Mytamar GmbH


Total IP 8
Total IP Rank # 193,433
IP Activity Score 1.4/5.0    5
IP Activity Rank # 195,117



1 0
1 0
6 0
Last Patent 2023 - Use of date saccharides only or ...
First Patent 2019 - Polyphenol extract from the frui...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Use of date saccharides only or in admixture with polyphenols to protect plants against pathogens...
Invention Use of date saccharides alone or in combination with polyphenols to protect plants against pathog...
Invention Colouring agent made from components of dates. The present invention relates to a colouring agent...
2019 Invention Purified extract and polyphenol concentrate from the fruit of the date palm phoenix dactylifera. ...
Invention Polyphenol extract from the fruits of the date palm phoenix dactylifera for the pharmaceutical us...
Invention Phoenix dactylifera. Phoenix dactyliferaPhoenix dactylifera in the preparation of a cosmetic comp...
Invention Phoenix dactylifera for its nutraceutical use. Phoenix dactyliferaPhoenix dactylifera in the prep...