Guardian Defense, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 4
Total IP Rank # 381,352
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 468,497
Dominant Nice Class Firearms; explosives



3 1
0 0
0 0
Last Patent 2020 - Bolt carrier for a rifle
First Patent 2014 - Automatic/semi-automatic rifle a...
Last Trademark 2016 - AR-5
First Trademark 2016 - AR-5

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Automatic/semi-automatic rifle assembly for large caliber belted cartridges. Embodiments of the ...
2018 Invention Bolt carrier for a rifle
Invention Firing pin for a rifle
2016 G/S Firearms
2014 Invention Automatic/semi-automatic rifle assembly for large caliber belted cartridges. Embodiments of the p...