invention Crop lifter for reaping systems of harvesting machines. The invention relates to a crop lifter fo...
Invention Crop lifter for reaping systems of harvesting machines. Harvesting machine reaping systems with c...
Invention Crop lifter for reaping systems of harvesting machines. A crop lifter for a harvesting machine re...
2000 Invention Arrangement for the teeth carriers of a reel used in a header. The invention relates to an arrang...
Invention Sieve for a thresher, especially a combine-harvester for harvesting grains. A combine-harvester f...