Glassflake Limited

United Kingdom

Total IP 19
Total IP Rank # 78,439
IP Activity Score 1.5/5.0    6
IP Activity Rank # 156,891
Dominant Nice Class Paints, varnishes, lacquers



5 2
2 0
5 3
Last Patent 2022 - System and method for melting gl...
First Patent 1988 - Method and apparatus for forming...
Last Trademark 2021 - GLASSFLAKE
First Trademark 2007 - GLASSFLAKE

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2021 G/S Chemicals used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry; chemic...
2020 Invention A heating element, a system and method for melting materials using said heating element. A heati...
Invention A heating element, a system and method for melting materials using said heating element. A heatin...
Invention System and method for melting glass or ceramic materials. A system for melting materials during t...
Invention A system and method for melting glass or ceramic materials. A system for melting materials during...
2019 G/S Nanoparticles made of glass (terms considered too vague by the International Bureau – Rule 13 (b...
2017 Invention Process for producing frits. The present invention relates to a method of producing a frit; the m...
2016 G/S Pigments; coloured pigments; inorganic pigments; organic pigments; pigments and colorants for use...
G/S Pigments; coloured pigments; inorganic pigments; organic pigments; silver foil [leaf]; pigments ...
2014 G/S Chemicals used in industry, science, cosmetics, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forest...
2011 Invention Glass flakes and their manufacturing method. A method for manufacturing glass flakes by a rotary...
Invention Glass flakes and their manufacturing method. Glass flakes for use in cosmetic formulations have a...
2010 G/S Color pigments; Inorganic pigments; Organic pigments; Pigments
Invention Coloured glass flakes. A glass flake having a thickness below 10 μm and being coloured through t...
Invention Method and apparatus for forming glass flakes and fibres. Apparatus for forming fibers or flakes ...
2008 Invention Effect pigments comprising a glass flake substrate. 2 based on the weight of said glass flakes. T...
Invention Pearlescent pigments containing cosmetic compositions. 2 based on the weight of said glass flakes...
2007 Invention Ceramic pigments. Pigments which are intended to give a particular visual effect such as a metall...
G/S Chemicals used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry; chemica...
2004 Invention Formation of glass flakes. A method for changing the width of particle thickness size distributio...
Invention Formation of glass flakes. A method of changing the width of particle thickness size distribution...
2002 Invention Method and apparatus for forming glass flakes and fibres. Apparatus for forming fibres or flakes...
Invention Method and apparatus for forming glass flakes and fibres. Apparatus for forming fibres or flakes ...
2000 Invention Plastics-walled container. A plastics walled product, such as a plastics bottle for containing a ...
1988 Invention Method and apparatus for forming glass flakes. Flakes of glass, basalt or other frangible materia...
Invention Method and apparatus for forming glass flakes. A B S T R A C T Flakes of glass. basalt or ...