Hairy Back Ranch Inc.


Total IP 4
Total IP Rank # 381,177
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821
Dominant Nice Class Leather and imitations of leather



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Last Patent 2014 - Mounting assist device and method
First Patent 2014 - Mounting assist device and method
Last Trademark 2012 - SOLO-RIDE
First Trademark 2012 - HAIRY BACK RANCH HBR

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2014 Invention Mounting assist device and method. A foldable stirrup for mounting animals such as horses has a s...
2012 G/S Tack for horses, namely equine bareback mounting aids; waist packs; clothing, namely, T-shirts, h...
G/S Tack for horses, namely equine bareback mounting aids; fanny packs; clothing, namely, T-shirts, h...