Catator AB


Total IP 16
Total IP Rank # 94,173
IP Activity Score 2.3/5.0    27
IP Activity Rank # 29,254
Dominant Nice Class Chemical and biological material...



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0 2
3 2
Last Patent 2024 - A catalytic reactor and a method...
First Patent 2002 - Method and device for processing...
Last Trademark 2024 - CataLite
First Trademark 2023 - CATATOR

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 G/S Catalysts, chemicals for use in industry and science, chemical preparations for laboratory analys...
G/S Catalysts, chemical preparations for laboratory analyses and scientific purposes. Catalytic conve...
G/S Catalysts for chemical and biochemical processes; chemicals for use in industry and science; chem...
G/S Catalysts for chemical and biochemical processes; chemicals for use in science; chemical preparat...
G/S Catalysts, chemicals for use in industry and science, chemical preparations for laboratory analy...
G/S Catalysts, chemical preparations for laboratory analyses and scientific purposes. Catalytic conv...
2023 G/S Catalysts, Chemicals for use in industry and science, Chemical substances for analyses in laborat...
G/S Catalysts, Chemicals for use in industry and science, Chemical preparations for laboratory analys...
G/S Catalysts, Chemical preparations for laboratory analyses and scientific purposes. Catalytic conve...
2022 Invention A catalytic reactor and a method for providing a catalytic reaction. A catalytic reactor (22) co...
Invention A catalytically active product and a method of producing such a catalytically active product. A ...
Invention A catalytically active product, a method of producing such a product and a reactor comprising sai...
Invention A catalytically active product and a method of producing such a catalytically active product. A m...
Invention A catalytic reactor and a method for providing a catalytic reaction. A catalytic reactor (22) com...
2004 Invention Device and method for performing catalytic reactions in a plate heat exchanger. The present inven...
2002 Invention Method and device for processing nitrogen-based gases. A method and a device for processing nitro...