VL Offshore, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 7
Total IP Rank # 221,324
IP Activity Score 1.6/5.0    7
IP Activity Rank # 134,613



4 0
0 0
3 0
Last Patent 2023 - Floating offshore foundation inc...
First Patent 2016 - Platform for floating type offsh...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Floating offshore foundation including modular components, method for modular assembly of the flo...
2021 Invention Floating-type foundation for supporting a wind power generation system and including a stabilized...
2019 Invention Motion-attenuated semi-submersible floating-type foundation for supporting a wind power generatio...
2016 Invention Platform for floating type offshore structure having protrusion member and semi-submersible offsh...
Invention Platform equipped with movement-reducing function for marine structure, and semi-submersible mari...
Invention Platform having protruding members for floating marine structure and semi-submersible marine stru...